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Data Processing

- Data refers to raw facts such as numbers, words, or just description of things.

Categories of Data
Data Represented By
Alphanumeric Data Numbers, letters, and other characters
Image Data Graphic images and pictures
Audio Data Sounds and noises
Video Data Moving images and pictures

-Data on its own has very little meaning or value however when data is arranged in a meaningful
manner, it becomes information.

-Information is a collection of facts organized and processed so that they have additional value beyond
the value of the individual facts.
-The process of converting data into meaningful information is called data processing.
-Data Processing is an operation performed upon raw facts (data), whether or not by automatic means
such as collection, recording, organization, storage or alteration to convert it to meaningful information.

Stages of Data Processing

1. Input-is a process in which data collected is transformed into a form that the computer can
-It is very important because the correct output depends completely on the input data (GIGO).
-Activities in input stage include data collection, data encoding, and data communication.

2. Process-transforming data into information by performing under actual data manipulation

-Examples of data manipulation techniques are classification, storing, and calculation.

3. Output- after the processing, output is generated. Output is when processed data is presented to the
user as useful information.
-Activities in the output stage include decoding, communication, and retrieval.

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