Interference Removal For Radar/Communication Co-Existence: The Random Scattering Case

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Interference Removal for

Radar/Communication Co-existence: the
Random Scattering Case
Yinchuan Li, Le Zheng, Member, IEEE, Marco Lops, Fellow, IEEE and
Xiaodong Wang, Fellow, IEEE
arXiv:1902.03436v1 [cs.SY] 9 Feb 2019


In this paper we consider an un-cooperative spectrum sharing scenario, wherein a radar system is to
be overlaid to a pre-existing wireless communication system. Given the order of magnitude of the trans-
mitted powers in play, we focus on the issue of interference mitigation at the communication receiver. We
explicitly account for the reverberation produced by the (typically high-power) radar transmitter whose
signal hits scattering centers (whether targets or clutter) producing interference onto the communication
receiver, which is assumed to operate in an un-synchronized and un-coordinated scenario. We first show
that receiver design amounts to solving a non-convex problem of joint interference removal and data
demodulation: next, we introduce two algorithms, both exploiting sparsity of a proper representation of
the interference and of the vector containing the errors of the data block. The first algorithm is basically
a relaxed constrained Atomic Norm minimization, while the latter relies on a two-stage processing
structure and is based on alternating minimization. The merits of these algorithms are demonstrated
through extensive simulations: interestingly, the two-stage alternating minimization algorithm turns out
to achieve satisfactory performance with moderate computational complexity.

Index Terms

Y. Li is with the School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China, the Beijing
Key Laboratory of Embedded Real-time Information Processing Technology, Beijing 100081, China and Electrical Engineering
Department, Columbia University, New York, USA, 10027 (e-mail:
L. Zheng and X. Wang are with Electrical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York, USA, 10027 (e-mail:;
M. Lops is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Università di Napoli ”Federico II”,
Via Claudio, 21 - I-80125 Naples (Italy) (e-mail:

Radar/communication co-existence, multi-path, atomic norm, compressed sensing, non-convex, blind

deconvolution, off-grid, sparsity.


The ever increasing demand for high data rates in wireless communications has forced co-
existence of communication and radar systems in the same frequency bands [1]: this can be
achieved by either allowing only one system to be equipped by an active properly designed
transmitter - see, e.g. the information embedding strategies [2] to transmit information through a
radar waveform, and the approach in [3], [4], which can somehow be classified as a passive
radar [1], to accomplish sensing functions through communication signals - or considering
architectures with multiple transmitters operating in spectral overlap [5]–[7].
The latter scenario, which is the one considered in this paper, requires proper transceiver
design: the strategies proposed so far range from a geometrical approach, aimed at mitigating
the interference produced by one system on the other through suitable projection operations [8],
[9], to a cognition-based radar waveform design [10]–[12]. A more comprehensive approach
is co-design [13]–[15], wherein the radar waveform(s) and the communication code-book are
jointly designed by minimizing a measure of the mutual interference under certain constraints. A
common point of these strategies is some form of coordination between the two active systems,
and a remarkable degree of prior cognition, to be possibly acquired or updated through the
periodic transmission of pilot signals to handle dynamic scenarios.
In some situations, however, such a cooperation is either un-feasible - due, e.g., to security
reasons - or too costly, whereby the radar and the communication systems should operate with
little or no coordination. Such scenarios have been considered, e.g., in [16], wherein a blind null
space estimation method is proposed as an extension of the results of [17]. A different approach
to handle un-coordinated co-existence is the one proposed in [18], considering full bandwidth
overlap between a pre-existing communication system and multiple overlaid radars: assuming that
the interfering radar waveforms live in the subspace of a known dictionary, the communication
performance is guaranteed by joint interference removal/data demodulation iterative procedures,
leveraging ideas from compressed sensing and atomic norm (AN) minimization techniques. A
major limitation of [18] is that the clutter induced by random scatterers disseminated in the con-
trolled scene and reflecting the radar signal towards the communication receiver is not accounted
for: this is a signal-dependent interference which, if not properly handled, typically produces

dramatic effects on the radar performance and could totally prevent reliable communication.
Additionally, synchronism between the radar and the communication system is assumed, as well
as prior knowledge of the afore-mentioned dictionary.
The present contribution is aimed at extending the results of [18] by explicitly accounting
for the reverberation produced by a single radar transmitter onto the communication receiver. In
particular, we consider an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) communication
system co-existing with a short-range radar using a sophisticated waveform: the Pulse Repetition
Interval (PRI) of the radar coincides with the duration of the communication data symbol block,
and a totally un-synchronizated and un-coordinated scenario is considered, nor any assumption
is made on the radar code structure. It is noteworthy that the PRI of the radar coincides
with the duration of the communication data symbol block is possible in practice, as detailed
in the next section. Similar to [18], we focus on the communication receiver performance,
which is justified in the light of several considerations: first, the order of magnitudes of the
powers transmitted by the communication and the radar transmitters is typically very different;
additionally, while the communication transmitter points at the communication receiver whose
location is typically known, whereby its effect on the radar receiver can be mitigated through
beam-forming techniques [19], a search radar employs rather wide and rotating beams, which
produce random and time-varying reverberation onto the communication receiver. To this end,
we propose two different algorithms, both exploiting two types of sparsity: on one hand, indeed,
as scatterers are sparsely distributed in space, the interfering signals hitting the communication
RX are sparse; on the other, an iterative demodulation algorithm should require that the vector
containing the demodulation errors of a data block be itself sparser and sparser as the iterations
go. Since the delays with which the interferers arrive at the communication receiver are con-
tinuous parameters, mere application of compressed sensing theory [20], [21] would produce
unsatisfactory performance [22] in a situation where these signals cannot be sparsely represented
by a finite discrete dictionary [23]–[25]. We consider instead the recently developed mathematical
theory of continuous sparse recovery for super-resolution [26]–[28], and especially of the AN
minimization techniques which are successfully used for continuous frequency recovery, line
spectral estimation and direction-of-arrival estimation [28]–[30]. As an alternative, based on the
fact that the radar code is unknown and the radar interferences impinge on the communication
RX with unknown multiple delays and coupling coefficients, estimating the interfering code and
the multiple delays is inherently linked to solving a blind deconvolution problem [31]–[33],

Cyclic Communication signal

prefix Data

Radar signal

Un-synchronized error
cyclic shift

Complete PRI signal overlapping

Fig. 1. Transmitted radar and communication signals

which is non-convex and ill-posed without further constraints: this motivated us to also explore
the recently developed mathematical theory of blind deconvolution [33]–[35] to improve the
estimation accuracy of the interfering waveform.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we present the signal
models of the co-existed radar and communication system and set up the problem. In Section
III, we develop the proposed convex relaxation method using both the AN and the `1 -norm. In
Section IV, the proposed two-stage alternating minimization algorithm is developed. Simulation
results are presented in Section V. Finally, in Section VI, we draw conclusions from the results
obtained in this paper.


A. Transmitted Signals

We consider an OFDM communication system coexisting with a radar system. Assume that
the OFDM system consists of N = Nd + Np sub-carriers, with Nd data sub-carriers and Np
cyclic prefix (CP) sub-carriers. The duration of an OFDM block is N T , T being the “sub-pulse
duration.” Denote the nc -th normalized data symbol block as bnc (k), k = 0, ..., Nd − 1, such that

E[bnc (k)bnc (k)∗ ] = 1 with (·)∗ denoting the complex conjugate operator. Then, the transmitted
baseband OFDM signal is given by
∞ Nd −1
i2πk N t T
sc (t) = bnc (k)e d uc (t − nc N T ), (1)
nc =−∞ k=0

where 
 1, t ∈ [−Np T, Nd T ],
uc (t) = (2)
0, otherwise.

As for the radar signal, we assume that the communication and the radar systems are in full
bandwidth overlap, and the PRI equals the duration of data symbols Nd T 1 . This assumption
implies that, as shown in Fig. 1, the sub-pulse duration of the radar system and that of the
communication system are the same; and at each PRI, a block of Nd data symbols are transmitted.
On the other hand, when the communication receiver processes one OFDM block of Nd symbols,
there is a complete PRI radar signal overlapping therewith after the cyclic shift, regardless of
whether or not the two systems are synchronized.
We assume that the radar transmits a single sophisticated (i.e., with large duration-bandwidth
product) pulse in any given PRI, which consists of L amplitude-modulated sub-pulses. Denoting
by g = [g(0), g(1), ..., g(L − 1)]T ∈ CL×1 the waveform code and by ξ(t) the basic sub-pulse
waveform, the transmitted baseband radar signal is given by

X L−1
sr (t) = g(`)ξ(t − `T − nr Nd T ), (3)
nr =−∞ `=0

where T << PRI is approximately the inverse of the bandwidth and is related to the radar range
resolution. We remind here that the duty cycle δ = PRI
 1 is typically low in order to guarantee
a proper hearing period [39].

This assumption is possible in practice. For example, according to the December 2017 3GPP first release of the 5G New
Radio standard, the data symbols of the 5G signal have a duration on the order of 10µs, while short-range civilian radars (e.g.,
automotive radar) typically have a PRI in the order of 10µs [36]. In addition, some WLAN systems use OFDM waveform with
a data symbol duration on the order of 1µs [37], while short-range impulse radars for high speed moving targets detection and
through-the-wall radars may have a PRI in the order of 1µs [38], [39].

B. Received Signal

We assume that the communication system operates on a block-fading channel whose coher-
ence time is much larger than the OFDM blocklength, whereby the useful component at the
communication receiver is given by
yc (t) = sc (t) ∗ h(t) = sc (t) ∗ αm δ(t − τm ), (4)

In the previous equation ∗ denotes the convolution operator, h(t) is the channel impulse response,
Mc is the total number of propagation paths, αm and τm are the m-th path’s complex gain and
delay, respectively.
The presence of a co-existing radar system produces additional interference on the communi-
cation receiver. In particular, if we assume that there are Mr scatterers, whether from clutter or
targets, located in as many different range cells, the signal scattered towards the communication
receiver can be modeled as
yr (t) = sr (t) ∗ cm ej2πfm t δ(t − τR − τm
), (5)

where, since the radar and communication systems are un-synchronized, 0 ≤ τR ≤ Nd T is the
corresponding delay at a reference interval (i.e., for nc = nr = 0), while cm , τm and fm denote
the scattering coefficient, the delay and the Doppler shift of the m-th reflector, respectively.
On the receiver side, we assume that the communication receiver processes one OFDM block
of Nd symbols at a time. Since the duration of an OFDM block is usually small, we have
fm Nd T  1, then the phase rotation due to the Doppler shift over a block duration can
be approximated as constant [40], and is thus not measurable and uninfluential, hence it is
ignored from now on. The CP is removed assuming that its length is no less than the maximum
communication multi-path delay. Let nc = 0 with no loss of generality and thus the subscript nc
is also omitted. Focusing the attention on the interval [0, Nd T ], we thus have, for the received
signal, the model:

X Mr
X L−1
r(t) = cm g(`)ξ(t − `T − nr Nd T − τR − τm )
nr =−∞ m=1 `=0
Mc N d −1 t−τmc
+ αm b(k)e Nd T
+ w̃(t), t ∈ [0, Nd T ], (6)
m=1 k=0

where w̃(t) is a white, complex circularly symmetric Gaussian noise process.


C. Problem Formulation

The communication receiver is assumed to undertake the standard OFDM operations on each
OFDM packet of duration Nd T . In particular, we focus on the first packet occupying the interval
[0, Nd T ] [41]. Let

−τR − τm
∆m , , (7)
Nd T
−τR − τm
τm , − ∆m ∈ [0, 1), (8)
Nd T
where b·c is the floor function. We have r̄(k) for k = 0, ..., Nd − 1,
Z Nd T
1 −i2πkt
r̄(k) = r(t)e Nd T dt
Nd T 0
Mr L−1 Z Nd T X∞
X X 1 −i2πkt
= cm g(`) ξ(t − `T − nr Nd T + τm Nd T + ∆m Nd T )e Nd T dt
m=1 `=0
Nd T 0 n =−∞ r

Mc Nd −1 Z Nd T c
X X 1 i2πn
t−τm −i2πkt
+ αm b(n) e Nd T
e Nd T
dt + w(k)
m=1 n=0
Nd T 0

Mr L−1 Z Nd T −τm Nd T −`T ∞

X −i2πk` 1 X −i2πkt
= cm e g(`)e Nd
ξ(t − (nr − ∆m )Nd T )e Nd T
m=1 `=0
Nd T −τm Nd T −`T nr =−∞
| {z }
ξ̄(ω)|ω= N T d

Mc τc
N d −1 Z Nd T
X −i2πk NmT
X 1 i2π(n−k) N t T
+ αm e d b(n) e d dt + w(k) (9)
m=1 n=0
Nd T 0
| {z }
Nd T ·δ(n−k)
Mr L−1   Mc τc
X X −i2πk` 2πk X −i2πk NmT
= cm e i2πkτm
g(`)e Nd
ξ¯ + αm e d b(k) + w(k), (10)
m=1 `=0
Nd T m=1
| {z } | {z }
ḡ(k) H(k)
where we note that in (9) nr =−∞ ξ(t − (nr − ∆m )Nd T ) is a periodic signal with period Nd T ,
and each period is composed of ξ(t), t ∈ [0, T ]; therefore the first integral is its Fourier transform,
Z Nd T
¯ 1
ξ(ω) = ξ(t)e−iωt dt (11)
Nd T 0
evaluated at ω = Nd T
. In (10),
Z Nd T
1 −i2πkt
w(k) , w̃(t)e Nd T
dt ∼ CN (0, σw2 ); (12)
Nd T 0

ḡ = [ḡ(0), ḡ(1), ..., ḡ(Nd − 1)]T = FL g ∈ CNd ×1 (13)


is the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of g, with FL denoting the first L columns of the
Nd -points DFT matrix F ; and
Z Nd T Mc τc
−i2πk NmT
H(k) = h(t)e Nd T
dt = αm e d (14)
0 m=1
is the channel transfer function at frequency Nd T
, which can be estimated using pilot signals [42].
Let us now define

ξ̄ = [ξ(0), ξ( ¯ 2π(Nd − 1) )]T ∈ CNd ×1
¯ 2π ), ..., ξ( (15)
Nd T Nd T

H = diag([H(0), H(1), ..., H(Nd − 1)]T ) ∈ CNd ×Nd , (16)

i.e., an Nd × Nd diagonal matrix with elements of [H(0), H(1), ..., H(Nd − 1)]T on the diagonal.
We also introduce the vectors

r̄ = [r̄(0), r̄(1), ..., r̄(Nd − 1)]T ∈ CNd ×1 , (17)

b = [b(0), b(1), ..., b(Nd − 1)]T ∈ CNd ×1 , (18)

w = [w(0), w(1), ..., w(Nd − 1)]T ∈ CNd ×1 (19)

ντ = cm a(τm ) ∈ CNd ×1 , (20)


a(τ ) = [1, ei2πτ , ..., ei2π(Nd −1)τ ]T . (21)

Then, (10) can be given the following compact vector form

r̄ = Hb + ξ̄ (FL g) ντ + w, (22)

where denotes the pointwise product. Assume that an estimate of the data symbols, b̂, is
available by directly performing demodulation using r̄. We subtract the demodulated data from
r̄, to obtain

z = r̄ − H b̂ = Hv + ξ̄ (FL g) ντ + w, (23)


v = b − b̂ ∈ CNd ×1 . (24)

Our main problem is to estimate g, ντ and v from the noisy measurements z. To this end, we
first notice that, in a realistic scenario, the number of scatterers is much lower than the number
of OFDM symbols in a packet, i.e. Mr  Nd in (20) ; secondly, we want the demodulation error
rate to be low, i.e. we want to force the vector v to have a small number of non-zero entries:
both are sparsity conditions that we can exploit. Notice however that the delays τm in (20) take
on continuous values, whereby using traditional compressed sensing techniques would entail
heavy losses due to the off-grid problem: as a consequence, we resort here to Atomic Norm
(AN) minimization instead [28], [43]. Conversely, the second type of sparsity simply results in
a suitable constraint in the optimization problem. To be more precise, define the set of atoms
A = {a(τ ) : τ ∈ [0, 1)}. Then the `0 -atomic norm [44] associated to ντ is given by
( M
kντ kA,0 = inf M : ντ = cm a(τm ) . (25)
cm ∈C,τm ∈[0,1)

Our problem can be formulated as

(ĝ, ν̂τ , v̂) = arg min kντ kA,0 + λkvk0 , (26)

g∈CL×1 ,ντ ∈CNd ×1
v∈CNd ×1
s.t. z − Hv − ξ̄ (FL g) ντ 2 ≤ , kgk2 = 1,

where λ > 0 is a weight factor,  > 0 is the error tolerance and kvk0  Nd denotes the `0 -norm
of v. For the case that the radar signal is strong, we can perform iterative demodulation and
radar interference estimation: in each iteration, after solving (26), we make use of v̂ and the
current b̂ to obtain a refined demodulation

b̃ = arg min kb − b̂ − v̂k2 , (27)


where B is the modulation symbol constellation set. Then we update z in (23) by setting b̂ ← b̃
and solve (26) again.
Note that in (26) the objective function is non-convex since it involves the `0 -atomic norm
and the `0 -norm. The first constraint is also non-convex, because (FL g) ντ is the DFT of the
convolution g ~ (F −1 ντ ) with ~ the circular convolution operator, and it is known that the blind
deconvolution problem is non-convex [31]–[33].


Define D = diag(ξ̄)FL ∈ CNd ×L , and let dH

k ∈ C
be the k-th row of D. Then, (23) can
be rewritten as

z(k) = eTk (Hv) + dH T H H T

k gek ντ + w(k) = ek (Hv) + dk (gντ )ek + w(k)

= hHv, ek i + gντT , dk eH

k + w(k), k = 0, ..., Nd − 1, (28)

where z(k) denotes the k-th element of z, ek is the k-th column of the Nd × Nd identity matrix
and hX, Y i = Tr(Y H X). Notice that the original problem in (26) entails estimating g and ντ
separately. In the new formulation, we are interested in estimating gντT = g M T
P r
m=1 cm a(τm )

instead. In particular, we relax (28) by introducing

X= cm gm a(τm )T ∈ CL×Nd , (29)
i.e., a mixture of atoms from the atom set

à = ga(τ )T : τ ∈ [0, 1), kgk2 = 1, g ∈ CL×1 .


as the quantity of interest. Further, we replace the `0 -atomic norm and the `0 -norm in the objective
function of (26) by the `1 -atomic norm [43] and the `1 -norm, respectively. The `1 -atomic norm
seeks the tightest convex relaxation of enforcing sparsity in the atom set Ã, and is defined as
( )
n o X X
kXkÃ,1 = inf η > 0 : X ∈ ηconv(Ã) = inf |cm | : X = cm gm a(τm )T ,
cm ∈C,τm ∈[0,1)
kgm k2 =1 m m

where conv(·) denotes the convex hull of the input atom set. It is known that (31) has the
following equivalent form [43]:
 

 Tr(Toep(u))
2Nd 
+ 12 Tr(T ), 

  
kXkÃ,1 = inf Toep(u) X H , (32)
u∈CNd ×1 ,T ∈CL×L 
 s.t.  0 


 

where u ∈ CNd ×1 is a complex vector whose first entry is real, Toep(u) denotes the Nd × Nd
Hermitian Toeplitz matrix whose first column is u, and T is a Hermitian L×L matrix. Equations
(31) and (32) are related through the relationship
Toep(u) = |cm |a(τm )a(τm )H , (33)
T = |cm |gm gm . (34)

Finally, we can relax the original problem in (26) to the following semi-definite programming
(SDP) [18], [33], [45]
Tr (Toep(u)) Tr(T )
(X̂, v̂) = arg min + + λ̄kvk1 , (35)
X∈CL×Nd ,T ∈CL×L 2Nd 2
u∈CNd ×1 ,v∈CNd ×1
Nd −1
X 2
z(k) − hHv, ek i − X, dk eH

s.t. k
≤ ,
 
Toep(u) X
   0,

where λ̄ > 0 is a weight factor. Since problem (35) is convex, it can be solved with standard
convex solvers, e.g., CVX [46].
Once an estimate X̂ of X is obtained, estimates of the delays {τm } and of the radar code g can
be obtained by either solving the dual problem of (35) as in [18], [33], or using the MUltiple
SIgnal Classifier (MUSIC) method as in [47]. Note that by relaxing the original problem of
estimating gντT = g M
P r T
PM r T
m=1 cm a(τm ) to estimating X = m=1 cm gm a(τm ) , we may obtain

spurious scatterers in solving the relaxed problem. As an example, suppose that the true code is
g = [ √12 , √12 , 0, ..., 0]T ∈ CL×1 , and there are two scatters with

τ1 = τ ∈ [ N1d , 1 − N1d ), c1 = 2,
√ (36)
τ2 = τ − N1d , c2 = 2.
Then the following is a spurious solution to the relaxed problem:
1 1 1
g1 = [ √ , √ , √ , 0, ..., 0]T ∈ CL×1 ,
3 3 3
g2 = [0, 0, 1, 0, ..., 0]T ∈ CL×1 , (37)
√ 1
τ10 = τ, c01 = 3, τ20 = τ + , c02 = 1,
in the sense that we have
i2πk(τ − N1 ) i2πk(τ − N2 )

gντ , dk eH i2πkτ

k = ξ(k) e + 2e d + e d

= X, dk eH

k , k = 0, ..., Nd − 1, (38)


ντ = c1 a(τ1 ) + c2 a(τ2 ),

X = c01 g10 a(τ10 )T + c02 g20 a(τ20 )T . (39)



Here we propose a new method to solve the non-convex problem in (26). The basic idea
is to alternatively solve with respect to (w.r.t) g and (ντ , v); and in solving w.r.t. g, we use
the conjugate gradient search on Riemannian manifold; in solving w.r.t. (ντ , v), we take the
matching-pursuit and greedy demixing approach. Moreover, we solve the problem in (26) twice
in a two-stage fashion: the first stage obtains a local optimum and the second stage makes use of
the first-stage solution in forming the initial condition and solves a higher dimensional problem
that leads to an approximate global optimum.

A. Stage 1 - Obtaining Local Optimum

We first obtain a locally optimal solution to the non-convex problem (26) by iteratively solving
w.r.t. g and (ντ , v) as follows:
S-1: Let ĝ be the estimate - available from the previous iteration - of g, and define

Φ , diag(ξ̄ (FL ĝ)). (40)

Then the new estimates (ν̂τ , v̂) can be obtained by solving the problem:

(ν̂τ , v̂) = arg min kντ kA,0 + λkvk0 , s.t. kz − Hv − Φντ k22 ≤ . (41)
∈CNd ×1
v∈CNd ×1

S-2: With the estimates ν̂τ and v̂ of the previous step, defining

z̄ , z − H v̂, (42)

W , diag(ξ̄ ν̂τ )FL . (43)

g can be easily updated by solving:

ĝ = arg min kz̄ − W gk22 , s.t. kgk2 = 1. (44)


The above alternating minimization procedure can be initialized by a random radar code ĝ. We
next present the details of the two steps.
1) Greedy-demixing for solving S-1: Since ντ = m=1 cm a(τm ), estimating ντ in (41) im-

plies estimating Mr as well as two vectors c = [c1 , c2 , ..., cMr ]T ∈ CMr and τ = [τ1 , τ2 , ..., τMr ]T ∈
[0, 1)Mr in ντ = Θ(τ )c, where

Θ(τ ) = [a(τ1 ), a(τ2 ), ..., a(τMr )] ∈ CNd ×Mr . (45)


If the delays are on-grid, it is easy to estimate v and τ in (41) using an orthogonal matching
pursuit (OMP) algorithm [48]. However, since the delays here are off-grid, step S-1 involves not
only demixing v and ντ , but also super-resolving the delays in ντ . In the spirit of the matching-
pursuit method [49] and the greedy-demixing approach of [50], we adopt the following procedure
for solving (41) in step S-1.
S-1(a) Initialization: Let S be the set of support of v, and T be the set of delays, and initialize
them as S ← ∅, T ← ∅. Define a residual rres ∈ CNd ×1 and initialize it as rres ← z.
S-1(b) Selection: Find the highest correlation with the current residual rres and update either
S or T . In particular, compute

k  = arg max |hH(:, k), rres i|, (46)

k∈{0,1,...,Nd −1}

τ  = arg max |hΦa(τ ), rres i|. (47)

τ ∈[0,1)

If λ̃|hH(:, k  ), rres i| > |hΦa(τ  ), rres i|, then S ← S ∪ {k  } otherwise T ← T ∪ {τ  },

where λ̃ is a weight factor. To compute (47), we first search over a fine grid on [0, 1)

with Nf > Nd points. Then we perform a local search around the best grid point τgrid .
In particular, it is shown in Appendix A that (47) has the following equivalent form

τ  = arg min Tr{A⊥ (τ )Rres }, (48)

τ ∈[0,1)


Rres = (Φ−1 rres )(Φ−1 rres )H ∈ CNd ×Nd , (49)

A⊥ (τ ) = INd − a(τ )a(τ )H ∈ CNd ×Nd . (50)
Problem (48) can be solved using Newton’s method as

τ i+1 = τ i − µi K(τ i )−1 p(τ i ), i = 0, 1, ... (51)

where τ 0 = τgrid ; µi is the step size which is chosen according to the backtracking line
search [51], given in Appendix B; p(τ ) and K(τ ) are the gradient and Hessian, given
respectively by [52], [53]
 1 H ⊥ ∂a(τ )
p(τ ) = ∇τ Tr{A (τ )Rres } = −2Re a (τ )Rres A (τ ) ∈ R, (52)
Nd ∂τ
K(τ ) = ∇2τ Tr{A⊥ (τ )Rres }

∂a(τ ) H ⊥ ∂a(τ ) a(τ )H Rres a(τ )

≈ 2Re ( ) A (τ ) ∈ R, (53)
∂τ ∂τ Nd2

∂a(τ )  T
= 1, i2πei2πτ , ..., i2π(Nd − 1)ei2π(Nd −1)τ ∈ CNd ×1 . (54)
The iteration in (51) stops when |K(τ i )−1 p(τ i )| < δ, where δ is the error tolerance, or
the maximum iteration number I is reached.
S-1(c) Updating τ using Newton’s method: If T is updated in step S-1(b), for the current v̂,
using z̄ = z − H v̂, we refine the estimates of the delays in T by solving the following

min kz̄ − ΦΘ(τ )ck22 . (55)

τ ∈[0,1)|T | ,c∈C|T |

Substituting the solution ĉ = Θ(τ )† Φ−1 z̄, where (·)† denotes the pseudo-inverse, i.e.,
Y † = (Y H Y )−1 Y H , back to (55) results in the following optimization problem [52],

τ̂ = arg min Tr{P ⊥ (τ )R}, (56)

τ ∈[0,1)|T |


R = (Φ−1 z̄)(Φ−1 z̄)H ∈ CNd ×Nd , (57)

P ⊥ (τ ) = INd − Θ(τ )Θ(τ )† ∈ CNd ×Nd . (58)

Problem (56) can be solved using Newton’s method as

τ i+1 = τ i − µ̄i K(τ i )−1 p(τ i ), i = 0, 1, ... (59)

where τ 0 is taken as the current elements in T ; µ̄i is the step size which is chosen
according to the backtracking line search [51], given in Appendix B; p(τ ) and K(τ )
are the gradient and Hessian matrix, given respectively by [52], [53]

p(τ ) = ∇τ Tr{P ⊥ (τ )R} = −2Re vec-diag Θ† (τ )RP ⊥ (τ )T (τ ) ∈ R|T |×1 ,



K(τ ) = ∇2τ Tr{P ⊥ (τ )R} ∈ R|T |×|T |


≈ 2Re (T (τ )H P ⊥ (τ )T (τ )) (Θ(τ )† RΘ(τ )†H )T ,


where vec-diag[Y ], with Y being a square matrix, denotes a column vector formed by
the diagonal elements of Y , and T (τ ) is given by
" #
∂a(τ ) ∂a(τ ) ∂a(τ )
T (τ ) = , , ..., ∈ CNd ×|T |
∂τ τ =τ1 ∂τ τ =τ2 ∂τ τ =τ|T |
 
1 1 ··· 1
 
 i2πei2πτ1 i2πei2πτ2 ··· i2πei2πτ|T | 
= .
 
.. .. ... ..

 . . . 

i2π(Nd − 1)ei2π(Nd −1)τ1 i2π(Nd − 1)ei2π(Nd −1)τ2 · · · i2π(Nd − 1)ei2π(Nd −1)τ|T |
The iteration in (59) stops when kK(τ i )−1 p(τ i )k2 < δ or the maximum iteration
number I is reached.
S-1(d) Updating (v, c) using least-squares: With the current S and T , estimate v and c by
solving the following least-squares problem:

(v̂, ĉ) = arg min kz − H(:, S)v(S) − ΦΘ(τ̂ )ck22 , (63)

c∈C|T |

where H(:, S) and v(S) denote the columns and elements of H and v respectively
indexed by S. Then, we remove any atoms in T whose corresponding coefficients are
smaller than a small threshold δ̃.
S-1(e) Residual update:

rres = z − H v̂ − ΦΘ(τ̂ )ĉ (64)

and repeat steps S-1(b) to S-1(e) until krres k22 ≤ , or the maximum iteration number
I 0 is reached.
2) Conjugate gradient descent for solving S-2: The constraint kgk2 = 1 in (44) can be
regarded as forcing g on a unit sphere, which belongs to the Riemannian manifolds. We thus
resort to the conjugate gradient method on Riemannian manifold [54] to update g. The Euclidean
gradient of the cost function in (44) is

q(g) = ∇g kz̄ − W gk22 = −2W H (z̄ − W g). (65)

Projecting the Euclidean gradient to the tangent space of Riemannian manifold yields the Rie-
mannian gradient [54], [55]

qR (g) = q(g) − Re(q(g) g ∗ ) g. (66)


Then the search direction in the i-th iteration is given by [54]

qC (g i ) = γi [qC (g i−1 ) − Re(qC (g i−1 ) (g i )∗ ) g i ] − qR (g i ), i = 1, 2..., (67)

with qC (g 0 ) = −qR (g 0 ), where

qR (g i )T (qR (g i ) − qR (g i−1 ))
γi = . (68)
kqR (g i−1 )k22
Then, problem (44) can be solved by the following iterations
g i + µ̃i qC (g i )
g i+1 = , i = 0, 1, ..., (69)
kg i + µ̃i qC (g i )k22
where µ̃i is a step size, which is also chosen according to the backtracking line search [51],
given in Appendix B. The iteration in (69) stops when kg i+1 − g i k2 < δ̄, where δ̄ is the error
tolerance, or the maximum iteration number I¯ is reached.

B. Stage 2 - Inferring the Global Optimum

After Stage 1, we obtain a locally optimum solution (ĝ, τ̂ , ĉ) to problem (26). To further search
for the global optimum, we make use of a theoretical result in [35]. Recall that (FL g) ντ =
F (g ~ (F −1 ντ )). When g ∈ CL×1 with L  Nd , and F −1 ντ ∈ CNd is a sparse vector, then
g ~ (F −1 ντ ) is the so-called short-and-sparse (SaS) convolution. It is shown in [35] that, for the
SaS blind deconvolution problem, if F −1 ντ follows the Bernoulli-Gaussian (BG) model, then
any local optimum ĝ is close to certain signed shift truncation of the global optimum g? with
high probability. The signed shift truncation is the result of truncation, circular shift and sign
changes on a sequence (see the two examples in Fig. 2). Hence, we speculate that the estimated
code ĝ obtained by Stage 1 is close to a signed shift truncation of the global optimum g? . In
fact, this conjecture is corroborated by extensive simulations. For example, the landscape of the
objective function in (26) when v = 0 and L = 3 is shown in Fig. 3. In particular, for a given
point on the sphere kgk2 = 1, we calculate the corresponding min kντ kA,0 via steps S-1(a)-(e).
Dark blue represents small values while dark red represents large values. The landscape clearly
shows that (26) is non-convex. Furthermore, we calculate all the signed shift truncations of the
ground truth g? and mark them on the sphere. We can see that the local optima are very close
to certain signed shift truncations of the ground truth.
As the local optimum still captures a considerable portion of the global optimum, then in a
higher dimensional space, the zero-padded local optimum should be close to one cyclic shift

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Global optimum Signed shift truncation

Fig. 2. Two examples of signed shift truncation.

Fig. 3. Geometry of the objective function of (26) on the `2 ball when error v = 0. Dark blue represents small values indicating
a local optimum. All local optima are close to signed shift truncations of the ground truth g? .

of the zero-padded global optimum (see Fig. 4). Hence, we first estimate a cyclic shifted zero-
padded global optimum instead of estimating the global optimum directly, and the zero-padded
local optimum serves as a significantly better initialization than a random initial value in a higher
dimensional space [34].
The estimated ĝ of Stage 1 after zero-padding is g̃0 = 0̄T , ĝ T , 0̄T ∈ C(3L−2)×1 , where
0̄ ∈ C(L−1)×1 is the all-zero vector2 . Problem (26) in a higher dimensional space is given by

(g̃h , ν̃, ṽ) = arg min kνkA,0 + λkvk0 , (70)

ν∈CNd ×1 ,v∈CNd ×1
gh ∈C(3L−2)×1
s.t. z − Hv − ξ̄ (F3L−2 gh ) ν 2 ≤ , kgh k2 = 1,

where F3L−2 denotes the first 3L − 2 columns of F . Solving (70) by using the same alternating
minimization algorithm outlined in Section IV.A with initial value g̃0 yields the estimates g̃h , c̃,

Note that if ĝ is shifted by more than its own length L, there will be no truncation of global optimum g? retained. Therefore,
the length of zero padding vector 0̄ is set as L − 1.

Zero-padded local optimum

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112
Local optimum
Some part close


Cyclic shift

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112
Global optimum Zero-padded global optimum

Fig. 4. An example of local optimum and global optimum, and their relationship in the higher dimensional space. Some part
of the zero-padded local optimum and the cyclic shift of the zero-padded global optimum are close.

= 0 0.5 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Delay
Zero-padded global optimum
0.5 1

= 0 0.5 1
0 1 2 3 4 Delay
Global optimum

Fig. 5. Shift ambiguity in short-and-sparse deconvolution.

τ̃ and ṽ. Since g̃h is an estimate of the cyclic shifted zero-padded global optimum g? , we need
to extract the estimate of g? by detecting the first element that is larger than a small threshold
δh , i.e.,

`˜ = arg min `, s.t. g̃h (`) > δh , (71)


where g̃h (`) is the `-th element of g̃h . Then the estimated global optimum code is g̃? =
˜ g̃h (`+1),
[g̃h (`), ˜ ˜
..., g̃h (`+L−1)]T
∈ CL×1 . Note that convolution has the shift ambiguity property.
Extracting g? from g̃h is equivalent to a cyclic shift of length − N`d on τ in the convolution

g ~ (F −1 ντ ) (see Fig. 5). Hence, the estimated global optimum delay is τ̃? = τ̃ + Nd
Finally, we summarize the proposed two-stage alternating minimization (2-AltMin) method
in Algorithm 1. The main computational load of Algorithm 1 is the calculation of gradient and
Hessian in Newton’s method, with complexities O(Nd3 ) and O(Mr Nd2 ) per iteration, respectively.

Algorithm 1 Two-stage alternating minimization procedure for solving (26).

Input z, H, ξ̄, λ̃, , δ, δ̄, δ̃, I, I 0 , I¯ and δh .
1, Initialize ĝ as a random code.
Repeat (Stage 1)
2, Obtain v̂, τ̂ and ĉ via S-1.
3, Obtain ĝ via S-2.
4, b̂ ← b̃ = arg minb∈BNd kb − b̂ − v̂k2 .
5, z = r̄ − H b̂.
Until b̃ = b̂.
6, g̃0 = 0̄T , ĝ T , 0̄T .
Repeat (Stage 2)
7, Obtain g̃h , τ̃ , c̃ and ṽ by performing steps 2-5 with the
higher dimensional gh initialized as g̃0 .
Until b̃ = b̂.
8, Obtain `˜ by using (71).
˜ g̃h (`˜ + 1), ..., g̃h (`˜ + L − 1)]T .
9, g̃? = [g̃h (`),

10, τ̃? = τ̃ + Nd .

Return g̃? , τ̃? , c̃? and ṽ? .

Hence the computational complexity of Algorithm 1 is O(Nd3 ) per iteration. On the other hand,
the complexity of the convex relation (CR) method discussed in Section III is O((Nd + L)6 )
per iteration if the interior point method is used [18]. Hence the proposed 2-AltMin method is
both computationally more efficient and more accurate as shown by simulation results in the
next section.


A. Baseline for Comparison: On-grid Method

As a baseline of comparison, we consider the on-grid method for estimating the continuous
delays {τ }, by using an overcomplete dictionary matrix

à = [a0 , a1 , ..., aM̃ −1 ] ∈ CNd ×M̃ , (72)

where M̃ ≥ Nd and am = a( M̃ ), m = 0, 1, ..., M̃ − 1. For sufficiently large M̃ , the delay is
densely sampled. Following the convex relaxation used in Section III, define

ς = [c1 g1T , c2 g2T , ..., cM̃ gM̃

] ∈ CM̃ L×1 (73)

as the sparse vector whose non-zero elements correspond to cm g in (28). The original problem
(26) can be relaxed to the following on-grid optimization problem

ς , v̂) = arg min kςk1 + η̄kvk1 , (74)
ς∈CM̃ L×1 ,v∈CNd ×1

s.t. kz − Hv − Υςk22 ≤ ,

where η̃ is a weight factor and Υ is given by

 
aH H
0 e0 d 0 aH
1 e0 d0
··· aH e dH
M̃ −1 0 0
 
 aH H
0 e1 d 1 aH
1 e1 d1
··· aH e dH
M̃ −1 1 1

Υ=  ∈ CNd ×M̃ L . (75)
 
.. .
.. .. ..

 . . 

aH H H H
0 eNd −1 dNd −1 a1 eNd −1 dNd −1 · · · aH e dH
M̃ −1 Nd −1 Nd −1
Since problem (74) is convex, it can be solved with standard convex solvers, e.g., CVX [46].
And the complexity in each iteration is O((M̃ L+Nd )3 ) if the interior point method is used [18].
Then, the radar delays and code can be identified by locating the non-zero entries of ςˆ, i.e., if

ςmL , ςˆmL+1 , ..., ςˆ(m+1)L−1 ] has elements larger than a pre-set small threshold, then a radar delay
exists at N T
M̃ d
and normalizing [ˆ
ςmL , ςˆmL+1 , ..., ςˆ(m+1)L−1 ] yields the corresponding estimated
radar code.
Note that this on-grid method is also a relaxed method, and similar to the example given in
Section III, it can be shown that some columns of Υ can be identical. Hence, Υ is coherent [20]
and many delay false alarms could be generated in ς, which will be illustrated in the simulations.

B. Simulation Setup

In order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms, we consider a scenario

where a radar transmitter produces multiple reflections towards a communication receiver. The
communication system uses an OFDM signal with Nd = 256, Np = 64 and a total bandwidth of
2.56 MHz, i.e, the frequency spacing between adjacent subcarriers is 10 kHz. Hence the duration
of data symbols Nd T = 100 µs and a quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulation is used.
The transmitted OFDM signal is generated according to (1) with normalized data symbols. Since
the communication takes place over a multi-path Rayleigh-fading channel (see eq. (4)), the path
gains {αm } are i.i.d. complex Gaussian distributed, αm ∼ CN (0, σh2 ). Based on (10), we define
the SNR at the communication RX as
−i2πk NmT 2
E{| M
PM c 2
Mc σh2
P c
d | }
m=1 αm e m=1 E{|αm | }
SNR = = = , (76)
σw2 σw2 σw2

magnitude 0.5
radar interference H-1 radar interference

real part
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 50 100 150 200 250
communication signal communication data

real part
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 50 100 150 200 250

radar interference + communication signal H-1 radar interference + communication data

real part
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 50 100 150 200 250
sample in frequency

(a) (b)

Fig. 6. Plots of signal waveforms in (a) time domain and (b) frequency domain. In (a), the magnitude of the radar interference,
communication signal and the received signal of communication RX are plotted against time. In (b), the real part of the
interference on communication data, communication data and their combination are plotted versus frequency sample.

where σw2 is the variance of the Gaussian noise sample w(k) in (10). In the following simulations,
we set Mc = 10 and σh2 = 0.1.
In (3), the radar uses a pulse coded waveform and pulse uses Gaussian random code with
length L, and then we normalize the code to let kgk2 = 1 for the simplicity of evaluation. The
sub-pulse of radar signal ξ(t), t ∈ [0, T ] is set as the normalized rectangular pulse of duration T .
The reference delay τR and the delays τm of the scatters are randomly generated between 0 and
100 µs. The radar PRI is set as Nd T = 100 µs. The scatterers are modeled as point sources in
our simulations, and the complex scattering coefficient cm of the m-th scatter is generated with
fixed magnitude c0 and random phase for convenience of evaluation. Specifically, based on (10),
we define the interference-to-signal ratio (ISR), which is the average power ratio of the radar
interference and the communication signal, at the communication RX as
( 2 )
d −1
d −1
NP 2
¯ 2πk )

ḡ(k)ξ( c e 2 ¯ 2πk
E M |c | ḡ(k)ξ( )

Nd Nd T r 0 Nd T
k=0 m=1 k=0
ISR = = . (77)
Mc σh2 Nd Mc σh2
We evaluate the mean absolute error (MAE) of the radar delay estimate and the mean-squared-
error (MSE)3 of the estimated radar code for the on-grid method, the CR method and the 2-AltMin

We use the relative MSE rather than the RMSE to evaluate the accuracy because it reflects the loss in energy.

algorithm. Note that in each case the algorithm returns a bunch of delays, which can be either
true detections or false alarms. In the simulations, for each estimated delay τ̂`r , ` = 1, ..., |T |,
we calculate the minimum absolute error AE` with the ground truth delays τm , m = 1, ..., Mr ,
r Mr
i.e., AE` = min({τ̂`r − τm }m=1 ). Then, the delay MAE and the relative waveform MSE are
respectively calculated as
MC |T |
1 X 1 X (nMC )
MAEτ = AE` , (78)
MC n =1 |T | `=1
(nMC ) (nMC )
1 X
MC |g | − |g̃ ? |
MSEg = 2 , (79)
MC n =1 k|g (nMC ) |k 2

(nMC )
where MC is the number of Monte Carlo runs; AE` is the minimum absolute error of the
(nMC )
`-th estimate in the nMC -th run; g (nMC ) and g̃? are the radar code and the estimated radar
code at the nMC -th run, respectively.
The error tolerance is usually set smaller than  w 0.05kzk22 , which implies that the iteration
stops when the relative error is smaller than 5% [56]. For the proposed algorithms, we set the
error tolerance in (26) as  w 0.01kzk22 for better performance. The weight factors for the on-grid
method in (74) and the CR method in (35) are respectively set as η̄ = 1 and λ̄ = √1 [18]. And

the weight factor for the 2-AltMin algorithm in step S-1(b) is set as λ̃ = √ 6
. The grid
Nd Mc σh
number M̃ in (72) is set as M̃ = 512. The error tolerances for Newton’s method and conjugate
gradient method are both set as δ = δ̄ = 10−6 , and the threshold in step S-1(d) and (71) are
respectively set as δ̃ = 0.05 and δh = 0.05. The maximum iteration numbers for Newton’s
method, step S-1(e) and the conjugate gradient method are respectively set as I = 10, I 0 = 50
and I¯ = 10. In addition, ρ and ρ̄ for the backtracking line search in Algorithm 2 are respectively
set as 0.5 and 0.01.
In order to show the performance of the proposed methods, we compare the symbol error
rate (SER) of the proposed methods with the SER of directly performing demodulation using r̄,
which is named “Iteration 0” because its result is the initial point of the iterative algorithms. In
addition, we compare the performance of the Stage 1 of the 2-AltMin method, which is named
“Stage 1”.

10 0

10 -1


10 -2
Iteration 0 Iteration 0
On-grid On-grid
Stage 1 Stage 1
2-AltMin 2-AltMin
10 -2 10 -3
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
SNR [dB] SNR [dB]

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. SER performance comparison when the ISR of communication is (a) 5 dB and (b) -5 dB.

Stage 1

0 5 10 15 20 25
n MC

(a) (b)

Fig. 8. Realizations of the delay minimum absolute errors. (a) On-grid and CR methods, (b) Stage 1 and 2-AltMin methods.

C. Performance

In the first simulation, the number of scatterers is set as Mr = 2 and the length of radar pulse
is set at L = 10. Fig. 6 gives the signal at the communication RX and the interference and data
for demodulation when the ISR is set at −5 dB. We can find that the effect of interference is
significant even if there are only two multi-paths radar echo and the ISR is moderate. Then, we
compare the SER performance of various algorithms. In Fig. 7, the effect of the SNR is studied:

the on-grid, CR and 2-AltMin methods all provide better SER performance than Iteration 0. The
2-AltMin method also outperforms the on-grid and CR methods in all situations. It is worth
mentioning that there is a significant improvement when the Stage 2 of 2-AltMin is used in all
We then evaluate the relative code MSE and delay MAE of the proposed methods. We first
(nMC )
plot the delay minimum absolute errors AE` of different methods when the SNR is 15 dB
in Fig. 8. We can clearly see that the on-grid, CR and Stage 1 methods all reach many local
optima, while the 2-AltMin method reaches the global optimum with high probability. And the
on-grid method produces a large number of delay false alarms, because some columns of Υ in
(75) are coherent. Then, the relative waveform MSE and delay MAE are plotted against the SNR
in Fig. 9. Note that when the SNR is low, there are some very large delay minimum absolute
errors, which affect the analysis of the average. Hence we remove the minimum absolute errors
that are larger than 5 µs. Then the delay MAE in Fig. 9(b) is calculated according to (78).
As expected, the 2-AltMin method provides much better accuracy than other methods in all
situations. In addition, we can see that the interference estimation accuracy may not necessarily
improve with the ISR. When the SNR is low, the delay estimation performance is better when
ISR = 5 dB, because strong radar interference can prevail the noise. While when the SNR
is large, the delay estimation performance is better when ISR = −5 dB because large SNRs
guarantee good demodulation performance, with a beneficial effect on the radar interference
estimation due to the coupling.
The effects of Mr and L are shown in Fig. 10. The simulations are run with an SNR of
15 dB and an ISR of 5 dB. In Fig. 10(a), we set L = 6 and plot the SER against the number of
scatterers: As Mr increases, the sparsity of the problem is reduced, and the sources of interference
- with the respective unknown parameters to be estimated - increase, which obviously results in a
visible performance degradation for all algorithms. In Fig. 10(b), the number of scatterers is set
as Mr = 2 and we examine the SER behavior for varying radar pluse length L. A performance
degradation is also evident for all algorithms.
Finally, we give an example of the convergence behavior of the three algorithms, which is
shown in Fig. 11. The number of scatterers, the length of radar pulse, the ISR and the SNR are
respectively set as Mr = 2, L = 10, ISR = 5 dB and SNR = 15 dB. The on-grid method takes
1616.3 seconds with 4 iterations by using CVX [46]. The CR method takes 1203.5 seconds with
5 iterations by using CVX, while the 2-AltMin method only takes 2.3 seconds with 12 iterations

10 0 3.5
3 CR,ISR=5dB
Stage 1,ISR=5dB
2.5 On-grid,ISR=-5dB
Relative Code MSE

On-grid,ISR=5dB CR,ISR=-5dB
CR,ISR=5dB Stage 1,ISR=-5dB
Stage 1,ISR=5dB 2 2-AltMin,ISR=-5dB
CR,ISR=-5dB 1.5
Stage 1,ISR=-5dB
10 -1 2-AltMin,ISR=-5dB


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

(a) (b)

Fig. 9. (a) Relative waveform MSE performance comparisons. (b) Delay MAE performance comparisons.

10 0 10 0

10 -1
Iteration 0 Iteration 0
On-grid On-grid


CR -2 CR
Stage 1 Stage 1
2-AltMin 2-AltMin
10 -2

10 -3

10 10 -4
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Mr L

(a) (b)

Fig. 10. SER performance against (a) Mr , and (b) L.

total (8 iterations in Stage 1 and 4 iterations in Stage 2). The experiments were carried out on
a MacBook Pro computer with a 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU and 8 GB of RAM. The proposed
2-AltMin method is substantially faster than the CR method and the on-grid method and appears
much well suited for real-time implementations.

0.4 CR







0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Iteration number

Fig. 11. Convergence behavior of different algorithms.


In this paper, we have proposed two algorithms for removing the radar interference to facilitate
more reliable data demodulation in a communication system overlaid with a radar system.
The first one is based on forcing an atomic norm constraint, and estimating the combination
of the radar parameters by solving a convex problem under some relaxations. The second
algorithm estimates the radar parameters and the communication demodulation errors by two-
stage processing. The first stage obtains a local optimum by alternating minimization, and the
second stage infers the global optimum in a higher dimensional space by using the estimates of
the first stage. The atomic norm and the `0 -norm are used to exploit the sparsity of the radar
signal components and the sparsity of the demodulation error, respectively. Simulation results
show that both algorithms provide much better SER performance compared to the conventional
on-grid method. Moreover, the proposed 2-AltMin algorithm offers superior performance and is
computationally efficient.


A. Proof of (48)

By noting that (Φ−1 )H (Φ−1 )  0 we have

arg max |hΦa(τ ), rres i| = arg max |rres Φa(τ )|
τ ∈[0,1) τ ∈[0,1)

= arg max |rres (Φ−1 )H (Φ−1 )Φa(τ )|
τ ∈[0,1)

= arg max |(Φ−1 rres )H a(τ )|

τ ∈[0,1)

= arg max ((Φ−1 rres )H a(τ ))H (Φ−1 rres )H a(τ )

τ ∈[0,1)

= arg max Tr{a(τ )a(τ )H (Φ−1 rres )(Φ−1 rres )H }

τ ∈[0,1)

a(τ )a(τ )H
= arg min Tr{(INd − ) (Φ−1 rres )(Φ−1 rres )H }. (80)
τ ∈[0,1) N
{z d
| {z }
| } Rres
A⊥ (τ )

Since a(τ ) = [1, ei2πτ , ..., ei2π(Nd −1)τ ]T , then 1

a(τ )H = (a(τ )H a(τ ))−1 a(τ )H = a(τ )† . Thus
we have A⊥ (τ ) = INd − a(τ )a(τ )† in the last line.

B. Backtracking Line Search

The backtracking line search approach ensures the selected step size is small enough to guar-
antee a sufficient decrease of the cost function but not too small. For simplify, define the objective
functions for (51), (59) and (69) respectively as L(τ ) = Tr{A⊥ (τ )Rres }, L(τ ) = Tr{P ⊥ (τ )R}
and L(g) = kz̄ − W gk22 . And define their search directions respectively as D(τ ) = K(τ )−1 p(τ ),
D(τ ) = K(τ )−1 p(τ ) and D(g) = −qC (g). As an example, in Algorithm 2 we summarize
the backtracking line search for calculating µi in (51). Then µ̄i in (59) and µ̃i in (69) can

Algorithm 2 Backtracking line search

Input L(τ ), τ i , D(τ ), ρ ∈ (0, 1) and ρ̄ ∈ (0, 1/2).
1, Initialize µi = 1.
2, Repeat
3, µi = ρµi
4, Until L(τ i − µi D(τ i )) ≤ L(τ i ) − ρ̄µi kD(τ i )k22 .

Return µi .

be obtained with Algorithm 2 by replacing (L(τ ), D(τ ), τ i , µi ) with (L(τ ), D(τ ), τ i , µ̄i ) and
(L(g), D(g), g i , µ̃i ), respectively.

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