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Rafael Serrano
Industrial Engineer
T.: +34 634 488 485

Attn .: Head of renewable energy matters

Dear Sir./Madam:

Let me start by an example based on a well-known principle such as Pascal’s Principle.

Suppose we have:

1.- Any cylinder hermetically closed and completely filled with water, so that not a single drop more can enter.

2.- In the center of the cylinder there is a piston that with its segments prevents communication between the
waters on both sides of it.

3.- We pressurize the water on one side of the piston, for example to 50 atmospheres, while the water on
the other side remains at ambient pressure. At this point, since the water cannot be compressed (it does so
minimally and that benefits us) no matter how much force we apply to that face, the piston will not be able to
move in any direction even if this force is enormous, since the piston segments they seal the areas and prevent
water from passing from one part to another. The water below it, although it does not have pressure, acts as if
it were an incompressible concrete barrier, which means that said piston will remain immobilized as long as we
do not empty the water.

4.- But ... what would happen if we now make a hole in the piston so that both waters on the sides of it
communicate? (remember that the cylinder does not fit a single drop of water more):

The immediate consequence is that the pressures stabilize! this was discovered by Blaise Pascal just under
400 years ago.

5.- As the water cannot be compressed and both sides are completely flooded, there is no transfer of any
molecule of said water between the parts, only the pressure energy is transmitted, which means that no
work is done that could exchange such energy for example in opposition or friction and therefore does not
need an extra contribution of it, only communication. Thus, we do not convert it or change it to any other
mode of energy, nor do we spend it on moving objects ... nothing. Therefore, the energy supplied at the begin-
ning is conserved almost intact, I say ALMOST, since a very small part of it is lost by virtue of the compressibility
factor of water which is k46.4, but we are talking about almost infinitesimal quantities. For critics, who are
especially before having read and understood the method, this discards the mantra of “continuous movement”
something that is not reasonably possible and that I would never think to raise, I simply expose energy efficien-
cy, which does not arise of nothing.
6.- If that hole is covered later, we will have the same water but now with a pressure of 50 atmospheres on
both sides of the piston.

In this way, we have managed to pressurize the water that was previously at atmospheric pressure and raise it
to 50 atmospheres in exchange for almost no energy, only the necessary to operate a small valve installed
for this purpose that communicates both sides of the piston through said orifice and that corresponding to the
compressibility factor of the water and ... we already have a very powerful motor !!!

From here, with the appropriate mechanisms together with this method that I already have patented,
it is possible to obtain energy in large quantities by inheriting the pressures at different levels, I am talking
about thousands of MWh with the appropriate facilities that, following this method, without losing the initial
pressure and without violating the principle of Energy Conservation, offers immense amounts of energy
depending on the magnification and resistance to pressure of the facilities.

To get an idea, counting on the adequate resistances of the materials, in the space of a small floor, with a cost
much lower than that of a wind turbine, we could produce around 30 or 40 times more energy than the
most powerful wind turbines that exist with the advantage that there is no mechanism in the world that can
be remotely as efficient as the above and we owe it to Blaise Pascal, for this reason the motor takes part of its
name, in homage to its person: RS-Pascal motor .

This is an evolution and consequence of various prototypes that I have built over almost 20 years, which have
shown that the most important effects that make possible the transfer of pressure without loss of energy
and the fact that with the appropriate mechanisms to move freely having neighbors with different pressures,
they are both possible.

With an engine of these characteristics, the energy needs of your country and the rest of the planet could be
covered and done immediately and free of charge in raw material costs only taking advantage of the facili-
ties that nature offers us; It is not very difficult to build and can be done in multiple factories simultaneously.
Additionally, it offers the possibility of being installed anywhere, such as ships, submarines, cars, spaceships
and any other place where water (or other similar element) can be kept in a liquid state.

Finally, given the precariousness of my economy after COVID and the multiple costs that this has meant for my
private economy, this latest version has not yet been built.

If you are interested in advancing this possibility, please contact me.

All the best,

Rafael Serrano
Industrial Engineer
T.: +34 634 488 485

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