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What is your understanding of the Foucaldian insight about people as

“Potential resources”

In a nutshell, people as potential resources means that the men and women

who work in any organization are one of its most valuable assets. These

individuals must be given ample opportunities to learn and grow in order to

achieve career objectives and become assets to their company or client.

They have the ability to leave a lasting impression that encourages loyalty.

When you consider people as potential resources, it indicates that you are

willing to be generous with your knowledge, contacts, and expertise. To me,

this is a deep desire to help others; it is through our relationships with others

that we make a difference in the world.

2. Differentiate subjective vision from scientific gaze

Subjective vision, from the word itself, speaks more to comprehension. It exists

in the mind and belongs to the thinking subject rather than the object of

thought. Something unbiased overview of our thinking or our vision because

each person has their own subjective, it depends on who you are.You have

your own evaluation and judgement of something, and it places an

excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, and opinions.

While scientific gaze claimed to be able to train and discipline the eyes to

distinguish truth from illusion, the eyes could then provide a true picture of the

world. But only if we apply modern knowledge and techniques and look

through those eyes not as a person as a person and judge them

3. Why is self surveillance the most economical and effective form of

Self-surveillance is cost-effective and efficient because it allows the individual

to monitor their home, business, vacation property, or other valuable

possessions from a distance while requiring minimal personnel and

equipment. The ability to record video, photos, and audio can be put to use

for a variety of useful purposes. It's just a matter of putting those resources to

good use.Aside from the purchase of an alarm system, you can monitor your

own self at no additional cost. Furthermore, self-surveillance is highly effective

in detecting intruders because the surveillant knows who belongs in a specific

space and can thus detect "strangers" more easily.

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