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This article was published in ASHRAE Journal, February 2021. Copyright 2021 ASHRAE. Posted at This article may not be copied and/or distributed
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Using Dual-Duct, Dual-VAV to by Douglas Stuart Walkinshaw, Ph.D., P.Eng., in the

October 2020 issue of ASHRAE Journal, which reviewed
Reduce Cooling & Heating Loads passenger aircraft cabin air quality under this atmo-
“Using Dual-Duct, Dual-VAV to Reduce Cooling & sphere of the SARS-CoV-2 virus outbreak. Studies were
Heating Loads” by Nabil Nassif, Ph.D., P.E., in the based on possible disease transmission through solid
November 2020 ASHRAE Journal does not address dehu- particulates where virus nucleus can be deposited.
midification of the heating unit in a dual-duct system, The ventilation designs good for removing solid par-
which is part of the reason this type of system went out ticulates would give a clean cabin. COVID-19 can then
of favor. There is a reference to the dual-duct strategy be transmitted1 through coronavirus-bearing respira-
being more applicable to heating-dominated climates, tory droplets from carriers. A dry cabin environment2
but there needs to be a more clear discussion of outdoor would evaporate droplets faster, so that the small
air dehumidification since the heating air handler has SARS-CoV-2 virus of size 50 nm to 200 nm have fewer
no capability for dehumidification. Does the heating substrate spaces on which to deposit. This might reduce
system shut down or go to full recirculation during peri- the transmission rate, explaining why even flights3 from
ods when dehumidification of outdoor air is required? high risk areas had only 11 passengers infected.
Also, I recently considered a dual-duct system for a Consequently, evaporation effects on liquid droplets
cGMP project in which the air change rate was much play a key role in virus transmission.1 The transmission
higher than the airflow required for cooling. This is a of the virus in a cabin appears not as bad when passen-
possible application for a dual-duct system that may still gers and the crew are wearing masks all the time.
apply. The focus on reducing simultaneous heating and However, the following should be considered in pre-
cooling is important for energy efficiency, so striving to venting COVID-19 spread, in addition to what the author
break out of the typical VAV reheat system will continue reviewed:2 appropriate cabin crew training to have an
to be both important and challenging. adequate safety management scheme and avoid trans-
Scott Parker, P.E., Member ASHRAE, Raleigh, N.C.
mission through direct contacts in small airplane toilets.

The Author Responds References

You raise an important point. The paper did not 1. Cheng, C.H., C.L. Chow, W.K. Chow. 2020. “Trajectories of
large respiratory droplets in indoor environment: A simplified
directly address the dehumidification of the heating unit approach.” Building and Environment 183:107196.
in a dual-duct system because during warm weather 2. Walkinshaw, D.S. 2020. “COVID-19 and beyond: a brief
when dehumidification may be needed, this heating unit introduction to passenger aircraft cabin air quality.” ASHRAE Journal
(10)12 – 18.
turns off and no fresh air is introduced through the unit. 3. Mukul, P. 2020. “Hong Kong suspends Air India’s incoming
As indicated in Table 5, Case 5, for instance, when the flights after string of Covid-positive cases.” The Indian Express Sept.
outdoor air temperature (OAT) is 82°F, only the cold AHU 22.
W.K. Chow, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE, and C.L. Chow, Ph.D.
(AHU1) operates and provides the required ventilation to Hong Kong, China
the building. In this case, the cold AHU operates exactly
as a single-duct VAV system, yielding the same dehu- The Author Responds
midification challenges of typical VAV systems. The AHU1 Your letter raises some interesting points and your
unit is equipped with cooling and heating coils that may Reference 1 aids in understanding that low indoor rela-
be used for dehumidification. tive humidity (RH) reduces droplet travel distance,
Nabil Nassif, Ph.D. P.E., Member ASHRAE, Cincinnati while low air density increases it. It would be interest-
ing to use your equations to predict what maximum
COVID-19 and Beyond: A Brief size droplets will become aerosols before plating out on
surfaces in the low humidity (10%), low air density (3/4
Introduction to Passenger atmosphere) aircraft environment.
Aircraft Cabin Air Quality It is true that a cabin designed to remove infectious
It is interesting to read “COVID-19 and Beyond: A Brief aerosols without mixing and exposure of noninfected
Introduction to Passenger Aircraft Cabin Air Quality” persons (like a laminar flow cleanroom) would give a

8 A S H R A E J O U R N A L  FEBRUARY 2021


clean cabin but not prevent transmission by fomites. But TABLE 1  Narrow body and wide body passenger aircraft influenza A virions inhaled
aircraft cabins are not cleanrooms, and infectious aero- and infections per ill person, I = 9 L/min·p, t = 5 h, N = 76,000 v/h, HID50 =
900 v. Narrow body: OD = 1 m3 /p, V = 9.4 L/s·p, Ve = 0.65. Wide body: OD =
sols emitted by an infected person travel in the air many 1.6 m3 /p, V = 11.8 L/s·p, Ve = 1.
rows as well as laterally.1,2 Further, airborne infection NARROW NARROW BODY WIDE BODY WIDE BODY
risks are not small.3,4 A recent review consistently found BODY VIRIONS PREDICTED VIRIONS PREDICTED
that humans produce pathogens predominately as aero-
No Mask 9,244 ≤5 4,794 ≤3
sols or small respirable particles (<5 microns), with PCR
studies identifying infectious aerosols in the air of rooms Mask 50% 2,311 ≤1 1,199 ≤1

with persons ill with COVID-19, the common cold, influ-

enza A and B, tuberculosis, measles, herpes and chicken infection risks from surfaces contaminated with fomites
pox.5 Low humidity exacerbates the risk.6 (except for eye touching) and greatly reduce risk from
Many “authorities” saying high air change rate is the airborne droplets, both emitted and inhaled. Eye expo-
criteria for good air quality as far as airborne aero- sure might be important only in hospital-related viral
sol infections are concerned does not make it true. transmission during ophthalmic practice.3 Mask wearing
Infectious aerosols originate with infected persons cre- will not reduce the infection risks completely, as a just-
ating and shedding virus—not with visible and hidden completed case study indicates. That study identified a
building or aircraft cabin materials creating and shed- 9.8% to 17.8% COVID-19 attack rate on persons spread
ding virus, not with equipment creating and shedding throughout the cabin, some wearing masks, during a 17%
virus and not with the frost and moisture behind the full, seven-hour international flight to Ireland.7
insulation creating and shedding virus. Given that fact, I will assume in the calculations that follow regarding
the rate of infectious virion-free air supply to each per- the August 3 flight from Delhi to Hong Kong that masks
son, including each ill person and the persons around remove 50% of the virions from both our exhaled and
them, governs virion concentration in the air around the inhaled air. In place of COVID-19 for which there are no
ill persons—not air change rate. shedding and infectiousness criteria, I will use influenza
While high air change rates provide some protection, A (virions are similar in size to those of COVID-19),3
they also result in the virions in the air being inhaled by virion (v) shedding rate and its lowest infectiousness
others being fresher and more virulent, with less settling criteria, which seems appropriate for aircraft due to the
having occurred and the concentrations higher than very dry conditions being more favorable to airborne
in low air change settings. High air change rates can be infection spread due to impairment of nasal mucocili-
the antithesis of low infectious aerosol exposure when ary clearance, innate antiviral defense and tissue repair
they are the result of tightly packed together persons function. Table 1 here shows Equation 2 predictions and
in spaces with low ceilings—the situation with aircraft all parameters used.
passenger cabins, for example. The total virion-free air So if influenza A is a valid surrogate and everyone was
being supplied is large, but the amount per person is wearing masks, it is possible that five COVID-19 infec-
not. Speaking of low ceilings, spaces with high ceilings tions occurred during that flight from exposure to six
are naturally safer, because body heat and warm breath persons with false-negative preflight tests if they were
rise to the ceiling, taking with them human-generated all shedding.8 It is also possible that if masks were being
aerosols, and stay there if they are not pushed back worn, no COVID-19 infections occurred during the flight
down by ceiling fans and the like. or, if there were infections, that these persons had not
Equation 2, then, in my paper predicts the total num- yet begun shedding at the time of the post-flight tests.
ber of virion aerosols inhaled by persons in the same To these predictions must be added any virions inhaled
space but not their dispersion or individual inhalation. prior to the flight and those of the 24,000 v/h coarse
It does this prediction by accounting for the per occupant (>5 microns) particles shed by ill persons that were aero-
outdoor air supply rate and filtration rate of particles from solized and inhaled before settling or exiting the cabin.
the recirculation air supply. It will also accommodate an
estimation of the filtration benefit of mask wearing on References
aerosol exposure reduction, which should eliminate viral 1. Bennett, J.S., B.W. Jones, M.H. Hosni, Y. Zhang, et al. 2013.

FEBRUARY 2021  A S H R A E J O U R N A L 9


“Airborne exposure patterns from a

passenger source in aircraft cabins.” The Author Responds the fan curve. A fan failure could be
HVAC&R Research 19(8). Your observation is quite valid accommodated several ways:
2. United States Transport Command. and was one reason I was a nervous • Provide a third fan like Nathan Ho’s
2020. “TRANSCOM/AMC Commercial
Aircraft Cabin Aerosol Dispersion Tests.” wreck when we headed out to test team did (“Performance-Based Ap- Accessed our theory without really know- proach to Laboratory Exhaust Systems,”
12:30PM PDT, Nov. 9th 2020.
3. Scheuch, G. 2020. “Breathing is
ing what the fan curves looked September 2020 ASHRAE Journal).
enough: for the spread of influenza virus like. The inlet vane dampers you • Provide two fans, each equipped
and SARS-CoV-2 by breathing only.” Journal reference would have been a real with a larger motor and a wheel rated
of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery
33(4):230 – 234. asset for the reasons you describe. for a higher fan class than normal op-
4. Morawska, L., D.K. Milton. 2020. “It (This point is illustrated in the 2020 eration would require. If one fan failed,
is time to address airborne transmission ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems the other could speed up and deliver
of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).”
Clinical Infection Diseases 71(9) 2311 – 2313. and Equipment, Chapter 21, Figure the design condition on its own.
5. Fennelly, K. 2020. “Particle sizes 18, where the devices are called I just did a quick selection and
of infectious aerosols: implications
for infection control.” Lancet Respir Med
inlet vanes, and in Figure 15.4 of both options seem theoretically
8(9):914 – 924. Howden-Buffalo’s Fan Engineering—An viable. The three vs. two fans deci-
6. Kudo, E., et al. 2019. “Low ambient Engineer’s Handbook on Fans and Their sion would likely come down to a
humidity impairs barrier function and
innate resistance against influenza Applications, where the devices are first-cost vs. life-cycle cost decision
infection.” PNAS 116(22):10905 – 10910. called inlet vanes, https://tinyurl. and an N + 1 consideration.
7. Murphy, N., et al. 2020. “A large com/yyh5j4f7.) Two fans with larger motors and
national outbreak of COVID-19 linked
to air travel, Ireland, summer 2020.” I’ve also heard them referred to higher wheel classes would probably
Eurosurveillance 25(42). as inlet guide vanes (IGVs), I believe have a lower first cost compared to
8. Shmerling, R.H. 2020. “Which test
is best for COVID-19?” Harvard Health
because they function by directing or three fans when the related duct,
Publishing, Harvard Medical School. Posted guiding airflow into the impeller in electrical and control system infra-
Aug. 10, updated Sept. 30. a way that changes the performance structure required to accommodate
Douglas Stuart Walkinshaw, Ph.D., P.Eng.,
Fellow/Life Member ASHRAE, Ottawa, ON, Canada curve rather than by restricting flow, a third fan were considered.
which is what dampers generally do. But the two fans would spend most
What to Consider In any case, our problem was that we of their hours operating a low motor
were dealing with an existing system; load/motor efficiency/low VFD effi-
When Designing For the fans simply didn’t have IGVs. So we ciency condition. (The curves in the
N + 1 worked with what we had: the VFDs. article illustrate this.) Thus, the oper-
I note in Figure 3A of David Sellers’ However, I am not sure inlet vanes ating cost would not be as attractive as
November 2020 column, “What to would have been an option for the what might be achieved with a three-
Consider When Designing for N + 1,” application because of the corrosive fan approach, especially given 24/7
that slowing the fans to reduce air- exhaust. Some acids we used could etch operation and a system that would
flow has left them operating very silicon, and the system was fabricated likely be in place for a long time.
close to the peak of the fan curve. from special acid-resistant materials. From an N + 1 perspective, the two-
Readers should consider an inlet Inlet vanes are mechanical, with fan approach would leave you with
vane damper in similar situations. much of the mechanism in the air- no redundancy if the remaining fan
Partly closing an inlet vane damper stream. (Photos are here: https:// failed prior to repairs. In contrast, the
reduces flow without dropping the failure of two of three fans would not
peak static pressure. Put another Thus, I am not sure they would have cause a total loss of flow. Safe opera-
way, it shifts the fan curve to the left, been viable in the corrosive exhaust. tion would likely not be possible on
rather than down and left, resulting I also think, with a “clean sheet of only one fan. However, you would
in more stable operation, and pos- paper,” if the design had targeted a have not crashed the fab with the
sibly more energy savings. two-fan operating mode for normal issues associated with that, giving the
Ed Chessor, P.Eng., Life Member ASHRAE,
operation, the operating point would three-fan approach a potential edge.
Vancouver, BC, Canada. have been at a much better spot on David Sellers, P.E., Member ASHRAE, Portland, Ore.

10 A S H R A E J O U R N A L  FEBRUARY 2021

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