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A Research Study Presented to

Faculty of the Basic Education
Metro Manila College

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for Graduation

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Strand

Abelido, Michyne A.
Jardin, Sofia Elizabeth G.
Tajaran, Marlly C.
Notarion, John Clyde N.
Sayon, Shem Roland S.
November 2021


Due to the coronavirus disease, the entire world is now isolated, quarantined and
are mandated to use protective measures such as face shields and face masks, which
has been declared as global pandemic last March 11, 2020. For the students to proceed
with the learning regardless of this pandemic, the public authority presents another
type of learning wherein students can attend online classes through the use of Learning
Management System (LMS). Still, a lot of students and teachers faced disparity in
adjusting since it's a recently presented method of learning.

An article in e-Learning Industry (2021), further explained that Learning

Management System (LMS) is a controlled information and education source which
includes various features that are required for delivering learning modules in a passable
and ideal manner, such as documenting, recording, and marking. The learning modules
can be changed to meet current and future needs. So as the blended learning is
feasible because of the Learning Management System. Blended learning includes the
ability to blend several types of learning, such as online learning, simulation-based
learning, mobile learning, and even classroom-based learning. This is due to the fact
that a Learning Management System serves as a central hub for all modules and

Based from the research in Springer Open, each LMS has its own set of criteria,
thus when deciding which system to utilize, each one must be considering the users'
and courses’ requirements. It was discussed that the first phase must evaluate user
needs; the second is to assess the LMS's purpose; and the third is to ensure that the
LMS is user-friendly, versatile, and able to interface with other systems that aid
students in managing their learning and personal needs (Bervell & Arkorful, 2020).

“Online learning would probably not be possible without one essential tool: the
LMS” (Obana, 2021). Obana stated that the conventional face-to-face approach is
gradually losing its significance and becoming less practical in the new normal with the
use of developing technology. Technology is now responsible for the development of
educational concepts, however, the reality is that most public and private learning
institutions in the Philippines lack cutting-edge technologies and facilities which includes
the most often used tools in education including Zoom, Google apps, and even the
Learning Management System or LMS. That was enough as a "emergency remote
teaching" response for the mean time, but learners no longer learn in this manner.
Education would almost certainly be impossible without one key tool which is the
learning management system.

“One of the most significant changes in the field of education in this information
age is the paradigm shift from teacher-centered to learner-centered education. Along
with this paradigm shift, understanding of students’ e-learning adoption behavior
among various countries is urgently needed,” according to Byoung-Chan Lee, a
researcher in South Korea. In addition to this study, based on BuiltWith (2021) website,
the most used Learning Management System in South Korea this pandemic is the
Moodle, which occupies nearly half of the BuiltWith statistics.

To go through, a student from National University Fairview, named Angel Nicole R.

Delos, stated that “NU Fairview uses the Microsoft 365, it contains all the basic
necessities that a student needs including the MS word, MS excel, MS power point, MS
teams and etc.” NU Fairview provides these application because it is included in their
tuition fee. They use these applications as a medium to upload their school works.
Angel also presumed that no bugs were encountered in these softwares, all are smooth
to use.

Another student named Ara Niña D. Legazpi from Novaliches High School
articulated that Novaliches High School utilizes the Google classroom, an application
where you can download school works that are uploaded by teachers. Ara also said that
Google classroom isn't complicated to use, it is really optimized for both students and
teachers, there's no bugs and errors in this application also a confusion-free application.
Ara asserted, “For me, Google Classroom is an effective educational tool to use for
accessing files related to school. It's convenient for both teachers and students because
it's not complicated to use."

Carlos Miguel F. Adem, a student from Metro Manila College (MMC), expressed that
Metro Manila College harnesses the abilities of WELA Learning System. Metro Manila
College uses a website named "silid" - Silid LMS is the refurbished version of last year's
learning system. Silid is composed of organized subject panels wherein you can upload
the required schoolwork. "It helped me a lot organizing my files per subject. The
pending tasks and deadlines of such activities can also be seen in this LMS.” He also
includes that no bugs were encountered and he didn’t go through confusions while
using the website because he's already familiar with it since he's an old student from
last academic year 2020-2021.

In consonance with a research study entitled “Effectiveness of an Online Classroom

for Flexible Learning” conducted in Malolos, Bulacan, it was stated that the pervasive
use of digital technologies and online courses has led researchers to question the
impact of on-line learning technology on student’s educational engagement and
learning outcomes. Research conducted has presented somewhat mixed findings.
However, some studies showed no significant difference between online and traditional
learning for student’s academic performances (Barcelona & Francisco, 2020).

Like the other schools, Metro Manila College had made an honest effort to change.
They utilized WELA learning system as a platform to be associated with one another.
WELA learning system assists the students attend classes and present their work in a
nice and easier way. The school works such as tasks, tests and assignments in a
subject are now arranged and assembled.

A new school year begins again (S.Y. 2021-2022), Metro Manila College (MMC) once
more introduced a refurbished Learning Management System (LMS). This new platform
possesses new features, yet, simple to utilize. Still, a lot of students and school staff
suffered once again in adopting a new program. They faced a lot of issues, bugs and
errors in this learning ground. In line with this issue, the researchers have observed
that students have their own perception regarding the Learning Management System
(LMS) of Metro Manila College. The said learning management system this academic
year 2021-2022 has different features and approaches that may or may not affect the
students’ academic performance. Thus, the school system is currently working to fix
these particular issues. They are also putting forth a valiant effort to give what the
students and instructors truly merit for everyone deserves a much simpler and error-
free platform. After all, this study aims to determine the relationship between the
effectiveness of the Learning Management System of Metro Manila College and Grade
12 students’ academic performance.


The purpose of this study is to identify how the learning management system
(LMS) is associated to the students’ performance in school. This study aims to
determine the relationship between the effectiveness of the Learning Management
System of Metro Manila College and Grade 12 students’ academic performance, S.Y.

The researchers will disseminate surveys which aims to answer the following research

1. Is the Learning Management System of Metro Manila College associated to the

Grade 12 students’ level of academic performance?
2. How do the Learning Management System of Metro Manila College affects the
Grade 12 students’ academic performance?
3. What are the Learning Management System (LMS) features that affects the
Grade 12 students’ academic performance in Metro Manila College?
4. How effective is the Learning Management System of Metro Manila College to
Grade 12 students in terms of:
a. completion rate (school tasks)
b. attainment rate (average scores)
c. attendance rate (presence/absence in class)
5. What implication does the Learning Management System of Metro Manila College
have on the Grade 12 students’ online learning?


To determine the relationship between the effectiveness of the learning management

system and student’s academic performance, this study is conducted for the beneficial
of the following:

Students. This research will help students to understand how the learning
management systems works. With this, students will know adjustments they should
make while using the LMS. LMS is being used as of now because of the pandemic, thus,
students should know whether the LMS of their schools are effective and easy-to-use
because there are many vulnerabilities that an LMS can create if it is not utilized

Teachers. Just like the students, teachers will benefit from this study because they will
know the usage of the learning management system. Of course, teachers must
understand how effective the learning management is because they are the ones who
will post updates. This research will provide teachers a better understanding about the
learning management system and how it can affect the students’ performance.

Web Developers. The outcome of this research study will benefit the web developers
because most students nowadays, study online. LMS is one of the most important
website or software today, that's why web developers will benefit from this study. Web
developers will know if the LMS is highly beneficial and effective for students during this
new normal. Web developers will be aware of every user's viewpoint and be regarded
to the positive aspects of the LMS and what needs improvement. They will know if LMS
aids in providing appropriate support for schooling, learning, and knowledge-sharing
implementation process.
School/Institution. This research will provide adequate information about the
learning management system to schools and institutions. It will make it easier for them
to gain access to the learning management systems. Likewise, it will also serve as an
aide for them so that they are not perplexed when they use it.

Future Researchers. The result of this research will help future researchers in gaining
additional knowledge and information that will serve as a foundation for their future
studies. Researchers who are studying about the effectiveness of school’s learning
management system will benefit from this study since they may use the study’s findings
as a guide for their future studies. Thus, this study may provide a huge contribution to
related studies in the future.


The main purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the
effectiveness of the learning management system of Metro Manila College in regards
with the Grade 12 students’ academic performance. The study considers the name,
section, and answers of the respondents which will be kept private and confidential for
safety purposes.

This study is limited to 30 Grade 12 students of Metro Manila College enrolled

during the academic year 2021-2022, only. By the use of Google Forms, surveys will be
disseminated and the researchers will collect the appropriate and needed data for the

Online surveys via Google Forms will include multiple choice, ranking, and close-
ended questions, only. Collected data and response will only be used to satisfy the
study’s objectives and findings.

Learning Management System (LMS) is what the schools are currently using to
provide, plan, implement, and assess a specific learning process to learners. Metro
Manila College, in the academic year 2021-2022, introduced another schooling website
called as Silid LMS. Silid LMS has new features and approaches towards the students,
teachers, and other school staff users.

The Grade 12 students of Metro Manila College are users of this LMS website
called Silid LMS. Thus, this study is conducted to determine if there is a relationship
between the Silid LMS, which is the Learning Management System, and Grade 12
students’ academic performance in terms of: completion rate, attainment rate, and
attendance rate. The implication of Silid LMS will be identified in the study’s findings to
know how effective the learning management system is towards the students’ academic

Silid LMS: Learning
Profile of Grade 12 PERCEIVED INFLUENCE Management System
students of Metro (LMS) of Metro Manila
Grade 12 students’ level of
Manila College enrolled College, S.Y. 2021-2022
academic performance in
in the academic year
terms of: a. Information
Quality (learning)
a. Completion rate
a. Name b. LMS Quality
b. Attainment rate
b. Age (system
c. Attendance rate
c. Sex competency)
d. Section c. Service Quality
Effectiveness of Learning Management System in Metro Manila College
and Grade 12 students’ academic performance

To better understand the terms discussed in this research, the following definition of
terms are presented to give clarification on this study’s content:

 Blended learning - The practice of both online and in-person learning experiences
when teaching students; This requires physical and virtual presence of both
teachers and students. Blended learning is somehow used this pandemic for
those students who wants to do modules and at the same time, have online
 Central hub – A central hub is a system, a trusted system wherein an individual
can take care of all the information. An individual can update and set up
anything within the hub; Central hub is where all the learning materials are
stored or may be accessed. An example of central hub is the LMS or learning
management system that the school uses.
 Close-ended - This describes a situation or a question that has a predetermined
number of outcomes; To be easily analyzed with survey data, the respondents
are asked to answer surveys wherein there is a semi-structured response where
they will choose.
 Coronavirus - A family of viruses that causes illness ranging from the common
cold to more severe diseases; This is also known as COVID-19 which is the cause
of pandemic; a respiratory infection which can be a major cause death.
 Digital technology - These are electronic instruments, frameworks, gadgets and
assets that create, store, or process information. Advanced innovation has
changed how individuals convey, learn, and work; People are now living in a
digital world wherein the use of gadgets is inevitable. Digital technology is useful
in every aspect of our lives. We use it to communicate, especially this time of
 Error-free - An adjective which means containing no mistakes and errors;
faultless; In a learning management system, sites should be provided having
error-free programs, for the users to utilize the website in a more proper way.
 Flexible learning - A set of educational philosophies and systems, concerned with
providing learners with increased choice, convenience, and personalization to suit
the learner; Currently, flexible learning is very evident. This provides the learners
with choices on how, when, and where their schooling occurs.
 Google Classroom - This is a free blended learning platform developed by Google
for schools to simplify creating, distributing, and grading school tasks. The main
role of Google Classroom is to smooth out the method involved with dividing
documents; Google Classroom is just one of the software application that
students use nowadays to attend their online video conference or virtual
meetings. You can utilize classroom in a school to smooth out tasks, help
cooperation, and cultivate correspondence.
 Google Forms - This is a free online software that allows you to create surveys,
quizzes, and it is a part of Google’s web-based apps suite; Google Forms is an
application that teachers use to provide school works such as examination and
quizzes. This can also be used for surveys.
 Google Meet - Google Meet is a video conferencing application. It is the
education version of Google’s Hangouts platform. This enables users to make
video calls with up to 100 users per high-definition video meeting; This time of
pandemic, it is not advisable to go outside and have a face-to-face class. Thus,
Google Meet, a video - audio conference application, is being used by many
people to make up with work and school.
 Learning Management System - This is known as LMS, a software application or
web-based technology used to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning
process; This is a learning website used to monitor, document, and record the
performances of the students. This allows the teachers to interact with their
 Microsoft teams – This is a collaboration app that helps a team stay organized
and have conversations – all in one place; One of the students’ needs. These
serves as a platform for students to create and upload their schoolwork just like
a student from NU Fairview told.
 Modules – Learning modules are printed or non-printed materials that guide both
teachers and learners through the content of a subject matter; Module is one of
the learning material that allows students to gain knowledge and be instructed
as to what they should pass or do.
 New normal - A previously unfamiliar or atypical situation that has become
standard, usual, or expected; The situation we are experiencing right now is
what we called new normal. This time of pandemic, it is not yet allowed to go
outside. DepEd ensures that learners will be able to continue their educational
journey at home.
 Online courses - Online course is the conveyance of a progression of illustrations
on an internet browser or cellphone, which can be gotten to whenever and
wherever. This can incorporate recordings, pictures, text, and hyperlinks; The
online courses are somehow similar to strand that students should take on their
senior high year. This is use to represent specific subjects. This is planned as an
internet-based climate for helpful learning asynchronously.
 Online learning – Online learning is education that takes place over the internet.
This is often referred as “e-learning” among other terms; The safest way to learn
and study amidst this pandemic is through online class which uses electronic
devices to have a virtual interaction of schooling.
 Online survey - An online survey is a structured questionnaire that one’s target
audience completes over the internet generally through a filling out form; During
this pandemic, everyone needs to follow the safety protocols. Thus, people can’t
go outside to disseminate surveys. Online surveys via computer or mobile
devices are now being used by some researchers to collect and gather data
 Pandemic – A disease outbreak that spreads across countries or continents which
affects people’s lives; Pandemic is what people are experiencing now due to the
spread of a widely-known disease called COVID-19, which causes distance
 Silid LMS – Silid LMS is another educational learning system, a platform used for
school institution purposes. This is created to provide easier access on school
works and video conference to both students and teachers; Silid LMS is a
refurbished learning management system of Metro Manila College which is
powered by WELA systems. This has new features to provide educational
program which will be utilized by many.
 Simulation-based learning – An educational or training method that is used to
replace or amplify real experience with guided experiences; One sort of blended
learning is simulation-based learning. It is a type of instructional strategy which
stimulates real-life experiences that people can’t do for the time being.
 Software – A set of instructions, data, or programs used to operate computers
and execute specific tasks. Generic term used for applications, scripts, and
programs that run on a device. This can also be a set of related site pages
situated under a solitary space name; This is any application or website which
helps people to perform a specific activity. For instance, to make a research
presentation and research documentation, PowerPoint and MS words are being
used by the researchers.
 Traditional learning – This is also known as face-to-face approach wherein in
learning takes place in a classroom setting; In traditional learning, student
principle asset is their teacher who just shows them up close and personal. This
is conveyed in a face to face manner. This is done before the pandemic has even
 Web developers – Web developers are responsible for the site’s technical
aspects, such as its performance and capacity, which are measures of a
website’s speed and handling; These are people who maintains various websites
just like LMS of schools. They handle the bugs and issues which the users can
experience while using the said website or webpage.
 Website – A website is a set of data and information about a particular subject
which is available on the internet. This is a set of pages of data on the web
about a specific subject, that has been distributed; This is an online page
wherein it can be specified of its usage. An example of a website is the Silid LMS
and WELA system.
 WELA learning system - WELA learning system is an end-to-end school system
where students, parents, can view their grades, announcements, billing
statement through a mobile application; WELA learning system is the previous
LMS used by Metro Manila College wherein a lot of changes takes place. A lot of
teachers, students, and other school staff made an adjustment for this online
learning via the said LMS.
 Zoom – Zoom is a cloud-based video communications app that allows you to set
up virtual video and audio conferencing, webinars, live chats, screen-sharing,
and other collaborative capabilities; Zoom is a video-conference tool that allows
teachers and students to connect and interact. During this time of pandemic,
most of the private and public institutions are using this technology for
educational purposes.


This chapter presents the methods and procedures of the research study which
will be applied to gather the needed data and information. In this study, researchers
will further explain about the research instruments, sampling technique, research
design, respondents, construction and validation of instruments, and administration and
retrieval of the instruments. An online gathering is done by the researchers for this is
the most convenient way to collect information for the study amidst the pandemic.


This study is a quantitative study that focuses on statistical data which will present
numerical evaluation in an effective manner. In this research study, sample surveys are
disseminated and used to gather reliable and up-to-date data and information from the
respondents. The incorporation of the survey questionnaire is intended to the Grade 12
students. This research aims to determine the “Effectiveness of the Learning
Management System of Metro Manila College and Grade 12 Students’ Academic
Performance”. This study discussed needed terms in consideration to the future


The researchers selected the Senior High School students of Metro Manila
College to be the respondents of the research study. Preferably, the students of the
Grade 12 academic track. The researchers have come up with 40 students as
respondents having 15 representatives from Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) strand, 10 representatives from Accounting and Business
Management (ABM) strand, 10 from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand,
and 5 representatives from the General Academic Strand (GAS). The said respondents
are the most suited to respond to the questions concerning the (LMS) Learning
Management System’s effectiveness and the Grade 12 students’ academic performance.
The students participated in the survey that the researchers have given, which will
provide the information needed.


The researchers used the probability sampling technique allowing to make

persuasive statistical interferences about the selected population or group. In this
research study, stratified sampling is used wherein the population in this method is
divided into subgroups that share similar characteristics. The study sample is then
obtained by taking specific sample sizes from the Grade 12 Senior High School students
in Metro Manila College S.Y. 2021-2022.

To gather the information needed, the researchers prepared survey questionnaires
via Google Forms. The survey questionnaire will be disseminated to the respondents
through online. The researchers make use of the online survey questionnaires since it is
not advisable to gather data in a face-to-face manner.

The instrument in this study aims to determine the relationship between the
effectiveness of the Learning Management System of Metro Manila College and Grade
12 students’ academic performance. With this instrument, researchers ask the name,
age, strand/section, and response of the respondents which will be kept confidential.
The inclusions of the survey questionnaire are demographic profile of the respondents
and questions to be answered for this study’s data analysis. The researchers guarantee
that the respondents’ identity will remain private and confidential, while the response
will only be used for the purpose of this study.

The results will be interpreted by the researchers to know the relatedness of the
Learning Management System and Grade 12 students’ academic excellence in Metro
Manila College. Currently, there is a pandemic and the researchers have agreed to use
Google Form for everyone's safety, as well.


The researchers make survey questionnaires with an inclusion of the

respondents’ profile, questions, and response. These online survey questionnaires are
disseminated to the respondents through Google Forms. By the use of this research
instrument, researchers are able to collect the appropriate data for the study. The said
online survey has four parts which are the following:

Part I. Grade 12 Students’ Demographic Profile

a. Name
b. Age
c. Sex
d. Strand and Section

Part II. The Effectiveness of the Learning Management System (SILID LMS) in Metro
Manila College S.Y. 2021-2022 (rating)

Part III. Grade 12 Students’ Academic Records in the following aspects:

a. completion rate (school tasks)

b. attainment rate (average scores)
c. attendance rate (presence/absence in class)

Part IV. The Implications of the Learning Management System to Grade 12 Students’
Academic Performance and Online Learning in Metro Manila College


The researchers gathered information to support the research study through

related articles and studies.



Arkoful, V., & Bervell, B. (2020, March 17). LMS-enabled blended learning utilization in
distance tertiary education: establishing the relationships among facilitating conditions,
voluntariness of use and use behavior. Springer Open.

Barcelona, M.C., & Francisco, C. (2020, August). Effectiveness of an Online Classroom

for Flexible Learning. International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research

Learning Management System Usage Distribution in South Korea. (2021). BuiltWith.

Lee, B. (2019, December). Learners’ acceptance of e-learning in South Korea: Theories

and results. Research Gate.'_acceptance_of_e-

Obana, J. (2021, June 02). Learning management system. The Manila Times.

Why Α Learning Management System Is Useful. (2021). E-Learning Industry.

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