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What is your understanding of the Foucaldian insight about people as

“Potential resources”

People as potential resources means, in my opinion, that your people are

your most valuable resource. They are the ones who can assist in the

implementation of corporate strategy, the achievement of objectives, and

the creation of competitive advantage. Measuring and managing people as

you would to other resources allows you to ensure that you have access to

people with the right skills, the ability to use their skills efficiently, appropriate

contribution levels by team members and individuals, and the ability to meet

future requirements.

2. Differentiate subjective vision from scientific gaze

Your eyes are so perceptive that they take their cues from you. They react to

what you are thinking. And they do so because they need to be able to

serve your vision. You have subjective vision, which means that your eyes

must provide you with information that will help you achieve your goals, keep

you safe in dangerous situations, and ensure your needs are met. While your

brain has two completely separate systems for receiving this information. Your

scientific gaze is influenced by the physical world and takes cues from

outside of yourself. It is called scientific because it seeks objective facts and

determines whether or not something is true.

3. Why is self surveillance the most economical and effective form of


A self-surveillance system is the most cost-effective way to protect ones home

and family. Because of the benefits and ease of use, many families are

turning on self-surveillance. Individuals can control and monitor their homes

from anywhere in the world using their smartphone, tablet, or computer with

self-monitoring systems. Self-surveillance is a low-cost solution that can

prevent theft and burglary more effectively than other more expensive

options such as private security, and it makes use of existing camera and

recording infrastructure wirelessly. The user will also be able to view video of

the event after it has been recorded by the system.

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