Essay Test Series-3

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Test - 3

Test Series
IAS - 2016

By - Manoj K. Jha
TEST - 03

Roll. No. ______________________


Time Allowed: 1½ hrs. Max. Marks: 125

Instructions to Candidate

• Attempt one essay

• The test carries 125 marks.

• Write the essay in about 1000-1200 words.

• Any page left blank in the answer-book must be crossed out clearly.

(Examiner will pay special attention to the candidate's grasp of his/her material, its relevance
to the subject chosen, and to his/ her ability to think constructively and to present his/her
ideas concisely, logically and effectively).


Name _______________________________

Mobile No.___________________________
1. Invigilator Signature _______________ Date ________________________________
2. Invigilator Signature _______________ Signature ____________________________


1. Where words fail, music speaks.

2. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Hints: Essay Test - 3

1. Where words fail, music speaks

• Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart
and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul. - Angela Monet
• When a musician performs a piece of music, it conveys a message. What defines music, it the
point behind each note. Every beat of a single piece, has a purpose.
- Anna Smith
• Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.
- Victor Hugo.
• If music be the food of love, play on. - William Shakespeare.
• Music in the soul can be heard by the universe. - Lao Tzu.
• Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.
- Plato.
• Next to the word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.
- Martin Luther.
• Music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all
touched by. No matter what culture we are from, everyone loves music.
- Billy Joel.
• Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart.
- Pablo Casals.
• Music doesn’t lie. If, there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen
through music. - Jimi Hendrix.
• Music happens to be an art form that transcends language. - Herbie Hancock.
• Music’s staying power is a function of how timeless the lyrics, song and production are.
- Gary Wright.
• Who hears music feels his solitude peopled at once. - Robert Browning.
• If you pour some music on what ever’s wrong, it will sure help out.
- Levon Helm.
• If, music wakes you up, makes you think, heals you … then, I guess the music is working.
- A.R. Rahman.

The above stated line depicts the importance of music in the human life and its essentiality to
develop the emotional intelligence, nature, personality of an individual as well as society.
Hints: Essay Test - 3 [1]
Moreover it reflects that the world of music is way beyond the words, sayings, preaching, and writing
too. Artistic nature and creativity which steels the moment and gives the power of emotions itself
derives from music. It is a question of communication, and of a deeper meaning to music.
Music helps in stress management, creates a bonding between people, etc.
Put forth as, what is music? Whether is the combination of words or the melody and tune that delight
the heart and soul?
There are songs about sadness, joy, fear, anger, confusion, and love. There are even songs without
words, and even these tunes can have a powerful effect on a person. What is music, exactly? Some
may say it is the combination of a tune, notes, rhythms, and maybe even words. Music is much more
than a simple melody. Music lives and breathes everywhere.
Establish the linkage of music and its importance in communication. With the using of words to
communicate your thoughts and feelings they only help others to understand what one think. On the
other hand, music can actually let them see how one feel (and that is if jumping up and down is not
indicative enough of one's joy. Overall, music is the one international language we all can speak. If,
Trying to explain something with just words and it fails it Music will be able to explain it like when
artists write songs about something that has happened to them in their past. Music isn't always about
telling a story, it's about making you feel something.
Particularize it in way of, when one can't use words to describe or get whatever point he might be
trying to get across, music can always step in. People find music more moving than just talking. When
words cannot express the importance of: meaning, understanding, connection, acceptance, love, and
sincerity, music fills the gaping hole and allows for the connection to be unveiled. Believing in
something allows one to feel connected, and feel safe.
Main Body
You start thinking about music in a sequenced and orderly fashion highlighting its attributes, objectives
and purpose that it serves and meanings that it conveys. Explain every aspect such as the idea that
music does bring people together. It allows us to experience the same emotions. People everywhere
are the same in heart and spirit. No matter what language we speak what colour we are, the form of
politics or the expression of our love and faith, music proves: We are all the same. This another way
to establish oneness or binding thread between all forms of life as well as the objects which are
inanimate. Music's language is soothing and pleasing than flat words. This implies that spoken words
can be harsh while music is universal and more soothing.
There is a contrary saying in Tamil, which means" When there is no food for the ear (read music),
you get something for your stomach also." What that its often easier to put words into song to
express feelings than to actually tell someone, this method can be used in all situations, obviously one
not going to be seeing the whole world as a musical but when your sad, mad, happy, in love, rich,
excited according to the situation. The argument that music as an art is about expressing your
personality is completely wrong. Music, by denotation, is the "quality, production, expression, or
realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, and physiologically strong or
of more than ordinary significance.
Set forth with the examples such as, many tribes used to, and still do, use music as a way of
communicating, if they don't speak the same language. Perhaps they would play loud, threatening
music, if they feel that the other tribe is hostile, or maybe they would play music that is sweet, and
quiet, if they feel that the other tribes are friendly. Music bypasses the gateways of language, and
passes the barriers where language fails. Music therapy works immensely positive to heal a patient,
old age and work as the motivational factor in life of a sportsman, solider as well as in any profession.

[ 2 ] Hints: Essay Test - 3

The music spoke to them in a way that a person never could. It calmed them and comforted they
helped them to focus and someone even remembered something. It's a helping hand when someone
fell down. It's a loving embrace after not seeing each other for years. It's a tear that falls down the
cheek of a baby.
Music is the universal language. Music connects different cultures together. No matter where you are
from or where you are going, music will surround you. For the soldier, music is the connection to his
home, his past. Everyone can speak the language of music. When words fail, music speaks.
Further it has been rightly said: If one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed,
if its morals are good or bad, the quality of its music will furnish the answer."
Music directly affects the passions or states of the soul-gentleness, anger, courage, temperance, and
their opposites and other quality. When one listens to music that imitates a certain passion, he
becomes imbued with the same passion. If over a long time he habitually listens to the kind of music
that arouses ignoble passions, his whole character will be shaped to an ignoble form.
Music contains whatever you need it to be. In music, there is no right or wrong. A person's interpretation
of a certain selection of music is never the same as someone else's. There is no one way to go about
writing, listening to, interpreting, or using music that is wrong. The way it is written, interpreted, or
used simply reveals more about the personalities of people. Everyone, no matter who you are, is
affected by music is some way or another.
Music has also largely influence and affected day to day life of everyone. But why does music play
such an integral role in our life. Music acts as a universal language, one that reaches across the culture,
age sex, sexual orientation, race, religion etc. it makes one feel that the, refresh and scenic and give
energy to the character what we are listening about. Music is the rhythmic pulse of life, and it gives
life to everything.
2. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake
• "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first
and then seek to win" ? - Sun Tzu
• "A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends."
- Baltasar Gracián
• "War is mainly catalogue of blunders" - Winston Churchill
• "Our strategy is to destroy the enemy from within, to conquer him through himself."
- Adolf Hitler

Theme of the essay is conditionally true. Being a conditional statement, you need to support your
stance with valid arguments. Whether you agree or disagree, explain it within the theme of the essay.
The approach should be to define the human-human relation in society in terms of the competition
vs. cooperation.
Competition is everywhere in our modern world: in school, at work. It leads to deterioration of
emotions and human values.
Establish the statement in a conditional manner by stressing on the skill of letting your opponent
making a false move while you are in a competitive situation. In contrast, cooperation demands help
Hints: Essay Test - 3 [3]
when you find someone making errors. Holistically the concept of competition and cooperation acts
as a means to development and attainment of peace and harmony within individual, family or society.
Main Body
Explain the concepts of competition, opponent (enemy), false move (mistake). Explain that if you
will interrupt your opponent, s/he will realize his mistake and stop and fix it. But if you let him make
mistakes, he will destroy himself to ruin. The next question to be raised is - Why should we let him
do that? - Because the supreme art of winning is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
Next compare the two themes of Competition vs. Cooperation. Which works better, competition or
cooperation? The answer, without equivocation, is cooperation. If competition brings out the "beast"
in us, then the cooperation surely brings out the "best" in us.
Value of Cooperation
Cooperation ensures the success of the whole Group. We cooperate to reach our common goals and
we choose solutions which are in the best interests of the Group. Loved ones like you parents fix you
when you do something wrong.
Value of Competition
Competition provides motivation to achieve a goal, to demonstrate determination, creativity and
perseverance to overcome challenges, and to understand that hard work and commitment leads to a
greater chance of success.
Competition teaches us to dig deep and find resources we never knew we had, provides us with the
opportunity to think outside the box and explore other ways to succeed. The pressure to win or
succeed can often inspire more imaginative thinking and inspires us to develop additional skills.
Now, try to mention - How else can we beat the opponent in a competitive situation? Evaluate your
enemy beforehand because enemies don't really care about you and vice versa. How can you evaluate
the opponent? Rouse him, and learn the principle of his activity or inactivity. Force him to reveal
himself, so as to find out his vulnerable spots should be the key strategy.
For example -
These principles can also be applied to strategy in chess or any sport, which, like war, is an exercise
in strategy and making fewer mistakes than your enemy.
Indo Pak Relations
Blaming India for bad governance inside Pakistan is as old as the country's creation in 1947. With
the passage of time, this practice (of blaming India) has worked so well in the country's politics that
the civilian, military and religious leaders all use it to hide their failures and externalize the blame.
However, this is approach is tremendously hurting the ordinary people in both the nations.
Summarize your major arguments and then discuss briefly the theme and its importance in society
as you conclude the essay. Like, nation building demands nurturing of our human resource with skills
that will enable India to fight with the negative forces internally and externally in a strategic manner
with minimum losses and maximum gains.

[ 4 ] Hints: Essay Test - 3

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