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THIS DEED OF GIFT is made this _____ day of _____, _____  BETWEEN _____ son of _____
aged _____ years, resident of _____, _____ (hereinafter called the ‘‘Donor’’) of the one part and
_____  son/wife of _____ aged _____ years,  resident of _____ (hereinafter called the ‘‘Donee’’)
of the other part.

WHEREAS the said Donor is the absolute owner in possession of  _____ of _____, _____
hereinafter fully mentioned and described in the Schedule hereto, situated in at _____

AND WHEREAS the said _____is _____ of the Donor and the said Donor has great love and
affection for the said Donee and is desirous out of such natural love and affection of disposing
of the said messages, tenements, lands, here- ditaments and premises in the manner
hereinafter appearing.

NOW THIS DEED OF GIFT WITNESSES that in pursuance of the said intention and in
consideration of natural love and affection which the said Donor has for the said Donee, the said
Donor out of his own free will, without fraud, coercion or undue influence from anybody
whomsoever, and in full possession of his senses does hereby give, convey, grant, transfer and
confirm unto the said Donee the _____built _____ containing by measurement _____ square
feet of land, be the same a little more or less, together with all outhouses, garage and all
privileges, profits, advantages and all other appurtenances whatsoever to the said messages,
tenements, lands, here- ditaments or premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said messages,
tenements, lands, here- ditaments or premises, hereby gifted unto and to the use of the said
Donee forever and absolutely:

AND THAT THE SAID DONEE shall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter
peaceably and quietly enter upon, have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy the property hereby
gifted, and receive and take the rents, issues and profits thereof and of every part thereof,
without any let or hindrance whatsoever from or by the said Donor or by any person or persons
claiming from, under or in trust of him.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Donor has hereunto set and subscribed his signature and
delivered in the presence of the witnesses as present the day, month and year first above-
1-                             Donor
2.                                           Donee

Schedule of property gifted.

_____ of _____, _____ measuring _____’x _____’ Sq. ft

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