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2849 Bluebill Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23456

Business Planning & Development / Customer Service Management / Market Analysis
/ Quality Assurance Operational Improvements / Reengineering / Purchasing & Pric
ing / Multi-Site Operations
Capitalized on operations experience to develop and implement creative sales and
marketing plans and programs, quickly generating new revenue streams, and impro
ving customer service and retention. Strong personal producer with high impact r
ecord of sales leadership applied visionary strategic thinking to redesign and e
nhance operations and standards, increasing profits and reducing costs.
Increased Verizon sales of home products in Virginia Beach Market by 15% o
ver 15 month period.
Turned around under performing division for, increasing sales 30
% in five months.
Negotiated exclusive contacts for AFLAC, enabling $60K increase in regional reve
Managed introduction of new network for Premiere, improving customer service and
Formed coalition of associated companies, enabling 55% revenue increase for 3 B
Key Skills: Building and coaching loyal, winning teams. Establishing new standar
ds. Leading major expansion. Bringing order out of chaos. Driving out-of-the-box
thinking. Relating easily to people at all levels. Exceptional team player. Sk
illed negotiator. Creative. Action-oriented. Influential presenter.
BS, Business Administration, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Highlighted Accomplishments
Increased Verizon sales of home products in Virginia Beach Market by 15% over a
15 month period. 2020 companies is the subcontractor of choice, marketing home s
ervices to customers out of retail wireless stores. A process was developed and
enacted that assigned sales representatives in apartment/condo complexes in the
Virginia Beach, Chesapeake area. This allow potential customers who were not Ver
izon Wireless users to be exposed to the advantages of Verizon Communications pr
oducts. This process alone with various outside marketing programs increased Ver
izon Market shares
Turned around under performing division for, increasing sales 30
% in five months. Division had lowest gross revenue in company. Established proc
ess to research and secure lists of all new business licenses granted in territo
ry. Regionalized sales teams, eliminating multiple calls. Took division from las
t place to third of X in company.
Negotiated exclusive contacts for AFLAC, enabling $60 K increase in regional rev
enues. Division was looking for new revenue streams. Developed and presented pla
n to associated franchise owners. Negotiated contracts, becoming exclusive suppl
emental insurance provider for this group, and moving division into top four in
the state.
Managed introduction of new network for Premiere, improving customer service and
retention. Customer usage was increasing and network infrastructure was outdate
d, negatively impacting customer service and retention. Equipment manufacturer w
as no longer supporting system. Partnered with operations and new vendor to cust
omize existing system and establish support team, enabling company to increase c
ustomer base and revenues.
Formed coalition of associated companies, enabling 55% revenue increase for 3 B
rooms. Company was subcontractor and lacked control of work and cash flow. Devel
oped relationships and alliances with similar small companies. Created marketing
plan, and contacted large retail customers to perform services, utilizing past
performance as reference. Negotiated contracts. Improved customer service and in
creased profits for coalition companies.
General Manager, 2020 Companies, Sept 2008 - Present - Hire, train, and manage,
sales force which sells home communications services for Verizon Communications.
Products marketed included conventional phone services, VOIP phone services, fib
er optical Internet and video to include television and video streamed directly
to computers, satellite television and Internet. In addition managed customer se
rvice department, assisting customers with billing, service and installation iss
Account Executive,, Jan. 2007 - Aug. 2008 - . Develop new and ma
nage existing key relationships for this Internet Yellow Pages and search direct
ory. Manage total customer experience. Create and implement sales and marketing
plans and strategies. Top division producer.
Vice President of Sales & Marketing / Operations, 3 Brooms Cleaning, 2002 2007
. Managed all operations for this institutional cleaning company start-up. Devel
oped sales and marketing plans. Maintained safety, quality assurance and quality
control programs and processes. Negotiated contracts.
Vice President of Operations, Premiere Technologies, 1999 2002. Led operations
of Voice Com Division for this $100 M telecom company. Directed sales and market
ing efforts, product development and engineering, and technology improvements. A
ssessed customer satisfaction related to quality and performance. Redesigned ope
rational standards. Drove network operation to accomplish aggressive fault toler
ance standards. Managed 160 employees and $15 M budget.
Earlier, progressive positions with Mercury, MCI, and AT&T.

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