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Lesson 2

Activity 3 Say Something about it

The Typical Six (6) Filipinos What can you say about it? (Ano ngayon ang
View Point on its Elemental masasabi mo?)
System in the Contemporary
1. “Walang pakiramdam Ans. It is not true, because, at this time of crisis,
maski nasasaktan sa we are all experiencing difficulties in living in an
COVID19 Pandemic” environment we are not used to. I know how it
feels to be in pain just by thinking how my
parents are giving all their efforts just to provide
us with what we need. At hindi ako naniniwalang
ang mga Pilipino ay wala pa ring pakiramdam
kahit hindi na maganda ang kinalalagyan ng
buhay dahil sa pandemyang ito. Though there
are times that we feel nothing or we feel numb
because of pain. But, not in this case of crisis.
We can still feel the pain maybe not just for
ourselves, but for those people whom we cared
about. The love that we have for them is already
giving us heartache.
2. “Hindi Masyadong Ans. It depends because not all people are
nasasaktan sa COVID 19 privileged enough to not struggle in life during
Pandemic” this global crisis. As time passed by, every day’s
report in new COVID19 cases in the country is
slowly becoming normalized by netizens. As if
everything that is happening right now will be
always set-up since this has been our lives for
over a year already. However, this is not always
the case for some. We are born at the same time
and experiences. Many lose their loved ones,
there are children or even babies who are
infected with the virus. And what is sad, their
lives are not a guarantee anymore. They are the
ones who are feeling great in pain right now, and
the people around those victims.
3. “Sunod sa anomang Uso” Ans. It is true, especially to the youth nowadays.
This opinion is based on my experience as a
youth and also what I have observed with my co-
youth. As youth, we become a drastic consumer
just to support the wants over the needs. We try
to put ourselves in a society where the new and
trend is popular. We are always updated to the
new things in the social media that pushed us to
try just to be called "IN". Take for example the
milk tea. Way back in 2017 milk tea is not yet
popular. However, when it was posted on a FB
day, it boomed like everyone wanted to taste it
and post it in their timeline. I am also one of the
people who get attracted to this as it has become
a trend in social media. Another example is
online shopping. I know the majority of us
experienced to ordered things online. Not
because it is hassle-free or more convenient but
because it is very popular today especially when
pandemic started. Accept it that we all are victims
of "sabay sa uso" and also the influence of social
media. That's is why I can't disagree with the
statement because it is true and we can't deny it.

4. “Wala akong pakialam sa Ans. It is not true, because as a student I already
COVID19 pandemic” experienced enough of this new normal set-up of
education. That's why I disagree with the
statement that "wala akong pake sa Covid-19
pandemic". I do care about the victims of this
pandemic. I do care about the lost lives of the
frontliners who fight and sacrificed their lives just
to help people in need. I do care for the families
who are starving today because they don't have
work to sustain the needs of everyday living. I do
care that one day everything goes back to
normal. That's why as a citizen of this country we
do care about the crisis we are facing today
because we are all victims of this pandemic. And
so, if you ignore and don't have a sense of care
for what is happening in your surrounding then
better get rid of yourself. You may be one of the
reasons why we can't move forward, you may be
the reason why the active cases every day
increases. If you which to bring back everything
to normal, then you should wake up and
cooperate. Following the protocols of the IATF is
already enough. We can do this, we really can, if
we work as one.

5. “Gusto ko lang maging Ans. It depends because there are times wherein
tamad sa panahon ng my mind is telling me to rest and chill just for this
COVID19 pandemic” time, but there are also times that want to use my
time productively. Pandemic gave us lessons that
we don't expect to come into our life. It taught us
to be strong, patient, and most of all to be faithful
to God. It allowed us to reflect on what we have
done in our lives and to ask for forgiveness and a
second chance to Him. I do not agree with the
statement that " gusto ko lang maging tamad
ngayong COVID19 pandemic". Yes, there are
times that we feel tired and want to relax all the
time because we are bored in our houses. There
are times that we just lay down in our beds all
day because we don't have the energy to do so.
There are days that we focused more on online
games and social media instead of finishing the
task and activities in the modules. Yes, everyone
feels the same, however, we should not take this
as an opportunity to become a useless citizen of
the country. We should not take this as an alibi to
support our being irresponsible. As a student, we
should use this as a stepping stone to improve
our knowledge and talents. It is not impossible to
do productive things inside the house. We can be
productive in many ways even we are locked up
inside our houses. We must be thankful that we
are safe during this pandemic. We must be
thankful that we are just inside our houses not
tending covid patients in the hospitals. So, if you
think wasting your time during a pandemic is
okay, then Good luck. Soon you'll realize that
what is happening today has its reason. And that
reason is already what we are now today.

6. “Sa panahon ngayon ang Ans. It is not true, because I do care about the
COVID19 pandemic ako’y efforts of the frontliners and I want everything to
wala lang! as if nothing is go back to normal. However, when talking to
happening around” others especially some Filipinos and government
officials, the statement already speaks up for
themselves. In our country, there are some
Filipinos who are hard-headed and don't have a
sense of care for what is happening in his/her
surroundings. These past few days the active
cases every day increase rapidly. Resulting in
the NCR to went back from ECQ. Yes, the South
African variant, UK variant, and so on are already
inside our country. These new variants are not
the only reason why there is now a surge in
active cases per day. It is also because of us
people. It is because some Filipinos only care
about themselves. They didn't appreciate the
efforts of the frontliners who are sacrificing their
lives to end this crisis. Besides, I also blame the
incompetence of the government in handling the
pandemic. Because even the higher officials are
also one of the violators of the said protocols.
How can the people follow them if they are not
following their orders? How ironic right? But that
is the reality we are facing now. We are the top
one in Asian countries to have more cases of
Covid19. And that makes me feel sad about us
Filipinos. We are left behind from our neighboring
countries and that should be one of the reasons
for the government to think and act more in
battling this pandemic. Sadly, as mentioned in
the statement, some of us Filipinos even
government officials act as if nothing is
happening in their surroundings.

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