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An Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing Method for

Multiobjective Stochastic Integer Programming
Problems through Simple Recourse Model
Masatoshi Sakawa, Atsushi Karino, Kosuke Kato and Takeshi Matsui
Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University
1-4-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima, 739-8527 Japan
E-mail: {sakawa, m095249, kosuke-kato, tak-matsui}

Abstract—Two major approaches to deal with randomness reflect the decision maker’s preference. To overcome this
or impression involved in mathematical programming problems drawback, Sakawa et al. [16], [17] showed that satisfic-
have been developed. The one is called stochastic programming, ing solutions to multiobjective stochastic linear programming
and the other is called fuzzy programming. In this paper, we focus
on multiobjective integer programming problems involving ran- problems sufficiently reflecting the decision maker’s prefer-
dom variable coefficients in constraints. Using the concept of sim- ence can be derived through the interactive fuzzy satisficing
ple recourse, such multiobjective stochastic integer programming method based on chance constrained programming models.
problems are transformed into deterministic ones. As a fusion of In these existing methods for multiobjective stochastic linear
stochastic programming and fuzzy one, after introducing fuzzy programming problems [8], [16], [17], constraints including
goals to reflect the ambiguity of the decision maker’s judgments
for objective functions, we propose an interactive fuzzy satisficing random variables are reduced to chance constrained conditions
method to derive a satisficing solution for the decision maker by which mean that the constraints need to be satisfied with a
updating the reference membership levels. certain probability (satisficing level). Then, the loss or cost
caused by the violation of constraints for observed values is
not reflected in the formulation and solution.
I. I NTRODUCTION Under these circumstances, in this paper, focusing on the
In constructing mathematical models of actual decision simple recourse model to consider the penalty reflecting on
making situation in the real world, we often need to reflect the degree of violation of constraints for observed values
the randomness or the imprecision involved in the situation [7], we transform a multiobjective stochastic integer program-
since we cannot always know exact values of all parameters. ming problems into equivalent deterministic multiobjective
Stochastic programming based on the probability theory, has integer programming problems. After introducing fuzzy goals
been developed in various ways [2], [25], e.g., two stage prob- to reflect the ambiguous judgment of the decision maker on
lem or recourse model [6], [23], chance constrained program- objective functions, we propose an interactive fuzzy satisficing
ming [4], [5], [9]. In particular, for multiobjective stochastic method to derive a satisficing solution for the decision maker
linear programming problems, Stancu-Minasian [20] consid- by updating the reference membership levels.
ered the minimum risk approach, Teghem et al. [21] and
Urli et al. [22] proposed interactive methods. Furthermore, II. M ULTIOBJECTIVE STOCHASTIC INTEGER
efficient solution concepts for them and their relations have PROGRAMMING PROBLEM
been discussed by Caballero et al. [3]. In this paper, we deal with multiobjective integer program-
On the other hand, fuzzy mathematical programming repre- ming problems involving random variable coefficients in the
senting the ambiguity in decision making situations by fuzzy right-hand side of constraints formulated as:
concepts has attracted attention of many researchers [13], [15].
Fuzzy multiobjective linear programming, first proposed by 
Zimmermann [26], has been rapidly developed [11], [18], [19]. minimize zl (x) = cl x, l = 1, 2, . . . , k 
subject to Ax = b(ω) (1)
As a hybrid of the stochastic approach and the fuzzy one, 
Wang et al. [24] dealt with mathematical programming prob- xj ∈ {0, 1, . . . , νj }, j = 1, 2, . . . , n
lems with fuzzy random variables and Liu et al. [10] studied where x is an n dimensional integer decision variable column
chance constrained programming involving fuzzy parameters vector, cl , l = 1, 2, . . . , k are n dimensional coefficient row
and many researches about this issue have been reported vectors, A is an m × n coefficient matrix, and b(ω) is an m
[12], [14]. In particular, for multiobjective stochastic linear dimensional random variable column vector.
programming problems, Hulsurkar et al. [8] discussed an We are often faced with optimization problems involving
approach based on fuzzy programming. However, in their randomness like (1). For instance, in a company producing
method, since membership functions for the objective func- m products by n processes, there may exist a multiob-
tions are supposed to be aggregated by minimum operator jective optimization problem that the decision maker hopes
or product operator, obtained solutions may not sufficiently to minimize the production cost and minimize the amount

of wastes simultaneously under the situation that for each hold for optimal recourse variable vector ŷ + , ŷ − . Then, the
decision variable xj representing the discrete production level following equations
for the j th process, j = 1, 2, . . . , n, the unit production cost

n ∑
coefficient c1j or the unit waste amount coefficients c2j and ŷi+ = boi − aij xj , ŷi− = 0, if boi ≥ aij xj
unit production amount coefficients aij of the i th product, j=1 j=1
i = 1, 2, . . . , m, are known while each demand bi for the i th ∑
n ∑n
product, i = 1, 2, . . . , m varies randomly. ŷi+ = 0, ŷi− = aij xj − boi if boi < aij xj
Since (1) contains random variable coefficients, we can- j=1 j=1
not directly apply solution methods or solution concepts for
are led for i = 1, 2, . . . , m , where boi is the observed value
ordinary mathematical programming problems to it. If the
of bi (ω).
decision maker wishes to take the cost of the shortage or
If bi (ω), i = 1, 2, . . . , m{are mutually independent,
} the
surplus of products caused by the randomness of demand into
account, recourse models to consider the penalty depending expectation of the recourse E min (pl y + + q l y − ) can be
y + ,y −
on the degree of violation of constraints for observed val- calculated as:
ues seem more desirable than chance constrained condition { }
programming models [4], [5], [9] where chance constrained + −
E min+ −
(p l y + q l y )
conditions mean that the constraints need to be satisfied y ,y

with a certain probability (satisficing level). In this paper, { } ∑m

{ }
= E pl ŷ + + q l ŷ − = E pli ŷi+ + qli ŷi−
we adopt the simple recourse model [7] which would be
the most fundamental and practical among recourse models

m ∑
for situation that the shortage or surplus of products can be = pli E{ŷi+ } + qli E{ŷi− }
directly compensated by purchase of equivalent alternative i=1 i=1
 
products or the disposal of products.

m ∫ +∞ ∑
= pli ∑n bi − aij xj  dFi (bi )
aij xj j=1
 

m ∫ ∑n aij xj ∑n
 aij xj − bi  dFi (bi )
In problem (1), we assume that the decision maker must + qli
make a decision before he knows observed values of random i=1 −∞ j=1
variables. In recourse approaches, the penalty of violation of ∑
m ∑
m ∫ ∑n aij xj
constraints is incorporated into objective functions in order to = pli E {bi } − (pli + qli ) bi dFi (bi )
consider the loss caused by randomness. i=1 i=1 −∞

To be more specific, denoting the difference between Ax ∑

m ∑

and b(ω) by two random vectors y + = (y1+ , y2+ , . . . , ym + T

) − pli aij xj
− − − − T i=1 j=1
and y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , ym ) , (1) can be reformulated as the    
following multiobjective integer simple recourse problem. ∑
m ∑
n ∑n
 + (pli + qli )  aij xj  Fi  aij xj 
minimize wl (x) = cl + Rl (x), l = 1, 2, . . . , k  
 i=1 j=1 j=1
subject to Ax + y + − y − = b(ω)
xj ∈ {0, 1, . . . , νj }, j = 1, 2, . . . , n 
 where Fi (·) is the probability distribution function of bi (ω).
− 
y ≥ 0, y ≥ 0
+ Then, (2) is equivalent to the following problem.
In (2), minimize Zl (x), l = 1, 2, . . . , k
{ } subject to xj ∈ {0, 1, . . . , νj }, j = 1, 2, . . . , n
+ −
Rl (x) = E min (pl y + q l y ) (3)
y + ,y − where
( )
is called the expectation of a recourse for the l th objective, ∑
m ∑
n ∑

where pl and q l are constant row vectors. Since each element Zl (x) = pli E {bi } + clj − aij pli xj
of y + = (y1+ , y2+ , . . . , ym
+ T
) means the shortage of each i=1
 

product and each element of y − = (y1− , y2− , . . . , ym
− T
) means ∑
m  ∑ n ∑n
the surplus of each product, each element of pl is regarded (pli + qli )  aij xj  Fi  aij xj 

as the unit cost to compensate the shortage of each product i=1 j=1 j=1
and each element of q l is regarded as the unit cost to dispose ∫ ∑n }
aij xj
the surplus of each products. For pl and q l , the assumption − bi dFi (bi ) ,
pl + q l ≥ 0 seems natural because we could improve the −∞

objective function value infinitely by increasing yi+ and yi− and let X = {x | xj ∈ {0, 1, . . . , νj , }, j = 1, 2, . . . , n}
infinitely if pli + qli < 0 for some i.
From the assumption, complementary relations In general, there rarely exists a complete optimal solution
that simultaneously optimizes all objective functions for a
ŷi+ > 0 → ŷi− = 0, ŷi− > 0 → ŷi+ = 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , m multiobjective programming problem.

As a reasonable solution concept for (4), we define the µj (Zj (x)) > µj (Zj (x∗ )) for at least one j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k}
following R-Pareto optimal solution. in (5).
Definition 3.1. (R-Pareto optimal solution). x∗ ∈ X is said to Introducing an aggregation function µD (x) for k member-
be an R-Pareto optimal solution if there does not exist another ship functions in (5), problem (5) can be rewritten as:
x ∈ X such that Zl (x) ≤ Zl (x∗ ) for any l ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k} }
maximize µD (x)
and Zj (x) < Zj (x∗ ) for at least one j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k}. (6)
subject to xj ∈ {0, 1, . . . , νj } j = 1, 2, . . . , n
The aggregation function µD (x) represents the degree of
IV. A N INTERACTIVE FUZZY SATISFICING METHOD satisfaction or preference of the decision maker for whole of
k fuzzy goals.
In order to consider imprecise nature of the decision maker’s Following conventional fuzzy approaches, as the aggre-
judgment for each objective function Zl (x) in (4), we intro- gation function, Hulsurkar et al. [8] adopted the minimum
duce fuzzy goals such as “Zl (x) should be substantially less operator [1] define by
than or equal to a certain value.” Then, (4) can be rewritten
as: µD (x) = min µl (Zl (x)) (7)
maximize µl (Zl (x)), l = 1, 2, . . . , k and the product operator [26] defined by
subject to xj ∈ {0, 1, . . . , νj }, j = 1, 2, . . . , n

where µl (·) is a membership function to quantify the fuzzy µD (x) = {µl (Zl (x))}. (8)
goal for the l th objective function in (4). To be more specific, l=1
if the decision maker feels that Zl (x) should be less than or Although these operators are widely used as an aggregation
equal to at least Zl,0 and Zl (x) ≤ Zl,1 (< Zl,0 ) is satisfactory, function, the usefulness of the minimum operator or the
the shape of a typical membership function is shown in Fig. product operator is limited since the preference of the decision
1. maker is not always well expressed by them in general decision
situations. It would be desirable to identify an appropri-
ate aggregation function which well represents the decision
maker’s preference, but it is rarely possible to identify such the
aggregation function explicitly and exactly. As an alternative,
interactive methods which derive the local information of the
decision maker’s preference through interactions and find a
satisficing solution for the decision maker without the explicit
identification of the aggregation function seem promising to
(5). In this paper, we develop an interactive fuzzy satisficing
method to derive a satisficing solution for the decision maker
Fig. 1. An example of a membership function µl (Zl (x)) through interaction proposed by Sakawa et al. [18]. In their
method, in order to derive a satisficing solution, the decision
maker interactively updates aspiration levels of achievement
Since (5) is regarded as a fuzzy multiobjective decision for membership values of all fuzzy goals, called reference
making problem, there rarely exists a complete optimal solu- membership levels, until he is satisfied [18].
tion that simultaneously optimizes all membership functions. To be more specific, for the decision maker’s reference
As a reasonable solution concept for such fuzzy multiobjec- membership levels µ̄l , l = 1, 2, . . . , k, the following aug-
tive decision making problems, Sakawa et al. [18] defined M- mented minimax problem is repeatedly solved.
Pareto optimality on the basis of membership function values 
minimize max [µ̄l − µl (Zl (x)) 

by directly extending the Pareto optimality for multiobjective l=1,...,k 

programming problems. ∑ k 
(µ̄i − µi (Zi (x)))] (9)
Definition 4.1. (M-Pareto optimal solution). x∗ ∈ X, where +ρ 

X is the feasible region of the problem, is said to be an M- i=1

subject to xj ∈ {0, 1, . . . , νj }, j = 1, 2, . . . , n
Pareto optimal solution if and only if there does not exist
another x ∈ X such that µl (zl (x)) ≥ µl (zl (x∗ )) for any In (9), ρ is a sufficiently small positive number and the
l ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k} and µj (zj (x)) > µj (zj (x∗ )) for at least one corresponding optimal solution to (9) is nearest to the require-
j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k} where zl (·)s stand for objective functions. ments in the augmented minimax sense or better than them if
Based on the concept of R-Pareto optimal solution and the reference membership levels are attainable.
that of M-Pareto optimal solution, we now define M-R-Pareto The relationship between an optimal solution to (9) and the
optimal solution. M-R-Pareto optimality can be characterized by the following
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µl (Zl (x)) ≥ µl (Zl (x∗ )) for all l ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k} and solution to (5).

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