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2.8 Clustering Algorithms 2.3.2 An Energy-Efficient Multi-level Clustering Algorithm for Large-scale WSNs (EEMC) EEMC [7] is a multi-level clustering protocol which organizes nodes into hierarchy of clusters and aims at minimizing the total power consumption of the network as they use multi-level clustering scheme. It is an extension of TLCS (Two Level Clustering Scheme) [7] where each cluster is divided into sub clusters (Ievel-2) having their respective cluster heads, ‘These CHs after gathering data packets transmit the aggregated data packet to the corresponding CH of level-1 and finally all CHs (level-1) send data to the BS Operation of data collection is done in rounds and each round has two phases 1. Cluster setup phase : This phase means that the nodes execute this algorithm to establish multi-level clustering topology on its own, This phase works in a top-down fashion [20], that is Cluster Heads at level-i will be elected before level-(i + 1) Initially all active nodes are set to non-CH nodes, Then each of these nodes send their location information and current residual energy to the BS to indicate that the algorithm will select a new set of CHs in level-1. When BS receives these values, it sends a message containing total remaining energy of the network and total reciprocal of the distance from all nodes to the BS. Once active nodes roccive this command message, they set their probability of becoming level-1 CH on the basis of received values. Since along with node’s residual energy, transmission distance of node is also considered as a factor in deciding CH, those nodes which are closer to the BS and/or have higher remaining energy have more chances to become level-1 CH. ‘Transmission distance is considered as a factor because ultimately the CH has to transfer the final packet to BS, so if distance is large more energy will be consumed and vice-versa, Later the elected level-1 CHs will broadcasts an advertisement message in its radio range, whoever non-CH node receive this advertisement message, sends a message back to CH containing its residual energy and joins that cluster. In this way both CHs and cluster members have information of each other. Then CHs will send a command message to their members containing number of nodes in the cluster, total remaining energy of cluster members and total reciprocal distance from normal nodes to the cluster head. In this way level-2 CHs will be selected and so on for further levels. 4 2.8 Clustering Algorithms 2. Data transmission phase ; This phase signifies transmission of sensed data packets from nodes to BS under such kind of topology. Once nrlevel clustering topology is established, the non CII nodes start transmitting the sensed data to the lowest CH. ‘Then Clls at level-n will aggregate the data they receive from ordinary nodes and transmits the collected data to the nm level CHs ad so on. At last each of the level] CHs transmits the collected data(from level-2 cluster heads) to the BS. This phase runs periodically till the end. Energy spent by a regular node in sending a data packet to level-n Hs, then by level-n CHs to send the same to leveln-1 CHs and so on to level-1 CHs and finally the energy spent by Ievel-1 CH to send packet to BS contributes the total cost of delivering the data from non head node to the BS In order to minimize overhead, the data transmission phase is long as compared to cluster set-up phase in the algorithm, After clustering process, a node can either elect to become CH or join a cluster as per the message it receives from the different CHs within its cluster range then inform that CH about its membership. So it is scalable for large sensor networks. This protocol produces clusters which are relatively stable. Also, since all CH sends advertisement message in their radio range, it may be possible that a non-CH may fall into range of more than one CH. ‘Therefore, this algorithm creates overlapping clusters. 2.3.3 Power Efficient and Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy Protocol for WSNs (PEACH) PEACH [6] also prolong network lifetime of WSNs. It operates on probabilis- tic energy-aware routing protocols [12, 13, 14, 15, 16) such as EAR [12], EAR- DPS [16], and GEAR [13]. Therefore, it has very low power consumption, It supports both routing protocols for WSN ic. location aware and location un- aware. Location aware protocols are those which provide location information of sensor nodes like PEGASIS [21) and location unaware are those who do not pro- vide location information of sensor nodes like LEACH (8) and HEED (5). Based on overheard information of each sensor node, this protocol forms adaptive clusters. In PEACH to achieve the goal of maximizing the lifetime of network with various energy constraints which have been discussed,following things are taken into account while designing the protocol: * Cluster formation overhead: ‘There are many protocols {5, 8, 22, 23] which suffer from overhead of cluster formation as these protocols consumes: 15 Clustering Algorithms imited. Also each non-head node has to transmit the data packet to its Cluster Head even if lots of energy of sensor nodes which are basically bate it is at more distance as compared to BS. This type of reverse forwarding of packet may increase energy consumption of intra-cluster communication. So, cluster formation overhead should be the most important parameter in development of a clustering protocol, * Adaptive multi-level clustering: As per the condition of WSN the level of clustering hicrarchy must be adaptive in nature, Most of the clustering protocols have fixed level of hierarchical clustering, Fixed level clustering [6] can be affected adversely by distribution of WSNs. So, the clustering proto- cols should have a more adaptive and dynamic hierarchical clustering level Cluster formation on PEACH Based on the information overheard by each sensor node, this protocol forms adaptive clusters, When a node N, transmits a packet to node N; then this protocol defines two sets of nodes: © NodeSet(N;,N,): It is a set of all nodes which lies in a circle whose center is node N; and radius is the distance between nodes N; and Ny © ClusterSet(N,,N, hIt is a set of all nodes which belongs to NodeSet(N,,.N,) but not in NodeSet(Base station,N,) NodeSet(N,,N;) consists of nodes which can overhear the transmission of packet from the node NV; to node N, and ClusterSet(.N;,NN, includes CH of all those nodes which are overheard. Node N, becomes the CH of ClusterSet(N,,.N;) and it waits for Tyriay to collect multiple packets from other nodes in ClusterSet(N,,N,). ‘This set remains active for both before and after Tystay, Selected CH Ny transmits the collected data to next hop in the hierarchy. In comparison to other protocols it has no overhead on CH selection and it forms an adaptive multi-level clustering, It improves the lifetime and power consumption of WSNs significantly. PEACH protocol supporting location-aware routing (which gives location information of sensor nodes) has lowest power consumption of all the other protocols. It produces clusters which are static and fixed and thus stable. Based on overheard information, it forms clusters without any additional packet transmission of advertisement, announcement, joining and scheduling messages. ‘This protocol design supports its scalability nature. But this algorithm being dynamic produces overlapping clusters which is why we dont prefer this algorithm for our purpose. Node can move from one cluster to another cluster 16 2.8 Clustering Algorithms 2.3.4 Hybrid, Energy-Efficient, Distributed Clustering Ap- proach for WSNs (HEED) HEED [5] is a distributed clustering algorithm used for Wireless Sensor Networks which is energy efficient. Bvery node has some limited energy associated with it. But when a node transmits/receives data and processes query requests, its energy reduces. Energy can also get wasted if there are packet collisions in the network or if a node has to do idle listening, As HEED applies clustering, for each cluster a CHis selected, But if the same CH remains for large amount of time performing send/receive operations then residual energy of the CH will become very low. Therefore, HEED chooses to rotate server role among all nodes of the cluster so that a balance will be achieved hetwoen residual energy of all nodes of the cluster. Hence, residual energy of any one node(CH) would not drop to minimum leading to less node failures due to energy depletion. For Server role rotation, clustering is triggered periodically at regular intervals in order to select Clls and at each node the process gots terminated in constant number of iterations Clustering is basically a process which divides network into clusters such that each cluster consists of adjacent nodes and selects CHs from them. Since all the nodes of the network will be competing to become CHs, certain parameters are used for deciding CHs. The parameters are as follows: 1. Residual energy of each node: This is the primary clustering parameter in deciding initial set of CHs. Residual energy means energy remaining with the node, Energy of a fully charged node will be maximum whereas that of a node performing various send/receive operations will get depleted. If ‘energy associated with a node is not greater than minimum energy required by the a node to become CH then such a candidate should be eliminated from probable set of CHs 2. Intra-Cluster Communication cost: This is used as a secondary param- eter to decide in which cluster a node falls, Sometimes it can happen that a node falls in the range of more than clusters, In such a case Intra-Cluster Communication Cost will break ties among the probable CHs.Intra-Cluster Communication cost is the cost required by a CH to communicate with every node of a cluster. The node which has minimum communication cost will b used for communication inside a cluster. This is also called as Cluster Power ‘ome the CH. Cluster range can be defined as transmission power level Level. The Cluster Power Level is set to one of lower power levels of a node, wv Clustering Algorithms ‘This cluster range decides how many number of clusters will be formed in the WSN. Let MinPower; be the power required by a node N; to comnmnicate with CH. ‘Then Average Minimum Reachability Power(AMRP) of a node is defined as expected intra-cluster communication cost required if this node becomes CII CMinPwr, M AMRP provides measures intra-cluster communication cost required for a node if it becomes CH. It indicates minimum power level required by all M nodes in the cluster AMRP = (24) Clustering Protocol Operation for HEED is as follows: Process of re-clustering is periodically performed after a time interval of Tap + Tyo seconds. Here, Top denotes time required for the clustering protocol for completion of cluster formation and Tyo denotes no operation which means this is the time during which formed clusters are stable and nodes in the network communicate with the help of these clusters and no clustering process is taking place. At each node, clustering process requires Nu,y iterations. Before clustering algorithm executes, initial percentage of CH among n nodes has to be decided (Cyros)- For example, suppose we want 5 CHs in 100 sensor nodes then Chr. =0.05. Every node in the WSN calculates its probability of becoming a CH as given below CHyres (2.2) where, Eresiual is current remaining energy of the node and Eyr is the max imum energy of a fully charged battery, CHpros is inversely proportional to Enar which means as initial energy of a node increases its probability of becoming CH increases. ‘There has to be a certain criterion on the values of ClIpr.s as this is the primary selection parameter for this protocol. Therefore, a condition is set on CHyyos stich that CHyeot > Pin Where Pin is the minimum probability to become CH. If CHyrxp of a node falls below Pin then this node will not be part of the set of probable CHs. HEED is an iterative clustering algorithm since CHs change after specific time internal. There are basically three stages in HEED protocol operation, Following stages are part of one iteration of HEED protocol: 1. Initialization: Initially, every sensor node present in the WSN calculates 18 Clustering Algorithms communication cost incurred to communik te with all its neighbors, Neigh- bors are identified by using concept of cluster range. Cluster range is cal culated by the transmission power level used for communicating internally in the cluster. This level is also called as cluster power level. This is set to lower power levels of a node. ‘This way, higher power levels can be kept re- served for inter-cluster communication. Neighbor of a node is a node present in cluster range of a node. After broadcasting cost to neighbors, every node calculates its CHyy.s using the formula defined in 2.2 and sets CH = FALSE which means final Cluster Head is not yet elected 2. Iterate through following steps until CHyresinus = 1 I. Initially tentative set of Cluster Heads ScH is empty. Hence, a node checks its own CHros if CHpros ~ 1 then it elects itself as CH. CHpros > Pin then it adds itself to a tentative set of CHs Sow In this way, primary parameter residual energy is used to find tentative set of CHs. IL. EF thi empty then a tentative CH is selected from Sey which has minimum. is not initial iteration, then Si-j, may not be empty. if Soy ! = communication cost. If the tentative CH is the node itself and if its CH,,.5 = 1 then it selects itself as final CH and sots is finalCH = TRUE, In this way, secondary parameter, communication cost is used to find final set of CHs. TIL, Als0,CHrevious 18 Set to CHyeap atnd CH is doubled 3. Finalization 1. Ha node has isfinal.CH = TRUE, then it declares itself as CH and broadcasts this message to all its neighbors. Il. But if is.finalCH = FALSE then whether SoH is empty or not a node having minimum communication cost is selected as final CH by considering itself "uncovered”. A node is defined as * covered” if it has heard either from tentative Cluster Head of final Cluster Head, HEED implements multi-hop router mechanism. ‘The design of which is as shown in the figure 24. The main modules of multi-hop router are: 1. Routing Engine ‘This module mainly controls everything in HEED router. Its task is to decide whether a packet should be forwarded to parent of the tree or pushed 19 2.3 Clustering Algorithins ons 1Key-if0 Parent Sele Clusterheag _| Clustering Logic Figure 2.4: System design of HEED protocol Routing tanya) onto protocol stack. This module helps the process of data aggregation by intercepting incoming packets from nodes in the cluster and its descendants in the aggregation tree and pushes them onto stack. Routing mechanism does not have any effect on routing engine. It sends out packets which come from application layer Routing Logic: ‘The network has to select a routing algorithm for forwarding packets. This unit selects the routing algorithm to be used, It structures the network into connected graph, maintains information of neighbor nodes and sends update messages fro tree construction, This consists of 2 main modules: i, Clustering Logie: This unit implements the selected clustering algorithm, After clustering process gots completed, Aggregation tree is formed in which only Clu ter Heads are considered in infrastructure ii, Parent Selection: ‘This module estimates link cost for each neighbor based on quality of communications and its closeness to the Base Station. This way, CH 20 2.8 Clustering Algorithms helps in finding the best parent in the aggregation tree. Quality of communication is measured by symmetry of links and occurrences of data loss. The parameter data loss is very useful in finding quality of communication. This way HEED is energy efficient, distributed clustering algorithm which helps in increasing network lifetime and ensures it has no cluster overlapping. CIs in HEED are well distributed in the network, and also sensor nodes are stationary. So clusters formed are highly stable. Cost can be a function of neighbor proximity or cluster den -y. This protocol prolongs network lifetime and produces clusters which has several appealing properties. This protocol is scalable as it can cluster large number of sensor nodes. This protocol is applied on various sensor network protocols which require sca ability, prolonged network lifetime, fault tolerance and load balancing, Currently this protocol is used to build only two level clustering hierarchies but it can be easily extended for multi-level clustering hierarchies. Once CHs are selected re- maining nodes are clustered with them. So Cluster head and cluster members have information about each other 2.3.5 Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Maximiz- ing Lifetime of WSNs (EECML) In most of the clustering algorithms including the ones di cussed so far, in order to prolong the network lifetime of the cluster and the networks, there is dynamic or periodic selection of CH, which wastes much energy for broadcasting messages to general nodes or to other Cluster Heads i.e. there is additional energy consump- tion for the cluster head set-up and also for general nodes who spent their energy in receiving broad casted message from different new Cluster Heads frequently. So energy of general nodes cannot be used effectively. Furthermore, in actual applic cation, WSN contains thousand number of nodes and they are deployed randomly in an area of density, so it gets difficult to balance energy balance for all the nodes. If each CH acts uninterrupted as the local control center and will not be re placed by other nodes located in the same cluster until its working times reach the threshold, then the frequency of updating CH and the energy consumption for broadcasting messages can be reduced effectively. Therefore, a new clustering algorithm EECML (6) is proposed by Xiang Min and his team which is designed to prolong network lifetime by reducing energy consumption for inter-cluster and intracluster communication. Nodes are divided into static clusters and the pro- a1 2.8 Clustering Algorithms tocol produces different size clusters ie, clusters which are closer to the Base Station are smaller in size and those who are distant are larger in size. This is be cause CIs which are closer to Base Station could have enough energy to transmit the data which comes from other CHs away from the BS. So in this way energy consumption for inter-cluster communication is balanced. In intracluster, one cluster-head will continue to be the CH, so energy con sumption for new CH set up and updating cluster is reduced. These clusters are referred as layers, clusters closest to Base Station belong to the top layer. So, entire network is divided into V-wedges of clustering angle @ and these wedges form cluster of varying size. The operation is broken into rounds where each CH receives data either from its members or from lower layer CH and send the ag- gregated data either to the base station or the upper layer cluster with TDMA mechanism, It has high scalability due to these layering mechanisms. This proto- col creates non-overlapping cluster with high stability as there is no node mobility possible. Initially Base Station informs to all the nodes of top layer about their CH and informs CH about its members. ‘Then for lower layer immediate upper layer CH plays the role of Base Station in giving node information. Energy Consumption Model ‘Xiang Min and team in their algorithm [6] says that in WSN, energy consump- tion of sensor nodes is mainly due to three reasons: © Message sending Message receiving, © Data processing Considering k is the length in bits of packets, d is the transmission distance in meters, the simplified energy consumption model for each part can be defined as: Pr(k) = Batu x B+ Bamp xd? xk Palk) = Betec Xk 23) Papdk) = Bau where, Euice: Dissipation energy (in nJ/bit) of a radio to run its circuitry Ramp! power (in nJ/bit/m2) above Eeje, needed by the transmitter for an 22

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