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“Education beyond Technology”


I. NARRATION I. Patterns of Development
- the most basic pattern of development A. narration
- describes how, when, and where an event or occurrence actually B. description
happened C. definition
D. exemplification/ classification
- used to tell a story or focus on a set of related events
E. comparison and contrast
F. cause and effect
Components of Narrative Text: G. problem - solution
H. persuasion
1. Logical Actions

- are considered the very movements within the plot or the narrative that drive the characters forward, be it during
the dialogue, or within a scene.

It was late spring the last time we saw Ross. He was standing at the edge of the hill, and he never so much
as looked up eventhough we were sure he knew we were there. There was a bunch of flowers clutched to his fist, but
there really was no reason for him to be standing there. We knew that Carrie wasn't coming to see him. But he stood there
anyway, waiting, even as the afternoon sunlight deepened towards the evening. He must have been standing there for

2. Way of Narration
- refers to how the writer presents the story
- includes the pace by which scenes are given out

* Having natural progression of time to the events of the story makes a good writing.

A. Clipped Narration
“He came and talked to us. Then he left the house and then he drove the car back home.”
B. Paced Narration
“He came and talked to us for a few moments. He seemed upset, but he managed to get through all the
bad news. Shaking our hands before he left the house come twilight, he seemed to feel better now that he had
delivered the news. He waved from the car as he pulled out of the driveway, narrowly missing the mailbox again,
and drove off to return home.”

3. Terminology
- places emphasis on the fact that concepts are critical to the narration

* Writers must choose how to address terms and which ones they want to use in order to create an appropriate

A. Concrete Terms
- words that identify things, places, and events that can be measured and observed
- terms that have physical manifestation in our world

Examples: spoon, dog, house

B. Abstract Terms
- refer to ideas or concepts that are intangible

Examples: love, freedom, feminism

C. General Terms
- commonly used to denote groups
“Education beyond Technology”

Example: furniture

D. Specific Terms
- refer to an individual component of the group

Examples: cabinets, desks, chairs

Concrete: “He was shivering violently from the cold.”

Abstract: “The joy in the air was palpable.”
General: “He gave her a piece of jewelry.”
Specific: “Each green stone had fire in its facets.”


- the pattern of development which goes into details about a specific object, person, or location, in order to
firmly set its appearance

What does it look like?

What are its characteristics?

Characteristics of Description:
● has a clear focus and sense of purpose
● uses sensory details and precise words
● presents details in a logical order

Varieties of Description

1. Objective Description
- looks into factual and scientific characteristics of what is being described as objectively as possible

 The writer stays away from emotional impressions or responses and instead, describes the scene as it is.

The Acer barbatum is a small to medium-sized, deciduous tree usually ranging from 15 to 25 m. (50 to
80 ft.) tall when mature. Its bark is light gray and smooth on younger trees, and it becomes ridged and
furrowed with age. Leaves are opposite and shallowly to deeply palmately lobed, with a few blunt teeth but no
serrations. The leaf sinuses are rounded, unlike those of red maple (Acer rubrum) which are sharply V-shaped.
Also, the sides of terminal leaf lobes are more or less parallel, while those of red maple are widest at the base,
tapering to the tip.

2. Subjective Description
- a sort of description that the author would normally use to “paint a picture” of how he sees a character, or how
he wants the reader to see a character
- also used in a literary discourse when there is stereotyped image that can be attributed to a person, place, or an

My mother had hair so dark that it looked like a waterfall of ink. She always kept it in a braid that fell to
her slim waist, and always tied with a plain black band. The braid of black slung over her shoulder, the plaits
shining like scales.

III. Definition
- explains not just what something means or is, but also what something does, what something is used for, what
something looks like, etc.

“Education beyond Technology”

1. Scientific Definition
- defines concepts in the most factual way, which is often used in scientific, proper, or real world facts

2. Subjective Definition
- defines the objects in a more personal way
- usually derived from the author's own experiences and opinion
- often used by a writer to state something from the point of view of the characters or in relation to the

The term could be emphasized by the following:

1. Characteristics or features
2. Function
3. Effect
4. Origin

Signal Words for Definition

is defined as means to define
as defined refers to to illustrate


- divides things into groups, classes, or categories
- organizes ideas into divisions based on criteria or standards

- provides examples and illustrations in order to further clarify or explain the concept or subject matter
- presents the general statement and then provides specific and concrete examples to expound on the main

Signal Words for Classification

another classified as one kind the last group
another kind final type the first category the next part

Signal Words for Exemplification

after all, for instance namely that is
as an example in other words put another way to be specific
consider the following in particular specifically to clarify
for example, in short stated differently to illustrate

Dogs are domesticated animals that have been living with humans for generations. Dogs can be
classified in a number of different ways. For example, they can be classified by breed. Examples of different
breeds include beagles, basset hounds, poodles and countless others as defined by the American Kennel Club
(AKC). They can also be classified by their role in the lives of their masters and the work they do. For example,
a dog might be a family pet, a working dog, a show dog, or a hunting dog. In many cases, dogs are defined both
by their breed and their role. For example, a dog could be a beagle that is a family pet.


- organizes ideas based on how events, places, people, things, and concepts are similar to or different from one

a. separately -involves describing one item first followed by the second item
b. side-by-side -involves discussing both items based on each point of comparison

Signal Words for Comparing

also equally in the same way similarly
as in a similar fashion like to compare
“Education beyond Technology”

both in comparison likewise

Signal Words for Contrasting

although despite instead otherwise
and yet even so however still
as opposed to even though nevertheless the fact remains
but in contrast nonetheless unlike
conversely in spite of on the contrary whereas
counter to in the meantime on the other hand yet

Although I raised Marcie and Obbie from puppies, they have completely diverse personalities. Obbie is
a six-year-old, male, toy Pomeranian whereas Marcee is a one-year-old, female, Boston terrier. Obbie is small
and soft, unlike Marcee who has bristly hair and is much bigger. Marcie insists on sleeping on the bed, under
the covers every night. On the other hand, Obie will only sleep on the floor, under the bed. Obbie is
tremendously loyal and uptight; however, Marcee is hyper and friendly to anyone she meets or sees. Around
other dogs, Marcee cowers to the larger dog, yet Obbie will always stand his ground, never giving up until he is
scolded. Given that they were both treated the same way all their life, it is hard to believe that they are so
different in everything they do.


- explains why something happens or what results a particular event produces

a. Paragraph emphasizing cause

b. Paragraph emphasizing effect

Signal Words for Cause

as for in view of (the fact) owing to (the fact)
because (of the fact) for the reason that in as much as seeing that
being that in that one reason since due to (the fact that)

Signal Words for Effect

accordingly, consequently in consequence so that
as a consequence, for this reason so therefore
as a result, (of this) hence so much (so) that thus
because (of this)


- focuses on either a problem or solution in a particular area or situation

Signal Words for Problem-Solution

but the problem one solution is
first, second the solution one way is
nonetheless one reason for the

- convinces readers to agree to an argument or claim about a particular topic.

Signal Words for Emphasizing a Point

again in that case to emphasize truly
for this reason, indeed to repeat with this in mind
in fact

Signal Words for Concluding and Summarizing

accordingly, consequently in brief inevitably in a nutshell
“Education beyond Technology”

all in all, due to in conclusion on the whole therefore

as a result, finally in short since thus
as I have said in any event in summary in essence to sum up

Signal Words for Conceding a Point

admittedly it is true that obviously true
assuredly needless to sayof course undoubtedly
certainly no doubt to be sure unquestionably

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