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2nd Term Examination 2021/2022 ACADEMIC SESSION

NAME: ………………….,……………………………………………………………………. SUBJECT: LITERATURE IN ENGLISH

DATE: …………………………………………………………………………………………. CLASS: SSS 2

SECTION A: Objective Questions(20 marks)

INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in this part.

1. Which of the following is common to all forms of literature?

A. Language B. Chorus

C. Action D. Narrator

2. The three major forms of literature are?

A. Tragedy, comedy, tragi – comedy

B. poetry, drama, folktales

C. drama, lyric, prose fiction

D. poetry, drama, prose

3. Beauty in poetry depends mainly on?

A. Expression and rhythm

B. length and theme

C. vowels and consonants

D. mood and verse form

Read the extract below and answer question 4 – 6

But the towering earth was tired of sitting in one position, she moved, suddenly, and the Houses
crumbled, the mountains heaved horridly, and the work of a million years was lost.

4. The predominant figure of speech in the above extract is?

A. Oxymoron B. metaphor

C. simile D. personification
5. The subject matter of the above extract is

A. earthquake B. house movement

C. sea waves D. storm

6. The image depicted in the extract is one of

A. destruction B. merriment

C. happiness D. admiration

7. Pick the odd item from the list below

A. Second Class Citizen

B. The gods are not to blame

C. The Bride Price

D. Invisible Man

The birds fly high over the hills beyond the corn fields

8. The poetic device used in the above extract is?

A. assonance B. alliteration

C. metaphor D. metonymy

9. A poem written or rendered in praise of a person or thing is called

A. a lyric B. an ode

C. an elegy D. a panegyric

10. The basic elements of drama are

A. Character, plot, episode

B. dialogue, chorus, plot

C. character, action, setting

D. character, monologue, plot

11. The choice of appropriate words to convey the thoughts of an author is called

A. idiomatic language B. setting

C. figure of speech D. diction

12. The state of mind of a poet can be described as

A. Style B. mood

C. setting D. theme

13. Which of the following is a likely source of traditional poetry?

A. Theatre B. fiction

C. books D. songs

14. An African author who has written plays, poems and prose is?

A. Sole Soyinka B. Zaynab Alkali

C. Chinua Achebe D. Flora Nwapa

15. In a novel, the antagonist is

A. A fully developed character

B. a flat character

C. the main female character

D. archival hero

Read the extract below and answer questions 16 & 17

The pattering rain was kicking up little explosions of dust in the glade. He heard the faint whisper of the
stream as it stole across the land and disappeared into the bush.

16. The figure of speech underlined in line 1 is?

A. Assonance B. consonance

C. onomatopoeia D. alliteration
17. The underlined expression in line 3 is?

A. Litotes B. personification

C. hyperbole D. synecdoche

18. In poetry, rhythm is created by the regular pattern of

A. Vowel and consonants

B. long and short words

C. stressed and unstressed syllables

D. stress syllables and rhymes.

19. The novel Invisible Man was published in

A. 1952 B. 1962

C. 1972 D. 1982

20. The novel Invisible Man is set in

A. Africa B. United States of America

C. Asia D. Ethiopia

21. This novel, Invisible Man exposes the ________ of the American society

A. Love B. Friendliness

C. racial stratification D. cooperation

22. This stratification has led to the __________ of the African–Americans for 300 years

A. Marginalization B. respect

C. Uplift D. fame

23. The narrator of the novel embarks on a journey in search of

A. Gold B. silver

C. bronze D. visibility and success

24. The invisible man had to learn through diverse experience of his invisibility as a

A. Black man B. white man

C. half cast D. mixed blood

25. The narrator learns that in the United States of America, a person’s ________ played a vital role in
social mobility.

A. Skin guide B. Skin guard

C. skin colour D. skin texture

26. As a black person in the American society where the narrator lives, he is expected to defer at all
times to the whims and caprices of the

A. blacks B. whites

C. African – American D. eskimos

27. At different stages, the narrator shows how the black person is

A. humiliated B. honoured

C. respected D. praised

28. An example of the humiliation is the occurs when the narrator gets opportunity to present a speech
at the ________

A. Battle Royal programme B. Royal Battle programme

C. the clash of the titans D. the Ore battle.

29. _________ forced the narrator and other black students to participate in watching the a white nude
girl dance.

A. The school principal B. Vice Principal

C. the school superintendent D. All of them.

30. The black boys are made to pick fake gold pieces piled on an electrified

A. rug B. mat C. ground D. top

31. They all ________ one another for no just cause.

A. embraced B. liked

C. encouraged D. fight

32. What did the narrator’s father show to him in the dream?

A. the road B. the content of the letter

C. D. nothing

33. The narrator speaks about social equality

A. Yes B No

C. No idea D. I don’t know 34.

To the narrator, social equality is synonymous with racial equality

A.True B. Not true

C. No D. May be

35. For the intervention of the school superintendent, the narrator would have been ___________

A. promoted B. loved
C. lynched D. pampered

36. Who corrected himself repeatedly, asserting what he meant to say was social responsibility Not
social equality?

A. True blood B. Ras the exhorter

C. the narrator D. Mr Norton

37. Who was given a schorlaship to a college of blacks?

A. Mr Norton B. Mary Rambo

C. Mr Trueblood D. the narrator

38. “Keep this nigger boy running “ was the

A. letter B. scholarship

C. book D. certificate
39. The narrator was given the privilege of driving

A. Mr True blood B. Mr Norton

C. Ra’s the exhorter D. Mary Rambo

40. Who lost consciousness during a fracas at the Golden Day and was resuscitated with a bottle Of

A. African – Americans B. Africans

C. Americans D. Mr Norton

SECTION B: Answer one question in this section.(40 marks)

1. State the plot account of the novel Invisible Man

2. Explain the setting of this literary work, Invisible Man.

3(a) Narrate the event of the Battle Royal.

(b) State the significance of the event.

4(a) Narrate the event of Mr Norton’s visit to Mr Trueblood

(b) State the significance of the event.

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