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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Vigan City


LESSON: Photosynthesis
MELC: Differentiate basic features and importance of photosynthesis and respiration.
LC Code: MELC: S9LT-lg-j31

Hello and welcome! I am teacher________________________, and I’m excited to learn with you for
this session. In the previous episode, we studied____________________. Today, we are going to
explore the beauty of nature in a process called photosynthesis. To fully benefit from our lesson,
please stay in a comfortable spot, have your paper and pen handy, and focus.
In this video lesson, you are expected to:
Describe how cells get their supply of ATP and how AP is converted to perform its function
Describe photosynthesis
State how the events of light and dark reactions come up with products that provide energy to
both plants and animals
Show awareness of the dependence of animals and humans on plants for food.
Explain through a diagram the different steps in the light and dark reaction phases of
Summarize the process of photosynthesis in terms of the raw materials needed, enzymes
used, and end-products at each stage
Enumerate the different conditions or requirements for photosynthesis
Sum up the processes involved in photosynthesis

Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Vigan City

1 As we explore our lesson, I expect you to take down notes and actively participate in the activities
2 Play SFX then fade
3 As an initial task for this lesson, I want you to do this activity.
4 Check (/) for Yes or No in the given box that may apply or related to photosynthesis
5 Stores energy as glucose
6 Releases energy in glucose
7 Occurs in living cells
8 Occurs in plant cell
9 Occurs in animal cell
10 Releases oxygen
11 Releases carbon dioxide
12 Creates energy
13 Creates glucose
14 Creates own food for organism
15 Are you ready to know your score? (Show answers)
16 Did you get a perfect score?
17 Awesome! If not, focus on the topic so you will get high score in the activities afterwards.
18 Do you know why healthy leaves generally show a lush green pigment?
19 This is because leaf cells contain chloroplast.
20 The chloroplasts are made up of three membranes-the outer, inner, and the third layers.
21 The third layers consist of flattened sacs called thylakoids where chlorophyll is contained. When the
22 thylakoids are stacked together, they form structures called grana (singular granum). Dispersed
23 granules of chlorophyll are also contained in the stroma, the gel-like colored substance where the
24 grana are embedded. The semifluid stroma fills the chloroplast.

Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Vigan City

1 So, what is the function of chloroplast, and how does it benefit the plant?
2 The main function of the chloroplasts is to trap light energy during photosynthesis.
3 White light is actually composed of several colors.
4 So how do leaves give off that green pigment that we see?
5 Light color is a combination of many colors of different wavelengths.
6 Light travels as waves of energy.
7 Sunlight is a mixture of different wavelengths of light.
8 Each wavelength has a particular color and an amount of energy.
9 When sunlight strikes the leaves of a plant, the light wave energy is absorbed by chlorophyll.
10 Chlorophyll absorbs most red, orange, blue, and violet light, it reflects green and yellow light, giving its
11 body a green coloring.
12 Therefore, the green color that we see on leaves is the result of light waves reflected by the plant’s
13 chlorophyll.
14 Chlorophyll is a pigment found in the chloroplasts. Chlorophyll is green and responsible for the green
15 color of most leaves. These are several types of chlorophyll. The best known and the most abundant
16 types are chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b which are found in all autotrophic organisms except
17 halophiles.
18 Chlorophyll a and b contains carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and magnesium. Chlorophyll a is
19 blue-green and greatly absorbs red light wavelengths, while chlorophyll b is yellow-green and absorbs
20 blue light wavelengths.
21 In plants, chlorophyll a is the pigment directly involved in the transformation of light energy to chemical
22 energy. Chlorophyll b is an accessory pigment, and like other accessory pigments, broadens the
23 spectrum of light absorption in photosynthesis. It absorbs light of different wavelengths other than
24 those absorbed by chlorophyll a. when a molecule of chlorophyll b absorbs light, the excited molecule
25 transfers its energy to a molecule of chlorophyll b, which then transforms it to chemical energy. None of
26 the pigments absorb green light, so the green wavelengths are reflected, and plants appear green in
27 color.
Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Vigan City

1 There are other pigments that absorb light energy and pass it on to chlorophyll. These are the
2 xanthophylls, the yellow pigments, and the carotenes, the orange pigments. They are present in most
3 green plants but in lesser amounts than chlorophyll. Both xanthophylls and carotenes absorb blue-
4 violet light wavelengths.
5 Now, how does sunlight help in the process of photosynthesis?
6 The sun is the ultimate source of energy. The energy we get from the food we eat, fossil fuels, and
7 other sources all come from the solar energy of the Sun. Solar energy is used by plants in
8 photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use the energy coming from the Sun to
9 produce carbohydrates of sugars. In this process, light energy is converted to chemical energy.
10 Therefore, sunlight is essential in photosynthesis. But what other factors do plants need in this food-
11 manufacturing process?
12 Aside from the energy coming from the Sun, the process of photosynthesis requires water and carbon
13 dioxide, Glucose is the end product and oxygen is the by-product of photosynthesis. The process of
14 photosynthesis can be summarized by the chemical equation:
15 6CO2 + 12 H20 C6H12O6  + 6O2 + 6H2O
16 PLAY SFX then fade
17 Let us now discuss how light aids in photosynthesis.
18 Biologists usually divide photosynthesis into two stages:
19 Stage 1 is the light-dependent reaction or simply the light reaction.
20 Stage 2 is the light-independent reaction or the dark reaction. Biologists have come up with these two
21 divisions after considering the role of light of these processes.
22 The light reaction of photosynthesis is a series of steps that starts with the trapping of light energy by
23 the chloroplasts. The light reaction takes place in the grana of the chloroplasts and requires the
24 presence of lights, hence the name, light reaction or light-dependent reaction. The end products of this
25 phase are needed materials in the dark reaction.

Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Vigan City

1 PLAY SFX then fade

2 Now lets take a deeper look at how photosynthesis happens.
3 When sunlight reaches the cells of the leaves, the chlorophyll inside the chloroplasts absorbs the unit
4 of light energy called photons. This absorption allows the chlorophyll to produce electrons in an
5 “excited state”. These electrons containing a high amount of energy are passed on to an electron
6 transport chain along the membrane of the chloroplast. While the electrons are passed on in the
7 electron transport chain, they lose some of the energy they possess. The energy from the electrons us
8 used to produce a compound called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
9 Upon reaching the end of the electron transport chain, the electrons become energized. These
10 electrons are passed on to a compound called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP).
11 When this happens, NADP is reduced to NADPH. ATP and NADPH are compounds needed for the
12 next stage of photosynthesis, the dark reaction.
13 Where does the H in NADPH come from? The answer is water. Since water is a compound made up of
14 two atoms of hydrogen (H) and one atom of oxygen (O), it provides a source of hydrogen atoms and
15 electrons during the light reaction
16 How then is the hydrogen ion is removed from water? When photons hit chlorophyll, water molecules
17 split into hydrogen ions, oxygen, and electrons. This splitting process is significant for two reasons:
18 It replaces electrons that have been removed from the chlorophyll during the early stage of the
19 light reaction. Remember that electrons in the chlorophyll molecules are passed on to electron
20 transport chain. If the lost electrons in the chlorophyll are not replaced, the chlorophyll will
21 break apart.
22 The splitting process releases oxygen (O 2) as a by-product. Nearly all the oxygen present in
23 the Earth’s atmosphere comes from the splitting of water molecules in the light reaction of
To summarize, we can say that the light reaction of photosynthesis converts solar energy into chemical
energy of ATP and NADPH and produces O2 as a by-product.
Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Vigan City

1 PLAY SFX then fade

2 We have so far discuss one aspect of photosynthesis.
3 On the other hand, is it also possible for this food-making process to proceed without light?
4 The dark reaction of photosynthesis is also called the light-independent reaction because it does not
5 require the presence of light to proceed. The dark reaction occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast. The
6 dark reaction is significant because it converts the energy stored in ATP and NADPH into chemical
7 energy stored in sugars and carbohydrates.
8 So, if not light, what aids the process?
9 In the dark reaction, carbon dioxide is used. The series of chemical events in the dark reactions forms
10 a cycle called the Calvin Cycle, (named after Melvin Calvin, an American scientist who discovered it).
11 Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere enters the stoma and takes part in the Calvin cycle.
12 Carbon dioxide, which contains one carbon, combines with a five-carbon sugar called ribulose
13 biphosphate (RUBP) and produces two three-carbon molecules called phosphoglycerate or
14 phosphoglyceric acid (PGA). The two PGA molecules then use the energy stored in ATP or NADPH as
15 they enter a chemical pathway that produces two three-carbon sugar molecules called
16 phosphoglyceradehyde (PGAL). PGAL molecules are then used to form larger sugars such as RuBP.
17 RuBP is needed to keep the Calvin cycle going while glucose is the end-product of photosynthesis.
18 Each complete cycle of the Calvin cycle needs one molecule of carbon dioxide and two atoms
19 of hydrogen. A six-carbon sugar molecule is produced after six turns of the Calvin cycle. The Calvin
20 cycle will continue for as long as there are enough molecules of ATP, NADPH, and RuBP present in
21 the chloroplasts, as long as the cycle continues, plants will keep producing sugars and removing
22 carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
23 You will observe that the two major reactions in photosynthesis process one after the other.
24 The light reaction traps the solar energy and converts it into chemical form while the dark reaction uses
25 that chemical energy.
26 -MORE-
Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Vigan City

PLAY SFX then fade

1 As we have discussed, we now realize that a complex process takes place withing leaves while we see
2 them dance back and forth with the wind.
3 But what are the conditions for photosynthesis to take place?
4 The vital process of food making in plants is affected or influenced by the following factors: (1) light, (2)
5 carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere, (3) temperature and (4) water supply.
6 Intensity of Light
7 Light provides the energy for photosynthesis. A constant supply of sunlight increases the rate
8 of photosynthesis. When more light energy is absorbed, more chlorophyll molecules are energized,
9 causing them to capture more energy that can be used in the chemical reaction producing glucose or
10 starch.
11 Temperature
12 Plants have enzymes that catalyze and speed up reactions. Most plants photosynthesize
13 within the temperature range of 23 o C to 40 oC. Temperatures outside this range cause enzymes
14 involved in photosynthesis to be nonfunctional.
15 Availability of Raw Materials
16 The availability of carbon dioxide and water will also affect the photosynthetic rate. Water
17 shortage causes the stomata to close, and thus, carbon dioxide cannot enter the leaf. In such
18 condition, no food will be produced.
19 In other words, plants need all these conditions to make their food.
20 PLAY SFX then fade

Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Vigan City

Photosynthesis is indeed a complex process among plants.

1 But how does this intricate process impact us?
2 What is its significance?
3 The plants need organic food molecules for their many functions. Through photosynthesis, glucose is
4 supplied to plants for their use.
5 In photosynthesis, oxygen is released. We are aware that all organisms require oxygen to
6 carry out the process of respiration. He highest percent of oxygen production takes place in oceans,
7 seas, and lakes where 90 percent of photosynthesis occurs in our living world. Planktons are
8 photosynthetic organisms in the sea.
9 Another significance of photosynthesis is that other organisms, like the heterotrophs, depend
10 upon plants and other photosynthetic organisms for their organism food requirements.
11 Since photosynthesis requires the use of carbon dioxide, the atmospheric concentrations of
12 the gas is maintained at a constant level. Carbon dioxide is considered a green house gas. It protects
13 the earth with sufficient amount of heat that is trapped near its surface, making the earth suited for
14 living organisms. If the CO2 level were to increase tremendously and there were not enough green
15 plants to use up the CO2, the earth’s temperature would rise greatly. This global warming can be
16 disastrous to us. What effects can be brought about by this rise in earth’s temperature, especially to
17 our weather patterns, rainfall, agriculture, glaciers, ocean currents, marine animals, and other living
18 organisms? What can we do to prevent this global warning from happening?
19 PLAY SFX then fade
Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Vigan City

Now that we have discussed the important concepts in photosynthesis, it’s time to our activities.
1 Accomplish the concept map below by writing the keyword/s or concepts about photosynthesis. Give a
2 brief description about it.
3 You are given ________________ to write down your answers.
4 PLAY SFX then fade
5 Flash answers (if necessary)
6 Good job!
7 Now try the next one.
8 Guide Questions:
9 1. How do plants manufacture their own food?
10 2. Which part of the cell organelles does photosynthesis occur?
11 You may write down your answers on a clean sheet of paper to be submitted to your teacher.
12 For the next task.
13 Rearrange the letters to form a word. Use the given clue in each item.
15 1. WORD: LNVICA LECYC ____________________
16 CLUE: It is a light-independent phase that takes place in the stroma and converts carbon dioxide into
17 sugar.
19 2. WORD: NEOGYX ____________________
20 CLUE: It is the by-product of photosynthesis.
22 3. WORD: SSIPHONTHEYNOT ____________________
23 CLUE: A redox process where water is split, and carbon dioxide is reduced.
4. WORD: TGHIL NETDNDPEE OICTNEAR ____________________
25 CLUE: This happens in the presence of light.
Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Vigan City

. WORD: GCOSEUL ____________________

1 CLUE: It is the end-product of photosynthesis.
3 6. WORD: HGSLITUN ____________________
4 CLUE: Earth’s ultimate source of energy.
6 7. WORD: AERTW ____________________
7 CLUE: It replaces electrons lost in the electron transport chain.
9 8. WORD: NYMESEZ ____________________
10 CLUE: It speed up chemical reactions in the dark reaction.
12 9. WORD: ALPCHLSTROO ____________________
13 CLUE: The cell organelle contains chlorophyll.
15 10. WORD: OCANRB IDOXEID ____________________
16 CLUE: One of the raw materials used in the food-making process of plants.
17 Are you ready for the answers?
18 (Flash answers if necessary)
19 Did you get a perfect score? Great!
20 Now try the next task. 

Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Vigan City

Flashed on screen is the image of photosynthesis. Label correctly the basic features and determine the
1 reactants and products
2 You have __________________ for this task..
3 (Flash answers for checking)
4 Good job!
5 Finally, reflect on the importance of photosynthesis in everyday life.
6 Do this on your activity notebook and have it checked by your teacher.
7 PLAY SFX then fade under
8 That was another exciting episode in our science quest. Join us again next for another adventure and
9 fun in Science.
10 This is teacher_________________________________. See you next time.
12 -END-

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