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Appreciating Contemporary Arts

Welcome to the fifth module of the course on Philippine Contemporary Art from the Regions.
For this chapter, we will discuss the method of describing and interpreting contemporary

In this chapter you will be able to describe, analyze and interpret contemporary artworks. In
doing these, you will be able to understand and appreciate contemporary art. Your knowledge in
chapter one and two will be applied here.

Observing and Describing a Contemporary Artwork

There are three elements to consider when describing a contemporary artwork. At this
stage, we are only looking at the physical properties of the artwork and not making any
judgments yet. The three things to consider when observing and describing the artwork are as
follows with guide questions that you can answer when describing a contemporary work of art:

 Subject matter
As mentioned earlier, this is what is seen by the audience depicted in the
o What is the main figure used in the artwork?
o How is the main figure placed/used within the artistic frame?
o How do the other figures in the artwork relate to the main figure?

 Material
This is what the artwork is made of.
o What are the materials or objects used by the artist?
o What is the intended effect of the artist by using these materials?
o Do these materials bring out the intended effect of the artist?
o If the artist chose other materials, do you think the same effect will be
achieved? Why and how?

 Art elements and principles

This is as discussed in Chapter 1. These refer to the physical qualities of the
image. The artist uses different elements of art and organizes them in a manner that
follows the principles of art.
o What are the dominant elements used in the artwork?
o How are these used in the artwork?
o What are the unifying features in the artistic composition?
o Are there any variations among the repeated elements?
o How does the art form appeal to the senses?

Philippine Contemporary Art in the Regions 1

5.0 Appreciating Contemporary Arts

As sample, we will use the artwork of Michael Cacnio, “Balloons”. We will discuss
each step of observing and describing the artwork by answering the guide questions.

MALABON. “Balloons” by Michael Cacnio. 2011.


Subject matter There are two figures in the sculpture, one is

 What is the main figure used in the higher (female) and the other, lower (male).
artwork? They are attached to each other in an unusual
 How is the main figure placed/used way, the male holding on to the foot of the
within the artistic frame? female who is pulled upward by balloons.
 How do the other figures in the Each figure has his/her one hand up in the air.
artwork relate to the main figure? The male has his leg holding on to the
staircase while the other leg is bent in the air.
The female figure is in the same position.

Material Cacnio used brass for the sculpture. He has

• What are the materials or objects mastery in the use of this medium as shown in
used by the artist? the figures’ big and small parts. We note that
• What is the intended effect of the the torso is a mass that is welded smoothly.
artist by using these materials? The fingers, although tiny, are done with
• Do these materials bring out the precision. The balloons are painted to add
intended effect of the artist? variety to the dominant color, gold. The whole
• If the artist chose other materials, piece is standing on a rectangular block which
do you think the same effect will be also bears the signature of the artist.
achieved? Why and how?


Art elements and principles Perfect balance is achieved. The weight of the two
• What are the dominant elements figures is supported by the two legs of the ladder
used in the artwork? which is standing freely and not attached to the
• How are these used in the wall. The only connection of the two figures to the
artwork? ladder is the male’s foot that is pointed and attached
• What are the unifying features in on one step of the ladder. From the head of the
the artistic composition? female down to her feet and on to the torso of the
• Are there any variations among male is a straight line. Their arms in the air provide
the repeated elements? balance to the whole figure.
• How does the art form appeal to There is a repetition of form as seen in the bended
the senses? knees, arms in the air and pointed feet. The head of
the female is bent while the head of the male looks
up, thus giving an impression that he is flying with
her and both will soon be up in the air being pulled
upward by the balloons.
The figures are light despite the use of solid brass.
They project a floating effect. The sculpture shows
grace, as the figures seem to be dancing while being
pulled upward.

Analyzing and Interpreting Contemporary Art

At the stage of examining or analyzing, it starts with a description of an artwork. Here,
the viewer focuses on beauty, design qualities and the value of an artwork. This is where we
determine what the features suggest and decide why the artist used these to convey specific
ideas. By separating the parts of the subject matter, the viewer will be able to analyze and
understand the content. The viewer then will be able to understand the artwork’s organizational
structure, nature, function and value. Analysis has the following elements:

 Determination of subject matter through naming events or issues associated with

the artwork
 Discussion of how the qualities of the artwork contribute to its appearance, image
or function
 Effect of the materials/medium used
 The viewer’s reaction to the artwork

The following questions can guide the viewer in analyzing the artwork:

 How did the artist make the artwork?

 Does the viewer like or dislike the artwork? Why?
 How does it compare with other artworks in the same contemporary style?
 What is the value of the artwork to you, the youth or society?

Philippine Contemporary Art in the Regions 3

5.0 Appreciating Contemporary Arts

As sample for analysis, we will discuss the work “Reflection” by Harry Mark Gonzales.

ILOILO. Harry Mark Gonzales, “Reflection”, double-fired terracotta, 2015


The subject matter is God embracing mankind. The dark color of wood evokes human feelings
and attracts the viewer to get closer to look at the expression on the faces of God and the human
beings engulfed in His embrace.

The expression on the figures’ faces is one of love and dependence, devoid of anger and hatred.
Such depiction of divine love makes the viewer want to be in God’s embrace. It is a beautiful art
piece perfect for indoor display, one that can stimulate conversation among guests. It also
exemplifies God’s love, a value essential to humanity.

Explaining or interpreting art is done by the viewer after describing and analyzing an
artwork. In this stage, the focus is on the artwork’s expressive qualities, the meaning, theme,
mood, or idea communicated by the artist.

Interpretation has the following elements:

 Main idea and overall meaning of the artwork

 Interpretative statement: “Can I express what I think the artwork is about in one
 The evidence inside or outside the artwork that supports your interpretation


The following questions may also be answered to interpret the artwork:

 What is the artwork about?

 What is it intending to communicate?
 What statement is the artist trying to communicate through the artwork?
 Are there objects within the artistic frame that symbolizes something? What are
 What is the meaning of the artwork?

As a sample for interpreting an artwork, we will discuss the work of Manny


BACOLOD. "Escabeche: Filipino Sweet & Sour” by Manny Montelibano, video and installation, 2009.

This digital and installation art is an expression of human engagement in communication. The
installation used variable materials. Although the video is part of the installation, it can stand on
its own as it is able to show the human emotion experienced by people who communicate, even
when they are continents away from each other. Communication is a two way process. This is
shown in the two images in one frame. The dynamic interaction facilitated by speech and
language depicted by the white lines and spaces that break the monotony of red. The artist’s
choice of digital form as medium delivers the meaning of the artwork effectively, which makes
the artwork beautiful.

Philippine Contemporary Art in the Regions 5

5.0 Appreciating Contemporary Arts

After describing, analyzing and interpreting the contemporary artwork, the viewer can
now make a judgment if the artwork is good. The viewer must have the criteria and evidence for
his/her judgment, based on the three processes he/she has gone through.

Sample Description, Analysis and Interpretation

“That Is Your Oath”, Camille Quintos, 36x48in., Oil on canvas, 2015


We will now try and apply the method of description and analysis discussed with this
artwork by Camille Quintos, from NCR. We will discuss each step and answer the guide
questions given above.


First we observe and describe the artwork.

Subject matter The main figure is the pregnant woman with
 What is the main figure used in the horns and a spear. The main figure is standing
artwork? in the middle of the artistic frame. She is facing
 How is the main figure placed/used within the side that is why her pregnant belly can be
the artistic frame? seen, but she is looking to the front. There are
 How do the other figures in the artwork two lambs in front of her, and they are also
relate to the main figure? facing front. There is a sun behind the woman
and flowers all over the background.
Material The artist used oil on canvas and seems to have
 What are the materials or objects used by mastery of the medium. She was able to
the artist? achieve skin tone for the human figure, and
 What is the intended effect of the artist by was able to make the lambs look like they
using these materials? really had wool. Some elements in the work
 Do these materials bring out the intended are rendered flat, or a solid color or without
effect of the artist? design.
 If the artist chose other materials, do you
think the same effect will be achieved?
Why and how?
Art elements and principles The artist used solid primary colors and
 What are the dominant elements used in the secondary color for the background. The
artwork? repetition of the flowers and curved lines
 How are these used in the artwork? creates a pattern and rhythm in the background.
 What are the unifying features in the The geometric shape of the sun and the
artistic composition? diagonal lines that divided the background
 Are there any variations among the colors to form a triangle are strong. The
repeated elements? placement of the sun emphasizes the pregnant
 How does the art form appeal to the belly. The diagonal lines draw the attention to
senses? the pregnant woman in the middle and then
down to the two lambs. There is also a
repetition of the horns on all three figures.

Philippine Contemporary Art in the Regions 7

5.0 Appreciating Contemporary Arts

After describing the artwork, observing the subject matter, material and the art elements
and principles used, we can now proceed to analyzing and interpreting the artwork.

Elements of Analysis The woman is pregnant but she is holding a spear

 Determination of subject matter through tight, as observed on her hand with a tight grip.
naming events or issues associated with The lambs though small, seem to be confident
the artwork considering they are looking at the viewer straight
 Discussion of how the qualities of the on and they are in front of the woman, instead of
artwork contribute to its appearance, hiding behind her. The lambs are in unnatural and
image or function unusual colors, sky blue and yellow green. They
 Effect of the materials/medium used also have horns similar to the woman, and though
 The viewer’s reaction to the artwork they are horns, they are painted in an unnatural
way, with the colors and stripes, similar to a
candy cane.
Questions in Analyzing The work gives females a very strong image, as
 How did the artist make the artwork? the source of life and someone with great strength,
 Does the viewer like or dislike the similar to that of a warrior. The lambs seem to be
artwork? Why? under her protection, as the viewer is reminded of
 How does it compare with other artworks the image of a shepherd with her lambs. It also
in the same contemporary style? portrays extraordinary individuals to be confident,
 What is the value of the artwork to you, as communicated by the two oddly colored,
the youth or society? horned, but confident lambs, and the strong image
of the woman with horns too.
Elements of Interpretation The work gives importance to the two
 Main idea and overall meaning of the marginalized or alienated types of people in
artwork society, females and those that are unusual or
 Interpretative statement: “Can I express strange according to society’s standards. They are
what I think the artwork is about in one portrayed as strong and confident in the artwork.
 The evidence inside or outside the artwork
that supports your interpretation
Questions in Interpretation Horns are usually associated with being evil, but
 What is the artwork about? the horns in the artwork are made to look
 What is it intending to communicate? whimsical, so they are not communicating any
 What statement is the artist trying to relation to being evil. The sun is also emphasizing
communicate through the artwork? her pregnancy, and relating the two as source of
 Are there objects within the artistic frame life. This brings attention to her femininity and
that symbolizes something? What are her strength as a woman.
 What is the meaning of the artwork? The work elevates the status of females and those
that are viewed as unusual or odd in society. It
wants to communicate that females and the odd
ones should be more confident and that society
should not brush them aside and realize their


Supplementary Links to Videos and Readings

 “Please Do Not Touch” (8:48)
 “How to Critique | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios” (6:27)
 “How to Learn About Contemporary Art | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios”

 “Contemporary Art in Context” (5:00)
 “List of Descriptive Words to Critique Art” (5:00)

Ramirez, Veronica E. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. Manila: Vibal Group,
Inc., 2016. Print.

Philippine Contemporary Art in the Regions 9

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