Kalinga State University Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga College of Education Syllabus

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Doc. Ref. No.


Effective Date August 16,2021

Kalinga State University
Revision No. 0

Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

College of Education Page No.



COURSE TITLE: Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

TERM: First Semester SY 2020-2021


TIME DURATION : 54 hours



FACULTY IN-CHARGE: Rhonda Vail G. Leyaley

KSU VISION: Knowledge and technology hub in Asia Pacific Region
KSU MISSION: KSU shall primarily provide higher and advance education, professional instruction and training in the arts,
agriculture, forestry, social and natural sciences and technology, and other relevant fields of study. It shall also
promote and undertake research and extension services, and provide progressive leadership in its specialization.

KSU QUALITY POLICY: Kalinga State University is committed to provide quality education and engage in relevant researches and effective
extension services and viable income generating projects that satisfy the needs of its stakeholders and other interested
parties towards sustainable development through good governance.

Steadfast to develop human resource of Kalinga, the Philippines and the Asia


United to comply with the statutory and regulatory requirements and continuously implement a monitoring and
evaluation system to improve the effectiveness of its Quality Management System.

in the development and conduct of action researches.

COLLEGE GOALS: Quality Education through efficient implementation of relevant and responsive teacher education curricular programs for greater
equity and access to clientele for local and global competitiveness


PROGRAM OUTCOMES (CMO 75 S. 2017): The graduates have the ability to:
a. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific filed of practice;

b. Effectively communicate in English and Filipino, both orally and in writing;

c. Work effectively and collaboratively with a substantial degree of independence in multi-disciplinary

and multi-cultural teams;

d. Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility;

e. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage.

The graduates of BS Forestry Program have the ability to:

a. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and

political contexts

b. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter,

c. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to
specific learners and their environment;

d. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse

e. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, and globaly, relevant,and
sustainable educational practices;

f. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring ,assessing,and reporting learning

processes and outcomes;

g. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global

h. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-
based opportunities.

I. COURSE DESCRIPTION: TTL 2 is a three unit course that will focus on the application, design, production, utilization and evaluation of Information

And Communication Technology (ICT) materials for teaching and learning in Mathematics Education Programs. The major
requirement for this course is an ICT – integrated and Project Based Learning Plan aligned to the K-12 Curriculum. All the
learning activities and course requirements will revolve around the student-teacher developed learning plan.



A. Course Requirements


Online class discussions


Research presentation

B. Course Policies 1. Be guided by the student handbook at all times.

2. Prepare assigned works before the class and actively participate in the class discussions.

3. Academic honesty: cheating , lying and other forms of immoral and unethical behavior will not be tolerated.

4. Submit completed requirements before or on the agreed deadline for submission.

5. Group presentations will not be pushed back for late or missing group members.

6. Attendance: Let yourselves be known of your attendance in classes through Messenger, Facebook , the Google
classroom or through Google Meet.

7. Examinations: Take your midterm and final examinations. Special examinations are given upon the submission of
evidences of the excused absences as required in the Student Handbook.

8. Religiously do your school activities and requirements on time to avoid delay in giving feedbacks.

9. Freely communicate with your teacher if difficulties arise regarding your course activities at all times.

III. GRADING SYSTEM: 1. Class Standing: Term paper/major projects 40% + other assessment activities 60% = 100%
2. Midterm Grade: Class standing (60%) + Midterm Examination (40%)

3. Tentative Final Grade: Class Standing (40%) + Final Examination (60%)

4. Final Grade: ½ Midterm Grade + ½ Tentative Final Grade

IV. TEACHING Lecture through Google classroom

Inductive Method

Deductive Method

Class discussion through Google Meet

Doc. Ref. No. COED-S-03

Effective Date August 16,2021

Kalinga State University
Revision No. 0

Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

College of Education Page No.


Intended Learning Outcomes Summative Evaluation Tasks/Details

At the end of the course the students must have: Learning Plans You are expected to design a unit of work learning plan in
Mathematics integrated with educational technology tools
and resources. They will assume the role of a mathematics
Used ICT to develop 21st century Skills: Information, teacher. The unit of work/learning plan will be presented to
Media and Technology Skills’ Life and Career Skills the principal or subject head for approval. This means that
and effective communication skills the students are expected to satisfy the following content
selection ( Bilbao,et.al.2014).

- Validity
Developed project, problem based and collaborative
learning activities in various subject areas using - Significance
technology tools. - Feasibility

- Learnability

- Student interest

- Constructive alignment

Used open-ended tools such as word processing, Student Samples Using open ended tools Also, you are expected to take consideration in our unit or
spreadsheets, presentation software, and authoring work/learning plan the criteria for:
tools to support the development of problem-based
or project – based or collaborative activities in - Appropriateness and relevance of ICT resources used
in the learning plan
subject specific application. - Quality learning resources through the use of
technology tools

Produced learning resources using technology tools

in various subject areas.

Instructional materials using technology tools

Evaluated the relevance and appropriateness of ICT Assessment tool in evaluating ICT resources On the other hand, your actual demonstration of the unit of
resources based on the learning content work/learning plan will be marked utilizing the DepEd
Instructional Form 3A/ CB – PAST form 3A ( link will be
attached) which will be modified by adding technology
integration component. This document should be submitted
together with the work/learning plan unit of work. The
assessment is designed for you to collect significant
evidences/ documents, resources or IMs that are made used
Used technology tools to collaborate and share
Demonstration teaching portfolio in the learning plan. These should be used in telling a story
resources among communities of practice.
about what you have learned in the course. Tis means that in
every piece or document selected, a reflection is required.
The portfolio should explicitly reflect the following:

- the rationale behind the crafting of outcomes,

assessment and instructional plan;

- the revision made in the unit of learning plan; and

- the IMs and learning resources produced and

critiqued in the entire course.

Course Content/Subject Matter

Week 1 - 3 Using ICT in developing 21st Century Skills

Week 4-6 Problem – based and Project – based Learning

Week 7-9 Characteristics of good/appropriate IMs and Technology Tools

Producing Learning Resources Using Technology Tools, Digital and Non-digital REsources

Week 10-12 Productivity Software Application/ Tools for Teaching and Learning

Week 13-15 Evaluating ICT Resources

Week 16 - 17 Technology Tools for Collaboration


Week 1 – 3 : Using ICT in developing 21st Century Skills
Values to be integrated: Diligence, honesty, patience

Intended Learning Outcomes Assessment Tasks Course Content/Subject Teaching and Learning Time Resources/ Remarks
(ILO) Matter Activities (TLA) Frame Materials

At the end of the lesson, the students Using ICT in Developing The teacher will guide the 9 Course
can: 21st Century Skills students in going over the Guide
K-12 Curriculum
Framework for
Identify the intended learning K- 12 Mathematics Mathematics (secondary Course
competencies in Mathematics for Question and answer Curriculum Framework level) to familiarize Book
secondary schools. themselves of the intended
learning competencies of
every year level.

The teacher will lead the

students in the review of
Use ICT to develop 21 century

21st Century Communication some units in the

skills: Information, Media and
skills curriculum guide with
Technology Skills with emphasis on Repertory Grids that present
focus on the development
critical thinking and problem units from the curriculum
of 21sr century skills:
solving; guide vis-à-vis its identified
critical thinking and
21st century critical thinking
problem solving.
and problem – solving skills
and ICT tools

The students will be led to

the specific units that can
be best taught with the use
of existing ICTs and let
them rationalize why.
Based from the identified
units, the students will
plan for at least 1 or 2
major activities that will
facilitate the development
of critical thinking and
problem – solving in their
Analyze Mathematics learning plans Short Briefing paper
lessons. They will share
in the context of the 21st C. Skills describing learning activities
Learning Activities to and justify to the whole
that integrate 21st century
develop critical thinking and class at least one activity
critical thinking and problem –
problem solving that they have constructed.
solving skills development.

Developed the value of patience in

working with others.

VIII. References:

Bitter,G.G. and J.M. Legacy (2008). Using technology in the classroom. USA. Pearson Education, Inc. p. 240 – 246
http://deped.gov.ph/sites/default/files/page/2016/Math%20CG pdf

IX. Accommodation for Special Students

The needs of special students are always put into consideration since the course’s e objective is for the learner to acquire the knowledge and skills that
will make them qualified in the profession they have chosen. It is dependent on the Philippine constitution’s policy as well as in addressing the Sustainable goals in
Education of giving quality education for all.

Therefore, if you have special needs for which you are or may be requesting accommodations, please contact either or both your Professor and the Office of Student
Services the earliest possible time within the semester you are enrolled. Be sure that all transactions relative to your special needs are fully documented.

X. Consultation Hours:
2:30 – 5:00 MWTTH or as the need arises
The whole day of Friday
Faculty room (state a place where you can accommodate the students)

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Faculty Chairman – BSED Dean – CoEd

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