Chapter 1 1

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lp Preface As the tite implies. this book en! School Culture and Organizaton be schoo! and community winier creation of society and so. 8 community partnership is 4 shared school and community partnership ts g school culture, A positive s internal 35 ure iS a ll as external education stakehoide great extent by the leadership and management ‘This Course intends ta sow in the would-be teachers thi to be professional and ethical in their beha school and the community These leaders and managers themselves ar genuine desire or and in their relavonship with ers eventually become school so must be prepared for a leadership and managernent style that Supports the building of a positive school culture. Chapter 1 dwells on Philosophical thoughts on education Waught for the sociati taught, - what should be zation of the individual and how these should be Chapter 2 is on the historical foundat Student understa: changed throt (n the future, Chapter 9 deals with imeractonist theor ‘on of eduratien This is meant to help the mii Now education in the Philippines and in the world hes fohout the years and how it can continué to change now and conflict, symbali¢ @ Str Culural issue. jL ig enon and Weaknesses of the Fil S ground i resouree ate I Is gr CF the “belief that th is pose’ 2 nations tg Peepte 5 are st : A Nation by. Philippine sthoo oS It includes most important comes. strong only when scussion on Values education in Chapter § is on gigs) « lebal world has bee . Peed Bt Schools mgt Ta RED. pen oe? Hage ang the coMtemed about The INNO stots but afgenoeSh that the Fliping rill@ino has become a CHAPLOE 8 oxtiaing the a, 9 SOA Ssueg Sitzen Is concemed only Partnership. p, “what* a, . behind mis pet MeND te en anette hy gp eesti ea when ci Sc! and community ™" ete Uncers! fand the reason ‘ Within this experience the learner has @ “genuine problem” that stimulates thinking. » The feamer possesses the information or does research to acquire the information needed to solve the problem. » The learner develops possible and tentative solutions that may solve the problem. » The leamer tests the solutions by applying them to the problem, In this one way one discovers their validity for oneself + The fund of knowledge of the human race-p* and inventions was to be used as the material for dealing with problems, This accumulated wisdom of cultural hentage has to be tested. If it served human purposes, it becomes part of @ reconstructed experience. + The school is social, scientific introduces children to society an a miniature society is a means participation. « The school is scientific in the sense that it is a social laboratory in which children and youth could test their ideas and values. In here, the teamer acquires the disposition and procedures associated with scientific or reflective thinking and acting. + The school is democratic because the leayner és free to test all ideas, beliefs and values. Cultural heritage, customs and institutions are all subject to critical inquiry, investigation and recanstruction. + School should be used by all, it being a democratic institution. No barrier of custom or prejudice segregate people. People aught to work together to solve common problems. «The authoritarian or coereive style of administration and teaching is out of place because they block genuine inquiry and dialogue. + Education is a social activity and the sckool is a social agency that helps shape human character and behavior. « Telues wre relative but sharing, cooperation, and democracy are significant human values that ‘shoutd be encouraged by schools. (Omstein, A. 1984) ast ideas, discoveries ¢ and democratic. The school d their heritage. The school as of bringing children into social Comments: The Fund of Knowledge of the Human Race Dewey does not disregard the accumulated wisdom of the past. These past ideas, discoveries and inventions, our cultural Scanned witk CamSeanner ling with probler, ne vars “t aaa of help. they become pa an eeeiences HF they 822 OL AMF acura, a reco c fart ofare constructed experience. This mean, they ae for Dewey is not just one who can leary ee tonduct an experiment but one who can connee, oF muta ‘wisdom of the past ta the present. heritage. ™ and so will be tes’ le he People and By the Peop! Shot ore \ideocratis institutions where everyone regardless of age, ethnicity, social status is welcome and is encouraged to participate in the democratic process of decision-making Learners and stakeholders practice and experience democracy in schools. D. George Counts (1889-1974): Building a New Social Order + Education is not based on eternal truths but is relative to « particular saciety living at a given time and place. + By allying themselves with groups that want to change society, schools should cope with social change that arises from technology, There is a cultural lag between material progress and social institutions and ethical values. Instruction should incorporate a content of a socially useful nature and @ problem-solving methodology. Stuctents are encouraged to work on problems that have social significance. Schools become instrument for social improvement rather than a agency Jor preserving the status quo, + Teachers should lead soci iety rather th it sare agents of change 4 han fellow te Foaghe Teacher aches Ge alle on fo make important choices in the they fed toda ones, polities and morality because ean educati 7 i portunities to alt students, 6 mae that afford equal [earning stein, A. 1984 Comments: ’ Senls of Change i Schy Schooky ShPAES and ten rather than considered ze Counts, change hers should be aget> struments for soc S for preserving the stit® ‘ork for 5 should always be change Scanned witk CamSeanner Lag pro Chapter t - Phtlosophical Thewa'”” em | ke of Change, the better not just change for the § + Teachers are called to make decisions on controversial 1SSMES Feion is to actually making decision thod Not to make a de «Like Dewey, problem far instruction. solving, should be the domninant me Lag Between Material Progress and Ethical Values Counts asserts that “there iS 0 cultural T institutions and ethical value nt but moral and ethica between material > Material progress 1 development progress and soci fe humankind is very evide! geen to have lagged behind. A frend once wrote: “The BaNPUens had their horses. Modem mani has hig jets but today it 18 still the same * Indeed with science and moral problems that plague humankind technology, we have become very powerful and yet powerless. We seases and even postponed de h for have conquered a number of di many, we have conquered aging: conquered ourselves. the planets, the seas but we have not E, Theodore Brameld (1904-1987) Social Reconstruction ism social reconstructionisin is a philosophy «+ As the name implies, ociety. The social that emphasizes the reformation ofS reconstructionists contend that _. humankind has moved from an agricultural and rural society fo an urban and technological society... there is a serious lag in cultural adaptation to the realities of @ technological society. astruct its values in order fo catch Humankind has yet recon up with the changes in the Technological order, and organized ee ucation has a major role (0 play in reducing the gap between the values of the culture and technotogy. {Omstein, 198+) & So the social reconstructionist asserts that schools should: cerieally examine present culture and resolve inconsistenc’ controversies and conflicts to build a new society not. just change society... do more than reform the social andl educational steas, quo, He shuld seek fa create 4 new society... Humankind is in a state of profound cultural crisis. If schools reflect the frominant social values. Cr orgunized ectucation will merely transmit the social illg. that are symptoms of the pervs ive problems and ajflctions that beset humankind... The only Tegitimate goal of «truly human education is (0 ‘gate world fe are in control of their own destiny. In an order in which peop! tra of nuclear weapons, the social reconstructionists see an Scanned witk CamSeanner ‘The Teacher and ne Organizational Leacershio sy, School Culture and OG Gommunty. $2 oe society to reconstruct itself before jz test, 1984) 4 it stein. . , kself Ooi era is an era of inendeneadl nee an 50 ed ‘ nol " ent 7 ; he international in seope for glaba' aes hip. / must be social reeonstructionisis, education is designe dy * ha students" consciousness about social problems gp, dy neaker ents’ cor ; ; on age them actively in problem solving” fOrnstein, 1954) eu reconstructionists are firmly com mitted to equality OF eri Teer caciety and education. Barriers of savio-economic cay and racial ciiscrimination should be eradicated. * They also emphasize the idea of an interdependent world, Tz quality of life needs to be considered arel enhanced on a glat basis, (Omstein, A. 1984) urgent need for eati, ‘Comment: « Like John Dewey and George Counts, social reconstructionis: Brameld believe in active problem- solving as the method of teaching and learning. _ * Social reconstructionists are convineed that education is nota Privilege of the few but a right to be enjoyed by all. . : + nd * Education is a right that all citizens regardless of race and social status must enjoy. F. Paulo Freire (1921-1997) - Critical Pedagogy Critical Pedagogy and Dialogue vs, the Banking Model of Education ‘ a Fisire, «1 eritical theorist, like social reconstnuctiant Heued that systems must be ch i oppressio" and improve human eonditio Snged 1 overcome PP ns Education and tite ‘ racy are the wehic z he tw mans at Tom tec Soe change, {ts victims, Hor oppress others, 4 corte St Oppression and not becor f ‘ntoque af cuiieat consumes To do so requires dialogue domination und geen’ evelopment of awareness to overco™® and oppressiny . * Rather than depostts taifury and turning ma." in which the educst Muderts" heads, Froire saw teach? 50 process Teachers yg Me orig MMH IN Whi tee * Teachers Must ney : Knowle nt Themnselee: : MY canal hres cmp the sale ‘ pedagerieat apy Hele Students US omy reacts re cals 5 temocennig ee the DIY Feceptacies . He calls tH relations Method” of education. : "teacher and her students “banking Hip bretevene, Scanned witk CamSeanner Chaptne 1 = Philosephical Thoughts on Education is necessary in order for the conscientization process ta take place. Freire's criticat pedagogy is problem-posing education * A central element of Freire’s pedagogy is dialogue. It is love and respect that allow us to engage people in dialogue and ta discover ourselves in the process and learn fram one another. By its nature, dialogue is not Something that can be imposed. Instead, genuine dialogue is characterized by respect of the Parties involved toward one another, We develop a tolerant sensibility during the dialogue process, and it is only when we come to tolerate the points of view and ways of being of others that we might be able to team from them and about ourselves in the process. Dialogue means the presence of equality, mutual recognition, affirmation of people, a sense of solidarity with people, and remaining open to questions. * Dialogue is the basis for eritical and problem-posing pedagogy, as opposed to banking education, where there is no discussian, only the impositian of the teacher's ideas on the students. (Ornstein, 1984) Comment: + All of these education philosophers, point to the need of interacting with others and of creating a “community of inquiry” as Charles Sanders Peirce put it. The community of inquiry is “a group of persons involved in inquiry, investigating more or less the same question or problem, and developing through their exchanges # better understanding both of the question as well as the probable solutions.” Lee, 2010) A community of inquiry will engage lenmers in active problem solving. Scanned witk CamSeanner Ao) anage of specializay: A nexplosionof knowledge has led toanage of sp: latin 1, Themodern expos no inh thi rant quip: with this concom! seialist knows more and more about less a less, an rt knows more and more about less and less Xpel S . wn ‘he or she knows everything about nothing, A related joke cleverly twists this saying: Ageneralist knows less and less about more and more until he or she knows nothing ahout everything, Should schools produce generalists or specialists? Defend your answer. 2, Spencer is convinced that he who is most fit Survives and So encouraged individual competition. Read this article abou; ‘Singaporean education today and find out with whom you agree ~ Spencer's individual competition or Singaporean educationa) system where competition is not encouraged, \ Learning is not a competition: No more 41", 2° or last in \ class for primary and Secondary students \ SINGAPORE - Whether a child finishes first or last will no longer be indicated in primary and Secondary school report books from next | Year + @ move which Education Minister Ong Ye Kung hopes will show students that “learning is not a competition”, Repar’ books will not just stop showing @ Student's position in ‘ation to class or cohort, | The information to be droppedt includes: | \ + Cass end tevel mean | % Metnum and maximum marks | . Unter tning an/or colouring *, Ress! fail for end of your | “un subieet grades, . ae total marks \ inh I ls five relevant Subjects), LIR4, EMS | en vety et "ree subjects) and EMBI for lowe! tn id on Friday (Sept 28) that th cM ony da he ed a ‘failing marks ft resul Scanned witk CamSeanner Cchaoter 1 Pracsophical Thoughts on Education 3, The following is an excerpt of the keynote Address of Senator Shahani before the National Academy of Science and Technology at its 15 Annual Scientific Meeting, 7 July 1993, Manila, Read it. Underline those parts that emphasize development in moral and ethical values as most necessary’ to effect change. Do you agree with her thoughts in these underlined sentences? Keynote Address of Senator Shahani before the National Academy of Science and Technology at its 15th Annual Scientific Meeting, 7 July 1993, Manila. In essence, the Maral Recovery Program is @ movement which aims (0 mobilize Filipinos for nation-building through practical exercise of human aoe in onr daily lives as citizens, and a awaken us ta the power of these values in achieving our indaadual and nacional goats. Those tales are free of charge: we do not hate 10 borrow, nar to beg regutarly and fondtantly from the outside world to obtain thom: we only Rare t0 look inward, intemulize these values for our own self transformation, then aeternalizn thom for our individual lives and for building our nation. To tise current terininology, the Moral Recovery Program seeks to empower people - the poor, the middleclass and the rich - trough the sustained pplication of humar values and virtues to overcome our problems and build our conntry ir accordance witll aur callective vision. We ean also see the Program as an attempt to coniplete the complex picture of ratvonalism. If natian-building has its political, economic and eultural dimensions, it also has its moral and ethical imperative, This imperative is a most compelling dimension of nation-building. lt goes beyond mere tegislation of fntigraft measures or Congressional investigations of wrongdoing in the Gowrnment. We need to go back ¢o the basics and ask the fundamental questions: what is our vision of ourselves and of Fikpino society? haw clo see achieve that vision despite ovenuhielming odds? what key values are Receled to attain our goals? J submit that this vision and the strategies tand political will needled to realize it should constitute the main framework to burl ttTis nation. Nothing less will do. This combination of vision and faction is the key to our national sunrival, rebirth and renewal In this context, the Moral Recowcry Program becomes a majar ingredient of an Ghtemative strategy for national development. Ethics and Polities The close interrelationship between ethics and polities és obvious in our sang problems -ow large foreign debt; the state of pemament disrepair Gf our roads and public toilets: graft and corruption in Government; the Perennial squabbling and intramurals Between Government bodies: Pelt bureaucratic inefficiency. Chronic probfems in such vital areas oe gncuitre and industry rurcl development and land reform coutd os wor home if sore of the walues such as love of country, discipline, ability and teamwork were practiced on a daily basis honesty, account pe Gecument apices and political cicles, as well as by the people wes. Scanned witk CamSeanner

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