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PH212-APCS 2021-2022 1/12/2022

Chapter 22

Q1 charges
Three objects are brought close to each other, two at a
time. When objects A and B are brought together, they
repel. When objects B and C are brought together, they
also repel. Which of the following are true?
(a) Objects A and C possess charges of the same sign.
(b) Objects A and C possess charges of opposite sign.
(c) All three objects possess charges of the same sign.
(d) One object is neutral.
(e) Additional experiments must be performed to
determine the signs of the charges.

QQ 22.1, 10ed

PH212-APCS 2021-2022 1/12/2022

Q2 mass of charge
A metallic coin is given a positive electric charge.
Does its mass
(a) increase measurably,
(b) increase by an amount too small to measure
(c) remain unchanged,
(d) decrease by an amount too small to measure
directly, or
(e) decrease measurably?
OQ 23.9i, 9ed

Q3 Induction
What happens when a charged insulator is placed near
an uncharged metallic object?
(a) They repel each other.
(b) They attract each other.
(c) They may attract or repel each other, depending on
whether the charge on the insulator is positive or
(d) They exert no electrostatic force on each other.
(e) The charged insulator always spontaneously

OQ 23.7, 9ed

PH212-APCS 2021-2022 1/12/2022

Q4 Hydrogen atom
The electron and proton of a hydrogen atom are
separated (on the average) by a distance of
approximately 5.3  10-11 m. Find the
magnitudes of the electric force and the
gravitational force between the two particles.
𝐺 = 6.674 × 10 𝑁𝑚 /𝑘𝑔
𝑚 = 9.11 × 10 𝑘𝑔, 𝑚 = 1.67 × 10 𝑘𝑔

EX 23.1, 9ed; 22.1, 10ed

Q5 Electric force in circular motion
In the Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom, an
electron moves in a circular orbit about a proton,
where the radius of the orbit is 5.29  10-11 m.
(a) Find the magnitude of the electric force exerted
on each particle.
(b) If this force causes the centripetal acceleration
of the electron, what is the speed of the electron?

P 23.17, 9ed; 22.9, 10ed

PH212-APCS 2021-2022 1/12/2022

Q6 Electric force
Two point charges attract each other with an electric
force of magnitude F. If the charge on one of the particles
is reduced to one-third its original value and the distance
between the particles is doubled, what is the resulting
magnitude of the electric force between them?
(a) 1/12 F
(b) 1/3 F
(c) 1/6 F
(d) 3/4 F
(e) 3/2 F

OQ 23.12, 9ed;

Q7 Superposition principle
Two small beads having positive charges q1 = 3q and
q2 = q are fixed at the opposite ends of a horizontal
insulating rod of length d = 1.50 m. The bead with
charge q1 is at the origin. As shown in Figure, a third
small, charged bead is free to slide on the rod.
(a) At what position x is the third bead in
(b) Can the equilibrium be stable?

P 23.13, 9ed; 22.7, 10ed

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