ติว English for teacher 1

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ประโยค (Sentence)

• Phrase (วลี) คือ กลุ่มคำำที่มีควำมสัมพันธ์กัน แตุไมุมีควำมหมำย

สมบูรณ์ในตัวเอง ทำำหน้ำที่เป็ นเพียงสุวนใดสุวนหนึ่ งของประโยค เชุน
Their fathers have to provide the food
by working hard
Noun phrase verb phrase noun
phrase prepositional phrase

• Clauses (อนุประโยค) ในประโยคที่ซับซ้อนจะประกอบด้วยประโยค

ตุำง ๆ มำรวมเข้ำด้วยกัน แตุละประโยคยุอยเรียกวุำ clause ซึ่งแบุง
เป็ น 2 ชนิ ด คือ
1. Independent clause / main clause (ประโยคหลัก) คือ ประโยค
ที่มีควำมสมบูรณ์ในตัวเองไมุต้องขึ้นอยุูกับประโยคอื่น เชุน
I needed a new watch.
2. Dependent clause / Subordinate clause (ประโยคสนั บสน่ น)
คือ ประโยคที่ไมุใชุสุวนสำำคัญของประโยคใหญุ ต้องขึ้นอยุูกับ
ประโยคอื่น เชุน
The man who fixed it had good training.

• ประโยค (Sentence) หมำยถึง กลุ่มคำำที่มีควำมหมำยสมบูรณ์ในตัว

เอง ใน ประโยคหนึ่ ง ๆ จะประกอบด้วย
Subject (ภำคประธำน) + predicate (ภำคแสดง)
1. ประโยคควำมเดียว (Simple sentence) คือ ประโยคอิสระ 1 ประโยค

2. ประโยคควำมรวม (Compound sentence) ประกอบด้วยประโยค
ควำมเดียว 2 ประโยคขึ้นไปโดยมีคำำเชื่อม คือ for, and, nor, but,
or, yet, so
3. ประโยคควำมซ้อน (Complex sentence) คือประโยคควำมเดียวผสม
4. ประโยคควำมผสม (Compound-Complex sentence) คือ ประโยค

• ประโยคย่อย/อนุประโยค (dependent clause) ไม่มีใจความสมบูรณ์

o Noun clause ทำำหน้ำที่เหมือนคำำนำม มักขึ้นต้น
ด้วย that, who, what, if, when, why, where, how
o Adjective clause/relative clause ทำำหน้ำที่ขยำย noun,
adjective ที่อยุูข้ำงหน้ำ เพื่อให้ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมมักขึ้นต้นด้วย
relative pronoun เชุน who, which, that, whose, whom (บำง
ครั้งอำจละ relative pronoun ได้) หรือ where, when, why
o Adverb clause ทำำหน้ำที่ขยำย verb, adjective
และ adverb มักขึ้นต้นด้วยคำำเชื่อมประโยค (conjunction) ที่ใช้
เชื่อมตั้งแตุ 2 ประโยคขึ้นไป ได้แกุ
- place เชุน where, wherever, as
- time เชุน as soon as, as long as,
before, after, by the time, once, since, until, when, while
- manner เชุน as, how
- degree เชุน as, (not) as…as

- contrast and concession เชุน although,
even though, if
- cause เชุน as, because, for, since
- purpose and result เชุน in order that, so
(that), in case

Look at the following sentences and underline the sentence

1. You remember the title of the new book about English
2. Our research on the advertising promotion covers all kinds of
ideas and concepts.
3. The elegant and luxurious house on the west side of town is
very expensive.
4. The woman in the next room is the principal of the
5. Those senior citizens do not agree with the renovation plan.
6. The book on the table in the self-access room is Angelina’s
7. The boy in the neighboring house plays the piano every
8. The man in the black suit and black tie is standing near the
woman with long and curly hair.

Decide which of the following sentences is “Noun Clause,
Adjective Clause or Adverb Clause”.
1. Where the President lives is still a mystery.
2. I know why that lady was angry.
3. Bob felt sick when he knew his English grade.
4. The Chinese vase which was broken belonged to my grandmother.
5. As soon as the bell rings three times, the students rush out of the
6. Amy succeeded because she worked hard.
7. He wanted to know the girl who owned the flower shop.
8. She cried as if she were really sad.
Which is a sentence?
1. The delicious chocolate cake. 6. The racing car.
2. The big boy in the 7. John cried loudly.
supermarket. 8. The ancient Chinese bowl.
3. Some boys play in the Game. 9. Clap your hands.
4. Because of heavy rain. 10. To go shopping in the
5. Those frozen food. morning.

Identify each of the following sentences as simple, compound,

complex or compound-complex.
1. Mary is clever and diligent.
2. The little girl wants to go home now.
3. Though John is poor, he is happy.

4. The old lady who visited us last week is my grandmother.
5. My sister works, but I play.
6. You can go to the library now or next week.
7. The man, who bought your house, is my manager.
8. Tom had lost his fountain pen which his father gave it to him
yesterday, so he couldn’t face with him again.
9. I can’t remember what my boss said, but I will ask him.
10. After I had gone to bed, my husband watched television for a

Identify subject, verb of the following sentences.

1. In order to determine the extent to which human
characteristics are influenced by heredity and environment, James
Shields compared identical twins who were brought up together
with identical twins who were brought up apart.

2. People who own home computers can receive their

news directly from the wire services, which supply newspapers,
magazines, radio, and television with news reports, through special
telephone links.

3. The city of Chiangmai, like many of Thailand’s smaller

cities, takes great pride in the preservation of its historic temples
(Wats), and the people of Chiangrai welcome visitors to view

these temples at their leisure. The city was founded by King
Mengrai prior to his founding of Chiangmai. It is one of
Thailand’s northernmost cities and the main city within a province
that borders both Laos and Burma. Much of what you will see at
Chiangrai’s temples stems from its old heritage. It’s well worth a

Pronoun (คำาสรรพนาม) ใช้แทนคำำนำม กลุ่มคำำ เพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงกำรกลุำว

ซำ้ำ แบุงเป็ น
1. personal pronoun
2. reflexive pronoun สรรพนำมสนเอง
3. possessive pronoun สรรพนำมแสดงควำมเป็ นเจ้ำของ
4. demonstrative pronoun สรรพนำมชี้เฉพำะเจำะจง this, that,
these, those
5. interrogative pronoun สรรพนำมใช้ถำมคำำถำม who, whom,
which, what, whose

Put the words in the boxes.
Personal Possessive Reflexive
Person Subject Object Adjective Pronoun
Singular I Mine Myself
1 you Your


hers herself
it its -
Plural us ourselves
1 you yours

they their


Underline the correct pronoun

1. Let you and (I, me) be friends.
2. This pen is (my, mine).
3. My friends told (I, me) that (he, him) would come but (he,
him) didn’t.
4. Those books are (our, ours) book.
5. My students have got (their, them) exam next week.
6. We make (they, them) give the mangoes to (we, us).
7. I’m teaching (myself, ourselves) to play piano.
8. Everybody went to the party except (she, her).

9. A: Where are my shoes?
B: Are ___________ yours over there?
10. (What, Who) wants to see the doctor first?

Complete the sentences with – Put to or nothing (-)

ing form. 1. I don’t want __________
1. We enjoy ___________ walk quickly.
(play) basketball. 2. What time does the bus
2. Has Alan finish ________ _________ leave?
(do) his homework? 3. It’s nice _________ be at
3. John has given up home again.
_________(smoke) because he 4. It may _______ rain
get cancer. tonight.
4. Do you mind ___________
(share) the room with me?

Use the correct form of verb for each item.

1. We ___________ (study) English in this class 3 days ago.
2. We ___________ (study) English in this class since September.
3. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson __________ (visit) Paris last month.
4. Somsri ___________ (teach) cooking every Sunday.
5. We ________________ (write) e-mail now.

6. The money isn’t in the drawer. Someone _____________ (steal)

Underline the adjective and draw an arrow to the word it modified.

Bat are not dirty, bloodthirsty monster that they are portrayed to be
in vampire films. These animals groom themselves carefully like
cats and only rarely carry rabies. Of the hundreds of species of

Choose a comparative adjective or superlative adjective to complete

the sentences.
1. Her new motorcycle is _______________________ than her old
one. (fast)
2. My mother and her sister are all _______________ than their
children. (short)
3. I think Somchai is _________________ person in our class.
4. Brazil is _________________ South American country. (big)
5. Jenny is _________________ than Pancake. (beautiful)
6. My grade in Thai language is excellent, but my grade in French
is _____________. (bad)

Underline the correct answer.
1. Two people were (serious, seriously) injured in the accident.
2. Rose is (terrible, terribly) upset about losing her job.
3. Don’t go up that ladder. It doesn’t look (safe, safely).
4. Please speak (quiet, quietly).
5. Sam is a (careful, carefully) driver.

Underline the correct preposition.

1. Sam has lived in France (for, since) 3 years.
2. Is Jane (at, in) home?
3. Does the show begin (at, on) 8.00? No, it will not begin
(until, for) 9.00, so don’t arrive (before, by) that time.
4. Marry is sitting (in, on) the sofa (at, in) the living room.
5. She hung the picture (above, on) the fireplace.

Context Clues
Context clues คือ การเดาความหมายของคำาศัพท์จากบริบท จากการ
1. บริบทที่เป็ นคำำจำำกัดควำม (Definition) ให้คำำจำำกัดควำมของคำำศัพท์ไว้
อยุำงชัดเจน สังเกตได้จำก
is/are is/are called is/are referred as/are known as
to as
may be may be may be seen as means/mean
described as
that is which means can be defined can be thought
as of as
which is
2. บริบทที่เป็ นกำรกลุำวซำ้ำใจ (Restatement) เป็ นกำรกลุำวซำ้ำใจควำม
เดิม แตุใช้คำำหรือข้อควำมที่แตกตุำงกัน
in other i. e. namely or

that is that is to say that means which means
3. บริบทที่เป็ นกำรเปรียบเทียบที่คล้ำยคลึงกัน (Similarity)
as similar to similarly such like
same as……..as just as in the same
also likewise not
4. บริบทที่แสดงควำมขัดแย้ง (Contrast) เป็ นกำรเปรียบเทียบเพื่อบอก
ควำมตุำงกันหรือควำมขัดแย้งกัน เชุน
although by contrast conversely even if
but otherwise despite even though/
nevertheless in spite of in comparison unlike
instead of in contrast to however while
on the in opposition to yet regardless
on the other
5. บริบทที่เป็ นกำรยกตัวอยุำงประกอบ (Exemplification)
an example as follows e. g. especially

for example for instance including like
particularly such as to illustrate
6. บริบทที่เป็ นกำรอธิบำยสำเหต่ /ควำมเป็ นเหต่เป็ นผลของข้อควำมที่ตุอ
เนื่ องกัน (Cause and Effect or Result)
because consequently as a due to
because of as a result for therefore
for this hence so/such that that is why
since thus that is because so
accordingly result in

Read the following sentences and find out the meaning of the bold
1. Skyscrapers can be described as a very tall modern city
Skyscrapers =
2. He was suffering from dipsomania, an uncontrollable desire for
alcoholic drinks.
Dipsomania =

3. Puppet refers to a small figure of a person or an animal that
can be made to move by pulling string attached to its limbs.
Puppet =
4. There are a lot of bantams (type of small chickens) at my
grandpa’s house.
Bantams =

Read the passage and identify the meaning of the bold word.
Essence of Vanilla

WHEN you hear the word vanilla, what do you think of? Vanilla ice-cream, vanilla
pudding or vanilla cake? Did you know that vanilla was used for scenting soap and perfume?
At one time it was also used in medicine.

The vanilla plant is a member of the orchid family. The bell-shaped flowers are
greenish-yellow and the leaves are broad. The slender yellow pods or beans contain an oily
black pulp1 (very soft substance that is almost liquid) full of tiny black seeds.

The vanilla plant grows in the lowland regions, where the air is damp and hot. Its
home is Mexico, but it is also grown in Madagascar, the West Indies, Java and other tropical
islands. The plants live for about 50 years.

Vanilla essence2 - liquid obtained from a plant, flower etc. that has a strong smell or
taste - is extracted3 or taken something out in the following way. Just before the beans are
ripe, they are cut from the plant and cured4 that is preserved by being heated in large ovens,
exposed to the sun and air and then put into tightly close places to sweat. This treatment
makes the beans shrink5 which means make or become smaller and turn brown. Then they are
chopped and mixed with alcohol, which gradually absorbs their flavor.

However, vanilla beans are costly to produce and vanillin6, a substance which
resembles the oil of vanilla is manufactured artificially or obtained from the Tonka bean, a
pulp1American tree. Vanilla
= very from vanilla
soft substance that beans is now
is almost seldom used.
(Adapted from Student Weekly)
2. essence2 = __________________________________________________________

3. extracted3 = __________________________________________________________

4. cured4 = __________________________________________________________

5. shrink5 = __________________________________________________________

6. vanillin6 = __________________________________________________________

Directions: Read the following text and answer the questions.

The earth is composed, or made up of, three main layers. The outmost layer of
the Earth which is cracked into large pieces is called the crust. The layer beneath the
crust which is made of hot solid, and liquid rocks is called the mantle. The core is the
innermost layer of the Earth and is made of very hot, heavy metals.

1. What does “which” (line 2) refer to?

2. What does “which” (line 3) refer to?
3. What is the definition of “crust”?
4. What is the definition of “mantle”?
5. What is the definition of “composed”?
6. What is the definition of “core”?
7. What is the earth made up of?
8. Which layer is cracked into large pieces?

9. How many layers of the earth are there?

Butterflies are beautiful insects with long thin body and four brightly
colored wings. Like all insects, they have six jointed legs, 3 body parts, a pair of
antennae – long thin organs on the heads used for feeling and touching things,
compound eyes, and an exoskeleton. The three body parts are the head, thorax
(the chest), and abdomen or the tail end. The butterfly’s body is covered by tiny
sensory hairs. The four wings and the six legs of the butterfly are attached to the
thorax, the muscles that make the legs and wings move.

1. What does “they (line 2) refer to?

2. What does “that (line 7) refer to?
3. What is the definition of “butterfly”?
4. What is the meaning of “antennae”?
5. What is the meaning of “thorax”?
6. What is the meaning of “abdomen”?
7. How many legs are there for butterflies?

8. What is a pair of antennae used for?
9. What covers butterfly’s body?
10. What are the butterfly’s wings and legs attached?
4. Present Simple Tense เหต่กำรณ์ท่ีเป็ นปั จจ่บัน กระทำำ
ซำ้ำๆอยุูเสมอ เป็ นนิ สัย เป็ นควำมจริง
Subject + V.1(s,es)
5. Past Simple Tense เหต่กำรณ์ท่ีเกิดขึ้นและสิ้นส่ดลงแล้วใน
อดีต มี (yesterday, last night, ago)
Subject + V.2
6. Present Continuous Tense เหต่กำรณ์ท่ีกำำลังดำำเนิ นอยุูใน
ขณะที่พูด มักใช้คุูกับ Past Simple Tense
Subject + is/am/are + V.ing
7. Past Continuous Tense เหต่กำรณ์ท่ีกำำลังดำำเนิ นอยุูในอดีต
เหต่กำรณ์ท่ีกำำลังดำำเนิ นอยุูใช้ Subject + was/were + V.ing
เหต่กำรณ์ท่ีเกิดภำยหลังใช้ past simple tense
8. Present Perfect Tense เหต่กำรณ์ท่ีเกิดขึ้นในอดีตและยัง
ดำำเนิ นมำถึงปั จจ่บัน
Subject + has/have + V.3
9. Past Perfect Tense เหต่กำรณ์ 2 เหต่กำรณ์ท่ีเกิดขึ้นในอดีต
ที่ตุอเนื่ องกัน

เหต่กำรณ์ท่ีเกิดกุอนใช้ Subject + had + V.3 และเหต่กำรณ์ท่ีเกิด
ภำยหลังใช้ past simple tense
10. Present Perfect continuous Tense ใช้เน้นให้เห็นวุำกำร
กระทำำนั้ นได้กระทำำอยุูตลอดเวลำและตุอเนื่ องมำจนถึงปั จจ่บัน
Subject + has/have + been + V.ing
11. Past Perfect continuous Tense ใช้เน้นให้เห็นกำรตุอเนื่ อง
Subject + had + been + V.ing
12. Future Simple Tense ใช้กับกำรกระทำำที่คำดวุำจะเกิดขึ้นใน
อนำคต (tomorrow, next, the day after tomorrow)
Subject + will/be going to + V.1
13. Future Continuous Tense ใช้กับกำรกระทำำชัว่ ครั้งชัว่ ครำวที่
Subject + will (shall) + be + V.ing
14. Future Perfect Tense ใช้กับกำรกระทำำที่ดำำเนิ นตุอเนื่ องมำ
Subject + will (shall) +have + V.3
15. Future Perfect Continuous Tense ใช้กับกำรกระทำำที่ดำำเนิ น
ตุอเนื่ องกันมำและจะกำำลังกระทำำตุอไปอีกในอนำคต
Subject + will (shall0 + have + been + V. ing


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