Radar Imaging by Sparse Optimization Incorporating MRF Clustering Prior

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Radar Imaging by Sparse Optimization

Incorporating MRF Clustering Prior
Shiyong Li, Member, IEEE, Moeness Amin, Fellow, IEEE, Guoqiang Zhao, and Houjun Sun

Abstract—Recent progress in compressive sensing states the Using graph theory, the radar image scene can be cast as an
importance of exploiting intrinsic structures in sparse signal undirected graphical model, also referred to as Markov random
reconstruction. In this letter, we propose a Markov random field (MRF). MRF provides an effective way for modeling
field (MRF) prior in conjunction with fast iterative shrinkage-
arXiv:1812.02366v1 [eess.SP] 6 Dec 2018

thresholding algorithm (FISTA) for image reconstruction. The spatial context dependent entities, such as image pixels and
MRF prior is used to represent the support of sparse signals correlated features. It has been widely employed in a variety
with clustered nonzero coefficients. The proposed approach is of areas including computer vision, image segmentation [18],
applied to the inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging and sparse signal recovery [12]–[14].
problem. Simulations and experimental results are provided to
The use of MRF prior in CS based magnetic resonance
demonstrate the performance advantages of this approach in
comparison with the standard FISTA and existing MRF-based imaging was recently introduced in [19]. The authors extended
methods. a constrained split augmented Lagrangian shrinkage algorithm
Index Terms—Compressive sensing (CS), Markov random field
(C-SALSA) with an MRF prior [20], and solved the problem
(MRF), FISTA, inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR). using the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)
[21]. The analysis of the ADMM reveals the sensitivity of this
type of algorithms to the penalty parameter underpinning the
augmented Lagrangian where the primal and dual residuals

T HE theory of compressive sensing (CS) [1], [2] has

generated great interest in radar imaging [3]–[10]. Com-
pressive sensing-based radar imaging methods can achieve
exhibit conflicting requirements.
In this letter, we incorporate the MRF prior with fast iter-
ative shrinkage/thresholding algorithm (FISTA) [22]. Unlike
better image quality than traditional Fourier transform-based ADMM, the penalty parameter of FISTA is used to balance
techniques under image sparsity condition and with incomplete the twin objectives of minimizing both the l2 error and signal
observations, as viewed from Nyquist sampling requirements. sparsity, without significantly affecting the algorithm conver-
However, in many real world scenarios, there exists other gence. FISTA also preserves the computational simplicity of
important signal structure information, beside sparsity, which ISTA family, and achieves a quadratic convergence rate. To
can be exploited for enhanced imaging [11]–[14]. For in- demonstrate performance, we apply the proposed MRF-based
stance, most of the wavelet coefficients of a natural image FISTA algorithms to inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR)
are both sparse and exhibit a tree structure [11]. Clustering imaging, in which scatterers are typically located contiguously,
is a structure property in which the image assumes high satisfying the clustering property.
values in neighboring pixels. It may be exhibited in the
The remainder of this letter is as follows. Section II presents
image canonical basis or under sparsifying basis. From sparse
the formulation of the MRF-based FISTA. In Section III, we
reconstruction perspective, this property is known as block
apply the MRF-FISTA to ISAR imaging. Numerical simula-
sparse, or clustered sparse [12]. In essence, the support of the
tions and experimental results are shown in Section IV. Finally,
image spatial pixels assumes high correlations among closely
concluding remarks are presented in Section V.
separated pixels which conforms to the block sparse model.
Image reconstruction approaches incorporating block sparse
models were developed in [15], [16]. These approaches com- II. MRF- BASED FISTA
bine the `1 and `2 norms for feature selections, and assume
knowledge of group partition information. This assumption In compressive sensing, we aim to recover a signal x ∈ CN
is not mandated in the block sparse Bayesian frame work from M ≤ N noisy linear measurements y ∈ CM ,
proposed in [17], though performance could still be affected
y = Φx +  (1)
by the block size.
Manuscript received , 2018. This work was performed while Dr. S. Li was where Φ ∈ CM ×N denotes a known sensing matrix, and  ∈
a Visiting Research Scholar in the Center for Advanced Communications, CM is white Gaussian noise. In the following analysis, we
Villanova University. The work of Shiyong Li, Guoqiang Zhao, and Houjun assume x is sparse in its canonical basis for convenience. If
Sun was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under
Grant 61771049. not, we can apply a sparsifying transform Ψ, such as x = Ψα,
S. Li, G. Zhao and H. Sun are with the Beijing Key Laboratory of where α is a sparse vector.
Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, The estimation of x from y in (1) is an ill-posed linear
Beijing 100081, China. (e-mail: lisy 98@bit.edu.cn).
M. Amin is with the Center for Advanced Communications, Villanova inverse problem, since the sensing matrix Φ is singular or ill-
University, Villanova, PA 19085 USA (e-mail: moeness.amin@villanova.edu). conditioned. However, if x is sparse or has sparse coefficients

F this letter, we use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

s1 x1 y1
sampler introduced in [18].
s2 x2 y2 Upon obtaining the intermediate value of s, the MAP
estimation of x can proceed as,
yM x̂ = arg max p(x|y, s) = arg max p(y, s|x)p(x)
sN xN x x
= arg max p(y|x)p(s|y, x)p(x) = arg max p(y|x)p(s|x)p(x)
x x
Fig. 1. A graphical model of variables, operators and their relations.
= arg max p(y|x)p(x|s)p(s) = arg max p(y|x)p(x|s). (6)
x x

in some basis Ψ, then exact solution of x can be obtained by For white Gaussian noise with variance σ 2 , and p(x) as
solving the following relaxed convex optimization problem, Laplacian, (6) can be represented by the following two steps,


0 1 0 2 λ 0
x̂ = arg min ky − Φxk22 + λkxk1 (2) x̂ = arg max − 2 ky − Φx k2 − kx k1 ,
x 2 x0 2σ 2
P x̂ = x̂ ◦ s (7)
P kxk
where 1 = i |xi | denotes the `1 norm of x, and kyk2 =
( i |yi |2 )1/2 represents the `2 norm of y. where x̂0 denotes the recovered signal without MRF prior, “◦”
To invoke the clustering property, we assume the probability represents an element-to-element multiplication. Therefore, we
distribution of the prior structural information as p(s), with s can obtain an estimate of signal x from the solutions of (5)
representing the signal support. The relationship among the and (7). Towards this end, we employ convex fast iterative
signal x, the signal support s, and the measurement y can shrinkage/thresholding algorithm (FISTA) [22] combined with
be illustrated by an undirected graphical model, shown in the MRF prior. FISTA has been shown to have a quadratic
Fig. 1. Independence between two variables is displayed as convergence rate, whereas the traditional ISTA family only
a lack of connection between their corresponding vertices in achieves a first-order one.
the graph; conversely, dependent variables should correspond In this letter, we apply two norms, namely, the `1 norm
to connected vertices. Further, the absence of a direct link be- prior and the TV norm prior, to improve the recovered signal
tween two variables reflects an interaction that is conditional. quality. Whereas the `1 norm is typically used to enhance the
In this regard, and for the underlying problem, given signal x, sparsity of the signal, the TV norm is utilized as an edge
the signal support s and the measurement y are independent. preserving regularization of the signal. We consider the signal
Accordingly, the maximum a posterior (MAP) estimation of reconstruction problem,
the signal support s becomes 

0 0 2 0 0
x̂ = arg min ky−Φx k2+λ1 kx k1+λTV kx kTV (8)
ŝ = arg max p(s|x, y) = arg max p(s|x) x0 2
s s
= arg max p(x|s)p(s). (3) where the parameter σ 2 in (7) is absorbed into λ1 and λTV .
s Based on approximate Taylor expansion [22], (8) can be
The aforementioned undirected graph, referred to as Markov transformed to,
random field, can be described by an Ising model [19], 
L 0

0 2 0 0
x̂ = arg min kx −vk k2+λ1 kx k1+λTV kx kTV (9)
x0 2
p(s; α, β) = e− T i∈V V1 (si )+ (i,j)∈E V2 (si ,sj ) (4)
Z where vk = x0 k−1 − L1 ∇f (x0 k−1 ), x0k represents the estimated
where each vertex has two possible states s ∈ {0, 1}N , Z and value of x0 at the kth iteration, ∇f (x0 ) = ΦH (Φx0 − y)
T are constants. The content in the “[]” is the energy function, representing the gradient of f (x0 ), L is the Lipschitz constant
which is a sum of potentials over the single-site cliques V and of ∇f , and f (x0 ) = 21 ky − Φx0 k22 .
the pair-site cliques E, defined as V1 (s) = ±α corresponding To solve for x0 , we apply FISTA. In particular, we employ
to s = 0 and 1, respectively, and V2 (si , sj ) = ±β corresponding the composite splitting approach in [24] to decompose the
to si 6= sj and si = sj , respectively. It is noted that a higher above problem into two sub problems. The first problem is
value of α enforces a sparser signal activity, and a higher value  
w1 L 0
of β implies a stronger spatial correlation. x̂01 = arg min kx − v k k2
2 + λ1 kx 0
k1 , (10)
Substituting (4) into (3) yields,
x0 2
 X X 
 and the second is
ŝ = arg max − V1 (si )+log(p(xi |si )) .
V2 (si , sj )− w2 L 0
x̂02 = arg min 2 0
kx − vk k2 + λTV kx kTV , (11)
(i,j)∈E x0 2
where w1 and w2 are the decomposition weights that separate
L 0 2
2 kx − vk k2 into two groups associated with the `1 norm and
In compressive sensing, p(x) is typically selected as Laplacian
p(x) = λ2 exp − λ2 kxk1 to preserve sparsity. the TV norm, respectively, and satisfying w1 + w2 = 1.
Exact inference on (5) is hard because the graph in Fig. Equations (10) and (11) can be readily solved by the algo-
1 is not a tree, so one cannot use any of the sum-product rithms in [22]. The final solution is x̂0 = w1 x̂01 + w2 x̂02 . The
algorithms. However, the variables of the Ising model can different steps in the proposed MRF based FISTA algorithm
be estimated using approximate inference algorithms [23]. In are given in Algorithm 1. Here, we assume w1 = w2 = 1/2.

Algorithm 1 : MRF-FISTA TABLE I

Input: L-An upper bound on the Lipschitz constant of ∇f ; S IMULATION PARAMETERS FOR F ULL DATA S ET
Output: Recovered signal: x̂ = xk ; Parameters Values
Step 0: Take z1 = 0, t1 = 1, w1 = w2 = 1/2. Distance R0 5 km
Step k: Compute n(k ≥ 1) Start frequency 35 GHz
Stop frequency 36 GHz
x1,k = arg min λ1 kxk1 + w21 L kx − (zk − L1 ∇f )k22 Number of frequency steps 64
x n o Total rotation angle 1.7◦
x2,k = arg min λTV kxkTV + w22 L kx − (zk − L1 ∇f )k22 Number of angle steps 64
x0k = (x1,k + x2,k )/2
sk = MAP - support{x0k }
x0k = x0k ◦ sk
xk = arg min{F (x) : x = x0k , xk−1 }, where F (x) =
1 2
2 ky−Φxk √ 1 kxk1+λTV kxkTV
1+ 1+4t2k
tk+1 = 2
zk+1 = xk + tk+1 (x0k −CONVEX
k −1
tk+1 (xk − xk−1 )
CS 7089


A. CS Review
The theory of CS states that a signal of interest expressed as
Fig. 3.a Target
vector σ ∈
model. C N can be exactly reconstructed from a small se
of linear, non-adaptive measurements, provided that it is sparse
in some
operation, and orthonormal basis. That
“bc” denotes rounding towardmeans σ can
negative be represented
as σ = α where  ∈ C L×L is a linear and orthonorma
and l = 0, 1, · · · , M N − 1, i = 0, 1, · · · , I − 1.
The targetand α ∈canC Lbe isviewed
scene a sparse
as a vector.
matrix XNamely,
with a sizethe inverse of
of N ×M = N ×transformation
(assuminga Isparse
represents M ). Thus, the forward model
that transforms σ into a
Fig. 2. ISAR imaging geometry. of radar
sparse vectorcanα.be
imaging expressed
Within as, vec(Y) = the
CS terminology, Φvec(X),
signal is assumed
Fig. 1. ISAR imaging geometry. wheretoYbedenotes
collectedthe matrix
through form
an of the received
inner product data (with
of the signal with a
zeros padding at the positions where there are no samples), and
different measurement matrix: y = α where y ∈ C K is a
III. MRF-FISTA A PPLIED TO ISAR I MAGING vec(·) represents vectorization of a matrix. Then, the image X
can be of measurement
reconstructed samples
by the proposed and  ∈ C K ×L is known as
whereThe σi ISAR
denotes the backscattering
geometry, coefficient
after compensating for the of the i th point If the
translational the size
of the sensing matrix
matrixwith ≤ L we
is tooKlarge, [20].
can use the
motion, can be shown in Fig. 2 in which the
scatterer, I is the number of total scatterers that compose target rotates the Due to the sparsity of α, one could
method in [25] to change Φ into a 2-D Fourier transform compute α by
try to with
target, f n its centroid
is the with afrequency:
operating f n = velocity
constant angular f 0 + nω.f , The
f 0 and solving the optimization problem:
a compensation for the spherical wavefront. In addition, if the
 f scattered
represent electromagnetic (EM) wave
the start frequency after
and thedemodulation
frequency is, step ofdistance R0 is sufficiently large, (13) can be approximated as
the transmitted signal,X respectively,
I n =2R 1, · ·· , N − 1; tmRi (tm ) ≈ R0−xi sin ωtm+y
0, (t min α
cos ωt1m . s.t. y=
In this α,
case, the sensing (5)

i m)
represents Ythe (fndiscrete
, tm ) = slow time −j2πf
σi exp in then cross-range , direction,
(12) matrix can also be

replaced by a Fourier transform.

c where α1 = |αl | denotes the 1 norm of α and  = 
and m = 0, 1, · · · , M − 1; c is the speed of light, and Ri (tm )
wherethe instantaneous
σi denotes range between
the backscattering the iofththe
coefficient point scatterer is the sensing matrix [20]. Eq. (5) can be solved efficiently
ith point
I is the number of total pixels of the target scene, This
linear shows the performance of thetechniques
the radar: or quadratic programming [3].
fn represents the operating frequency: fn = f0 +n∆f , f0 and based ISAR imaging method using both simulation and real
(tm )denote the start frequency and the frequency step of the data. B. 2D-CS Based ISAR Imaging
Ri ∆f

transmitted signal, respectively, and n is an integer from the
=set [0,RN0 +
i +
− x1]. The + 2R0 [−x
yi2 variable tm irepresents + discrete
sin (ωtm )the yi cos (ωt m )], A. Simulation
slow The ISARresultsimage zone can be denoted as a 2D matrix
time in the cross-range dimension, with m is an integer from (2) The ( p, q) with
Gsimulation p = 0,for
parameters · · ·full
1,the P− 1 set,
data q = 0, to
andaccording 1, · · · Q − 1
the set [0, M − 1], c is the speed of EM wave propagating in the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem,
where P is the number of pixels along x axisare shown in Table I. and Q is
free R
where space,
is and
the R i (t
m ) is given by,
translational range distance from the
The target model is shown in Fig. 3.
0 the number of pixels along y axis. In radar imaging, G is
radar, ω denotes q the constant rotation velocity. First, we present the imaging results of four techniques,
a weighted indicator matrix, i.e., G ( p, q) will be nonzero if
Ri (tm ) = R02 + x2i + yi2 + 2R0 [−xi sin ωtm + yi cos ωtm ], two of which use MRF prior. We consider the proposed
Due to the fact that the target is usually situated at the a scatterer locates at position ( p, q), otherwise, G ( p, q) wil
(13) MRF-FISTA, FISTA, LaSAL2, which is a recently introduced
far representing
field of the radar, the instantaneous range (2) can be be zero.
the instantaneous range between the ith scatterer ADMM based Then the ISAR
algorithm with thesignal
MRFmodelprior (4)
andbetheexpressed as
approximately expressed as a 2D matrix form:
and the radar, where R0 denotes the distance from the target traditional back-projection (BP) algorithm, respectively, in Fig.
centroid to the radar. 4. The sampling rate (i.e., the ratio of the utilized data size over
According ≈ Rwe
Ri (ttom )(12), 0 −canx i sin θm + yithe
formulate θm , of the (3)
coselement Y = x Gy , ratio (SNR) is
the full data set size) is 30%. The signal-to-noise
 2Ri (tm ) 
sensing matrix Φ as, φl,i = exp −j2πfn c , where n = 20 dB. Note 
where theimaging
that(·) result of MRF-FISTA is vividly
where θm represents the rotation angle of the target: θm = ωtmof. higher x y denotes the 2D nonuniform Fourier transform
(l mod N ), and m = b Ml c. Here, “mod” means the modulo quality than those of the other three algorithms.
Substituting (3) into (1) and ignoring the subscripts “n” and of a matrix. The sizes of G and Y are P × Q and M × N
“m”, we obtain respectively. Then the sizes of x and  y are M × P
and Q × N, respectively.
   Clearly, the memory usage of signal model (6) is much

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Fig. 7. (a) RMSE, and (b) entropy of the reconstructed images versus different
data ratios.

ing value of the penalty parameters, µ, which underlies the

augmented Lagrangian, for different data sets. The SNR is 20
dB for this simulation. Note that smaller penalty parameters
can result in divergence for larger data sets. A larger penalty
has a better solution, however, with a slower convergence rate.
(c) (d) Thus, for such methods, it becomes critical to choose a proper
Fig. 4. Imaging results by (a) MRF-FISTA, (b) FISTA, (c) LaSAL2, and (d) starting penalty parameter.
BP, respectively, using 30% of the full data with SNR=20dB. Unlike the ADMM based algorithms, the penalty parameter
λ of FISTA is only employed to tradeoff the l2 error and
the signal sparsity. Fig. 6 shows the RMSEs of MRF-FISTA
with different λs. Clearly, the convergence rate almost remains
invariant with different penalty parameters.
Next, we include another performance metric – entropy, for
the quantitative comparisons. The P Shannon entropy of an im-
age X is defined as, H(X) = − k=1 pk (Xk ) log2 pk (Xk ),
where (p1 , p2 , · · · , pK ) is a finite discrete probability distribu-
tion, and pk contains the normalized histogram counts within a
fixed bin Xk , i.e., it is a function of pixel intensity in an image.
(a) (b) The distribution of pixel intensity is commensurate with the
Fig. 5. RMSEs of LaSAL2 with respect to different penalty parameters µ by degree of image focus.
using (a) 20%, (b) 30% of the full data set. Fig. 7 shows the RMSEs and entropy of the imaging
results obtained by the MRF-FISTA, FISTA, and the LaSAL2,
respectively, for different data ratios. The SNR is fixed to
10 dB. We perform 50 independent runs for each data ratio
to obtain the mean values of the RMSEs and entropy. It is
noted from Fig. 7(a) that the MRF-FISTA improves clearly
over FISTA and LaSAL2 more than at least 3 dB and 4 dB,
respectively, when the data ratios are above 20%. Also, the
entropy of the results obtained by the MRF-FISTA is much
smaller than those of FISTA and LaSAL2, indicating that the
imaging results of MRF-FISTA are best focused among these
(a) (b)
three algorithms, as demonstrated in Fig. 7(b).
Fig. 6. RMSEs of MRF-FISTA with respect to different penalty parameters The parameters of the Ising model were chosen as: α = 0.01
λ by using (a) 20%, (b) 30% of the full data set.
and β = 0.3 for the above simulations.

In order to show the performance sensitivity of the proposed B. Experimental results

method and LaSAL2 with respect to their corresponding
Here, we use measurements from an unmanned aerial vehi-
penalty parameters, we compare the convergence of the algo-
cle. The radar frequencies in the experiments vary from 34.5
rithms with different penalties. Here, we employ the root mean
GHz to 35.3 GHz with 128 steps. The total observation angles
squared error (RMSE) to assess convergence, which is given
PN −1 PM −1  2 are 2 degrees, also with 128 steps.
by, RMSE = NM n=0 m=0 X(n, m)−X̂(n, m) , Fig. 8 depicts the imaging results of MRF-FISTA, FISTA,
where X and X̂ denote the target model and the recovered LaSAL2 and BP, using 30% of the full sampled data. It is seen
image, respectively. that the result of MRF-FISTA assumes the best quality with
Fig. 5 shows the RMSEs of LaSAL2 with different start- much smaller noisy like clutter among all the algorithms.

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