Decision Support & Business Intelligence Systems

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Decision Support &

Business Intelligence

Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Phạm Quốc Trung

School of Industrial Management, HCMUT
Course Introduction
• This course introduces the fundamental concepts and
technology practices of decision support and business
intelligence systems.
• Topics include
• DSS, Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science,
• AI, Big Data, and Cloud Computing,
• Descriptive Analytics: Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and
Visualization, Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing,
• Predictive Analytics: Data Mining Process, Methods, and
Algorithms, Text, Web, and Social Media Analytics,
• Prescriptive Analytics: Optimization and Simulation,
• Future Trends in Analytics. 2
Main Contents

1 Introduction to DSS, BI & Analytics

2 Descriptive Analytics

3 Predictive Analytics

4 Prescriptive Analytics

5 Future Trends

Assessment Methods

• Total hours: 36 periods (12 lectures)

- Lectures: 27 periods
- Workshop/Project: 9 periods
• Assessment:
- Group project: 20%
- Exercises/Practice: 20%
- Final Exam: 60%

• Sharda, R., Delen, D., and Turban, E. (2018). Business

Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial
Perspective. 4th Ed. Pearson Higher Ed.
• Murray, D. (2016). Tableau Your Data! Fast and Easy Visual
Analysis with Tableau Software. 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
• Kotu, V. & Deshpande, B. (2019). Data Science: Concepts and
Practice. 2nd Ed. Morgan Kaufmann.
• Turban, E., Aronson, J.E. , Liang, T.P. (2005). Decision Support
Systems and Intelligent Systems, Pearson, Prentice Hall.
• SIM-HCMUT (2020), Learning materials, Internal documents.
Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science:
A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition,
Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, and Efraim Turban,
Pearson, 2017.

Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, Ninth Edition,
Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen,
Pearson, 2011.

Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value Creation for
Business Leaders and Practitioners,
Jared Dean,
Wiley, 2014.

Changing Business Environments and
Evolving Needs for Decision Support and
1. Group communication and collaboration
2. Improved data management
3. Managing giant data warehouses and Big Data
khổng lồ

4. Analytical support
5. Overcoming cognitive limits in processing and
storing information
6. Knowledge management
7. Anywhere, anytime support

Source: Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, and Efraim Turban (2017),

Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson
Managers and Decision Making:
Why Computerized Support?

• Competition

• Speed

• The MANAGERS are always responsible

for decision making

Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition. 10
Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
The Nature of Managers’ Work
[Make Decisions!] Mintzberg (1980) (Table 1.1) Roles
• Interpersonal
• Figurehead bù nhìn?

• Leader
• Liason Liaison: liên lạc viên

• Informational
• Monitor người giám sát

• Disseminator người truyền bá

• Spokesperson người phát ngôn

• Decisional
• Entrepreneur Doanh nhân

• Disturbance Handler Xử lý nhiễu

• Resource Allocator Bộ phân bổ tài nguyên

• Negotiator Người đám phán

Managers need information and use computers

to support decision making

Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition. 11
Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Managerial Decision Making and
Information Systems

• Management is a process by which organizational

goals are achieved through the use of resources

• Resources: Inputs
• Goal Attainment: Output
• Measuring Success:
Productivity = Outputs / Inputs

Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition. 12
Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
• Management is decision making
• The manager is a decision maker
• Now fast changing, complex environment
• Trial-and-error: not a great approach
• Factors affecting decision making (Figure 1.1)
• Technology / Information/Computers
• Structual Complexity / Competition
• International markets / Political Stability / Consumerism
• Changes, Fluctuations

Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition. 13
Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Management Science
Scientific approach to automate
managerial decision making
1. Define problem
2. Classify problem
3. Construct mathematical model
4. Find and evaluate potential solutions
5. Choose and recommend a solution

Modeling: Transforming the real-world problem

into an appropriate prototype structure

Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition. 14
Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Decision Making

• Decision Making: a process of choosing among

alternative courses of action for the purpose of
attaining a goal or goals

• Managerial Decision Making is synonymous with

the whole process of management (Simon, 1977)


Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition,
Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Decision Making versus
Problem Solving

Simon’s 4 Phases of Decision Making

1. Intelligence
2. Design
3. Choice
4. Implementation

Decision making and problem solving

are interchangeable


Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition,
Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Decision Support Systems (DSS)
(Gorry and Scott-Morton, 1971)

computer-based systems,
which help decision makers
utilize data and models to
solve unstructured problems”

Source: Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, and Efraim Turban (2017),

Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson
Decision Support Systems (DSS)
(Keen and Scott-Morton, 1978)

“Decision support systems couple the

intellectual resources of individuals with
the capabilities of the computer to
improve the quality of decisions.
It is a computer-based support system for
management decision makers who deal
with semistructured problems.”

Source: Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, and Efraim Turban (2017),

Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson
Major DSS Characteristics

(DSS In Action 1.5: Houston Minerals Case)

• Initial risk analysis (management science)

• Model scrutiny using experience, judgment, and intuition
• Initial model mathematically correct, but incomplete
• DSS provided very quick analysis
• DSS: flexible and responsive. Allows managerial intuition and

Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition. 19
Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Why Use DSS?

Perceived benefits
• decision quality
• improved communication
• cost reduction
• increased productivity
• time savings
• improved customer and employee satisfaction

Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition. 20
Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Decision Support Technologies
Management Support Systems (MSS)
• Decision Support Systems (DSS)
• Group Support Systems (GSS)
• Enterprise (Executive) Information Systems (EIS)
• Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Supply-Chain
Management (SCM)
• Knowledge Management Systems
• Expert Systems (ES)
• Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
• Hybrid Support Systems
• Intelligent DSS

Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Efraim Turban and Jay E. Aronson, 6th edition. 21
Copyright 2001, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Evolution of Decision Support,
Business Intelligence, and Analytics


Source: Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, and Efraim Turban (2017),

Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson
Evolution of Business Intelligence (BI) Chapter 1 • An Overview of Business Intelligence, Analytics, and D

Quer ying and

r epor t ing

M et adat a Dat a war ehouse


Financial Dat a mar t s Spr eadsheet s

r epor t ing (M S Excel)


Digit al cockpit s
and dashboar ds
Scor ecar ds and Int elligence
dashboar ds

Wor kflow

Aler t s and
not ificat ions

Dat a & t ext

mining Pr edict ive Br oadcast ing
Por t als
analyt ics t ools

Source: Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, and Efraim Turban (2017),

FIGU RE 1.9 Evolution of Business Intelligence (BI).
Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson
mining Predict ive Br oadcast ing
Por t als
analyt ics t ools

A High-Level Architecture of BI
FIGU RE 1.9 Evolution of Business Intelligence (BI).

Dat a Warehouse Business Analyt ics Performance and

Environment Environment St rat egy

Dat a M anagers/execut ives

Technical st af f Business user s
Build t he dat a w arehouse Access BPM st rat egies
Dat a
- Organizing warehouse
- Summarizing M anipulat ion, result s
- St andardizing

User int erface

Fut ure component : - Browser
Int elligent syst ems - Port al
- Dashboard

FIGU RE 1.10 A High-Level Architecture of BI. (Source: Based on W. Eckerson, Smart Companies in the 21st 24
Century: The Secrets of Creating Successful Business
Source: Intelligent
Ramesh Sharda, Solutions.
Dursun The Data
Delen, and Efraim TurbanWarehousing
(2017), Institute, Seattle, W A,
Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson
Architecture of Big Data Analytics
Big Data
Big Data Big Data Big Data Analytics
Sources Transformation Platforms & Tools Applications

Middleware Queries
* Internal Hadoop
Transformed MapReduce Big Data
* External Data Pig Analytics
Data Extract
Transform Reports
* Multiple Jaql
formats Zookeeper
* Multiple Data Cassandra OLAP
locations Warehouse Oozie
* Multiple Traditional Mahout
applications Format Others Data
CSV, Tables Mining

Source: Stephan Kudyba (2014), Big Data, Mining, and Analytics: Components of Strategic Decision Making, Auerbach Publications
Architecture of Big Data Analytics
Big Data
Big Data Big Data Big Data Analytics
Sources Transformation Platforms & Tools Applications

* Internal

* External
Data Mining

MapReduce Big Data
Pig Analytics


Big Data
Transform Reports
* Multiple Jaql
formats Zookeeper

* Multiple Cassandra OLAP
locations Warehouse Oozie
* Multiple Traditional Mahout
applications Format Others
CSV, Tables Mining

Source: Stephan Kudyba (2014), Big Data, Mining, and Analytics: Components of Strategic Decision Making, Auerbach Publications
Three Types of Analytics


Source: Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, and Efraim Turban (2017),

Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson
Three Types of Business Analytics

• Prescriptive Analytics
• Predictive Analytics
• Descriptive Analytics

Source: Thomas H. Davenport, "Enterprise Analytics: Optimize Performance, Process, and Decisions Through Big Data", FT Press, 2012 29
Three Types of Business Analytics

Optimization “What’s the best that can happen?” Prescriptive

Randomized Testing “What if we try this?”

Predictive Modeling / “What will happen next?”

Statistical Modeling “Why is this happening?”

Alerts “What actions are needed?”

Query / Drill Down “What exactly is the problem?” Descriptive

Ad hoc Reports / “How many, how often, where?”

Standard Report “What happened?”

Source: Thomas H. Davenport, "Enterprise Analytics: Optimize Performance, Process, and Decisions Through Big Data", FT Press, 2012 30
Analytics Ecosystem


Source: Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, and Efraim Turban (2017),

Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson
Job Titles of Analytics


Source: Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, and Efraim Turban (2017),

Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson
A Data to Knowledge Continuum


Source: Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, and Efraim Turban (2017),

Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson
Business Intelligence (BI) Infrastructure


Source: Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon (2014), Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Thirteenth Edition, Pearson.
Business Intelligence and Data Mining
Increasing potential
to support
business decisions End User

Data Presentation Business

Visualization Techniques
Data Mining Data
Information Discovery Analyst

Data Exploration
Statistical Summary, Querying, and Reporting

Data Preprocessing/Integration, Data Warehouses

Data Sources
Paper, Files, Web documents, Scientific experiments, Database Systems 35

Source: Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber (2006), Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Second Edition, Elsevier
Business Insights
Social Analytics
Analyzing the Social Web:
Social Network Analysis

Jennifer Golbeck (2013), Analyzing the Social Web, Morgan Kaufmann


Champion 39
Short Text Conversation


Short Text Conversation


• This course introduces the fundamental concepts and
technology practices of DSS & BIS.
• Topics include
• DSS, Business Intelligence, and Analytics, AI, Big Data, and
Cloud Computing,
• Descriptive Analytics: Nature of Data, Statistical Modeling, and
Visualization, Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing,
• Predictive Analytics: Data Mining Process, Methods, and
Algorithms, Text, Web, and Social Media Analytics,
• Prescriptive Analytics: Optimization and Simulation,
• Future Trends in Analytics. 42

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