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Data Collection Procedure

The researchers will prepare a letter of permission to conduct the study. The researchers
will also formulate a survey questionnaire that the subject professor will validate. After
validation, the researchers will distribute the survey questionnaire along with the letter of
permission to the participants. The researchers will conduct the study at Concepcion Catholic
School through a survey questionnaire because of the advantages of the survey method. The
researchers will first explain the importance of their response to the study. The researchers will
also clarify all the unfamiliar terms to the respondents before they can proceed with answering
the survey questionnaire. The researchers will request the respondents to answer with honesty to
ensure the authenticity and reliability of the study findings. The researchers will use purposive
sampling, also known as judgmental sampling, a form of non-probability sampling in which the
researchers will rely on their judgment when choosing the participants (Stephanie, 2020).
Through this method, the researchers will gather participants based on the need of the study.
Individuals who do not fit the criteria will no longer be part of the study to collect as much data
as possible without consuming too much time and resources. For the researchers to gather
comprehensive answers, they have chosen the senior high school students at Concepcion
Catholic School in the school year 2021-2022 to be the participants of the study. After the
respondents answered the survey questionnaire, the answers will be thoroughly analyzed and
explored. The results, then, will be further discussed.

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