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The Viewpoints of the Augustinian Recollect Priests and Sisters in Manila

on the Pinoy Version New Testament

Saint Rita College - Manila

Language Education Research

Presented to:
The Teachers of the College Department
Saint Rita College - Manila
Plaza del Carmen, Quiapo Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English


Asp. Joycee C. Espina

Asp. Genalyn L. Garcia
Asp. Gwennlyn L. Archedera
Asp. Jonah Mare R. Lapasaran

Saint Rita College-Manila




In the partial fulfillment for Language Education Research this Research Paper

entitled: The Viewpoints of the Augustinian Recollect Priests and Sisters in Manila

on the Pinoy Version New Testament was prepared and submitted to the Faculty of

Basic Education by:Archedera, Asp. Gwennyn Legion; Espina, Asp. Joycee

Campanilla; Garcia, Asp. Genalyn Lucero; and Lapasaran, Asp. Jonah Mare Rigor

is deemed satisfactory and is therefore recommended for ORAL DEFENSE

Professor Danielle De Guzman

Research Adviser
Saint Rita College-Manila




In the partial fulfillment for Language Education Research this Research

Paper entitled: The Viewpoints of the Augustinian Recollect Priests and Sisters in

Manila on the Pinoy Version New Testament was prepared and submitted to the

Faculty of Basic Education by: Archedera, Asp. Gwennyn Legion;

Espina, Asp. Joycee Campanilla; Garcia, Asp. Genalyn Lucero; and Lapasaran,

Asp. Jonah Mare Rigor is deemed satisfactory and is therefore recommended for

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination on _________________ with a
grade of _______________.

Panelist Panelist

Accepted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Third Year Bachelor

of Secondary Education with Specialization in English Language -First Semester under

the course Language Education Research.

Adviser Dean

We earnestly dedicate this study for all Millennials and for all Religious people, that this
Research paper may inspire not just the young and the common people but also the
religious persons to open themselves more for opportunities of growth for the whole
Church and for our Catholic Faith.

For our Augustinian Recollect Sisters and Fathers, Professors, and the School
Administrators for the prayers and support! Muchas gracias!

To our Almighty God, for showering upon us His abounding graces and illuminating light
to pursue this study for His greater glory. Un millón de gracias!

To God be the Glory!

The Researchers
Title Page ……………………………………...i
Table of Contents …………………………..ii
Approval Sheet
Acknowledgement ………………………………..iii
1. Chapter I The Problem and its Setting ……………..1
1.1 Introduction …………………….2
1.2 Statement of the Problem ……………..2
1.3 Objectives of the study …………….3
1.4 Specific Objectives of the Study ………………...3
1.5 Significance of the Study ……………..4
1.6 Scope and Delimitation ………..4
1.7 Definition of Terms
2. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature
3. Chapter 3 Methodology …………..
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Respondents of the Study
3.3 Data Gathering Instrument
4. Chapter 4 Presentation of Data, Analysis and Interpretation
4.1 Presentation of the Data
5. Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
6. Bibliographies
7. Appendice


We, the Researchers strongly desire to consign our deepest thanks and tribute to the
Augustinian Recollect Sisters and Priests in Manila for permitting us to conduct this
study and for your full contribution and coordination in answering the Questionnaire for
this study.

To our ever forbearing and conscientious professor for this course, Mrs. Daniella De
Guzman with her undying support and assistance all through the accomplishment of this
Research work.

And above all to God, for having provided everything for us, this is not our work but His,
through us. All glory to you Almighty Father!
The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages
of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. As of October 2019 the full Bible has been translated
into 698 languages, the New Testament has been translated into an additional 1,548
languages and Bible portions or stories into 1,138 other languages. Thus at least some
portions of the Bible have been translated into 3,384 languages.
The Effects of different Bible translations is a great value especially when it
comes to Evangelization. People would take a particular translation as too broad or too
deep. Subsequently, when the Holy Bible is translated in modern languages or those
that are closely related to a country's existing language or accessible to a certain group
of people in a society (e.g Millennials) It would be easier for the people to connect
themselves to the Living Word of God. They would be introduced more deeply on how
God wanted them to live their lives. The Scriptures may come in different forms but it's
still the same Word, the same message, and the same purpose. That is, to bring the
people closer to Jesus Christ, the only way to Salvation.
Pinoy version of the New Testament Bible creates chaos in the present world
and leads to each individual thinking that they publish a Bible that sort of disrespect to
the one who created the universe. Most Rev. Broderick S. Pabillo, D.D. says that "The
Pinoy Version is a project of the Philippine Bible Society (PBS), which is an ecumenical
body made up of Roman Catholics, mainline Protestant churches, Evangelical and free
Churches in the Philippines whose mission is to spread the Bible in languages that
people can readily understand at prices that they can afford, so that there be greater
diffusion of the Bible among Filipinos, believing that eventually this can bring about
national transformation."
"In a way ..." He added, "...this is the first time that a version of the Bible has
made waves in the public discourse. This itself is positive. It shows that people still care
about the Bible and at the same time the comments inadvertently are a publicity itself
about this version." ( Most Rev. Broderick S. Pabillo, D.D.) CBCP News on Pinoy
Version making waves.
This main aim of this study is to Evaluate the efficacy of the Pinoy Version of the
New Testament Bible as perceived by the Augustian Recollect Priests and Sisters in

The target of this study are Religious Order of Augustinian Recollects specifically
The Augustinian Recollect Priests and Sisters in Manila. They were all brothers and
sisters but they had a unique perception based on the latest version of the New
Testament Bible. The results shall uncover new insights on the effectiveness of the
language used in the Pinoy Version of New Testament Bible.

Statement of the Problem

1.How commendable is the pinoy version of the New testament Bible as a new way of
evangelization in the perception of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters in Manila?
2.What are the different insights of the Augustinian Recollect Priest and Sisters in
Manila on the Pinoy Version of the New Testament Bible?
3.What are the significance of the language used in the Pinoy Version of the New
Testament Bible in proclaiming the same word as discerned by the Augustinian
Recollect Priest and Sisters in Manila?

Objectives of the study

The main purpose of the study is to have the perceptions of the Augustinian Recollect
Priests and Sisters in Manila on The Pinoy Version of the New Testament Bible
Specific Objectives
This research is proposed to:
a. Explore the Perception of the Augustinian Recollect Priests and Sisters in Manila
on the Pinoy Version of the New Testament Bible as a New way of evangelization
b. Interpret the different insights of the Augustinian Recollect Priests and Sisters in
Manila on the Pinoy Version of the New Testament Bible.
c. Discover the significance of the language used in the Pinoy Version of the New
Testament Bible in proclaiming the same Word as discerned by The Augustinian
Recollect Priests and Sisters in Manila.

Significance of the Study
Vital results of this study could be highly significant and beneficial specifically to the
● For the universal Church. The result shall give deeper comprehension of God's divine
character through the language used in translating the New Testament Bible.
● For the Philippine Church. This study shall imply awareness about the Mother
Church's effort to spread the Word of God through the language that fits the modern
● For the other Religious Communities. This study shall have greater knowledge on the
Sacred Scripture particularly on the language used in translation, which is considered
as one of the ways in spreading the Word of God.
● For the other researchers. The study will be an additional resource.
● For the researchers themselves. The results shall uncover new insights on the
effectiveness of the language used in the Pinoy Version of New Testament Bible.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be focusing on having the viewpoints of the Augustinian Recollect Priests
and Sisters in Manila in regards with the Pinoy version of the New Testament Bible
through interview. The researchers will use the New American Bible, the Pinoy Version
of the New Testament Bible, Bible Commentary and online library as a material.


The researchers has the following related literature:

Ernst R Wendland, “Bible Translation”, In the book of “The Encyclopedia of

Applied Linguistics”, Stellenbosch University, 2012

“The Bible is the most translated and retranslated book in the world. The process
of Bible translation involves a complex, multidisciplinary effort that is aimed at rendering
what is in essence a library of diverse literary genres in the various world languages. It
consists of the 39 books of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament, OT), the 27 books of
the Greek New Testament (NT), and an Apocrypha or Deuterocanon (DC) of up to 15
books depending on the church tradition. The practice of Bible translation is at once a
science, an art, a craft, and a technology that benefits most from a coordinated team
A number of applied and theoretical fields of linguistics and biblical studies are
employed in the translation exercise, together with other disciplines, including
anthropology, sociology, pragmatics, intercultural communication, orality studies, and
literary studies. This sustained enterprise is sometimes carried on for many years. In
order to understand and appreciate the multifaceted character of Bible translation, it
may be helpful to view the process from several perspectives, including its past history
and accomplishments to the present day, the main theories that inform Bible translation,
the practical principles and procedures whereby it is accomplished, and some of the
chief ways in which applied linguistics, computer technology, and related studies
contribute to this worldwide endeavor.
During the first 1,800 years of the Christian era, at least one book of the Bible
was translated into some 70 languages. Another 460 languages were added in the 19th
century, and nearly four times that many (1,768) during the 20th century despite two
world wars and other major conflicts (Hill, 2006, p. 82). By the end of 2014, at least a
portion of Scripture had been translated and published in 2,883 of the world's
languages; however, only 531 languages possessed a complete Bible, and of those
only about 200 included the DC books.

The founding of the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1804 and the rise of the
Bible Society movement during the 19th century greatly facilitated the translation,
publication,and distribution of vernacular Scriptures. Some of the principal agencies
involved in the current worldwide effort are the following: Wycliffe Bible Translators
(WBT), also known by their academic arm SIL International, the United Bible Societies
(UBS), Pioneer Bible Translators, Lutheran Bible Translators, and Word for the World,
among many others. Of the world's estimated 7,100 living languages, spoken by some 6
billion people (Lewis, et. al., 2015), well over 4,000 lack any portion of Scripture at all.
Of these, current estimates suggest that around 350 million people speaking 2,250
languages do not have access to Scripture texts in a language they understand,
whether in print, audio, audiovisual, or electronic form. Translation programs are
currently under way in more than 2000 languages. ”
According to Wendland, It was in 1804 that the British and Foreign Bible Society
was founded. Henceforth in the 19th century, the inflation of the Bible Society
movement assisted the progress of the translation, publication, and dispensation of the
native or vernacular scriptures. Wendland aforesaid that the Holy Bible is the most
translated and retranslated book in the world.

Anicia del Corro, Ph.D, “Frequently Asked Questions on the Pinoy Version NT” ,
“The Linguistic Heterogeneity and Bible Translation: The Pinoy Version'', (N.D)Del

Corro, A. (2009). Linguistic Heterogeneity and BibleTranslation: The Pinoy Version. The
Bible Translator, 60(4), 201–214.

It was the Philippine Bible Society that commenced the Pinoy Version New
Testament (PVNT) after a conscientious study of the linguistic situation that exists
especially in the National Capital Region. The PNVT was said to adjoin all the standards
of a UBS Bible translation project which was initially precise in all details, and is
consistent in its textual base. Subsequently, it is not difficult to understand because it
picked out the most simple way of saying something and it has no doctrinal bias as
well. It says that the contemporary, even if it's in spoken form, can still be conveyed
reverently in a language. Philippine Bible Society (PBS) considered it truthful that the
language used in the Bible translation must not be far from the way people speak.
The PNVT is not and will never be a disrespect to the divine author or
irreverence to God. The words used is not correlated or linked with gay language nor
with tabloid or with vulgar language. Neither it is a paraphrase but rather a meaning-
based translation, they did not change meaning of the original test
The Phillippine Bible Society has published two Tagalog translations of the Holy
Bible namely the formal translation and the meaning-based. Annie Del Corro--a linguist
and PBS translation consultant seeks to comprehend in her paper entitled augmented
a question if the kind of mixed language spoken by the many urbanities in the
Philippines is acceptable by the Church. It has been said that Filipinos have already
outreached the stage where many a time and oft, to use a mixed or heterogenous
language in speaking is much more facile and easy.

Anicia del Corro, Ph.D, “Pinoy Version: A revelation article”, Philippine Bible
Society, 2020
“Pinoy is a heterogeneous language that incorporates elements of English into
an oral version of Tagalog, the national language of the Philippines. In 2018 the
Philippine Bible Society published a written version of the New Testament in Pinoy…..”
asserts Anicia Del Corro on her Bible Translation Overtaken by Change, 2015
“...the Pinoy New Testament translation was undertaken with the goal of
reflecting the spoken form so that it would be easy to read and understand.” she

Aric John Sy Cua, The Manila Terms, “New ‘Pinoy’ Bible parks debate”, 2018
Cua emphasizes the purpose of the Pinoy version of the Holy Bible, “the new
Pinoy Version is actually an official translator, commissioned by the ecumenical
Philippine Bible Society (PBS)…” A Catholic who calls men to be one in the grace of
God, it is the call for men to read the Holy Bible through the PNVT translation and let
the young ones read the Holy Bible. It is the assurance for the mass that it is permitted
and it is not blasphemed by the translator.
“Some Catholics were surprised that the Pinoy Version had the imprimatur of
Sorsogon Bishop Arturo Bastes, the former Divine Word missionary who headed the
biblical commission of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP). As
such, the Pinoy Version has an official “Catholic Edition.” Cua added.

Anicia del Corro, “The Pinoy version: A Revelation”, 2020

Pinoy is a heterogeneous language that incorporates elements of English into an
oral version of Tagalog, the national language of the Philippines. In 2018 the Philippine
Bible Society published a written version of the New Testament in Pinoy. This study
seeks to explain the success of the translation. The thesis is that any formulation that
deviates from the current and natural way of saying something as articulated in its oral
form makes the sentence more difficult to understand. (As in any language, it takes a
native speaker to discern if a construction is natural.) The Pinoy New Testament
translation was undertaken with the goal of reflecting the spoken form so that it would
be easy to read and understand.
A written version of the PNVT was published in 2018 under the Philippine Bible
Society. On the grounds that it would not be hard to read and understand, in
consideration to the spoken word, a translation was taken. The new translation of the
Bible strives to catch the most simple and contemporary way of speaking. Pinoy Version
New Testament reaches all the standards of a UBS Bible translation project.

This chapter will discuss the methodology used in the study. This will include the
Research design, Respondents of the study and instruments used in gathering data.

3.1 Research Design

This study was conducted in order to explore the viewpoints of the Augustinian
Recollect Priests and Sisters in Manila on the Pinoy Version New Testament as a new
way of evangelization and the significance of the language used. In order to gather the
necessary data, the researchers used the phenomenology type of Qualitative Research
that has a way of having information from the comprehension of each respondents.
Through phenomenology, the researchers shall have the viewpoints of the Augustinian
Priests and Sisters.
This study mainly used a Convenience Sampling technique to ease the
accessibility in the respondents and time. A total number of eight (8) respondents were
selected as participants.

3.2 Respondents of the Study

This study will have the Priests of the Order of the Augustinian Recollect (OAR)
particularly in San Sebastian Convent and the members of the Congregation of the
Augustinian Recollect Sisters (AR) in Saint Rita College - Motherhouse. All respondents
both belong to the religious order of The Augustinian Recollect.
The OAR has a total number of sixteen (16) foreign and local communities under
the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno. One of the Order`s communities is the San
Sebastian Convent located in Manila. It has a total number of ten (10) community
members. Each member is subject to their local prior and has their designated
assignment in school, parish, and community. The researchers chose five (5)
respondents in the community according to the indicated sampling technique.
The AR has a total number of thirty-nine (39) foreign and local communities. One
of these communities is the Saint Rita College in Manila which is considered as the
Congregation’s Motherhouse. It has a total number of 39 community members,
including the General Council. The whole Motherhouse Community is subject to the
Mother General and Council including the Local Superior and Council. Other sisters in
the community are subject to the Local Superior having their designated assignment in

school and community. The researchers chose ten (10) respondents only from the
community for the reason that they were the only ones who are available for the time
3.3 Data Gathering Instrument
For the purpose of this study, the researchers used an obtrusive data collection
method, specifically questionnaires. It is a method of data collection that like interviews,
can contain short closed-ended questions (multiple choice) or broad open-ended
questions (DATA COLLECTION METHODS, n.d.)The researchers sent letters of
permission to the respective Superior and Prior of the religious community the
researchers sent the questionnaires to each respondents
In analyzing the gathered data, the researchers used an inductive method of
analysis. According to Shane Hall (n.d.), inductive method involves inductive reasoning
where the data gathered are organized through the process called open coding. Then it
is reviewed in order to generate new knowledge. The researchers used the same
method in analyzing the answers of the Priests and Sisters in order to get their
viewpoints on the Pinoy Version of the New Testament.

This chapter presents the data gathered, its analysis and interpretation obtained
through obtrusive data collection method specifically, questionnaires. These are
presented through text and detailed descriptions. As a phenomenological type of
qualitative research the study primarily used convenience sampling technique in order
to get the various viewpoints of the Augustinian Recollect Priests and Sisters in Manila
on the Pinoy Version New Testament.


1. Opinion on the purpose of the Pinoy Version New Testament Bible as a
new way of evangelization

Priest #1:
“I commend the effort the team of translators had done. The desire to bring
The Bible closer to this generation is good.”

Priest #2:
“to relate to “common tao” / to make it more appealing.”

Priest #3:
“…to make it relatable and an easy source for those who are more familiar with
the language…”

Priest #4:
“Fides Qua Creditur means one’s personal act of faith. The Pinoy
Version of the New Testament bears that character which truly becomes a good
tool for doing the New Evangelization.
Fides Quae Creditur means the Faith which is believed. In other words,
preaching the teachings of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church—the morals,
the virtues and doctrines—through love of God and neighbor takes center stage.
The Pinoy Version is weak in this regard and it is not really a good tool for the so-
called New Evangelization.”

Sister #1:
“ make it easier to understand the Bible…”

Sister #2 :
“...if such a version will make the Bible more understandable to the Filipinos and
they can actually relate to the stories and doctrines to our ordinary Filipino lives,
then go for it…”

Sister #3 :
“It’s simple and can be easily understood.”

Sister #4 :
“ is very conducive and very helpful to channel the message easily especially
in the mission areas here in the Philippines.”

The Pinoy version of the New Testament is indeed a favorable translation in spreading
the good news especially to the common people, particularly those who can relate with
the language used.

The main purpose of having this translation was to really reach out to the new
generation. Get to know the kind of language they use and act on what must be done to
bring the Word closer to them in a way that they can still easily grasp the holy text.

The translation is intended for common people not necessarily those who have higher
knowledge about theology, rather it's mainly up to poking out those who seem to not
have a chance to get closer to the Bible because it appears to be so out of reach based
on the existing translation of a particular country.

2. The difference you have seen in the NEW TESTAMENT PINOY VERSION
from the other Bible Translations

Priest #1 :
“...the choice of words that could lead to different interpretations…”

Priest #2 : NA

Priest #3 :
“In the understanding of the Holy Bible, there are a lot of important things to be
considered. Some of them are historical criticism, socio-cultural background, and
literary criticism. The Pinoy version lacks or even devoid of the truthfulness,
sincerity, and scientific relevance to these aspects.”

Priest #4 :
“The doctrinal character gives way to the personal character; although the Pinoy
Version bears the title Catholic Edition, it seems not a Catholic Pinoy Version but
a Protestant Pinoy Version especially when it is compared to the 1967 Pilipino
Trinidad, SJ, STL, SSD.”

Sister #1 :
“This version - Pinoy uses heterogeneous language - a mixture of Tagalog and
English language that most Filipinos use today.”

Sister #2 :
“Some terms are easier to understand.”

Sister #3 :
“...Pinoy version is very contemporary and uses two languages very familiar to

Sister #4 :
“...simple and easy to understand…”

According to the respondents’ answers, the New Testament Pinoy version became
different through its language used. The choice of words in the New Testament Pinoy
Version have a possibility to give another meaning or interpretation to the message of
the Gospel because of language use. The Translation of the New Pinoy Version of the
New Testament is easy to understand because it contains simple words that are familiar
and common to the devoted Christians.

The Pinoy Version of the New Testament lacked truthfulness, sincerity, and scientific
relevance. According to the priest #3 There are a lot of important things to consider
such as historical criticism, socio-cultural background and literary criticism in order to
understand the message of the Scriptures.

3. The advantages of using the NEW TESTAMENT PINOY VERSION in

proclaiming the Word of God

Priest #1 :
“Today’s young generation can relate with words/structure being used.”

Priest #2 :
“ reaches to those who may be MORE comfortable to the “pinoy”
language…” understandable and comprehensive for those who are
familiar with the local language. thus they can appreciate the Word of God

Priest #3 : NA

Priest #4 :
“It is only good for the natural order of man. In other words, it is good only to
man’s senses pertaining to his body and imagination to his soul, the intellect.”

Sister #1 :
“ can use this in your personal Bible - reading time not necessary during
formal occasions. You can’t preach or share the Word of God without first
understanding the text well…”

Sister #2 :
“It will encourage the Filipinos to read the Bible more often.”
“ Some terms are self-explanatory.”

Sister #3 :
“It can be easily understood by the listeners and thus very relatable.”

Sister #4 :
“easy to understand and can relate with the stories since it is our primary

This has a fruitful response that will certainly give a great impact to those people
who are planning to have this NEW TESTAMENT PINOY VERSION Bible. By the help
of the simple words being used in the revised edition of the Bible this will be helpful
material to the young who are desiring and aiming to be more closer to the Word of
God. Thus the word of God is the food of the soul. This translation is conducive to many
because it has comprehensive words that can be easy to channel. Human beings long
and thirst in the Words of God. Preachers nowadays look for the benefits that can be
beneficial to those souls who are in need in hearing the Word of God. This translation
allows the mass to relate what the text was all about. This means that when there is
spare time, reading the Bible is the best way to assist and to strengthen the Spirit of
those who are hungry and thirsty spiritually. Preaching the word of God requires a big
understanding to send the message to those who listen. This translation aids the young
to read the Bible and to encourage them to read during vacant time instead of holding
gadgets. This translation succors to entertaining life. This means that the new
translation gives inspiration to the readers and to the expected readers to read the Bible
because of this simple use of words. Mostly the listeners are willing to listen once it has
a meaningful context and a fruitful message. The respondents expressed the common
use of language in this new generation. The translator of this New Testament Pinoy
Version foresees the possible result of what they started with. They used Englog
(English and Tagalog) language to help the future reader to easily understand the
message of the Bible.

4. The disadvantages of using the NEW TESTAMENT PINOY VERSION in
proclaiming the Word of God

Priest #1 :
“It should not be used in formal studies of the scripture... losing the language of
the Bible…”

Priest #2 : NA

Priest #3 :
“Without a critical assessment of this Pinoy version, this could lead to more
serious damage in the acceptance and understanding of what is sacred
scriptures and what is simply a literary piece. This could also water down the
principles and programs laid by the DepEd and Ched regarding the
strengthening of the vernacular languages. This Pinoy version is the opposite of
it. It weakens the capacity of every reader to analyze and logically perceive a
deeper sense of what they are reading. Street lingo should be properly
categorized as it is and not as formal language to be used for translation.”

Priest #4 :
“It undermines the supernatural order. In other words, it undermines man’s
capacity to embrace, live the FAITH as commanded by Christ; and, undermines
the capacity of the intellect to use its capacity to the full. The intellect is limited
to imagination only.
The Catholic spirituality never divides nor neglects one from the other. It always
stresses both the natural and supernatural orders. Unfortunately, the Pinoy
Version lacks the character to uphold both.”

Sister #1 :
“You can’t use this in the pulpit or on formal occasions.”

Sister #2 :
“Pinoy will find it hard to understand other terms in other translations.”

Sister #3 :
“Conservative Filipinos might find it disrespectful and conservative Filipinos with
the knack for languages may find it ‘bakya’.”

Sister #4 :
“Some translations are and use of words expresses blasphemies or disrespect
the Church.

The disadvantages of using this revised edition of The New Testament Bible in
proclaiming the Word of God. One of the aspects is this revision shows disrespect and it
is not reliable for the formal studies of the scripture that is losing the language of the

Bible. It disables the readers ability to analyze the deeper sense of the Bible, the
language that is to be used is certainly formal language to let the faithful feel the
sincerity in the Sacred Scriptures. On the other hand, the Catholic spirituality stressess
the natural and supernatural orders. It invited the capacity of man to live out the faith
and use the intellect to become a good follower of Christ. The Pinoy version lacks the
character of the Catholic spirituality.
One of the respondents shows concern in the Bible that is used in pulpit. The mass is
not aware about this translation but in God’s time this translation will be used in pulpit
when He wills it. The Word of God has different translations and in this matter the PVNT
will soon be used in pulpit. Annica del Corro, Ph.D expressess that “...the Pinoy New
Testament translation was undertaken with the goal of reflecting the spoken form so
that it would be easy to read and understand.” It is not about the use of terms but it is
about how the Good News is being preached to the universe. The translator indeed gets
the bases from a new generation on how the Christian people return from the love of
God. The word expresses disrespectful. Truly that in the first place the reaction of some
Christians are opposed in the new published translation. It is because the Bible requires
full respect because it is the word of God. “the new Pinoy Version is actually an official
translator, commissioned by the ecumenical Philippine Bible Society (PBS)…”

5. Viewpoint about the NEW TESTAMENT PINOY VERSION particularly on

the language used

Priest #1 :
“My viewpoint on this is that it is a good effort to have come up with such a Word
of God that needs to be spread further into the hearts of many people. If by
‘adopting’ it locally to answer that need/purpose then it is very commendable. As
mentioned, my important concern is that I hope and pray the translation from ‘the
original’ is kept with utmost INTEGRITY and FAITHFULNESS -- meaning,
scholarly done.

Priest #2 :
“I hope the Word of God will not be reduced to mere entertainment; the Word of
God must be dignified/respected.”
Priest #3 :
“As I have explained in the previous questions, personally, it is not scientific, no
socio-cultural relevance, and it is a mere street lingo that reduces a literary
masterpiece into something comical.”

Priest #4 :
“Entertaining. A good point of departure. But then, there is always room for

Sister #1 :
“This is very useful for Filipinos who want to devote themselves not only to
reading the Bible - the Word of God, but also to better understand it. The
language used does not deviate from the original meaning. The language used
does not deviate from the original meaning and translation of the word. It
respects its originality.”

Sister #2 :
“Simplified and can be easily used even by ordinary Pinoy and hopefully many
Pinoys will love the Bible so they can be closer to God.”

Sister #3 :
“...I don’t recommend it. But from the point of view of others not schooled in the
English language, taglish might be helpful for them.”

Sister #4 :
“...more convenient to find sources in the Pinoy version since our prior mission
for evangelization are those Filipinos living simple lives or even experiencing
difficulties in understanding the Word of God and is a big help for evangelization
whose main language basis is Filipino.”

This question got a response that the Pinoy version was translated in the form of
dynamic equivalence. Some netizens have taken part in evaluating the version. Majority
of the young supported the version but some were against it for the reason that for
them, it somehow shows an insult to the word of God. Perhaps they focused much on
the language being used and not on the content which becomes our very usual mistake.
The Scriptures are extremely sacred that even a bit of it must not be put down or
disrespected in any way. It's understandable that those who knew much of the
Scriptures would not totally agree with the Pinoy version, for the reason that in all
probability, they are used to the standard of higher translations, but the mere fact must
be considered too and that is “the aim”.Paraphrasing can be one of concern. From
greek, it was derived to Filipino and from there came out the dynamic version. It was
thoroughly translated and studied with Dr. Corro in the frontline. The translation was
done to reach out to common people especially the young millennials in a very simple
way, nothing was changed, it was just simplified.People who`ve been having hard time
to understand text written in English Language will much appreciate the Pinoy version of
the New Testament Bible
The New Translation of the Bible is reliable in the said mission. The Word of God is a
big help to stretch out the faith that God has entrusted to the people who believed in
Him. Man is called not to doubt the love of God by the help of this translation; it helps
the people to strengthen the gift of Faith.


This contains the Summary of the study, Conclusions obtained from the findings
and Recommendation constructed from the result of the study


The purpose of this study is to have the Viewpoints of the Augustinian Recollect
Priests and Sisters in Manila on the Pinoy Version New Testament Bible as a new
way of evangelization.

The researchers used the phenomenology type of Qualitative Research to have

information from the comprehension of each respondent. This study mainly used
a Convenience Sampling technique to ease the accessibility in the respondents
and time. A total number of eight (8) respondents were selected as participants.
The researchers used an obtrusive data collection method, specifically
questionnaires. The researchers sent letters of permission to the respective
Superior and Prior of the religious community the researchers sent the
questionnaires to each respondent.
In analyzing the gathered data, the researchers used an inductive method
of analysis and used the same method in analyzing the answers of the
respondents. And the required result are given below:
1. The Pinoy Version New Testament Bible is relatable to the common
people because of the choice of words it has;
2. The Pinoy Version New Testament Bible is unique among other Bible
translations because of its language used. It can be used in
proclaiming Good News that can be understood by the young
Filipino generation.
3. The Pinoy Version New Testament Bible is good for the young
Filipino generation who can relate to the terms used in the new
4. The Pinoy Version New Testament Bible can be used in mission and
personal reading of the Word of God, but not in formal Sacred
Scripture studies

The principal concern of the Respondents was that there must be no deviation
done from the original text. And if in all prospects the original text was kept with dignity
and respect.
The Pinoy Version of the New Testament Bible is undoubtedly commendable in
the perception of the Augustinian Recollect Priests and Sisters in Manila and indeed
praiseworthy especially to ordinary people specifically the young and those who were
not much cultivated in English Language. Some of the respondents carried much of
their concern of the Sacred scriptures that it might lead to serious damage in the
understanding of the sacred scriptures, that it is possible in some ways for this
translation to cause a shallow down a reader`s analysis on what they are reading. We
don't necessarily need a formal language for translation whether it is street language or
a language for scholars. What must be taken priority is the purpose of the translation
especially if it's in connection with the Sacred scriptures that are to be spread as widely
as possible. God never commanded us to spread His Gospel in a particular language,
what He asks of us is to preach the Gospel in every part of the world, especially to the
poorest of the poor (especially those who are poor in spirit). Dr. Anicia del Corro, PBS’s
Translation Consultant, was determined to satisfy the primary need of our generation
today. The world needs Jesus and this need could only be attended by starting in our
own little community or country as a whole. It's an unconscious mistake to focus much
on standards of Language or of people when what must be focused on is the main need
and in what ways can this need be addressed.
It does not need to come in a very formal manner, as long as it`s scholarly done
with respect to the original text and it could be of great help to the target people then it
must go forward and must be given way with appreciation and support. The Holy Bible,
whatever form it comes, if it proclaims the same Word, then it must be deeply
respected, accepted and appreciated.


The word of God is sacred because it came from God Himself and is undoubtedly
holy no matter what form it comes. We are all called to welcome golden chances
and opportunities through the many circumstances that occur especially under
our faith.

For that reason, the researchers recommends and advocates the following:

a.) Study and love the sacred scriptures

b.) Support events that advocate growth for our Catholic faith especially those
with connections to the Holy Bible
c.) Have Lectio Divina with friends/family.


Cua, A. (2018, September 16). New ‘Pinoy’ Bible sparks debate. The Manila



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del Corro, A. (2020a). Frequently Asked Questions on the Pinoy Version NT.


del Corro, A. (2020b, May 27). The Pinoy Version: A Revelation. SAGE Journals.

Hall, S. (n.d.). What Is Inductive Content Analysis. Chron. Retrieved November

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Wendland, E. (2013). Bible Translation. Academia.Edu.


letter baste



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