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Sets and Construction

Jan 2010

3. (a) T and E are subsets of a universal set, U, such that:

U = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}
T = {multiples of 3}
E = {even numbers}

(i) Draw a Venn diagram to represent this information.

(ii) List the members of the set

a) T∩E

b) ¿

May 09

3. (a) In a survey of 50 students,

23 owned cellular phones
18 owned digital cameras
x owned cellular phones and digital cameras
2x owned neither.

(i) Let C represent the set of students in the survey who owned cellular phones, and
D the set of students who owned digital cameras. Copy and complete the Venn
diagram below to represent the information obtained from the survey. (2 marks)

(ii) Write an expression in x for the TOTAL number of students in the survey.

(iii) Calculate the value of x.

Jan 09

3. (a) A school has 90 students in Form 5.

54 students study Physical Education.
42 students study Music.
6 students study neither Physical Education nor Music.
x students study both Physical Education and Music.

(i) Copy the Venn diagram shown below.

(ii) Show on your Venn diagram the information relating to the students in Form 5.

(iii) Calculate the number of students who study BOTH Physical Education and

May 08

4. (a) A universal set, U, is defined as

U = {15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25}.

Sets M and N are subsets of U such that

M = {Prime Numbers} and N = {Even Numbers}.

(i) Draw a Venn diagram to represent the sets M, N and U

(ii) List the elements of the set ¿

Jan 08

3. (a) A Universal set, U, is defined as

U = {k, l, m, n, p, q, r}.
S = {k, l, m, p}
T = {k, p, q}
(i) Draw a Venn diagram to represent this information.

(ii) List, using set notation, the members of the set

a) S∪T

b) S¿

May 07

3. (a) The Venn Diagram below represents information on the type of games played by
members of a youth club. All members of the club play at least one game.

S represents the set of members who play squash.

T represents the set of members who play tennis.
H represents the set of members who play hockey.

Leo, Mia and Neil are three members of the youth club.

(i) State what game(s) is/are played by

a) Leo

b) Mia

c) Neil

(ii) Describe in words the members of the set H ¿ ∩ S.

Jan 07

3. (a) Describe, using set notation only, the shaded regions in each Venn diagram below.
The first one is done for you.

(i) (ii) (iii)


(b) The following information is given.

U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
P = {prime numbers}
Q = {odd numbers}

Draw a Venn diagram to represent the information above.

(c) The Venn diagram below shows the number of elements in each region.

Determine how many elements are in EACH of the following sets:

(i) A ∪B (1 mark)

(ii) A∩B (1 mark)

(iii) ¿ (1 mark)

(iv) U (1 mark)
May 06

3. (b) In a survey of 39 students. It was found that

18 can ride a bicycle.

15 can drive a car,
x can ride a bicycle and drive a cut.
3x can do neither.

B is the set of students in the survey who can ride a bicycle and C the set of students
who can drive a car.

(i) Copy and complete the Venn diagram to represent the information.

(ii) Write an expression in x for the number of students in the survey.

(iii) Calculate the value of x.

Jan 06

3. (b) On a certain day, 300 customers visited a bakery that sells bread and cakes.

70 customers bought cakes only

80 customers bought neither bread nor cakes
2x customers bought bread only
x customers bought both bread and cakes
(i) U represents the set of customers visiting the bakery on that day, B represents
the set of customers who bought bread, and C represents the set of customers
who bought cake. Copy and complete the Venn diagram to illustrate the

(iii) Write an expression in x to represent the TOTAL number of customers who

visited the bakery on that day.

(iii) Calculate the number of customers who bought bread ONLY.

May 05

3. (a) In the diagram shown below, the Universal set, (U), represents all the students in a
class. The set M represents the students who take Music. The set D represents the
students who take Drama. If 24 students take Music, calculate:

(i) the number of students who take BOTH Music and Drama

(ii) the number of students who take Drama ONLY.

Jan 05

3. (a) On a certain 32 candidates took examinations at a CXC examinations centre.

11 took French (F)

9 took Spanish (S)
x took both French and Spanish
18 took neither French nor Spanish

(i) Copy and complete the following Venn diagram to represent the information.

(iii) Write an equation in x for the number of candidates in the universal set.

(iii) Calculate the value of x.

(iv) Shade the region F ¿ ∩S

May 04

3. (a) A club has 160 members, some of whom play tennis (T) or cricket (C) or both. 97 play
tennis, 86 play cricket and 10 play neither, x play both tennis and cricket.

(i) Draw a Venn diagram to represent this information.

(ii) How many members play both tennis and cricket?

(5 marks)

Jan 04

3. (a) The following information is given:

U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
P = {1, 2, 5, 10}
Q = {2, 3, 5, 8, 9}

P and Q are subsets of U, the Universal set.

(i) Draw a Venn diagram to represent the information above.

(ii) List, using set notation, the members of the set

a) PQ

b) ( P ∩Q) 
May 03

3. (a) The Universal set, U, is given as

U = {1, 2, 3, 13, 14, 15}.

The sets A and B are subsets of U such that:

A = {Factors of 12}
B = {Multiples of 3}.

(i) List the members of the set A.

(ii) List the members of the set B.

(iii) Represent the sets, A, B and U, on a Venn diagram.

(iv) List the members of ¿.

Jan 03

3. (a) In a group of 55 students,

31 students passed French
2x students passed Spanish only
x students passed both French and Spanish
10 students passed neither French nor Spanish

(i) Draw a CLEARLY labeled Venn diagram to illustrate the information above.

(ii) Calculate the number of students who passed Spanish.

(iii) Calculate the number of students who passed ONLY ONE subject.

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