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Exercise # 9 (For Chapter IX) Environmental Ethics


Course and Section: BSME 3A
I. Give the exact answer
1. How do you understand Environmental Ethics?
2. What is the ethical principle behind Environmental Ethics?
3. Is environmental ethics necessary to Human Beings? Why?
4. Relating it to Philippine situation, briefly discuss the four issues in Environmental
5. How do you understand the Instrumental and Intrinsic Values of Non-Human Ethics?
6. What is our moral obligation to Nature?
7. Discuss the five reasons why man despoils the environment.

Exercise # 10 (For Chapter X) Business Ethics

Name: ________________________________
Course and Section: _____________________
1. ____________________________ is a form of the art of applied ethics that
examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that can arise in a business
2. ____________________________ is an umbrella term under which the ethical rights
and duties existing between companies and society is debated.
3. ____________________________ is a scandal involving allegations of unethical
behavior by people acting within or on behalf of a corporation.
4. _____________________________ refers to crimes committed either by a
corporation or by individuals that may be identified with a corporation or other business
5. _____________________________ covers the myriad practical ethical problems and
phenomena which arise out of specific functional areas of companies or in relation to
recognized business professions.
6. _____________________________ is an agreement between competing firms to
control prices or exclude entry of a new competitor in a market.
7. ______________________________ is a dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in
power, typically involving bribery.
8. _______________________________ is any business which has the potential to
threaten the surrounding natural environment and/or adversely affect people's health.
9. _______________________________ is a form of fraudulent transaction or putting
forward plausible schemes or use unscrupulous trickery to defraud others with an intent
to gain.
10. ______________________________ is a business model that recruits members via
a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than
supplying investments or sale of products or services.
II. Discussion
1. Discuss the distinction between Normative and descriptive business ethics.
2. Aside from those mentioned in this book, identify one most commonly committed
unethical or immoral practice in business. Make a research on the unethical practice;
determine the laws and moral/ethical standards violated; assess the extent of its
commission within the region; and arrive at some recommendations on how to stop the
subject unethical/immoral practice.

Exercise # 11 (For Chapter XI) Sexuality

Course and Section: BSME 3A
1. Briefly discuss each of the important roles of marital sex.
- Sex strengthens the bond between husband and wife in all aspects of their
lives. It strengthens their relationship because having sex is a sign that you still want
each other. It improves their health aspect because sex have many health benefits like
improves sleep, ease stress, lower blood pressure, a form of exercise, etc... Sex as
recreation, and sex improves spiritual aspect because during sex you can unknowingly
transfer your energy to your partner.
- Sex expresses love and affection and fosters emotional intimacy. A husband or
wife can express his/her love and affection through sex. Also, during sex, a hormone
called oxytocin is produces which boost the emotions like love and affection. Sex fosters
emotional intimacy because sex is an intimate interaction between husband and wife,
and the fact that your emotions are boost by the hormone called oxytocin, so doing sex
many times can increase the intimate emotions you felt towards your partner.
- Sex reinforces the exclusivity of the relationship. Sex can be the reason for a
two person to have an exclusive relationship because the intimate interaction and the
strong emotions that are produce during sex will make you feel a strong feeling of love
and affection to your partner so you can decide that you will be committed to each other
and build your relationship.
- Sex symbolizes mutual submission and dedication to the higher purpose of the
marriage. Mutual submission can mean loving and respecting each other, so sex
symbolizes mutual submission because sex shows love and affection to your partner.
During sex, your partner can see the flaws you have on you body, the scars, hair, fats,
etc.., but as a husband and wife, these things don’t matter because you dedicate
yourselves to the higher purpose of the marriage which is to love your partner
unconditionally despite his/her flaws so sex can symbolize your unconditional love for
each other.
- Sex helps heal conflicts and mend rifts. There will be always a conflict between
husband and wife because that how life works. Sex can help to reconcile the husband
and wife when there is a conflict between them, because sex is a way to express love
and once you remembered your love for each other, then you will forgive each other.
Also, it is because love is the strong emotion during sex and not anger.
- Sex reduces anxiety and releases tension. It is scientifically proven that sex
reduces anxiety and releases tension, because during sex our brain produces “feel-
good chemical” or hormones that will make us feel good. Hormones like dopamine,
endorphins, and oxytocin are released during sex that causes pleasure and ease pain.
- Sex leads to children who are wanted and treasured by both parents. Sex is the
common method done by a couple to produce offspring, so a couple can decide or plan
when will they having a baby or if they want a baby of not. You can have sex with you
wife or husband if want to have a child.
2. Comment on each of the consequences of uncommitted sex.
- Contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD), including HIV/AIDS. This is a
possible outcome if you engage in an uncommitted sex with different people because
you may not know what are the health issues of the person you are having sex with and
he/she transferred the disease to you. A monogamous kind of relationship is a safer
- Pregnancy. There is always a possibility of getting pregnant in sexual act unless
you are infertile or partner, but the possibility is always there during sex. To avoid
unprepared pregnancy, marriage is the safest foundation to make a family, so if you
want to engaged in sex but you are afraid what the consequences are, then get married
before having sex.
- Casual sex can be a corrupting influence. To get sex, a person will do anything
just to have sex with another person even if he will do wrong things. He/she can lie,
cheat, intimidate verbally, or violence, all these acts is immoral and unethical. To avoid
being corrupted because of sex, I suggest than you find something that more interested
than sex and spend your time with it or take some medication or treatment.
- Regret, guilt, and shame are the common aftermath of uncommitted sex. It is
only normal for the young people who engaged in uncommitted sex to feel regret, guilt
and shame especially that they are still young and don’t have the idea of what to do
during this situation. Also, for a young woman, the idea of giving herself to an unworthy
relationship, violating her parents' trust, a ruined reputation, and loss of self-worth is
really disappointing to her parents and to herself.
- Loss of self-respect. It is because when having sex, you feel that you are
valued as a person who is uniquely loved by your partner. If you think that, it is the
standard of being valued as a person, then you will have an anxiety that someone else
will perform better or look more attractive than you.
- Sexual addiction. It may be because being addicted to the pleasure you felt
during sex or when people use sex as an easy escape from the challenges and
responsibilities of life. Sex is a powerful distraction away from the important tasks that
adolescents need to complete on the way to personal maturity and gaining career skills.
Thus, sexual addiction hinders personal growth
- Sex can damage relationships in several ways. When friend becomes sexual,
then warm and caring relationship may fade and starts to see each other as sex object.
Also, sexual expectations like good lovemaking can consume all the energy in a
relationship, interfering with communication and the development of other shared
interests that could sustain the relationship and help it grow.
- Depression and precipitate an emotional crisis. Break up can make people sad,
and the sadness you are feeling can lead to depression. In extreme cases break up with
sex involved can lead to self-destructive behavior or to violent rage against your former
partner and his or her new lover. A sexual betrayal can create lasting issues of trust that
can make it very difficult for you to enter into or sustain your next relationship
- The memory of former sexual partners can haunt a marriage and make it more
difficult for the married couple to cultivate an exclusive bond. The fact that you engaged
in sex before marriage, it means that commitment is not an issue for you to engaged
yourself in sex. Therefore, uncommitted may be an issue for you because it will be
difficult for you to resist the temptation to engage in extra marital sex that can destroy
your marriage.
3. To you, should sex be enjoyed by unmarried couples? Explain your answer.
- No, because there are many bad consequences of uncommitted sex than the
sex after marriage. Bad consequences like unprepared pregnancy, sexual addiction,
contacting sexually transmitted disease, anxiety, depression, regret, guilt, shame, etc...
these are just some examples of uncommitted sex, so it is very wrong and very risky for
a couple to engaged in sex before marriage. If you want sex, you need to get married
first, because you can avoid HIV, anxiety, depression, or pregnancy because marriage
is the secure foundation to create a family. Also, sex after marriage is the sex with
deepest satisfaction because there is already the moral committed, deep encounter of
heart and body, and desire for oneness between the couple.
4. To you, should same-sex sexual relationship be openly allowed by the society?
Support your answer.
- Yes, because it’s their body so we don’t have the right to tell them what to do
with their body. The amount of love you see in heterosexual couple during sex is the
same with homosexual couple, it’s the love that counts doing sex. Love comes in all
forms, we can love whoever we want despite of their gender, so is sex. and it is better to
have sex with the one you love than with opposite sex but you don’t love. Also, if they
do not do any harm to other people with their same-sex sexual relationship, then we
must respect them the way you want to be respected.
5. If some people and sectors are fighting for the acceptance of same-sex sexual
relationships, don’t you think children/minors (ages 7-17) should also be allowed to
engage in sex? Support your answer.
- No, because it is very wrong for minors/children to engaged in sex at a young
age. There is a law that protects them from that kind of activity and it is against the law
so it is not okay for children/minors to engaged in sex even if its homosexual sex. Even
if homosexual sex prevent pregnancy, the minds of children/minors don’t have the
capacity to understand what are the consequences of having sex. Even if it is
homosexual sex, there is a bad effect or consequences of engaging sex at a young age,
like contacting sexually transmitted diseases, depression, anxiety, regret, etc., so
children/minors should not be allowed to engaged in sex.
Exercise # 12 (For Chapter XII) Work
Name: ________________________________
Course and Section: _____________________
1. What is the significance of Work to human existence?
2. Briefly explain in your own words the Moral Duties in Work and Profession.
3. How do you understand “work ethics”?
4. Briefly explain in your own word the six key factors of effective work ethics.
5. As a future worker or employee, how will you demonstrate a strong work ethics to
your employer? Explain briefly.
Exercise # 13 (For Chapter XIII)
Course and Section: BSME 3A
1. Discuss briefly the reasons why ethics is power itself.
- For people who operate ethically, their word is their bond. This means that if
your words are good to other people, they will see you as a good person and it will
increase your bond with them or your relationship, as a result it will increase the chance
of influence them because they know your words will not harm them.
- There are no hidden agenda to worry about. This means that ethical people do
not have any plan to harm other people, so the people that surrounds them will have no
reason to hate or harm them.
- Ethical people do not have to watch their back. This means that ethical people
do not have an enemy because they do good to things to others, so there is no reason
for them to be cautious of their back.
- Ethics fosters the development of one of the most crucial success elements of
an organization which is trust. This means that ethics develop the crucial element of an
organization, which is trust, that will make the people of the organization to trust you
and each other, hence, a good relationship and you influence other people to do their
best in their work because they trust each other on their way to success.
- Operating ethically increases one’s reputation in the organization, a key to the
amount of influence and power they have in the eyes of others. This means that doing
ethical things will increase your reputation in the organization because they see you do
your work properly and you do not do any harm to others and that you have a good
character in the organization, hence as your reputation increase, your influence also
- Ethical people are more resistant to influence attempts from ‘Political Sharks.’
This dampens the power of those acting unethically and the overall ethical influence is
enhanced by comparison. This means that they can avoid doing unethical activities that
can damage their reputation and lower their influence to other people.
- Ethics means doing the right thing which often increases the chances of
success and success usually increases power. This means that when you do ethical
things you developed a good relationship, trust, and good reputation with other, so
these characteristics will help you achieve success, and success is power.
- Leaders who believe their subordinates are ethical worry less that they will
negatively be surprised by something wrong in their unit. They believe they will be
informed if something is wrong. One possible outcome is that the leader is willing to
delegate to an ethical person who in turn gets more responsibility and influence. This
means that when employees do ethical activities during work, the leader will worry less
because he/she trusts his/her employees that they will tell him if there is a problem or
there is an important thing to tell their leader. If the employee is trustworthy he will be
given a much higher position or responsibilities that will increase his/her reputation and
will also increase his/her influence.
- Ethical people are less likely to spend precious time in internal wrangles both
personally and departmentally. This can free up enormous amount of energy for task
accomplishment. This means that ethical people will less likely to be involved in any
dispute in the organization because they do not do any harm to other people so they will
have a good relationship with others. Ethical people know what is the ethical thing to do
or the right thing to do so they can avoid any dispute and they can do their work
properly and will accomplish more.
- Operating ethically can increase personal self-esteem which often contributes
to high confidence. This means that ethical people have the confidence in the company
because they know they do nothing wrong and they can do their work properly that will
increase their reputation in the organization.
- Ethical environments are more likely to bring out people’s best instead of their
personal worst. Tthis means that in ethical environment you can do things with your
best because you see the environment is good and there's nothing to worry about.
2. Discuss how to use power effectively.
- first is impact belief, where the leader believe that what she/he will do would
have a positive impact on the organization, because if you do good things or ethical
things on the organization there is no need to worry that you might harm somebody
because good deeds do not harm others or impact others negatively but impact them
positively, while if you do bad things or unethical things on the organization it will have a
bad effect to others and will impact them in negative way.
- Second is socialize power, where the leader values power for the good that can
be done with it, because power that is used for good is recognized by many people and
gain support from them while power used for bad or harm will not be accepted by the
people and will produce dispute among them.
- Lastly, avoiding personalize power or self-befitting power, because effective
leaders desire power to influence others to achieve positive goals for the benefit of
others and the organization. Using power to achieve positive goal will promote positive
environment for the people and organization that will encourage them to do their work
properly then achieve success. while Ineffective leaders use power to belittle others,
assert dominance and heighten their self-importance.
3. Discuss briefly each of the framework for ethical decision-making.
- First, recognize an ethical issue. At this stage, you will identify any ethical issue
in yourself, interpersonal or social level that you can observe, then evaluate the ethical
issue if it can be harmful or not to the concerned people or to the community. After that,
you will assess if the ethical issue is on the level of legal and institutional or if it goes
beyond, then identify possible effects of the ethical issue on the people’s dignity, rights,
and aspiration for a better life.
- Second, get the facts. At this stage, look for relevant information about the
ethical issue, and get the important information, what information are known and
unknown to people, that you need to tell to the people affected. Next, identify which
individuals or group are affected by the ethical issue that have an important stake in the
out outcome, categorize which individual or group have a higher stake of the outcome
and identify the reason why like do they have special need or special obligation about
the outcome. Then, identify options for course of action to solve the ethical issue, and
inform the people why you are making this action so that they can give their suggestion
about it.
- Third, evaluate alternative actions. At this stage you will evaluate alternative
action based on its effectivity and its outcome if it good or bad, and choose the better
alternative action, then make sure that the course of action does not violate one rights
and dignity. To make sure that the course of action does not violate anyone’s rights, you
can get the opinions of stakeholders for the fairness of the action so that you can have a
bases and suggestion about your course of action. After you gather all opinions and
make it the bases of your course of action, you will choose which course of action is the
best that will help the individuals or group affected by ethical issue and benefit more.
- Fourth, make a decision and test it. At this stage, you will make a final decision
of what course of action will be used to address the ethical issue, considering it is the
right and best thing to do. When you already chosen the course of action, you can
consult or get the opinion of the person you respect and trusted so that you can have
the idea of what may the outcome of your action. When the media has come to
interview you about you course of action, if you do not violate the individuals or group’s
dignity and rights by doing so, you can have the confidence that you did the right thing.
- Lastly, act and then reflect on the decision later. At this final stage, you will
implement the course of action you have chosen and assess if the outcome is good to
all individuals or group that were affected by ethical issue, and if you identify other
method to make your course of action better and you see it will improve the state of the
individuals or group affected, them it is better to implement another course of action
because it is for the betterment of the affected individuals or groups.
4. Comment on each of the diseases of leadership according to Pope Francis.
- The disease of thinking we are immortal, immune, or downright
indispensable. This disease can stop the development of the leader as he thinks
that he is already a higher human being to other human being, that he/she is
better than other, so this type of leader will stop to grow as a human being.
According to Pope Francis, in order to cure this disease, you should show
humility to other people, evaluate yourself if you grow as a human being and look
yourself if you have improved and surpassed any weakness.
- The disease of excessive busyness. This disease can cause stress and
agitation to the person who worked all the time and neglect to rest a while. A leader
should respect the life outside the work of there employees or worker, time for family,
friends, lover, leisure, and self because a good leader take care of the physical and
mental state of their worker so that they can work properly in their tasks.
- Then there is the disease of mental and (emotional) “petrification”. This disease
can cause leader to be isolated in work away from social interaction and become a
lonely with less emotion leader. A leader should be able to weep for those who weep
and rejoice for those who rejoice because a leader should be present and sympathize in
the time of problem or celebration with their member. The leader should not be isolated
in work, but have time to socialize with other people and attend other task to developed
skill and grow as a human being capable of loving others.
- The disease of excessive planning and of functionalism. This disease can
cause leaders to become perfectionist and cannot do anything if there is unexpected
problem that occurs in the plan. Unexpected things in plan will become problematic to
the leader that will cause anxiety and lose the ability to plan and solve the problem. A
leader must be flexible and ready to face any problem during the plan, there must be a
back up plan during this time so that the problem will be solve. A leader who show
ineffectiveness during problem will have a bad reputation to its members.
- The disease of poor coordination. This disease can cause the leader to lose
their sense of connection to its member. When a leader is not functioning as a string
that connect all its member together, then the member had the tendency to lose track of
what their doing and lose coordination with other members and to the leader. With this
type of leadership, the teamwork is gone.
- There is also a sort of “leadership Alzheimer’s “disease. This disease will cause
the leader to forget the people who helped us achieve the success they have now. A
leader should not forget to look back to the people who help him/her achieve his
success because they have not helped during the times you are asking for help you will
not, you will be on the place you are right now. The people who helped you become the
stepping stone that lead you to success, so it you should be still thankful and respect
them despite who you are now.
- The disease of rivalry and vainglory. This disease causes leader to forget the
people around them and do their selfish desires to achieve perks, title, or reputation
among the members, but with these attitudes, we ignored our members and forgot that
it is better to achieve something with your member than for yourself only, because a
true leader should not leave its member rather lead and support them to achieve
something. You do not leave your member behind, but walk together forward.
- The disease of existential schizophrenia. This disease causes leaders to restrict
themselves to bureaucratic matters and avoid being in contact with customers and
ordinary employees because there is no longer achievement or titles that can fill their
emotional emptiness. A leader with no direction or something to achieve is like an
empty container which do things with no goal. Leaders should be sociable with their
member and have a good relationship with them so that you will have reason to stay
connected with them.
- The disease of gossiping, grumbling, and back-biting. This disease causes
leader to spread bad gossips about his/her member because he/she don’t have the
confidence to tell his/her member directly. A leader should not be doing bad things
behind the back of the member rather confront the member and tell him/her the problem
so that the problem will not become a bigger problem if you start spreading gossips, and
in this way your member will see that their leader is not a coward and confront problem
- The disease of idolizing superiors. This causes the leader to act according to
what will please his/her superior to gain favor to them. Leader that have this disease
think only of what they can get and not what they can give, this implies that leader only
work for the people they idolize and not for the whole organization which is wrong
because a leader must be concerned with all the member of the organization and not
he/she idolize.
- The disease of indifference to others. This causes the leader to be selfish and
stop sharing for personal improvement. A leader should not be selfish rather share with
the member so that they can all grow and improve together. A leader and member
should have a good relationship so that they can work together to their success.
- The disease of a downcast face. This causes leader to act or put a character
that every member will respect like being serious needs to have a face of melancholy
and severity and treat other with rigor, brusqueness and arrogance. A leader must not
lose the character of joyfulness, courtesy, serenity, enthusiasm, humorous, and even
self-deprecating spirit because a workplace that is a happy, caring and helpful is a good
environment to work properly
- The disease of hoarding. This disease causes the leader to hoard or not
sharing to its member because of his selfish desires. A leader should not hoard things
for himself rather share those things to its member so that they can feel that their leader
is a caring leader that shares what he/she have, this will increase your connection with
your members and increase your reputation to them. If you give things to your member,
they feel the responsibility to give back to you by other means like worker properly.
- The disease of closed circles. This disease causes leader to enclose hi/her self
a group in which becomes a cancer or a bad group as time passes that will threaten that
unity of the organization that will destroy the organization. A leader must support this
kind of group as she/he know that it will destroy the company, rather be the reason to
stop it. A leader must listen to every complain of the group to lessen the tension and
stop any dispute inside the organization. Listening to everyone’s complain can be a way
to solve that problem and return the good harmony and unity among the leaders and
- Lastly: The disease of extravagance and self-exhibition. This causes leader to
think that they have much more power that other or a higher human being than other.
This kind of leader exercise their power for material gain, slander, defame, and discredit
other so that they can display to them that they are more capable. This type of leader
should not be tolerated because excessive use of power can harm to other people, and
the intention to showing that you are more capable is not a good character of a leader.
A leader must use his/her power for the gain of the organization and not for himself
because that power was given to you as a leader by the group so you must use it for the

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