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NoSQL Databases Column Family Databases


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Introduction Column Families

• Companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Yahoo! must contend • As Figure shows, rows are composed of several column families. Each
with demands for very large database management solutions. family consists of a set of related columns.
• In 2006, Google published a paper entitled “BigTable: A Distributed Storage
System for Structured Data.”
• The paper described a new type of database, the column family database.
• Google designed this database for several of its large services, including
web indexing, Google Earth, and Google Finance.
• BigTable became the model for implementing very large-scale NoSQL
• Other column family databases include Cassandra, HBase, and Accumulo.

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Indexing by Row, Column Name, and Time

Reading and Writing Atomic Rows
• Data values are indexed by row identifier, column name, and time • Read and write operations are atomic. All columns are read or written
stamp. or none are.
• Multiple versions of a column value can exist. The latest version is
returned by default when the column value is queried.

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Differences and Similarities to Key-Value

Maintaining Rows in Sorted Order
• BigTable (and hbase) maintains rows in sorted order. This makes it • Key-value databases consist of a keyspace, which is analogous to a
straightforward to perform range queries. schema in a relational database..
• Unlike key-value databases, the values in columns are indexed by a
• Example: row identifier as well as by a column name (and time stamp)..
• Sales transactions may be ordered by date.

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Column Family Database Similarities from Architectures Used in Column Family

Document Databases Databases
• Column family databases support similar types of querying that allow • There are two commonly used types of architectures used with
to select subsets of data available in a row. distributed databases: Hierarchical node type and peer-to-peer type.
• Column family databases, like document databases, do not require all • Hierarchical node type architectures have at least two types of nodes,
columns in all rows. Master and Region Server.

9 Hierarchical node peer-to-peer 10

Designing for Column Family

End Databases

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