A Supplemental Learning Material

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A Supplemental Learning Material


Arts and Humanities

(Indigenous Creative Craft)


This module is a compilation of works from internet sources, manuals, and books from different authors

will be used for educational purposes only. Due recognition is given to the authors who are the source of

parts found in this module. The compiler/owner does not claim copyrights to any part taken from other


A Supplemental Material in Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative

Craft) is an interactive and self-instructional module designed to assist your learning in

the New General Education Course in the tertiary education. It introduces and exposes

you to the different arts, such as visual, auditory, and performing arts in the Philippines

and other countries. It also includes the characters of the arts, their relationships to

reality, origins, laws of development, roles in the history of social consciousness, and

interdependences with social life and with other cultural phenomena. It also includes

Philosophy, Logic and ethics to assess everyone in decision making.

This material contains comprehensible discussion of different topics about the

arts and humanities, including learning activities with critical thinking and critical literacy

questions that aid your understanding and appreciation of artworks in a higher level.

Part of this supplemental material is by knowing the great philosophers and their

contribution to the society.

Through this, it is hoped that you would become more appreciative and

understanding of the different art forms and craft across the world. It is further hoped

you would be equipped with a scientific world view that help foster critical and logical

judgment concerning current artistic problems, which can be useful in solving some

common problems in the real world.

Content of the Supplemental Material

Supplemental Material 1 focuses on the introduction of the arts and the

humanities. It also discusses the meaning and importance of art and humanities, the

nature of art, subjects of art, functions of art, arts grouping, assumptions of art,

methods of presenting the art subjects, reasons why we study the arts.

Supplemental Material 2 focuses on the introduction of philosophy,

Philosophy’s journey, classifying philosophies, logic and decision making, and the nature

of truth. Also, ancient Greek philosophy, modern philosophy, existentialism, and

aesthetics will be part of the material. Similarly, Ethics and ethical theories will be part

of this material to assess learners in sound decision making.

Supplemental Material 3 deals with the world art appreciation by looking back

and tracing the arts during the Prehistoric period, River civilizations, Egyptian art,

Classicism and the Greco-Roman tradition, the Medieval period, Renaissance period,

and the arts from 16th century up until the 20th century.

Supplemental Material 4 focuses on textile art of the Philippines. Famous

textile arts of the different regions will be included. To complete the indigenous vibe,

traditional motifs and crafts, decorative symbols and classification, indigenous houses,

indigenous art, Muslim art, Christian art, and contemporary art will give color and

vibrancy to this supplemental material.

Since this module is self-instructional, you need to work independently. It means

that you need to read, analyze, and reflect on everything presented in every module.

The learning tasks/activities and assessments/quizzes are intentionally provided to help

you assess your progress and understanding on the lessons as you go through the

module. Your answers to these activities and quizzes will be checked by your instructor

or mentor.

Explore, discover, and learn more about the Art Appreciation around the world at

your own pace. Have fun while learning

General Objectives:

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:


1. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of arts in general, including

their function, value, and historical significance;

2. Define and demonstrate the elements and principles of design;

3. Explain and evaluate the importance of Philosophy and Ethics; and,

4. Situate Philippine arts in a global context.


1. Analyze and appraise works of art based on aesthetic value, historical context,

tradition, and social relevance;

2. Mount an online art exhibit (concept development production and

postproduction, marketing, documentation, critiquing);

3. Create their own works of art and curate their own production or exhibit; and,

4. Analyze different philosophies and ethical principles.


1. Deepen their sensitivity to self, community, and society;

2. Discover and deepen their identity through art with respect to their nationality,

culture, and religion; and,

3. Develop a sound decision making.

Requirements - 20%

Class Standing - 40%

Quizzes - 20%

Oral Recitation - 10%

- Assignment - 5%

- Attendance - 5%

Major Exams - 40%


Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft) Page 3


“Art is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of happiness.”

- Anni Albers

Art Appreciation is about nature, function, and appreciation of the arts in

contemporary society. It also develops students' ability to appreciate, analyze, and

critique works of art. Through interdisciplinary and multimodal approaches, this course

equips students with a broad knowledge of the practical, historical, philosophical, and

social relevance of the arts in order to hone students' ability to articulate their

understanding of the arts. The course also develops students' competency in

researching and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating art

productions. The course aims to develop students' genuine appreciation for Philippine

arts by providing them opportunities to explore the diversity and richness and their

rootedness in Filipino culture.

As we face this new normal set-up brought by this pandemic, this module

attempts to address key issues in the humanities. It also offers insights of what

humanity is and how it is relevant to Art Appreciation. It contains activities and critical

thinking analysis to better understand contemporary issues surrounding art.

What makes it more exciting is the inclusions of local examples, thus, make it

more relevant to everyone. Activities are created interactively so that students would

feel that they are inside the classroom interacting with their classmates and instructor.
To our students, enjoy as you flip every page of this module – it brings your

imagination to a whole new level.


Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft) Page 4


Material 1

Lesson 1

Specific Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Characterize artistic expression based on personal experiences with art;

Differentiate art history from art appreciation;

Discuss the nature of art's preliminary expression; and

Evaluate the relevance of Art in our day-to-day living.

Learning Task

Directions: Write the word or idea of that defines the terms “art” and “humanities”

inside the box. Your answer should be based on your understanding, not influenced by

or taken from the book and other sources.

Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft) Page 5

Complete the statements below using the words or ideas you presented above.

Art is

Humanities is


1. Did you find it easy to define the term art? Why or why not?

2. How did you come up with the definition of art?

Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft) Page 6

3. Why do you think we need to study the arts?

4. What do you think is the relationship between the art and the humanities?


Directions: Read and understand carefully the following quotations. Write your

personal understanding and views about these quotations.

The following quotations communicate similar meaning in relevance to arts:

1. “ ” – Albert Einstein

2. “ ”–

Cesar Cruz

3. “ ” –Threadless Artist

Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft) Page 7


Activity 1. On the space provided below, write down at least five (5) words that start

with the letter A, R, T as definition of art.















Activity 2. Answer the following questions briefly. Write your answer on the space


1. If you are an art, what kind of art would you be and why?

Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft) Page 8

2. What do you think is the importance of Art in our daily living?


What is Art?

The word “art” comes from the ancient Latin, ars which means a “craft or

specialized form of skill, like carpentry or smithying or surgery”

Ars in Medieval Latin came to mean something different. It meant “any special

form of book-learning, such as grammar or logic, magic or astrology”.

It was during the 17th century when the problem and idea of aesthetics, the

study of beauty, began to unfold distinctly from the notion of technical workmanship,

which was the original conception of the word “art.” It was in 18th century when the

word has evolved to distinguish between the fine arts and the useful arts. The fine arts

would come to mean “not delicate or highly skilled arts, but „beautiful‟ arts.”


Art is everywhere.

The popular feeling about art is that is exists only in concert halls, museums, and

art galleries in a world by itself, accessible only to those who can afford to pay for its

enjoyment or to the critics and scholars who take time to study the art objects. On the

contrary, art is found everywhere. It is very much a part of our lives. We cannot ignore

its presence even if we try to.

We find art in the clothes and accessories we wear, in the design of our furniture

and furnishings, in the style of the houses we build and the vehicles we use. We find art

objects in the home and in the community, in religion, in trade, and in industry.

Almost every week we read notices about theatrical performances at theatres

and auditoriums. We also have occasional plays and other stage presentations even in

our school.

Art exists in all forms of human society and in every generation because it serves

some fundamental human needs.

Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft) Page 9


1. Art is universal.

Art has always been timeless and universal, spanning generations and continents

through and through. Age is not a factor in determining art. An “…art is not good

because it is old, but old because it is good.”

2. Art is not nature.

Art is man‟s expression of his reception of nature. Art is man‟s way of

interpreting nature. Art is made by man, whereas nature is given around us.

3. Art involves experience.

By experience, we mean the “actual doing of something.” Art depends on

experience, and if one is to know art, he must know it not as fact or information but as

experience. Unlike fields of knowledge that involved data, art is known by experiencing.

Art Appreciation as a Way of Life

Jean-Paul Sartre – a famous French philosopher of

the 20th century described the role of art as a creative

work that depicts the world in a completely different

light and perspective, and the source is due to human


Learning to appreciate art, no matter what

vocation or profession you have, will lead to a fuller

and more meaningful life.

The Role of Creativity in Art Making

Creativity requires thinking outside the box. In art, creativity is what sets apart

one artwork from another.

10 Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft)

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now

know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever

will be to know and understand.”

- Albert Einstein

Art as Expression

Finally, you try to release yourself from this tormenting and disabling state by

doing something which is called expressing oneself.

Collingwood further illustrated that expressing emotion is something different

from describing emotions.

There are countless ways of expressing oneself through art. The following list

includes, but is not limited to, popular art expressions.

1. Visual Arts

Creations that fall under this category are those that appeal to the sense of sight

and are mainly visual in nature. Visual arts are the kind of art form that the population

is most likely more exposed to.


a. Sculptures b. Movies

Rizal Monument Hello, Love, Goodbye

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rizal_Monument Source: https://starcinema.abs-



11 Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft)

c. Paintings d. Drawings

Spolarium by Juan Luna Source: https://rapidfireart.com/free-drawing-tutorials/



e. Letterings

f. Printings, etc.

2. Film refers to the art of

putting together successions

of still images in order to

create an illusion of



3. Performance Art is a live art

and the artist’s medium is mainly

the human body which he or she

uses to perform, but also

employs other kind of art such as

visual art, props, or sound.



12 Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft)

4. Poetry Performance

Poetry is an art form where

the artist expresses his emotions

not by using paint, charcoal or

camera, but expresses them

through words.

Source: https://www.hamilton.edu/news/story/students-


5. Dance

A series of movements that

follows the rhythm of the music


Source: https://www.dancemagazine.com/
6. Architecture

The making of beautiful

buildings while art is the pursuit and

beautiful buildings. However, not all

buildings are beautiful. Some

buildings only embody the

functionality they need, but the

structure, lines, forms, and colors

are not beautifully expressed. Thus, Source:


not all buildings can be considered


Buildings should embody these three important elements if you wish to merit the

title architecture:

 Plan

 Construction

 Design

13 Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft)

7. Literary Art focuses on writing

using a unique style, not following a

specific format or norm. It may include

both fiction and non-fiction.

Noli Me Tangere by Jose Rizal



8. Theatre uses live performers to

present accounts or imaginary

events before a live audience.



9. Applied Arts

Incorporating elements of

style and design to everyday items

with the aim of increasing their

aesthetical value

Source: https://www.rit.edu/ritonline/program/APPLAS-DP

14 Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft)



From the Latin word “humanus”, means “human, cultured and defined.” The

word connotes diverse meanings. Some scholars view it as the study of principle

underlying conduct, thought or a general principle about ethics, composure and

calmness which comprised a field of knowledge called philosophy. But generally,

humanities are often used to designate the non-scientific scholarly disciplines such as

the study of all languages and literatures, the arts such as drama and theatre arts,

music, dance, painting, sculpture, architecture, including history and philosophy. Thus,

humanities as directly concerned with these subject areas, takes its focus on human

beings and their appreciation of human values and of the unique ability of the human

spirit to express itself through the arts.

Humanities also described as the study of how people process and document the

human experience. Since humans have been able, we have used philosophy,

literature, religion, art, music, history and language to understand and record our

world. Knowledge of these records of human experience gives us the opportunity to feel

a sense of connection to those who have come before us, as well as to our


For as long as man existed in this planet, he has cultivated the land, altered the

conditions of the fauna and flora, in order to survive. Through his bare hands, man

constructed infrastructures that tended to his needs, like his house. He sharpened

swords and spears. He employed fire in order to melt gold. The initial meaning of the

word “art” has something to do with all these craft.


1. Insights into everything.

Through exploration of the humanities, we learn how to think creatively and

critically, to reason, and to ask questions. Because these skills allow us to gain new

insights into everything from poetry and painting to business models and politics,

humanistic subjects have been at the heart of a liberal arts education since the ancient

Greeks first used them to educate their citizens.

2. Understanding our world.

Research into the human experience adds to our knowledge about our world.

Through the work of humanities scholars, we learn about the values of different

cultures, about what goes into making a work of art, about how history is made. Their

efforts preserve the great accomplishments of the past; help us understand the world

we live in, and give us tools to imagine the future.

15 Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft)

3. Bringing clarity to the future.

Today, humanistic knowledge continues to provide the ideal foundation for

exploring and understanding the human experience. Investigating a branch of

philosophy might get you thinking about ethical questions. Learning another language

might help you gain an appreciation for the similarities in different cultures.

Contemplating a sculpture might make you think about how an artist‟s life affected her

creative decisions. Reading a book from another region of the world might help you

think about the meaning of democracy. Listening to a history course might help you

better understand the past, while at the same time offer you a clearer picture of the


On the space provided, write your own idea why studying humanities matter?

You can also cite an example/s to support your claim.

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16 Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft)

Name: Date:

Program/Year/Section: Score:

Activity 3: Journal Entry

Instruction: Recall any poem, painting, song, movie, sculpture or architecture that has in

one way or another, moved you or has made a difference on you. Write the full description

about it.

Note: Answers will be checked through the following criteria:

- Content

- Writing mechanics (Subject-Verb Agreement, spelling, tenses of verb,

punctuations, capitalization)

17 Arts and Humanities (Indigenous Creative Craft)

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