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CHAPTER } Historical Foundation of Education SS VA Intended Learning Outcomes: Bee) atthe end of this Chanter, you should be able to + stale the relationship of society and schools * prove that schools transmit cu ‘tural values by stating facts from education history in the warle and in the Philippines * explain the meaning of sociakzalion a3 a function of schools Pd moe es Read the quote from the famous John Dew the following questions: cy then anseet vel trains “When a@ school introduces un each child of society into members? satura within such a little community, him with the spint of senire, providing him with the instruments © effective selfdirectian, we shall have the deepest and best guaranty of a large society which is worthy, tovely. harmonious.” arial ie - John pewtt Scanned witk CamSeanner Hesiesical Foren if Bokaro Cee eure Answer the following questions; {. What is the function of schools according ta dohn Dewey's Matement? 2. Who creates schools? 2. What in the relationship between achools and society? COI ed er ell Education of school is an ution created by society. Education is a function of society and ax auch arises from the nature und character of society itself, Society secks to preserve itself and to do this it maintalaa its functions and in tions, ane of which is education, to assure ils survival, stability and convenience, As John Dewey claimed, it is the arhool thal sntreduces and trains each child of society into membership within such @ little community, saturating him with the spint of serace, and providing him with the Instruments of effective self-tirection..." When schools succeed to do this, in the words of Dewey “we shall have the deepest and best guaranty of a larger society which is worthy, harmonious, and Jovely. This in called the socialization process. Socialization is the “process of learning the roles, statuses and values necessary for participation in social institutions, ..." [Brinkerhofl, D., 1989) Socialization Is 9 lifelong process, W occurs prima carly childhood but an we progress from infancy to olf ay old roles and appt new ones, Robe leaning that prepares us for future rotes is termmd antlelpatory soclalizatlon, (Brinkerhoff, D.. 1989) Becnune of anticipatory socialization most of ws are more or lest prepared for our future roles like spouse, parent, professional teacher, The family is the most important agent ‘of socialization, Paychology tells us that the self-concept formed dur hitdtood hana lasting coniequences. [iestdes, “the porenta’ religion, social elisa fond ethnicity influence the child's socal roles and self concept which in turn influence the expectations that olliers have for the child, and they determine the groups with which the chiki: will interact outside the family". (Brinkerhaff, 0., 1984) Scanned witk CamSeanner 10 owns, Cegmiizatonal Leaders! gehool Coture and Orpmilzatonal Leadershin jesches mr ae ONL the ~ a bis alse an important agent of 50 a MW is an The school by society to impart specific knowledge ang skit instanton charged By s ina society, They are also charged with the necessary Sei Hien socioty’s cultural values. The next part af th, Pha ee socialvation in different periods of history. Education In Primitive Society Uninkertoof (1989) explains further: {nh primitive societies, preliterate persons faced the problem ef survival in un environment that pitted them against natural forees and vald animals. To survive, human bemngs needed food, shelter, warmth and clothing. To transform a host ome that is life. ustining, humankind tudlly became cultural patterns, ile environment int developed life skills tha These Ufe skills included 1) tool or i adherence to the moral behavior ntrument making, 2) code of group life and 3) language in group life based on kinship Oh group was educational as the elders and as they were and elders. For these cultunl to teach these skills and values en, a function of education it bY which individuals internals And 50 serial ‘amed from by their parents e, the adults had This is soclatizati Seculization ig the process ‘and values af Sorlety ed. This iy alge inform Pattee to continu to thelr children, moiety ak tl education itn action. obiitrace thinkers, hu 4 7 %. ATA We ey i ast Inatipnitone ayintorn They eHe KS Couldl create, vse throupty : : PONE, scent on “Himunicate with one apothet 1 Shin, peta ‘apston 4 WORE, These symbols were expressed nnd kanye “TENN andl introduction of of hot ttemenduan ftucatignal ecat Ha on titeracy which in {ult CWiliged ae shal consequinnces al 4 “WIIKE Betieeny OF the ae century which ens “ y HOW enja Scanned with CamSeanner Key Periods in Educational History Below are key periods in educational history from 7000 B.C. to AD 1600, Study the table thoroughly The netes should make vou see that education und school are a function of soriety and schools reflect the nature and character of society itself What society considers important is what education focuses on to preserve nociety, Table 1. Points of Emphasis on Education in History Koy Patiods In Educational History, 1000 BC ta.A.D. 1600 Histarical Educational Curriculum Agents: influences: Groupor | Goals on Wester Perlod Education [Frmtve Toteach grup | Practical seatsof | Parents, tral Emprasis on the sociotes survival whuls; to | hunting, Fishing. | elders, and priests | ralw of informal TO BC— | culterate group — | food garnering song ac. cohwsneenass Stores, my. | songs. poems. shils ond values dances | J Greek Jo cultwata wie | Athaman: ronding. | Athens: prvale | Athest: The 1207 8.C.— | tespensibalty and | wrting, artnmetec, | teachars ard | concapt ct me ac, igentty wath cit | drama, muse, schools; Soptists, | wellrounded, state) physical educa philosophers iboraty educated Lon, literature, parson Atrenign: to poainy Sparta: mtaary daveico wall teachers, craaer- | Sparta. Tho rounded person | Spartan: dei, gears concept of tho military song3 and miltary state Spartan! to laches develop soldiers and military jeaders de Roman To covelop Peending, writing, | Private schoots ana | Emphass on 7508.0. ~ | sense ctcivle — [anthenotic, Laws | rachers: schoots of | abulty to use RO gS) |responeplty | of Twelve Tables, | thotoric feucation Lae republic and | law, philosophy for penetical thon orrgnra: adres to develop skulls, resting odmineswalree | education to civ ‘ane emily sills | tesponsiuity Scanned witk CamSeanner The Taacre? Educational Goals To cultwate Reading, writing Mosques: court mathematics. schoo!s retigious Merature: re-entry of scignbfic studies: classcat Malenats on SCINNGE and medicine 7 mebtaty (ebe8 and extatisn sociat | chivalry | weer to prepare persons for | scorogriate roles —— Rersinuance AD tis AD 185 rete. eat cho, tehgiouy P| natn Latin, Gress, Classical humani 7 Me St | An amphass Classical lterature, | educators and on tterary poetry, at Schools suchas | knowiedge. fm ng. | Vernacular elamen Reading, witing, | Parish, chantry. and | Establishing arihmebe, liberal | cathedral schools; | the structure, aris: philosophy, | universities: a theology, cratls; ficeship; knighthood the unvversty as amajor instance of higher educe- Bian; the inst Nonatization and prasorvation cf knowledge yee. gymnasivn, | excaliance, | Latin grammar and style as schol expressed in chass:cal Iterature a two Yack system of schools _——___——"} Acammitme' lary Echols for tne | ta univaraal tcteang | PaBAS classical | education 19 Leet Latin ang mee the Prowide tleracy sPeclogy mNsen tne masses he ongins af school Syztemns will | Supervision 10 — ensure doctri a conformity Scanned witk CamSeanner Chageer 2 Nateread Fuunaaren of acute In prittitive socicties survival against natural forces wan the need and so what were taught were survival skills and values tn cultivate group cohesiveness. For the Athenian m ancient Greece. what mattered most in education wan the rounded development af every individual while for the Spartan Wt was the development of sobliers and miltary leaders. ly Romans, schools needed ta develap a sense of civic and to develop administrative and military akills on ae of the Roman Empire For the ancient Ambic world where stam rose the moat imparlint concern of education was te cultivate religious commitment to Esliamic bellefs. During the Medieval period, schoals were concerned with the development of religious commitment, knowledge and ritual to establish order. Rr nee peniod was a fervent period of European cultural, amsnc, political and economic *rebleth” following the Middle Ages. Education was focused on the rediscovery of classical philosophy, Wterarure and art, The Reformation period had as for is educational goals the cultivation of a gense of commitment to a particular religious denomination and general literacy, The Kistory of the Philippine Educational Systom Let us alia see how the nature and character of Philippine society are reflected in the education process in different periods of Philippine history. As you atudy the summary of the Philippine edticational system, ust remember thin seciniogical concept, which in the focus of thin = that education Ina function of society and as euch what are taught in schools arise from the nature and character of society Iteelf. What soclety considers Important la what ichools teach, Be ready to anawer thin question at the end: What was/were the focus/foci of education er schools during the: 1] pre- colonial period, 2) Spanis! period, 3) American regime, 4) Japanese occupation and 5) post-colonial period. Scanned witk CamSeanner mictared, decentralized, Jonk for food and other means of jn to do the household chores, jit children to become good ded more vocational training tutors ([Babaylan or Education ducation WAS Fat a nt thelr sons how te | Livelihood taught their gil Thin eduention basienlly PrEpAre™ Febanel apd veives. Children: were POV fat lesser nendemics. Teachers Were tel Katalonanl Edutation During the Spanish Era Edueation wx formal and organized, F Tebnl twors of the pre-Spanish pertod were replaced by Spanish missionaries. Pupils atterded formal schooling in the rarochial schoal, Instruction was Religion-oniented. Christian doctrines, snered songs and music and prayers were Inught because were required for confedsion and communion. There was seperate school for boys and girls, Wealthy Filipinos or the tlustrados were accommodated in the schools, It was authoritarian in 0 Educational Docree of 1863 ane su ve, Pilaaoe iE comes system of educntion for the establishment of he see; The. tay ala mmunieipshties in the counts elementary schools in all core of the cursieuly ae Although -religion was the trading, welting Mm. the curriculum included subjects langunge sriimetic, history Christian doctrine: eileen ke fot tte Music, agriculture for the bos helen thy © fils. Attendance in school ages of seven and twelve. Span meerEIC Lees Ue Ih Weals aid the democratiC Mi but wep ee Stkiniards for mare thal Interiog 4, fopened an August 29, 1898 i: of free and compulsory Pont ¥ thon! wate exan " Of 1895). tn ag Malolos Constitution Manin 0 1205, oy TY 1898, the Arse America ea shortly ifter the capture © ed in the wity. I Were oy Scanned with CamSeanner cracter 2 — Historical Fourciabon 01 Eine a Training was done through the schools both public and secular manced by Chaplains and Miltary Officers of the US Army. Thomasites arrived in the Philippines on Aukust year, - The university of the Philippines was founded in 1908. UP was the first state school of university stitus ‘The Department of Public tastruction set up a three fevel school system. The first level considered a four-year primary and three-yes intermediate or xever-year clenentery curriculum, The second level wean a four-year junior college and later a four year programy The Commonwealth Pariod (1935-1942) — Free education in pub! choals was provided all over the country, in accordance with (he 1935 Constitution. = Vocational educating and sane household activities: like sewing, cooking, and farming were also given importance. Education utse emphasized nationalism sot taught aliout the life of the Filia heroes, he students were activities were nlso = Vocational education and some househot ven importance, Good manners and discipline were also taupht to the students. = The institute of private education was catablished in order to observe private schools. Formal adult education was also given. Excanive Order No. 124 fof 1936) was signed by Pres Manuel L. Quezon designating Tagnlog as our National Language | Executive Omer No, 217 otherwise known as the Quezon Code of Ethics was taught In schovls = Executive Order No, 263 in |1920) respuired the teaching of the Frlipino, rational tnagaage tr he senior ¥ear of all high schools aad in all years in te rorttal sctivots of [40 [CA 586) was approved by the ‘August 7, 1940, which provided for the The Education Act Fhllippine Assembly o7 win ~ Reduction of the 7 Y ~ Fixing the school eat National support for car elementary course tn 6 years ance age at 7 elementary educution Scanned with CamSeanner rstonal Lestership fy, teeter Guitiee anid Deganizaona he Thacher ared Poe Gomemnmty. : srolled in Grade Hendance of primary children enrell rata ! Compulory ; Te ies th this prinrory. ge ew abste-niny calcia é ~ er et one ass assignment of intermediate teachers, Je traeber ate eine " The Japanese Occupation : 6 occupation: Aun of educotion during, Jnpanes P tuderstand the position of the Philippines as 1 Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere won af the idea of reliance upon Western Stntes fing a new Filipina culture bosed an the consciousness of the people as Orientals if the moral of the people giv Taatesialisin ~ Diffusion of elementary education and Promotion of vocation. eduration up over-emphiasis on tthe diffusion of the Japanese language in the and the termination of the use of English in of realization wf the democratic tid way of Life, Mie Civil Servier Eipciblllty OF teachers a, Mrunnt ta RA oR indune 15, 1sq A daily rte A : ily MICIOny Was trade comput 7 tein Ne singe Fie National Van) ine Vi. ae, ‘8 made permanent sory in all schools Anthem Pursuant to Be 5 Wall “hoods, tye lle, the works and Zul pay y i : cristina BEEN the Kat ste Tangere and Et hel be tact it gl level education whi a, ay tary L Hokie died Mtonalized und matriculation feet MWA pi sed into law by virtue of Scanned witk CamSeanner Chagter 2 The fundamental aima of education in the 1973 Constitution are: ~ foster love of country - teach Wie du of citlenship - develop moral character, self-discipline and scien technological and yocational efficiency Other Davelopments = integration of values in all learning areas = emphasis on mastery learning, —YDT and CAT introduced as new courses Media of Instruction: Bilingual Ecluration Policy: Mandates the tse of English and Filipino separately as media of instruction tn schools = Education Act of 1982 - created the Miniitry of Education, Culture and Sports. = NORE - Notional College Entranee Examination introduced ~ Executive Order No.1 17 - President Corazon ¢. Aquino renamed Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) in 1987 — Creation of the Board for Professional Teachers composed of Sunder PRC - Replacement of PBET (Professional Board Examination for Teachers) by LET (Licensure Examination for Teachers: Transfer of authority of administering the LET from CSC and DECS to the Board of Professional Teachers under PRC = Trifecalization of Education System = The trifocal education system refocused DECS' mandate to back: education which covers elementary, xecondary and nonformal education, including culture and sparts. TESDA now administers Ihe post-secondary, middle-level manpower training and development R.A. 7796 + Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 194 = CHED is responsible for hipher education, R.A. 7722 ~ Higher Education Act of 104 = In August 2001, Republic Act Governance af Bante Extuentian Act, woos passed transforming the name Department of Education, Culture and Sports [DECS} tof Education [Depkad) and redefining the role of field offers Ween offices, division offices, ihstnet biives nnd schovis), HA YESS provide the everill framework for {ij school head empowerment by strengthening their lendership rote and (ii) school-based ment whin the context of transparency and fecul uceauintahiity The goal ‘of basic education is to provide the school age population and young, ydults with skills, knowles and values to become caring. selfreliant, productive and patriotic citizens. . otheraiie called the tonal Foundation of Baa —_ Scanned with CamSeanner Lratonal Lenina anc Orga thm Ten ae Be Commu, Seto CHAE 1s panied J refining the role of fick ices, division offices, district je — Governance of Has reuiming the DECS to Depfal ae affices which melude (ie regronal a offices anid schnels 7 ce. Values Education is offered as a separate subject in NSEC i: both curriculn — " all subject areas in a io ieee one Secondary Education Curnculum (NSEC) implement RA lots?, Jan 20, 2012 - Kindergarten Act, an act - inutiennllsing, the kindergarten education into the basic education system K to 12 Program (R.A 10593), May 15, 2013 - The K to 12 Frogram covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (sex years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School [SHS)) to Provide sufleient lime for mastery of concepts and skills, develop Mfclong, teamers, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, tiddle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. The Varied Goals of Edu: fad cation In Different Historical Periods of Philippine om oe {portant in each histerical Period of the vines, cus or direction of the education of the Dunng, the trnlning but leg: ethers Dui cer ail pete, Students were given yocaticnal | ic re for them to be good fathers and Panih peril, schools focused on religious an faith The American regime Hal Gtizens of a democratic Japanese repine Li vg] Woe el Aucoin aye et thet love of labor, The | ferter lave of Emtntry, 3) gl 898 Ceealed to the following OPA charneter gaye the duties of citizenship! “ell discipline: as ‘“ipline; ane 4) scientific. Present Depkd vision fourth mission of ‘he present goals of Conninginy Mubppine eg er Keaton. 1 Scanned witk CamSeanner Chapler 2 = Heatorca! Feundancn of Education To produce thoughtful griduntes imbued with 1) values reflective of a humantst orientatian (e.g fundamental respect Sor others as human beings wath intrinsic rights, cultural roatedness, niveation to sere) 2) analytical and problem solving skells; 3) the ability to think things throwph the exlucal and social implication of a given saurce of action, and 4) the competency to tearm continuausiy throughout life ~ that wll enable thet te live meaningfully in a complex, rapidly changeny and 9 batized world twiale engaging fini their community anc the nation's development issues and concer, - Commission on Higher Education The Department of Education has the following vision, mission and core values: The DepEd Vision We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contnbute meaningfully to building the nation... {The Doped Mission and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, “hased, nnd complete basic edvication where: . Safe, and To protect equitable, culture Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sen motivating enviranment. Teachers facilitate lemming and constantly nurture every lenrner. Adminietrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and supportive environment for effective learning to happen Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing life-long learners. Scanned witk CamSeanner srastona Laaderttig pty Soro cane aed 9 phe Temas an Pa Com {~Ourcore Vaiues | [__ Our Gere Wiibn Maka Duos Maka tio Makakatikasaan Makabansa The Importance of Studying History of Education Why do we have to bother with the educational goals of the P: ast which past and so we can no longer undo? Dewey explains why 3 the lustory of education is valuable: 1. Edueational isswes and problems the study of educational history ‘alee today's problems, 2 fist tifert to reform education begin with Present conditions whith are a pucduct of our past: by using our St, we con shape the future a Past are often rooted in the prist, can help us to understand end 3. The study of education’s past ic Provides a perspective that erplains and Mu minetes OUF present actizy: ups 1OWEY as the Of people jy Histone? Whint antl society? foe ht vet pees AilereMt for different group? nd al dit ; 9 POINT A repnedn eee Petiods in world reine felationship of schools 2. Gren, the diffe Tee chy ia Faeterintics Pain ay tac the of the different periods Reals of education {schools Scanned witk CamSeanner ‘urcsation of Educate Coumpher 2 = Historical Fi — 4, Waa equil acess to quality education met during the af pre eulortat, aisiahy periind. ime ic) America 1) Japanese regime anid ¢) post-colonial period up to the present? 4, DepEd’s mission is “to protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, eulture-bosed, and complete basic education.” Hos the Philippine educational system from pre-colomial to present given equal access to quality, culture- based and complete basic education? Or was it a privilege of a few? Explain your answer. Read the article below. What does jobrskills mismatch imply about the relevance of schools to present society? Are schools effective agents of soclakzation in preparing Filipino graduntes for their job roles? we DOLE urged to address Job-skills mismatch Published June 19, 2018, By Vanne Elfaing Terrazola tanvova an Tuesday prodded the Department of Labor and eiher concemad agencies {a report oa the ed at addressing job-shills musmateh, Sen. Jost status of its programs ater Villanueva (Senate of the Philippines Facebook page / MANILA BULLETIN) ee on fader, employment, Yuanueva, chaiperson of ho Sanale commit nt, made the appeal as he called anew on 1 to mako sure that tha workers whe yw be employed wider the “Build, Build, Build” infrastructure program ae shetts-rondy “I! has boon cur conzitient call oft ihe cancernind governmmont AIPAGIES Commsson on Higher Education (CHED) Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Departmant of Education (Depa). and Technical Educatoa and Sits Devatopmont auinonty (TESDA) fo up-skill our workers and addmss the problem af jab-shills mismatch which becomes imparatve with te implemantatian of the pitministraton's Buld-Bultd-Build prograrn, Vilanueva sab in a statement Senator Joa! Ve and Emplayment (DOLE) ‘and human rogources davelopmer he gnvernmert Scanned witk CamSeanner of society, Considering the positive ang ti y ia eat Century society ee goals that 21° Century schools shoujy + tate the education purur: eq} 21° Century graduate: ond « describe I rm + describe the education delivery mode Will the survival sills taught in primitive societies suffice for the ill ts a citzens of a 21° Century world? Seals in education tellect what socirty considers as necessary for sarvval. stability and convenience ath im the world and in the nes Belpy ua see ahat societies in the past considered Ad enaties us te appreciate the present which is a ptoduct of the past * Schesls ere agents of socialization. They prepare individuals her varied roles in Society. re than, tw se ; Ay and acho Merices. state the relationship of ‘+a funcuon of schoots? ri Rclalinng effect of family, tht in? Can an excellent school unde ely deprived hame? Privtege enjoyed by all ? Why oy why not? We Examination (NCEE) fucation® Why wan ‘On then wanted? Scanned witk CamSeanner Chaptne 2 — blishwical Foundaticn of Education 1, Should college education be for all? Or should it be given only to these who are intellectually capable of college education? Those who are not should be directed to technical education, Isn't giving access to college education for one who is nat intellectually capable a waste of time and resources? Was that not the very purpose of the National College Entrance Examination then - to redirect (o techvoc courses those who were nat capable of a collepe course? Write your teflections. ey Should we bring buck the NCEE? Why or hy not? e _ Of the developments in Philippine education in the post- colonial period, which to you [s most important? (2 pom 1. In the Philippines, education from elementary to secondary education is free. What low made tertiary education free? Research on the tertiary education of other countries. Es it also free, or “only in the Philippines?” Share your findings in class, i i icty. Are these, life 2 wi Ils were taught te primitive wociety : acti! primitive society the sare life skilla for the 21st Century? Find out Scanned witk CamSeanner 2 Leader sgn ned OT choo Catan this imply? y, What dot a funetion a , What d ht what seciely eons Aaught. believed should he ed most important, Sines are taunt! _ IL Socinty determines eurriculud to be ML Those in edueation taught what they taught regauiless of society's need, A. Tony C, Wand Il Bt and It D. Il only 2. Ifeduration is a function of society then it hag to be . A. relevant C. for a selected few B. complete D. free 5. Complete the analogy, Athenian education: well -rounded development of individuals Spartan eduention: A. military training: 8. relizious formation C. liberally educated D, wholisticnlly developed person » While the Japanese tought the Pili ‘ Ans WERE the Filipine A. cthenship ina demu B. surstvnd skilla C live for country D. dignity af Tibor Pinos love for Inbor, the 5. Schontn ate fn cL k Sa poetalention Which is a CORRECT A. Developing the YOUR te Levey B. Leasing the tolen, _Baticpations in society c Developing: speaking and relay D Developing the coctal © mocintte vant nd values necessary {of io, billy He 10 remain forever young Scanned witk CamSeanner

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