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MAN101 – Principles of Management



Unit Guide
Trimester 1 2022

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MAN101 – Principles of Management

About Principles of Management (MAN101)

Below is a list of contacts for this unit. Please liaise directly with your unit instructor regarding
appropriate consultation times. It is usually best to contact the staff via email.

Mr. Peter Jung

Unit Instructor
Ms. Le Nguyen Hue Mien


Ms. Chau Nguyen

Academic Admin

Ms. Tuyen Nguyen

Student Advisor
Email: tuyen.nguyen

Unit overview
This course serves as an introduction to the discipline of management. It is designed to integrate the
accepted theories in the area with real world applications to provide students with the basic knowledge
and skills needed for managing others. This course begins with a discussion of the current issues in
management and then proceeds to cover the traditional functions of management: planning,
organizing, leading, and controlling. Lecture and class assignments given in the course are intended to
help students understand the needs of modern public and private organizations, including emerging
national and international trends.
Management can be viewed as both an art and a science. The art of management is to make people and
the organization more effective and efficient. The science side of management is the methods and tools
to accomplish the objectives and goals.


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MAN101 – Principles of Management

Assessment Information

Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1 Have basic knowledge of management theory;

2 Understand about the role of managers and how effective managers work;

Situate any management act within the overall administrative process from planning
to control;

Relate management to the administrative specialties/functions of finance,

4 marketing, operations management and human resource management, both in the
firm and in the undergraduate program;

5 Comprehend the relation between management and governance of the firm;

Be able to assimilate and discuss articles and information about business and

Assessment summary


Quiz (Individual)
1 15% 1-3
Due session 2 through 11, In-class

Wrap-up Quiz (Individual)

2 15% 1-3
Due midnight, the day before the following session

Pre-recorded videos & In-class review (Group)

3 15% 1-3
Due midnight, 2 days before each session, on E-learning

In-class activities (Group)

4 20% 4-6
(Group presentations, Debates, Discussions, etc…)

Final exam (Individual)

5 35% 1-6
Due week 14 (TBC)

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MAN101 – Principles of Management

Assessment 1 – Quiz (15%)

To check the level of knowledge and understanding of students about the theoretical content of the
subject prior to each session. Questions will cover all assigned reading chapter(s) for each
● Format: True/False, Multiple Choice
● Length: 5-10 minutes.
● Due: beginning of each session, 2 through 11 (10 highest out of 11 quizzes).

Assessment 2 – Wrap-up Quiz (15%)

To check the level of knowledge and understanding of students about the theoretical and applied
content after each session.
● Format: True/False, Multiple Choice
● Length: 10-15 minutes.
● Due: at home, by midnight the day before the new session (10/11 highest quizzes will be


Assessment 3 – Pre-recorded videos (15%)

Each team (of maximum 5-6 students) will be required to make a video recording reproducing,
in their own words, the key points of the assigned readings for each session (2-11) and upload
it to E-learning before each session, unless required otherwise by the instructor. All team
members must speak in the videos.
The review of said pre-recorded videos may require in-class presentations.
● Format: Video recordings + In-class review (follow Instructor’s guidelines)
● Length: 10-15 min video
● Due: 23:59, 2nd night prior to each session, on Canva.
E.g. Class on Friday, videos should be submitted by Wednesday’s midnight.

Assessment 4 – In-class activities (20%)

In this activity, students are required to demonstrate their understanding and application of the
session’s topics and/or their application of relevant case studies. Activities may vary: group
presentations, debates, discussions, Cases studies, etc.
● Format: Please follow Instructor’s guidelines
● Length: Please follow Instructor’s guidelines
● Due: In-class, every session

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MAN101 – Principles of Management

Assessment 5 - Final exam (35%)

The final exam will be open book, hard copies of all materials will be allowed. Students will be
required to apply the theory of the course to resolve given case studies. Thoughtfulness and
concision will be required rather than verbosity.
● Format: MCQ, Short answer, Essay questions, etc.
● Length: 120 minutes
● Due: Week 14 (TBC)

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MAN101 – Principles of Management



1 Course overview Readings: Learning Guide

C1 – Managers and You in the Workplace Course overview
Forming groups and assigning topics

2 C2 –Decision Making Readings: Chapter 2

Part 1 Management Practice Case application C2
Part 1 Management Practice
Quiz 1 and presentation S2 due

3 C3 – Global Management Readings: Chapter 3, 4 & 5

C4 – Valuing a Diverse Workforce Case application C3
C5 – Socially Conscious Management Case application C4
Quiz 2 and presentation S3 due

4 C6 – Managing Change Readings: Chapter 6 & 7

C7 – Constraints on Managers Case application C6
Part 2 Management Practice Case application C7
Part 2 Management Practice
Quiz 3 and presentation S4 due

5 C8 – Planning and Goal-Setting Readings: Chapter 8 & 9

C9 – Strategic planning Case application C8
Case application C9
Quiz 4 and presentation S5 due

6 C10 – Fostering Entrepreneurship Readings: Chapter 10

Part 3 Management Practice Case application C10
Part 3 Management Practice
Quiz 5 and presentation S6 due

7 C18 – Controlling Activities and Readings: Chapter 18

Operations Case application C18
Part 6 Management Practice Part 6 Management Practice
Quiz 6 and presentation S7 due

8 C17 – Motivation Readings: Chapter 17

Part 5 Management Practice Case application C17
Part 5 Management Practice
Quiz 7 and presentation S8 due

9 C11 – Organization Design Readings: Chapter 11 & 12

C12 – Organizing Around Teams Case application C11
Case application C12
Quiz 8 and presentation S9 due

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10 C13 – Human Resource Management Readings: Chapter 13

Part 4 Management Practice Case application C13
Part 4 Management Practice
Quiz 9 and presentation S8 due

11 C14 – Interpersonal and Organizational Readings: Chapter 14 & 15

Communication Case application C14
C15 – Organizational Behavior Case application C15
Quiz 10 and presentation S9 due

12 C16 – Leadership Readings: Chapter 16 & 17

Part 5 Management Practice Case application C16
Part 5 Management Practice
Quiz 11 and presentation S10 due

13 Break/Make-up week

14 Final exam - TBC

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MAN101 – Principles of Management

Learning resources
List of readings
Prescribed Textbook Robbins, S. P., & Coulter, M. K. (2018).
Management. New York, NY: Pearson Education.

Recommended readings As assigned by Lecturer

Online resources
Username: UEHCMC2010
Password: thuvien0810


General submission requirements

Referencing requirements
Student assignments are to contain original content created by the students. Assignments will be
rejected if they include plagiarized content or contain excessive amounts of quoted/cited material and
minimal original content. Students will receive a grade of ZERO (0%) for any assignments
rejected for this reason.
Written assignments will be randomly checked by the lecturer with, an online
plagiarism-checking tool. Furthermore, your reference to support your statements must be from a
reliable source, such as textbooks, additional reading materials, and reference books. However, many
websites are not reliable sources. Examples are,, and If you are not
sure if a reference is acceptable or not, please contact the lecturer.
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th ed., will serve as the
primary reference materials for all students. Therefore, all papers must be submitted in APA format.
The mechanics of student papers and work will be evaluated, as well as the content. It is imperative
that guidelines be reviewed before an assignment is begun. It is also important that the required
submission format be followed in compiling the final paper or assignment.

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MAN101 – Principles of Management

Class Policies and Rules

Follow the official student handbook

Late assignment and make-up policy

All quizzes, assignments, and final exam must be taken on the assigned dates. If there are extenuating
or unforeseen circumstances, the school office must be contacted prior to the quiz or exam dates to
authorize a make -up if required. No make-up quiz or exam will be accepted unless a prior approval
granted by the school based on a Special Consideration Application for a supplementary examination.
Final marks and grades are subject to confirmation by the School Assessment Committees which may
scale, modify or otherwise amend the marks a nd grades for the unit, as may be required by University
Note: To successfully complete this unit, students must:
▪ Complete all assessment items;
▪ Achieve a minimum of 50 marks;
▪ Attend 80 percent of class time.

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