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Sl. No. : 161/2016 - 17
Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-IR/13/2016 - 17
Monday,May 02,2016.
12 Vaishakh, 1938 (S).

All Branches/Offices
Of State Bank of India.


The transfer of Award Staff are governed as per provisions contained in Sastry
Award and industry level & Bank level settlements with recognized and
representative Unions/Union of workmen.

2. The Sastry Tribunal has observed that transfers are rendered necessary by
the exigencies of administration and that proper view to take is that transfers
are normal incidents of the working of a bank and they must be left to the
discretion of those who guide the policy of the bank and manage its affairs.

3. Transfer of an employee is a prerogative of the Bank. The employee

cannot be permitted to choose the place of working with his/her employer.

4. Transfer is a necessary tool primarily for managing surplus-deficit in manning

branches/offices, for preventive vigilance and also for job enrichment of the
employees. The importance of transfer is further emphasised by the recent
observations of Central Vigilance Commission :
i. “The risk of fraud and corruption is quite high in rural bank
branches, especially where single officer is posted. Banks to
invariably follow rotational policy and not to keep any staff in
these branches for more than 5 years in clerical and sub-ordinate
cadre. Banks to strengthen supervisory mechanism by way of
visits from the Controlling Office.
ii. As regards Award Staff, transfers are resisted by Unions especially
for their office bearers, which many times results into
malpractices by some individuals.”

5. The Provisions of Sastry Award regarding transfers are as under:

i. As per S.536 of Sastry Award, it is directed that in general the

policy should be to limit the transfers to the minimum consistent
with banking needs and efficiency. So far as members of the
subordinate establishments are concerned there should be no
transfer ordinarily and if there are any transfers at all they should
not be beyond the language area of the person so transferred.
It is further directed that even in the case of workmen not
belonging to the sub-ordinate staff as far as possible there should
be no transfer outside the State or the language areas in which
an employee has been serving except of course with his/her
In all the cases, the number of transfers to which a workman is
subject should be strictly be limited and normally it should not be
more than one in a year.

ii. As per para. 535 of ibid, following directions are given:

Every Registered Bank Employees’ Union (as per industry level
bipartite settlement dated 17.09.1984, Registered Bank
Employees Union shall mean and refer to a union registered
under the Trade Unions Act, 1926 and not a
branch/regional/zonal level units thereof), from time to time, shall
furnish the bank with the names of the President, Vice President
and the Secretaries of the Union.
Except in very special cases, whenever the transfer of any of the
above mentioned office bearers is contemplated, at least five
clear working days’ notice should be put up on the notice
boards of the bank of such contemplated action.
Any representation, written or oral, made by the union shall be
considered by the bank.
If any order of transfer is ultimately made, a record shall be
made by the Bank of such representation and bank’s reasons for
regarding them as inadequate; and
the decision shall be communicated to the union as well as to
the employee concerned.

6. In terms of the declaration submitted by the recent batches of clerical

recruits at the time of joining the Bank, they have undertaken that they shall
be prepared to serve anywhere in India at any branch/office of the Bank at
any time, should the exigency of service so require and /or wherever required

by the Bank and that the Bank shall be entitled not to consider their
application for transfer, if made, to a place of their choice at least for a
period of three years from the date of their appointment for transfer to a
place within the Circle and 5 years for intre-circle transfers.

7. Without prejudice to the provisions of the Sastry Award, the policies

governing transfers of award staff in our Bank are:
i. 5 Year Transfer policy.
ii. Redeployment policy
iii. Transfer on in-cadre higher appointments under Career
Progression Scheme.
iv. Inter-Circle Transfers.
v. Transfers under the provisions of Sastry Award as aforesaid.
The cut-off date for transfers under 5 Year Policy, Career Progression and
Redeployment Policy will be 1st June every year. First the Career Progression
exercise will be taken up to be immediately followed up by Redeployment.
While redeploying, it should be ensured that no employee is posted at a
branch/office for more than 5 years. After conducting redeployment
exercise, ,if still there is any employee who is posted at a branch/office for 5
years or more, transfers under 5 Year Policy to be effected.

8. The salient features of 5 Year Policy, Redeployment Policy and Transfer

under Career Progression Policy are as under:

5 Year Policy Redeployment policy Transfers on Career

(Not applicable in Progression
case of Chief
Associates (CS&S))
Cut-Off Date 1 June every year.

Areas of Within Centre Both within & outside Within Zone.
Transfer centres
Redeployment in However, in case of
outside centre in Chief Associates (A&S)
order of they may also be
i. Within the Region transferred even in
/ District another network within
ii. Other contiguous 100 km. of their present
Regions / Districts place of posting.
iii. Within Zone
iv. Contiguous Zones Junior Associates
or anywhere (CS&S), if not
within the Circle completed 5 years of
(please refer to stay at the time of in-
detailed cadre higher
instructions) appointments, need not
be transferred from their
present place of posting
merely because of their
becoming Associates
Age Criteria Employees, Female employees No bar
who have above 54 years of
attained the age and male
age of 55 employees above 55
years, may years of age will be
not be exempted from
transferred. redeployment /
transfer outside the
centre. However,
they will be eligible
for redeployment /
transfer within the
centre upto 57 years
of age.
Basis of Transfer On First come First go On in-cadre higher
completing appointment.
maximum 5
years of stay
at a branch /

9. 5 Years Transfer Policy

The provisions of the 5 Years Transfer Policy are as under:

i) Clerical and subordinate staff (all categories) with 5 years or longer

stay at an office are liable to be transferred to another office.

ii) Transfers would be made within the same Centre/Municipal/Urban

Agglomeration area. The policy will not apply at the centres where
there is only one office of the Bank.

iii) The employees will be listed category-wise and the transfers would be
effected category-wise depending on the needs of the offices

iv) The employees due for in-cadre promotion will invariably be transferred
to another branch at the same station or outside if they have
completed 5 years' stay at one office.

v) The number of employees transferred at a time from one office may

normally not exceed 10 to 20 per cent of the total strength of the
cadre at that office. The transfers should be effected in such a manner
that it should not cause undue hardship or dislocation to the
concerned employees.

vi) Whenever the transfers are effected, the employees should normally
be transferred in the order of their length of stay at the office. Provided

a) employees, who have attained the age of 55 years, may not be


b) those employees who are normally due for transfer but whose
services are considered essential or it is not considered to transfer
them for other justifiable administrative reasons, may not be
transferred immediately but their cases should be reviewed
subsequently and transfers effected in a phased manner.

c) requests of employees for retention at an office on extreme

grounds of sickness, duly accompanied by a medical certificate

from the Bank's doctor/specialist or on any other ground of
extreme compassion may be considered on merits. Their cases
should also be reviewed periodically.

vii) Nothing in this policy will affect the management's right to make
transfers on administrative grounds within the provisions of the

viii) In terms of our letter no. CDO/IR/921 dated 30.08.2014 Circles have
been advised to invariably follow rotational transfer policy and not
to keep any award staff in branches for more than 5 years.

10. Redeployment/Transfer Policy:

i. All India State Bank of India Staff Federation (AISBISF) has signed
Memorandum of Settlement with the Bank on 22nd July 2003 on
Technology, Redeployment/Transfer of Staff and other issues. In the
said settlement it is mutually agreed that there is a need for
redeployment/transfer and placement of staff arising on account of
changes in technology and/or work and work process and to meet
the needs of handling new items of work, operational efficiency,
productivity and to meet deficit in staff complement identified by
the Bank. In pursuance of the said agreement a policy for
redeployment/transfer of staff was formulated and agreed to
between the parties. The said policy was circulated under cover of
our circular letter no. CDO:IR:CIR:21 dated 31.07.2003. . In terms of
our circular letter no. CDO:IR:SPL:369 dated 28.12.2004, operational
guidelines for implementation of the said policy were circulated.

The provisions of the said settlement are in addition to and not in

substitution of subsisting settlements for the time being in force and
in case any terms of subsisting settlements are repugnant to the said
settlement dated 22.07.2003, the terms of the settlement dated
22.07.2003 shall prevail.

ii. On the basis of feedback received from Circles regarding various

operational difficulties which have stood in the way of deriving full
advantage of the redeployment policy, a Memorandum of
Settlement dated 23.10.2006 on revised redeployment/transfer
policy was arrived at with AISBISF.

iii. The provisions of Redeployment/Transfer Policy are, accordingly, as

a. The policy is applicable to both clerical as well as subordinate staff.

b. The relevant date for eligibility/transfer period will be 1st June of
each year.
To achieve this objective, the center-wise stay list prepared as per
the extant guidelines be used to fill up the vacancies out of the
centre and the branch wise list of stay be used for the purpose of
redeployment under 5 Year Transfer Policy. However, movement of
employees between the branches/offices necessitated for
administrative exigencies can take place as and when warranted.
c. The redeployment/transfer will be within a center as well as outside
a centre.
d. ‘Centre’ for purposes of this policy has been defined as under:-
Centre is a town or city up to the municipal limits or an urban
agglomeration or a territorial area as per census of India, where the
same salary and allowances including HRA are payable. It also
includes a territory notified by Government as project area or an
area defined for development like National Capital Territory etc.

The branches/offices/CAG/MCG/SAMB/LHO or Corporate Centre

establishments etc. falling in the geographical are of a Zone will be
treated as part of Zone concerned.
e. For the purpose of Redeployment/Transfer policy ‘Difficult Centres’
would mean a center classified as difficult for the purpose of
transfer of supervising staff as per the existing norms prescribed by
the Government of India.
f. Redeployment/Transfer will be done on the basis of longest stay at
a branch or a centre, as the case may be. In other words, first to
come will be first to go, A branch/office and centre wise list in
descending order of length of stay will be kept ready, duly verified
and updated.
g. The Bank may at its discretion, identify number of employees,
category and designation wise to be redeployed/transferred from
each branch/office to meet its requirement arising on account of
changes in work and work processes and to meet the needs of
handling new items of work, operational efficiency, productivity
and to meet deficit in staff complement identified by the Bank.
h. The number and names of employees identified/selected by the
Bank for various purposes and activities like centralized processing

units, call centres, marketing of various services/products, loan
recovery, customer call or servicing customer need/demand etc.
will be based on a selection system to be decided by the bank at
its discretion and will be located/posted as per Bank’s needs and
i. Where the redeployment/transfer/placement at the same centre is
intended to fill up deficit in staff requirements or for purposes other
than item ‘h’ above, the employee who have put in longer stay at
the branch will be identified for transfer. However, typists,
stenographers or employees required for secretarial work will be
selected/identified on the basis of suitability for the job to be
j. Where the employees are to be redeployed/transferred outside
the Centre for needs and requirements other than described in
clause iii(h) & iii(i) above, the redeployment/transfer will be done in
descending order of length of stay at the centre.
k. The employees identified in terms of clause iii(j) above, may be
redeployed/transferred depending upon the Bank’s needs and
requirements in the following order:-
i. Within the Region/District.
ii. Other contiguous Regions/Districts.
iii. Within the Zone.
In Circles where it becomes necessary to redeploy/transfer staff to
other zones i.e beyond the zone, the employee will be
redeployed/transferred as per bank’s discretion to contiguous
Zones or anywhere within the Circle.
l. The period of redeployment/transfer will be as under;
i. Difficult places as per norms decided by the Bank- 2 years.
ii. Other places- 3 years. (MOS dated 23.10.2006)

m. Female employees above 54 years of age and male employees

above 55 years of age will be exempted from
redeployment/transfer outside the centre. However, they will be
eligible for redeployment/transfer within the centre upto 57 years of
Female employees upto 54 years of age and Male employees upto
55 years of age shall be considered for redeployment under the
policy both within and outside the center. However, if at the new
centre of posting they attain 57 years of age or complete the
period of redeployment/transfer as stated above, whichever is

earlier, they will be considered for transfer to centre of their
n. An employee redeployed under this policy will be transferred to a
centre of his/her preference including previous centre of posting
on completion of his/her tenure subject to availability of vacancy
or against a vacancy that may arise due to redeployment of a
fresh employee as per the policy and replacement being made
available to the branch/office of his/her present posting by

Such requests can be made after 1 year of completion of stay if

the transfer is to a difficult centre and after completion of 3 years of
stay if the transfer is to other centres.

These requests will be recorded by the controller in order of date of

receipt at respective branch/office will be kept centralized at
Administrative Office level.

o. On redeployment/transfer of an employee from a higher HRA to a

lower HRA centre, the HRA being drawn by him/her immediately
prior to redeployment/transfer will be protected in cases where the
employee retains his/her family at higher HRA centre. The
difference between the higher HRA payable at the original centre
and the eligible lower HRA payable at the centre where the
employee is redeployed/transferred will be paid as ‘Personal
allowance’ which shall not count for any other benefits like D.A,
Pension, PF etc.
p. The amount of Personal Allowance will be revised as and when the
rate of HRA are revised at industry level or when the amount of HRA
eligible to be paid to the employee is changed on account of
change in pay for calculation of HRA.
q. The Personal allowance will be withdrawn on the transfer of the
employee to his/her original place of posting or to any other place
at his/her request or on shifting of the family to a place other than
the original place of posting.
r. Employees who continue to occupy the quarters provided by the
Bank even after redeployment/transfer will not be eligible for
Personal Allowance.
s. To mitigate the hardship of the employees who retain their families
at the places from where they were redeployed/transferred and to
compensate part of expenditure to be incurred in securing

accommodation at new place of posting etc. they may be
reimbursed with the house rent paid at the new place subject to
the maximum of the following amounts on certificate basis:-
a. Clerical staff : Rs. 1500/- p.m
b. Subordinate staff : Rs. 900/- p.m
(The amounts are revised w.e.f 01st April 2016 in terms of
Memorandum of Settlement dated 07.04.2016 with AISBISF)
t. The monetary benefits connected with the redeployment/transfer
as above will be payable from the date the employee reports at
the new place of posting till he/she remains posted thereat.
u. In terms of e-circular no. CDO/P&HRD/IR/47/2009-10 dated
20.10.2009, the provisions of redeployment policy will not be
applicable to Chief Associates (Customer Support & Sales) and
they can be redeployed at any time as per Bank’s requirement
irrespective of their age. They will be transferred anywhere in the
erstwhile modules. They may also be transferred even in another
network within 100 km. of their present place of posting.

v. The above provisions for redeployment and transfer of staff are

without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 535 and 536 of
Sastry Award and as retained by the Desai Award. The above
provisions are also without pre-judice to the provisions of transfer of
staff within the centre contained in the extant 5 year Transfer Policy
to the extent not modified by the said settlements.

11. Transfers on In-Cadre Higher Appointments under Career Progression


i. In terms of the Settlement dated 12.04.1999, all employees appointed

as Senior Associates/Special Associates, in terms of the career
progression policy, are liable for transfer, at the discretion of the
Bank, to/from any branch/office within the Zone. (i.e the
geographical area of zonal office including branches of
CAG/SAMG/MCG etc. and administrative offices located in the
area). However, in respect of Circles, where the geographical
spread of a zone is too large, the deployment of Senior Assistants
within the region/zone will be decided by Local Head Offices in
consultation with recognized Circle unions ensuring, in the process,
that the eligible employees are deployed equitably to meet the
requirements of all branches particularly those located in rural and

semi-urban centres. Special Associates will, however, be liable for
transfer to any branch/office within the Zone.

ii. The Circle/Working/Executive/Central Committee of the recognized

Circle Union and Council members of the Federation (eligible for
special casual leave in terms of Annexure-I to the subsisting
settlement dated 31.03.1994) appointed to higher positions will be
posted in the same centre during the term of their office.

iii. In terms of e-circular no. CDO/P&HRD/IR/47/2009-10 dated 20.10.2009

Circles to ensure to post Chief Associates (CS&S) as Cash-in-Charge
with user administration rights at the branches where only one
permanent officer is posted as Branch Manager and Special
Associates (CS&S) have been given charge of cash. The Chief
Associates (CS&S) if rendered surplus may be posted as passing
officer with user administration rights after posting them as cash-in-
charge in all the branches where one permanent officer has been
posted as Branch Manager and where Special Associates (CS&S)
holding charge of cash is required to sit late.

iv. The repatriation of the employees who have opted for in-cadre higher
appointment as Chief Associates (CS&S) to the original place of
posting or his/her place of choice on completion of 2 years stay at
rural centres or 3 years at semi-urban centres will be subject to
availability of vacancies/positions at these centres.

v. The Chief Associates (CS&S) are required to be deployed mainly in

non-currency chest branches having one permanent officer. As
such, all efforts be made to redeploy them in rural, semi urban,
urban, metro centres having only one permanent officer and at the
branches where in-charge of cash is required to sit late for closure of
cash. Thereafter, Chief Associates (CS&S), if rendered surplus, may
be deployed as passing officer with user administration rights.

vi. In terms of e-circular no. CDO/P&HRD/IR/47/2009-10 dated 20.10.2009,

the provisions of redeployment policy will not be applicable to Chief
Associates (Customer Support & Sales) and they can be redeployed
at any time as per Bank’s requirement irrespective of their age. They
will be transferred anywhere in the erstwhile modules. They may also
be transferred even in another network within 100 km. of their
present place of posting.

vii. The Chief Associates (CS&S) will only be posted in the branches.

viii. The services of the Junior Associates will be utilized preferably at the
Single Window Counters, customer facing desks, desks at CPCs
involving exercising passing powers. They need not be transferred
from their present place of posting merely because of their
becoming Associate, provided they have not completed 5 years of
stay at the branch/office.

ix. Branch/office wise separate list of all eligible permanent employees

who have completed required years of service under each
category is to be prepared. Their names will be listed in descending
order of service seniority i.e. the names of employees who have put
in longest service in the Bank will be listed first and so on.

x. The above list will be forwarded to Administrative Office. A.O will

consolidate the lists of all branches/offices and will prepare a
common service seniority list in descending order of employees’
service seniority. The branches/offices/CAG/MCG/SAMB/LHO or
Corporate Centre establishments etc. falling in the geographical
area of a A.O will be treated as part of A.O.

xi. The A.O will facilitate release of appointment-cum-posting orders

immediately thereafter.

xii. Identification of posts to be manned by sub-ordinate special pay

carrying employees need to be done with meticulous care. It is
noticed that distribution of messengers is uneven at
branches/offices. While their number is large at administrative
offices/main branches, some branches are without messengers.
Accordingly, the movement of messengers should be judiciously
done by controllers keeping in view the needs and requirements of
such category of staff at branches/offices. Similarly, distribution of
guards should be done judiciously to avoid misdistribution of

xiii. In order to facilitate movement of employees eligible for appointment

in higher in-cadre positions the Regional Manager need to identify
posts which would be manned by such category of staff. The
objective should be to gainfully utilise the services of employees

along with payment of Special Pay with a view to meeting Bank’s
business and work needs. Accordingly, identification of posts to be
manned by special pay carrying employees need to be done with
meticulous care and focus should be at branches where service is
to be improved or additional support staff support strictly on need
basis to be given. In this connection, Circles sometime report
shortage of staff at rural/semi-urban branches. In such case, priority
should be given in semi-urban and rural areas in providing staff,
subject of course to need. Overstaffing of branches/offices for any
reason must at all cost be avoided.

xiv. If a workmen staff is transferred/posted outside the centre under

redeployment/transfer policy, which results in a change of
residence from existing place of posting to the new place of
posting, he/she will be paid Halting Allowance as per his/her
entitlement for the days spent on journey and for the joining time.
The joining period as hitherto, shall not exceed six days exclusive of
the number of days actually spent on journey.

xv. The Special/ Chief Associates (CS&S) who are transferred outside
centre to take over charge of cash in non-currency chest branches
will also be paid halting allowance for the days spent on taking
over. The number of days in taking over as cash-in-charge will
normally not exceed one/two days with prior approval of the
Regional manager. Whenever a Special/Chief Associate is
transferred and posted outside the centre and subsequently asked
to take over charge of cash, he/she will not be entitled for payment
of halting allowance for the period spent on taking over as Cash-In-

xvi. Junior Associates (CS&S), if they have not completed 5 years of stay
at the time of in-cadre higher appointments, need not be
transferred from their present place of posting merely because of
their becoming Associates (CS&S).

xvii. The employees appointed in special allowance carrying positions

will get the monetary benefits only after reporting to the new place
of posting. They should be promptly relieved so that they can take
up their new appointments before the commencement of the next
academic year. No requests either from the employees or from the
Branch Manager for retention at the branch/office should be

entertained. In case any employee refuse to move out on transfer
for any reason after the order of appointment is issued the
appointment should be withdrawn promptly and he/she should be
advised of his/her debarment, in writing.

xviii. Complete data base on service profile of employees along with

other relevant details should be maintained at A.Os and updated
periodically to facilitate further deployment on an ongoing basis.

xix. The above provisions on redeployment are without prejudice to the

provisions of paragraph 535 and 536 of Sastry Award.

12. Transfer/Deployment on Promotions from Sub-Ordinate to Clerical cadre:

In terms of instructions contained in e-circular no. CDO/P&HRD/IR/102/2015-
16 dated 03.03.2016, all employees on promotion from sub-ordinate to
clerical cadre will be subjected to change of posting as under:

a) The subordinate staff promoted to clerical cadre under merit

channel will be posted at rural or semi-urban centres or in large
branches at urban centres as per the need of the Bank. They will
perform all the duties, which have been laid down for them by the
Bank. No special pay/ officiating allowance will be payable to them
except when due under Career Progression Policy. However, if due
to extreme administrative exigencies, these employees are required
to exercise passing powers equivalent to Senior Associates, they will
be eligible for officiating pay.”

b) The subordinate staff promoted as J u n i o r Associates under

Normal- cum Seniority channel preferably is posted at rural/semi
urban/urban Branches in the module concerned. If sufficient
vacancies are not available in the same module, posting will be made
in rural/semi-urban/urban areas in other modules in the Circle.

c) They should be utilised preferably at rural/semi-urban centres anywhere

within the Circle to meet the deficit or at CACs and Sales Forces
formed under BPR provided they have marketing skills.

13. Inter-Circle Transfers:

As per earlier guidelines clerical cadre employees can apply for inter-circle
transfers after completing 10 years of service in the Bank. Subsequently the

Circles were permitted to consider requests of employees who had
completed atleast 5 years in the Circle.

The above instructions are revised in terms of e-circular no.

CDO/P&HRD/IR/63/2013-14 dated 11.01.2014 and the revised instructions are
as under:
a. Circles may consider requests for inter-circle transfers received from
clerical staff who have completed continuous stay of atleast 5 years in
the Circle.

b. The applications for inter-circle transfers should be called by the Circles

on-line for a month from 1st April to 30th April and serially numbered. In
terms of our letter no. Cdo/IR/1042 dated 17.09.2014, Circle seniority of
applicants will be the criteria for deciding inter-circle transfers. In case
of more than one persons of same seniority applies for ICT, the persons
higher in the application serial number will get preference.

c. Transfers of eligible cases should be completed before 30th June of the

respective year. The net outflow from the Circle on account of inter-
circle transfers in a financial year should not exceed 50. Remaining
cases to be carried over to next year and they need not apply afresh.

d. The following three categories of applicants may be considered even

outside the ceiling of 50 :
i. Lady employees: Their application for inter-circle transfer may be
considered even before their completing 5 years of service by
the respective Circle CGM on case to case basis if the same is
on spouse ground and the job of the spouse is not transferable.

ii. Inter-Circle transfer requests of ex-servicemen on case to case

basis may be considered by the respective Circle CGM.

iii. Applications which are on extreme compassionate grounds may

also be given priority, on a case-to-case basis. Based on the
recommendations of the Circle CGM, CGM (HR), Corporate
Centre may consider such cases.

In respect of all the above category of cases decision may be taken

subject to administrative exigencies/requirements.
In case of male employees, if they apply for inter-circle transfer on
spouse ground and the job of the spouse is not transferable, the same

may be given priority over the other pending applications. Such
applications may be dealt with within the general ceiling of 50.

e. The above relaxations will not be applicable in case of Associates

recruited/to be recruited under area wise special recruitment drive
where minimum period of stay is already stipulated.

f. The above guidelines will supersede all earlier guidelines in the matter.

14. Exemptions/Relaxations from Transfers to Certain Categories of

A. Persons with Disabilities
Government of India guidelines as contained in our circular no.
CDO/PM/15/SPL/67 dated 25.04.2000 are as under :
a. On their recruitment, endeavor should be made as far as possible to
allot the selected physically handicapped candidates to the
branches located in or near their town or village.
b. Subject to the administrative exigencies, the physically
handicapped employees should normally be exempted from the
routine periodical transfers.
c. Such persons should not normally be transferred even on promotion
if a vacancy exists in the same branch/office Town/City. When
transfer of such employee becomes inevitable on promotion to a
place other than his/her original place of appointment due to non-
availability of vacancy, it should be ensured that such employees
are kept nearest to their original place of posting and in any case
are not transferred to far off/remote place.
d. Such concessions need not be made available to such of the
physically handicapped employees who are transferred on the
grounds of disciplinary actions due to involvement in fraudulent
transactions etc.

B. Care giver of disabled dependents:

In terms of our e-circular no. CDO/P&HRD/IR/51/2014-15 dated 21.10.2014

and 34/2015-16 dated 15.07.2015, certain relaxations are given in case of
transfer/posting of employees who are care giver of disabled dependents.
The instructions contained in those e-circulars are as under:
a. As per the GOI guidelines vide F.NO. 3/8/2014-Welfare dated
28.07.2014 issued by Department of Financial Services, Ministry of
Finance, a Government servant who is also a care giver of disabled

child may be exempted from the routine exercise of
transfer/rotational transfer subject to the administrative constraints.
The word disabled includes: (i) blindness or low vision, (ii) Hearing
impairment (iii) Locomotor disability or cerebral palsy (iv) Leprosy
cured (v) Mental retardation (vi) Mental illness (vii) Multiple
disabilities and (viii) Autism. (ix) Thalasamia (x) Haemophilia.
b. In view of the said GOI guidelines it has been decided that the
concession as available to physically handicapped employees as
mentioned above may be made available to our employees who is
also a care giver of disabled dependents i.e. disabled dependent
children and spouse (even though they are not financially
dependent). However, they will have to submit copy of the physical
disability certificate issued by the designated authority in respect of
their disabled dependent, to the Bank. For that purpose, disabled
will mean as defined by Government of India and as mentioned

c. Rotational transfer of such employees may be done i.e. they may

be transferred within the centre keeping in view CVC guidelines.
d. In case no vacancy exists at present centre of posting, on
promotion these employees may be transferred at other centres, on
their choice of place, where required medical facilities are

C. Employees affected by serious ailments:

Employees affected by serious ailments will be posted at centre where
treatment of serious ailments is available. Serious ailments would mean
illness like terminal cancer, kidney failure/ailment requiring dialysis,
heart disease requiring immediate by-pass surgery or an ailment which
is classified as life threatening. Each case will be decided on case-to-
case basis. The appropriate authority to decide such cases in the
General Manager of the respective Network.
D. Clerical cadre employees who have been identified by the
Bank/selected/trained for selling/marketing various products/services or
other activities etc. will not be subjected to routine transfers/redeployment
under Redeployment Policy unless decided otherwise by the Corporate
Center. Normally, placement in specialized activities as mentioned above will
be for a period of three years and will be reviewed thereafter.

E. Stenographers or staff identified for secretarial work may be

transferred/redeployed irrespective of length of stay at the branch/office

and such transfers/redeployment will be based on the suitability of the
employee for the proposed job/work.

F. Office Bearers of Recognised Unions:

i) As per operational guidelines issued regarding 5 Year Transfer Policy,

the Central/Working/Executive Committee members of the Circle
Award Staff Union and their local unit secretaries at branches need not
be subjected to transfer under this policy for the time being (i.e. at the
time of issuance of that circular. It is also mentioned that the position
will be reviewed in 1985). The above office bearers will, however,
continue to be subjected to transfer rendered necessary by the
exigencies of administration as hitherto.

In terms of subsequent communication no. NBG/P&HRD/IR:SPl:117

dated 2nd June 2003, while the Central/Working/Executive Committee
members of the Circle recognised Award Staff Union and the Unit
Secretaries of their local units are not subject to transfer under the 5
Year Transfer Policy, but they are liable for transfer on account of
administrative exigencies, i.e. Government guidelines.

ii) As per the Operational Guidelines regarding Redeployment policy

(also applicable in case of Career Progression Policy), as contained in
our circular no. CDO/IR/SPL/369 dated 28.12.2004, the President and
General Secretary, Senior Vice President, Treasurer of the All India SBI
Staff Federation and President, General Secretary, one/two Senior Vice
Presidents, Treasurers and one Dy. General Secretary at LHO Head
Quarter and one Dy. General Secretary at each Zonal Office of the
Circle Staff Unions will be exempted from redeployment. They may be
considered for posting at administrative offices also.

The members of the Circle/Working/Executive/Central Committee of

the recognized Circle Unions and council members of the Federation
who are eligible for special casual leave in terms of the bipartite
settlement dated 2nd June 2005 will be redeployed in the same centre.

15. Job Rotation Policy:

There will be job rotation from one desk to another at interval of 1 to 2 years.

16. Authority Structure for Transfer/Posting of Award Staff:

As per the Scheme of Delegation of Administrative Powers.

17. Reimbursement of Expenses on Transfer:

i. With the effect from 1st June 2015, the class of fare to which the
workman and the members of his/her family would be entitled, shall be
as follows:

Subordinate Staff :
AC III Tier for the journey by mail/express train.
By Steamer – II Class Cabin

Non-subordinate Staff :
II AC for the journey by mail/express train.
By Steamer – I Class Cabin

ii. Reimbursement of expenses on Road Travel

As per the 10th Bipartite Settlement, in substitution of Clause 31 of
Bipartite Settlement dated 27th April 2010, w.e.f. 1st June 2015, where
an employee has to travel on duty / LFC between two places he shall
be reimbursed actual road mileage cost or at 6/- per k.m., whichever
is less.
iii. In case of a clerical employee when transferred from one station to
another will be reimbursed, for transporting personal effects, actual
expenditure incurred evidenced by receipts subject to the following
maximum weight at the goods train rates. The employee shall be paid
the cost actually incurred for transporting his/her personal effects by
road, if there is no railway station or railway out agency at the old or
new place of posting upto the nearest rail station/out agency. If both
the places do not have railway station/out agency, actuals shall be
paid for transporting the personal effects by road upto the stipulated
weight by an IBA approved Transport Operator.
iv. An employee on transfer shall be paid the cost actually incurred for
transporting his/her personal effects, as under:

By Train Non Sub-Staff Sub-Staff

For married persons 3000 kg. 2000 kg.
For unmarried persons 2000 kg. 1150 kg.

v. The payment of cost of transporting a vehicle on transfer to another
station to an award staff employees who own scooter/motor cycle
may be considered within the limits stipulated for the purpose.
vi. Compensation for losses due to breakage or damage to goods on

Where employee produce receipts or a statement of loss in respect

of breakages subject to a maximum of
Clerical Staff Rs.1500/-
Sub-ordinate Staff Rs.1000/-
Where no receipts/statement of loss are produced, a lumpsum
payment of:
Clerical Staff Rs.1000/-
Subordinate Staff Rs. 750/-

vii. Porterage, cartage etc.:

Reimbursement of expenditure unavoidably incurred for such
purposes as packing, carting, tonga, cooly hire and established to
the satisfaction of the sanctioning authority is allowed.
Reimbursement of packing and carting charges is subject to prior,
sanction by the controlling authority in each case.

In case of subordinate cadre employees, expenses incurred on

cartage, gharry, mazdoor hire etc. are paid provided the expenses
are established to the satisfaction of the sanctioning authority.

viii. Provisions Relating to Employees Family:

i. When for any reason, the family of an employee does not travel
with him/her but joins him/her within a period of six months
from the date of his/her transfer, an employee shall be
entitled to draw the further fare and the cost of transporting
luggage payable for the family subject to the limits laid down.
In such a case, it would be in order to reimburse the
employee, on transfer, actual travelling expenses in respect of
his/her family members and the cost of transportation of
house hold luggage incurred in shifting his/her family to
his/her place of domicile or any other convenient place or if
the family of the employee travels from a place other than
that from which the employee is transferred to join him/her at
the new station, provided that, the cost does not exceed the

amount that would have been payable to the employee,
had he/she taken his/her family and house hold luggage
from his/her earlier place of duty to the new place of posting.
Each case will be considered on merits and prior approval of
the controller would be necessary. Further, in cases of shifting
of his/her family to his/her place of domicile or any other
convenient place the employee concerned will not be
eligible to claim travelling expenses in respect of his/her family
members, if he/she decided to take them to the place of
his/her posting at a later date.
ii. The employees posted to a difficult and inconvenient centre
where educational facilities are inadequate or are not
available at all, may have to keep his/her children for their
education outside the place of posting. In such case, he/she
may be reimbursed in terms of his/her eligibility, travelling
expenses on account of his/her children consequent on
transfer from his/her place of posting to where he/she is
posted on transfer or the actual expenditure incurred,
whichever is lower.

The above principle will also be applicable in the case of an

employee who is staying alone at the place of his/her posting
and his/her family members are not staying with him/her at
the place of posting for some convincing reason.
ix. Employees who join the mobile duty of the Inspection Department are
paid travelling expenses from the place of their last posting to the
place where they are asked to report for the new assignment.

Reimbursement of travelling expenses incurred for shifting the

employee’s family to a convenient place in such cases are permitted,
to the same extent to which he/she would have been eligible. If the
employee had been transferred to that place and joined Inspection
Department from there. At the time of reversion, similar expenses for
shifting the family from that place to the place of the employee’s
posting will also be reimbursed.

If, at the employee’s request, he/she is permitted as a special case to

retain residence provided to him/her at the place of his/her last
posting, he/she will not be eligible to claim the travelling expenses in
respect of his/her family members.

x. Deceased employees – transportation of personal property and fare
for the family.

If an employee dies in service, the cost of transportation of his/her

personal property and fares of the dependent family members for
travel from his/her last place of posting to the place where the family
proposes to settle down, may be reimbursed subject to the laid down

18. All concerned are requested to take note of the above instructions and
to arrange accordingly.

(Ashiwini Mehra)
Dy. Managing Director &
Corporate Development Officer.


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