Government of Hirashtra: References

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2/23/2021 Government of Hirashtra

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Unconventional Energy Generation Policy 2020

Part-1 - State's diverse and non-conventional energy

For projects involving transmission of semen from sources
Integrated Policy-2020 and Part-II-State Distributable and Renewable
Transmission of semen generated from (unconventional) energy sources
Integrated Strategy for Projects- 2020.

Government of Hirashtra
Department of Industry, Energy and Labor,

Government Debt Crisis: Apau-2020 / Pr.Sr.137 / Energy-7

Hutatta Rajguru Chowk, Dada Kada Road, Nilayala, Mumbai 400 032.

Date: December 31, 2020.

References: 1) Government Resolution, Department of Industry, Energy and Labor, No. Apau-2015 / Pr.No.49 / Energy-7, dated 20/07/2015
2) Government Resolution, Department of Industry, Energy and Labor, No. Apau-2015 / S.No.367 / Energy-7, dated 11/02/2016
3) Hirastra Energy Development Authority, Pune's Crank: Energy / Energy / Government Management / 2020-21 /
1947, dated 28/07/2020.

Proposal: -
Due to increasing industrialization and urbanization in the state, the cost of conventional electricity is increasing day by day.

Is. This energy is mainly generated from energy resources such as coal, petrochemicals and natural gas.

These energy resources are available in a limited form and will be depleted in the near future. Excessive use of such energy sources

There is a small increase in air pollution. This has led to an increase in global warming and adverse effects of climate change

Everybody has to suffer. According to the Paris Agreement, 40 per cent of the national energy needs by 2030.

The petitioner has expressed commitment to borrow from the fuel source.

The central government will consider the importance of renewable and non-conventional energy sources by 2022. 175

The aim is to generate as much energy as Rugwagat from various unconventional energy sources. It has 100 RW

Seed generation by solar energy, 60 RW of wind power and the remaining 15 RW of electricity generation is unconventional.

Will be done by energy source. Fulfillment of these aristocrats within the period of completion

State participation will be important. Considering the scope of power generation from the available energy sources in the state

Efforts need to be made to implement unconventional energy projects with a capacity of 25000 KW by 2025.

The energy generated from alternative energy sources is higher than that of conventional energy generation.

To increase this, the government has been pursuing a policy on non-conventional energy generation since 1995.

Under this policy, unconventional energy projects with an area of 9305 kWh were commissioned by the end of 2020.

The project with a total area of 2123 KW is in progress to be implemented. This is unconventional

There is a lot of scope in the state in the field of energy generation.

Haryana State Electricity Commission bans renewable energy procurement (solar and rubber solar)

Applicable to semen distribution companies in the state. As a result, all sewerage companies are in their area of responsibility

It has become necessary to purchase unconventional energy in a specific way in comparison to the total electricity consumption. Consequences c

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To achieve the goal of setting up 25,000 KW of unconventional energy projects by 2025

There is a need for vision. So a rethink of the unconventional energy policy that currently exists

It has become necessary to formulate a separate policy that encourages the participation of government agencies and the private sector.

It includes nutritional transmission, non-transmission and storage projects that support private / government investment.

The atmosphere is rhetorical.

Considering the above factors, the state's various and renewable (unconventional) energy sources to generate electricity.

To publish Integrated Unconventional Energy Generation Policy-2020 without transmission connection / transmission for projects

The matter was under the consideration of the government.

Governance: -
Transmission from state's diverse and non-conventional (unconventional) energy sources for power generation projects

/ Non-transmission Integrated Unconventional Energy Generation Policy 2020

Recognition is being given: -

Aristotle: -

1) Considering the increasing demand for electricity in the state, the seed loss will increase by 17,360 KW in the next five years.

There is a need to set up such environmentally friendly non-conventional energy generation projects.

2) Employment opportunities through the policy of supporting state investment by developers in setting up such projects.

And to increase investment.

3) To have a state government policy that is complementary to the rest of the unconventional energy policy of the central government.

4) State Govt.

Registered by the National Electricity Commission of India. Of the provisions of and from time to time therein

Establishment of ongoing projects subject to ongoing improvements.

Period of implementation of the policy and transition period of the previous policy: -

1) This policy will be repealed from the time it is published.31 The study will be applicable for the period 2025.

2) Canceled by this policy.20 July, 2015 Connection of power generation from various and renewable energy sources.

Integrated Strategy for Projects-2015 and dated February 11, 2016 from various and renewable energy sources.

Transmission Policy for Seed Production - 2016 is being halved.

3) Unconventional energy projects which are registered during the policy period of September, 2015 and September 2016.

In the next three years after the publication of such policy, or the relevant policy,

The project owner will be able to register the projects as per the 2016 policy. Related to such projects

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Benefits of incentives in the policy The project will be operational within one year from the date of publication of the policy.

If done, it will be unacceptable.

Ignorance: -

Registered Companies, Public / Civil Self Government Institutions, Government Institutions, Partnership Institutions, Private Persons,

Governmental organizations, co-operative societies, farmers' groups are not allowed to undertake projects under this policy.

Are. In accordance with this, the state government has set up a project under the chairmanship of Vrindavan (Energy). 2/19
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Reporting of companies / institutions not recognized in the context in which the grant is being paid / with participation,

The project will be awarded after the completion of their technical and technical capacity. About this Rivadi

Rickshaw Hirastra State Electricity Board will be decided by the company. In this case, the Secretary General, Department of Energy

He is also the Chairman and Managing Director of the Manufacturing, Transmission and Distribution Companies.

Energy will be the member secretary.

General Demonstration Principles: -

Until the time limit for compliance with this policy is met, the general guidelines will remain as follows: -

1) Unconventional Energy Projects are under the purview of the Central Government's Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Energy and Renewable Energy and its affiliates.

The report lists of various organizations will be maintained and the protection of the state will be maintained.

2) For the implementation of this policy, the steering wheel of energy is being used as a source of energy. Unconventional

It will be necessary to register all energy generation projects with hydropower. All transmission related projects

In case of non-transmission projects by non-transmission company and in case of non-transmission projects by non-transmission company.

Will come.

3) In addition to other conventional / non-conventional energy sources to connect solar / solar projects.

Prioritize hybrid projects to include storage capacity as required.

Will be given. According to their source, such projects will be dealt with in those lives.

4) Hydroelectric state to show the feasibility of a hybrid project with storage capacity.

Govt / Central Government-assisted hybrid energy generation project

Will be supported.

5) It will be mandatory to implement the project in a project free manner, other facilities in the policy.

It will not be acceptable. Due to exceptional or catastrophic circumstances, the project could be completed on time.

If not, in such case, if the application has been made before the expiry of the respite period, then in the case of such projects.

The power to grant extension for years is constituted by the Department of Energy under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister (Energy).

Will live in Sariti. However, the extension will not be postponed till 31st October, 2026.

6) Projects and Risk Management Proceedings of the Electricity Authority, 2003, issued by the Haryana Electricity Commission.

And the rules, orders, interpretations, orders of the government, the rules, the rules, the rules and the state as applicable from time to time.

Will be subject to provisions provided by the Government.

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7) Matters in this Policy as well as clarification of any matters while applying

Considering the amount of money received by the government, the energy provided by the Department of Energy.

Clarifications will remain binding on interrelationships and all related matters.

8) With a view to setting up, implementing and effectively implementing this policy under this policy.

The required procedures will be separately calculated by the Department of Energy.

9) This policy will be reviewed by the State Government as and when required. As well as in this policy

At the competent level, taking into account the difficulties in the implementation of the policy of the Central Government or changes in technology.

Appropriate changes will be made as per recognition.

10) This policy will be implemented literally and in principle by the Government of India; However, this policy

Failure to enforce any part of the agreement is a result of legal agreements between the parties.

It will not be considered as a "change in the law".

11) From the Pollution Control Board of India as per the prevailing policy as per the requirements of non-conventional energy projects.

It will be necessary to take Sintipi.

The following facilities are available to facilitate the implementation of the policy and are conducive to investment

Are being done: - 3/19
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1) Permits relating to non-conventional energy projects relating to various administrative divisions of the State Government,

Recognition, sanctity, etc. A one-stop web system similar to the Department of Industry

Will be revoked. For this, the required completion of the project holder up to the list of unpaid surpluses.

Authentication of documents after uploading documents on the web portal to complete the documents.

Before taking full responsibility for accuracy and statutory fulfillment by self-declaration, free of charge.

Once done, the registration will be done automatically and immediately by the computer.

2) Short-term submergence of reservoirs, seepage ponds, small irrigation ponds in the state of Haryana.

Feasibility checks will be used to support unconventional energy projects.

3) Under this policy, the project owners will invest Rs. 1500 crore or more in projects of Rs.

Such project holders will be provided “Assistance Officer” through the air force. Such assistance

The authority will assist the project holders in resolving the issue on Sunday. As well as

The project will coordinate with the concerned agencies regarding the difficulties encountered by the government agencies in setting up the project.

4) Progress of non-compliant projects under the policy with a view to overcome the problems in the implementation of this policy.

The review will be conducted by Dariha Hydropower. Also, there is no project regarding the project where energy is started

The following is your report with time bound action plan for each project with a view to completion on time.

Will submit to the Department of Energy by the 10th date of stay.

5) All registered by Hyurja to solve and assist in the implementation of the project.

The meeting of the project holders will be held once in a while or more times as required.

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In order to solve the energy problem, we need to take the necessary advice from the project owners.

It will send recommendations for utility and policy compliance to the government.

6) Relevant under the chairmanship of Energy Secretary to solve the problems of the project owners by the Department of Energy.

The steering system of the representatives of the divisions will be formed. It has a non-conventional capacity of more than 25 kW

Energy resource project owners need to use this steering system to solve their problems.

Will make contact.

7) Grid connectivity required and available for the project based on the progress of the project.

Appropriate changes will be made in the current policy and procedures for immediate availability.

Grid activity without any preconceptions will be created as a "right" until the end.

Distribution of grid transfers in terms of technical feasibility of distribution company, transmission company and State Transmission Enterprise (STU)

Efforts will be made to provide grid connectivity from the network near the network. For this

The basic infrastructure required is a policy adopted by the project developer or the concerned organization.

Loans will be made under Aran Ravari.

Policy on availability of registration: -

The following policy will be adopted regarding the availability of government land for non-conventional energy projects: -

Generally, there will be three types of government registers: -

Type 1: - Various Institutions of State Government, Companies, Handles, Public Sub-divisions, Administrative Departments, Civil and

Physical Self Government Institutions, Universities etc. (Excluding the ownership and possession of the Revenue Department)

Lands leased and leased by the Revenue Department.

Type 2: - Custody and possession of the Revenue Department.

Type 3: - Private or Central Government, Central Institutions / Handles / Public Enterprises, Ordnance Factories, Defense

Regiments in the possession or possession of Dal etc.

Type 1: - 4/19
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A) Concerned neo-hippies and their global warming, i'll tell ya.

In addition to the institutions under their jurisdiction, they will enter into contracts for distribution / production / energy. Such an agreement

In doing so, the land is agreed upon by both the parties on the basis of lease, lease agreement or sharing of revenue.

They will be able to provide space on such options. Non-transferable and intended use of government funds

Provided on the terms of payment, pre-approval is available at the witness level for such applications.

Karu can be taken. Other conditions e.g. lease period, lease rate, etc. These matters apply even further

Will remain. Also, the leasehold has a special purpose in addition to the leaseholder who is entitled to the sub-lease.

(SPV) Rage can also be availed. The use of such devices is unconventional energy

Regulations provided for projects to make changes in the application of these registers.

Permission will be taken at the witness level by the authority. Concerning the state of self-government

If the area required for the project is up to 15 acres, at the Gram Panchayat level, 15-25 acres.

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Panchayat system for the area and more than 25 acres can be made available at the district level.

For this, changes will be made as per the requirements. However, the government is the official body

If it is transferred / leased to Swarajya Sansthan for specific purpose.

Full approval of the government will be required. Relevant Civic Institutions Relating to Civil Self Government Institutions

They will enter into an agreement to make the terms and conditions available. Administrative Division and others

Terms and Conditions relating to the administrative department or institution concerned

Will be able to pay the leases. After that, at the urging of such organizations and others

If they want to set up unconventional energy generation projects, they can do so in accordance with the provisions of this policy.

B) Concerned institutions, departments, etc. for transmission of electricity generated from non-conventional energy sources. Such a place

Preferential enumerators may provide rates as soon as possible.

Type 2: -

A) Distribution, production and energy are their unconventional activities in the jurisdiction of the Revenue Department.

Requirements for the projects required for energy projects will be made to the concerned state authorities.

Reserved for the management of waste management in accordance with the provisions of this Act.

Expenditure of the Government for the construction of such unconventional energy projects excluding Rajaga and other unregulated Rajaga.

On lease / lease agreement on appropriate terms and conditions as per policy, the rent is Rs. 1 at the rate of 30 years

Both parties to the lease will be able to make available options that are mutually beneficial. However, this is not the case

Compensation can also be made available. But only after such an unconventional energy generation project is implemented

5% of the proceeds from the project is due to the cost of the project (the cost of the project is usually Rs.

5%) Government has to pay. (For this, it is decided by the Governor and the Divisional Commissioner

Up to this point, the authority to transfer such registers will be granted.)

The Governor and the Divisional Commissioner shall transfer such jurisdiction to their respective jurisdictions. As well as

Recognize at the required thirteen levels.

B) Also, their distribution of non-conventional energy projects by the developers themselves or from the developers.

(On PPP basis), if the required register is intact, then

In order to consolidate the registry, to the respective regulators of the respective regents for the government registry in it.

Will count. In connection with the said Act, the concerned officers shall give priority to their jurisdiction.

Will be able to make unconventional energy projects available for construction. As well as the required thirteen witnesses

Will be recognized at the level. Leases or half-charges may be levied at the rate of 30% of the cost of such registration.

(Assume that the cost of the register is generally 30% of the registered rent)

C) Also, the authority concerned for the transmission of non-conventional energy generation should be reminded of their authority. 5/19
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They will be able to provide the rates as per the priority calculators as soon as possible.

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Type 3: -

A) In accordance with the policy of the State Government in respect of other matters relating to the Central Government and other matters.

Requirements for Unconventional Projects Available on appropriate terms and conditions in options acceptable to both parties

Can be done. Central Government's public undertakings are solar energy projects at their expense

Solar energy projects that are mutually compatible if the developer comes to the distribution company for construction.

Can raise. Concerning Solar Cooking approved by the Union Government's Department of Variable and Renewable Energy

If such a developer (SPPD) comes to the distribution company, they will build an accessible energy project by mutual consent.


B) In addition to the production, distribution and distribution of energy from their respective reciprocal private entities.

The leases may be made available on a lease basis, jointly with purchase or mutual agreement. Such

SPV as per requirement in view of availability of diamond production, diamond distribution and hydropower generation for projects.

May act on behalf of / independent company.

Re-energization of energy generation projects: -

1) All non-conventional energy projects will be encouraged to increase their production capacity. Such

The same resources in the project will either be used to install different equipment or increase efficiency or other unconventional

This can be achieved by hybridizing with the source.

2) These policies will continue to cover the increase in production losses till the end of the year. In the case of hybrid projects, that-that

This policy will apply to those projects depending on the source.

3) Expenditure on non-conventional energy projects if there is an energy purchase agreement with the companies.

If the extension is proposed, the source of the power purchase agreement will continue for the rest of the term.

Will remain.

4) Reconstruction of half of the project will create an unconventional project.

5) More than half of the generated semen can be delivered to the company through a smooth process.

6) In case of hybrid sources, it will be necessary to install separate heaters for separate sources. From the source of Ravadya

If it is possible to increase the capacity of the project independently of the existing area, purchase of electricity from the project.

In addition to the contract, the amount of semen transmitted will be transmitted to the recipient.

Calculated the loss as per the purchase agreement (including the use of loss use factor for solar power plants)

The damage caused by the rajil aran is due to the fact that it is outside / in addition to the semen purchase agreement. This life

The semen purchase will continue for the duration of the contract.

7) After completion of the power purchase agreement of the project, the entire project will be created as a single project.

The recycled semen can be delivered to the company through a seamless process.

8) The details of various sources will be taken into consideration as per the immediate policy.

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Transmission related projects from various and renewable energy sources
(1) Solar energy generation project: -
Under this policy, the solar energy generation plans / projects will be implemented as follows.
Coming: -

A. Yorji's claim Urisht

No. (Kshita VW) Ridhi source

1. a) To develop solar power generation projects 10000 Kharjagi Ravkasak,

B) Grid connected rooftop solar project 2000 central government,

2. a) Government's Arbitration and Hirashtra Suvannarjayanti 500

Others in the state other than Girotra Hirabhaya
Urban, water grid, rural water supply and solar Kharjagi Ravkasak,
Renewing energy Central Government, Sans
B) Transmission for small water and tap water supply 30
Using an attached solar pump

3. Create a farmer co-operative society / company / group 250

Kharjagi Ravkasak,
Provide private investment in transmission related solar
To develop energy generation projects.

4. For solar / solar energy based power generation projects 50 Kharjagi Ravkasak,
Extending energy storage business. Sansra

5. Construction of solar powered e-vehicle charging station 50 Kharjagi Ravkasak,

To do. Sansra

6. Solar / solar-hybrid at its own source of energy 50 Kharjagi Ravkasak,

Establishment of transmission related energy projects. Sansra

Total 12,930

(1) (a) To develop solar energy generation projects: -

(1) (a) 1. The increasing use of solar energy in the State, the useful solar radiation available for it.

Considering the ban on renewable energy procurement, a total of 10,000 KW of solar capacity is included in this policy.

Urgent efforts are being made to implement a semen rehabilitation project. It includes various types of solar projects

And the inclusion of hybrid projects with other conventional or non-conventional energy sources associated with it.

Will remain.

(1) (a). Under this policy, the capacity of solar power generation project from solar energy will be 1 kW.

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(1) (a) .3 Solar power generation projects under this policy Competitive tender to power distribution / generation companies in the State

To meet their renewable energy purchase obligations through the process, either in the state or outside the state.

For Open Access / Captive Use or for sale of semen to a component.

It can be done slowly.

(1) (a) .4 State Transmission Initiatives (STUs) and Interstate Transmission Initiatives (CTU / ISTS)

It will be mandatory to register the solar energy projects to be connected with them.

(1) (a) .5 In accordance with the provisions of the guidelines issued by the Central Government on projects of the Central Government. 7/19
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Action will be taken.

(1) (a) .6 Low pressure, high pressure and high pressure substations required for the project and their transmission

Surveillance of distribution variances jointly by developers and distribution companies / transmissions

Will come. According to the technical results of the said substations, distribution companies / transmissions by the developer and they

Self-employed under the supervision of distribution companies / transmitters as per approved entries.

Will take care. The sub-centers in the business are currently under construction and transmission lines.

This will include some reinforcements or changes that need to be made. The fulfillment of this policy

Until then, transmission connection projects will be made available uninterruptedly.

For this, the Department of Energy has set a standard operating procedure

Will come.

(1) (a) .7 Period of Power Purchase Agreement for Solar Power Generation Projects under this Policy.

The Riyadh will remain under the auspices of the Commission. OP to conduct project armament

The period of access is limited to 10 years and the period of receipt is valid.

Will be re-assigned by the Commission. When doing such projects (Open

Access / Captive / Group Captive / Third Party) Producers / Consumers Govt.

Charges etc. Filling will be required. As well as the charges applicable to their area-wise distribution companies

And tax rates will remain unchanged.

(1) (a) .8 Registration of Solar Power Generation Projects as Required as Industry Component if required.

Will continue to do.

(1) (a) .9 Depending on the area under which the solar power generation project is to be procured under this policy.

If it is to be done, it will be necessary to submit the objections of the Department of Geology and Minerals.

(1) (a) .10 Under this policy, solar energy projects are being developed using solar cooking system without the help of Central Government.

Will come. The capacity of such a project will be 5 kW. In solar panels with an area of more than 5 kW

Projects with a capacity of 1 kW can be developed. Such small projects are physically continuous

If so, let's consolidate it. If their capacity is 5 kW, then also the distribution companies / transmission companies.

Transmission connection will be provided by them. Transmission connection to such projects without interruption

Will have the right to relinquish.

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(1) (a) .11 In accordance with this policy, they have introduced the solar system for solar agriculture.

Solar energy projects will be set up under the auspices of the state.

(1) (a) .12 Under this policy, co-operative as well as private sugar factories, spinning mills, AIDCs in the State. And

Other industries are located on your property, Vahital Road as well as on the rooftops, Ardhari, Ravi.

Disrupting them could lead to solar energy projects.

(1) (b) Grid connected rooftop solar project: -

(1) (b) 1. Under this policy, the projects under the roof transmission system of the Central Government (GCRT) and

Self-erected rooftop transmission attached solar project relay project of 2000 KW area

Will be done.

(1) (b) .2 Grid connectivity shall be created as a "right" without any preconceptions. Hiravataran Company

To provide grid connectivity from the vicinity of the grid distribution network in view of technical feasibility.

Will try.

(2) (a) Implementation of urban as well as rural water supply schemes in the state on solar energy: -

(2) (a). Under this policy, a total area of 500 KW is being maintained for the next 5 years. 8/19
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(2) (a) .2 The space required for such projects shall remain with the concerned department / institution.

(2) (a) .3 Reversal of Bench Mark Cost of Hydropower Project from time to time.

Will come.

(2) (a) .4 To implement the scheme on ESCO basis for urban and rural water supply schemes to the concerned departments.

The EESL will be able to enter into an agreement with the organization or the developing company.

(2) (a) .5 The concerned administrative department shall decide on the implementation of the scheme.

(2) (a) .6 The procedure in this regard will be elaborated by the Department of Energy.

(2) (b) Use of transmission connected solar pump for small water and tap water supply: -

Villages / Wadas / Pades / Vastyas / which can supply electricity to rural and double areas under this scheme.

For Public Water Supply Schemes for Abstraction and Supply of Drinking Water at Graphanchayat

A solar pump attached to the transmission will be used. Available for such as Lake / Ravarhari / Kupiralaka

Depending on the source of solar energy, 3, 5 and 7.5 small capacity water pumps will be installed.

Energy will be mobilized for supply.

(2) (b). 1. Under this, repatriation as required at the place of village / pade / wadya / vastya / gram panchayat in the state

Requirement to install solar pumps with 8,000 transmission lines of 3, 5 and 7.5 capacity.

Being done.

(2) (b) .2 Villages / Wadas / Pades / Vastyas / with population of up to 5000 / - as per technical suitability for this.

There will be grapanchayats.

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(2) (b) .3 The installation of transmission related solar pumps from time to time by the Ministry of Variety and Renewable Energy.

It should be done according to the specifications and technical specifications in the given book.

Will remain.

(2) (b) .4 In order to implement this scheme, the concerned administrative department shall decide to implement the scheme.

(2) (b) .5 The procedure for application of electricity in this regard is maintained by the Department of Energy for the purpose of renewable energy.

Will be done.

(3) Farmers Cooperative sansra / shake / Group ( PACS / SHG group if applicable / at Farmers Producers Organisation) of transmission

To develop the associated solar energy generation project: -

(3) .1 Under this policy, a total area of 250 KW is being maintained for the next 5 years.

(3) .2 The project required for this is Rajaga Shetkari Sahakari Sanstha / PACS / SHG / Farmers Producers.

The organization will be the farmers' company / own.

(3) .3 per kilowatt will be reimbursed for the hydropower project.

(3) .4 Under this, various farmers' co-operative societies / companies will raise the required share capital and register the project.

They can participate in the scheme through mortgage or private investment. Such semen distribution

Will be purchased by the company.

(3) .5 Solar energy project based solar on project holder relying on farmland / reservoir.

Take responsibility for the safety as per the structural requirements for the construction of the dodge. Height check

The distance from the control line to the reservoir is 1.5 cm. Must be tall.

(3) .6 as well as the project holder from the structure requirement for erection of solar module of such project. Of height

In case of safety and security, use of space under the structure of the project.

Will continue to do for reasons. These include the construction of condos for poultry farms, poultry farms and

Goat / sheep breeding, storage, cold storage etc. Will be included. For this, in the case of the concerned department

The available energy can be availed as a supplementary grant. 9/19
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(3) .7 For the implementation of this scheme, the concerned administrative department shall decide to implement the scheme.

(3) .8 The working procedure of the application shall be reviewed by the Department of Energy.

(4) To develop energy storage projects on solar / wind energy based foreign basis: -

(4) 1. Under this policy, a total area of 50 KW has been set aside for the next 5 years. This includes 20 kW

Field Projects Hydropower and Upcoming 30 Kg Field Projects Expenditure over a period of 5 years

Will be developed by the developer. Prior to the commencement of such project, the project should be approved by the distribution company

The viability will be checked.

(4) .2 The semen and potential semen rate of such project shall be approved by the Distribution Company.

(4) 3. Seed in such projects will be procured from the distribution company through semen sale agreement.

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(4) 4. As per the above sales agreement, the storage will be provided by the Seed Distribution Companies at the time when the peak load of the sewerage is redundant.

Will take the semen from the road and this sewerage will be used by the sewerage distribution company for energy / private developers.

Seed payment at the rate fixed by the State Electricity Commission of India or as per their policy.

Will pay.

(4) .5 The concerned administrative department shall decide on the implementation of the scheme.

(4) .6 The total number of projects to be set up under this and the procedure of annexation by the Department of Energy.

Will be released later.

(5) Establishment of solar powered e-vehicle charging station: -

(5) .1 Under this policy, a total area of 50 KW will be maintained for the next 5 years.


(5). 2. The space required for such project shall be that of the project sponsor / investor.

(5) .3 Installers in Yorjis by raising required share capital or through private investment.

May participate.

(5) 4. In order to implement this scheme, the concerned administrative department shall decide to implement the scheme.

(5) .5 The working procedure in this regard will be explained in detail by the Department of Energy.

(6) Establishment of solar / solar-hybrid transmission connected energy projects on its own energy field: -

(6) 1. Under this policy, a total of 50 kW of projects are to be implemented by hydropower in the next 5 years.

Being kept. The space required for the project will be for hydropower. Methods of energy

The proposal will be approved by the Government of India.

(6) .2 Market Discovered in the Electrical System of the Complete Seed Hire Distribution Company

The rate will be deducted.

(2) Strategy for generation of electricity from wind energy: -

Under this policy, the state will also be required to provide 720 kilowatts of perimeter of the coast.

Off-shore energy projects can be set up.

1) Under this policy, a total of 2500 KW of wind power projects are required to be set up.

Being kept.

2) Under this, the project holders can register the project with self-declaration to the energy till the balance. That's it

However, all the applicants of the State Government can start the project by claiming that they have complied with the provisions.

3) In order to complete the ban on renewable energy procurement in the state, re-use in the state, open access and other states. 10/19
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Pavi energy projects can be developed to generate electricity.

4) Rubber farming standard will be applicable in respect of project fees. Currently applicable for this /

रिय / रव रिय / संरहता इ. Appropriate changes will be made by the Revenue Department.

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5) Projects will have the facility to register if required as an "industry component" if required.

6) Consent / Objection of Hirastra Pollution Control Board to the wind energy projects under this policy.

Receipt will be binding.

7) If Government Gazette / Registration is available at the project site and the concerned Registrar / Registrar

Check with the department to determine if there is any recidivism or other irrelevant matters.

The Registrar / Departments will remit and use the transparent method on lease / rent.

Can be paid on contract / Raller. This validity will be automatically revoked if the project is started in the off-season.

As per requirement, the concerned authorities will make necessary changes in this regard. Of this

The overall procedure will be maintained by the Revenue and Departments Department.

8) Period of power purchase agreement for wind energy generation projects under this policy.

The Riyadh will remain under the auspices of the Commission. Of OP Access to manage the project armament

The period is not limited to 10 years. This period is by the Haryana Electricity Commission.

Will be redirected. Open such projects (Open Access / Captive / Group)

Captive / Third Party) Government taxes / cess / charges etc. to the producers / consumers accordingly. Must be filled

Will remain. They will also be exempt from the charges and tax rates applicable to their area-wise distribution companies.

However, the Open Access period for resuscitation will continue for the duration of the project. Such

The project will have the right to release the transmission connection until the objectives of the policy are met.

9) Submission of “Objection Objections” of the Department of Geosciences and Expenditure Department in the area where the debt is found.

Is required.

10) Including wind energy projects in conjunction with other unconventional energy source projects and includes storage capacity.

Priority will be given to hybrid projects.

11) Solar / hybrid / solar / hybrids sponsored by competitive companies in the state / SECI

Project registration will be applicable to the projects as per the guidelines of the Central Government. Come to such projects

Policy computing facilities should not be offered.

(3) Co-generation project based on sugarcane plantation / agricultural residue: -

1) Excess seed should be available in the state from the by-products available in sugar factories and agro-industries.

Could. This benefits the farmers who depend on such industries. So let's go through such projects

Must be given. ए. According to Vasantdada Sugar Institute, there is still 1374 KW of land in the state.

There is scope. In view of this policy, co-generation based on sugarcane plantations / agricultural residues.

1350 KW is being set aside for projects.

2) Under this policy, the power generated by such projects will be transferred to the power distribution companies in the state.

Energy can be used to renew the purchase ban. For projects registered with Hydropower, basic facilities

Sanitary will be provided by Hyurja.

3) The power purchase agreement in the co-generation projects should be done through the tender process till the completion of the contract.

In accordance with the agreement reached on the rates and terms and conditions imposed by the Electricity Commission.

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Seed will be procured through a distribution company. Seed purchase agreement through post-remuneration tender process

The buyer will be happy to do so.

(4) Minor water reclamation project: -

1) Unconventional Energy Generation Strategy-2015 Requires 400 KW for Small Hydropower Generation Projects

Of this, only 20 kW has been achieved. In view of this policy 380

Requirements are being made for different projects of one kilowatt. Various projects under this policy

It will be necessary to take basic security measures when registering with Hydropower.

2) The power purchase agreement in the small scale hydroelectric projects should be done through the tender process till it is finalized.

In accordance with the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Electricity Commission.

Seed will be procured through a distribution company. Seed purchase agreement through post-remuneration tender process

The buyer will be happy to do so.

(5) Seed generation project based on urban waste: -

1) Organic (inorganic) and inorganic substances are being absorbed in the field of physical self-government in the State.

Proper management of it is an important and necessary matter from the point of view of environment. Therefore, such waste

Seed generation projects also need to be encouraged in some areas. Such

It is possible to develop an independent semen generation project from the plant. 200 for such projects

The kilowatt has been kept afloat.

2) Low pressure, high pressure, high pressure substations required for such projects and their transmission and

Surveillance of Distribution Weekly in collaboration with Transporters or Distribution Project Holders

Will do. Transfer / Distribution of Survey Sub-Center / Distribution Warehouses to Project Project Holders

Under the supervision of the company as per the technical results of the company and the entries made by them.

The project will be taken care of by the project owners themselves. As well as substations, transmission and distribution during the period

The risks involved in strengthening or changing the warehouses will be in the business. Except

11 KV lines connected from the project to the substation. Or more than that

Rishtakasi will be in business.

3) Procurement process from Urban Garbage to Seed Generation Projects till the completion of the contract.

On the rates and terms and conditions issued by the Hirashtra Electricity Commission.

Seed will be procured by the distribution company through a joint venture. Through the post-remuneration process

The buyer will be free to enter into a semen purchase agreement.

4) Seed purchase tender from Seed Distribution Company along with Seed Generation Project from Urban Garbage.

The process will be as per the surcharge purchase agreement.

5) In order to implement this scheme, the concerned administrative department will decide to implement this scheme.

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Considering the above factors, the policy includes transmission of electricity from non-conventional energy sources.

The requirements for project development and the required armor will be as follows: -

S.No. Unconventional energy sources Urisht (V. V.) Ridhi source

1 Solar energy generation project 12930 Kharjagi Ravkasak, Center

2. Veeraj Rirmiti Project by Pavi Energy 2500 Government, Institution, Related

3. Co-based on sugarcane plantations / agricultural residues- 1350 Of Ravbhag 12/19
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Veeraj Rirmiti Project Investment
4. Small Hydro Power Generation Project 380

5. Seed generation project based on urban waste 200

Total 17360

Seed generation from various and non-conventional energy sources of the state
Integrated Strategy for Transmission-Free Projects-2020.
Under this policy, for the next 5 years, the following schemes and their dependencies will be implemented in the State.
Solar agricultural pumps, rooftop transmission / hybrid solar power sets, solar thermal power plants,
Solar based plants for cooking, decentralized micro-transmission projects, rural electrification, solar energy
Requirement for setting up of Cold Storage based on: -

S.No. Yorjia / Sanyani Pratan Vashanurisht Antitrust Armor Provision (Category)

(Loss / number)

1 On the roof (rooftop) of the building 52,000 Rs. Kharjagi Ravkasak, Union
Transmission Roverless / Hybrid Solar Power Set. Institutions, related departments,
2 Relying on solar agricultural pumps. 100,000 gig -

3 Solar pump for small water and tap water supply 2000 pump Kharjagi Ravkasak, Central Govt
Asrapi. (If available), organization,
Relevant departments,
4 Rural Electrification Program 10,000 homes 38

5 Focused Micro Grid Project. 20 villages 40

6 Solar hot water plant and solar for cooking 55,000 sq.ft. Kharjagi Ravkasak, Central Govt
Energy based compounds (If available)
Relevant departments,
7 Cold storage based on solar energy 800g Kharjagi Ravkasak, Central Govt
(If available), organization,
Total 78

General Demonstration Principles: -

1) Central Government for non-transmission solar energy generation projects / plants to be implemented under this policy.

Energy specifications and technical specifications will be adopted.

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Also in this regard the use of high quality technology as regulated by the Central Government from time to time.

It will be mandatory to comply with the periodic lists of energy from time to time.

2) Establishment and implementation of non-transmission projects / facilities under this policy, effective policy

Needed with easy process to get the project up and running in terms of annealing.

Procedures will be calculated separately by the Department of Energy.

3) For all projects under this policy (Public Works Department and Hirashtra Region Authority)

The power to grant technical accreditation, including their project, will remain with Hyurja. How much is the total project for that?

One per cent of the money will have to be spent on energy.

4) 2% to 5% of Project Management Charge (PMC) in case of redevelopment of hydropower projects.

The fee will be charged according to the nature of the project.

5) The benchmark cost for the various plants under this policy will be borne by the energy ministry.

Published every year.

6) In this policy, in addition to the existing power plants, various energy and renewable energy plants will be relied upon.

If it is to be done, it is not necessary to get it from Hirujarfaj with technical assistance and technical assistance.

Will remain. 13/19
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7) Under this policy, solar energy sets / project builders / System Integrators will be transferred to Hydropower.
Registration will be binding.

8) Registration with non-transmission solar power sets / projects to be set up under this policy.

The bond will remain. Characteristics for this will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

(1) Transmission / Hybrid Solar Power Sets on Rooftops and Grids.

To do: -
1) Under this policy, the offices of government, non-government, self-governing bodies in the state,

Educational Institutions, Surgeon Welfare Department / Ardvasi Division, Shelters and Hostels, Goshala and Panjarpol,

Primary health centers, rural hospitals, agricultural products under the health department.

Establishment of marketable, cottage and micro industries as well as non-transmission / hybrid solar power plants.

Will come.

2) Out of this 1 to 100 Rs. Depending on the rooftop and rent. Transmission to the horizon is uninterrupted

/ Hybrid solar power sets will be available for maintenance.

3) Delivery of transmission / hybrid solar power set based on rooftop and jigsaw.

And from time to time by the Ministry of Renewable Energy and the Haryana Energy Development Authority (HEA).

The book should be in accordance with the technical specifications and standards. On this rooftop and jar

Support for Nutrition Based / Hybrid Solar Power Set and maintenance and repair for five years

Responsibility will remain with the executive branch. To generate this energy, the energy source is on-line

The portal will be created. Prior to the commencement of the project, the Department of Public Works provided energy.

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Efficient Equipments have been installed or are being offered, for which we need to coordinate with the concerned departments.

The energy will be supplied by energy.

4) Government, non-government, self-governing bodies in the state, creation welfare department / ardvasi department,

The roofs of the buildings such as shelters and hostels, primary health centers under the health department, rural hospitals

(Rooftop) and non-transmission / adjacent solar power sets, hybrid inverters and relays.

The above spare parts will be included for support with ferrophosphate (LiFePO 4 ) type batteries.

The total capacity of a solar power set should be 100 watts.

5) For this 12000 RW is being used every year.

6) In order to implement this scheme, the concerned administrative department should make necessary provision in their budget.

They will take the debt of rubber.

7) Co-operative Societies, Co-operative Housing Societies, Registered Co-operatives

Registered Hospitals, Registered Towers, Registered Institutions / Hospitals,

On the roof (rooftop) of the building of the educational institution, Goshala and Panjarpol.

Total capacity of solar power set to support transmission / hybrid solar power set 50

Rocklowwat should be.

8) For this, 40000 rupees per kilowatt is being used.

9) The design and working method of project implementation in this component should be decided by the Department of Energy for the purpose of energy.

Will come.

(2) Establishment of Solar Agricultural Pumps: -

3/5 / 7.50 to farmers under Central Government's Kusu Yorji or under Solar Agricultural Pump Project.

Considering the needs and calculations of the disabled sector for that year, 100000 g without transmission solar.

Agricultural pumps will be installed. Out of which 77500 gig solar agricultural pumps were distributed to the beneficiaries of general group

In case of recurrence, the profit margin will be 10%. For beneficiaries of Unsuccessful Castes and Unsuccessful Species 14/19
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Out of the 10 per cent beneficiary secrets, 5 per cent beneficiary secrets belong to unsafe castes and unsafe castes.

Will be taken from the beneficiaries. Accordingly 13500 g solar agricultural pumps for the beneficiaries of unsafe species.

9000 gig solar agricultural pumps will be provided to the beneficiaries of unsafe species. Central Government's Kusu

Under the scheme, 30 per cent subsidy will be received from the Central Government under the scheme.

With the solar agricultural pumps sanctioned by the government for the state, the Chief Minister (Riorgi and Ravi) for the year 2020-21.

As mentioned in the conceptual speech, 1,00,000 gig solar agricultural pumps will be installed every year.

It will cost Rs 1950 crore out of which Rs. 585 crore is available in the form of grant from the Center

Can be. Beneficiary secret Rs. 173 crore and Rs. 436 crore

And Rs. 756 crore additional electricity sales tax and green energy is expected to be available.

Is. A plan in this regard will be prepared accordingly and it will be automatically approved by the Board. Ignore it

Accordingly, solar agricultural pumps will be installed for the farmers accordingly. This is not the case

This will be done in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Ministry of Renewable Energy (MNRE). For this

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The availability of the grant will be differentiated. State Government's Chief Solar Agricultural Pump Yorja Kusu Yorji

Can be attached.

(3) Use of non-transmission solar pump for small water and tap water supply: -

The Union Government has increased the supply of water through pipelines in rural areas. Grain and double

Villages / Pades / Wadas / Vastyas / Grapanchayats where electricity can be supplied in the area.

It is useful to use solar pumps for general water supply schemes for pumping and supply. For this

3, 5 and 7.5 solar power based on available sources like Lake / Ravarhari / Kupiralka.

A scheme will be set up to supply small water and tap water by installing pumps.

1) 3, 5 and 7.5 as per requirement in the villages / pades / wadis / vastyas / gram panchayats in the state.

2,000 non-transmissible solar pumps are being installed.

2) Villages / Pades / Wadyas / Vastyas / Grapanchayats with population up to 5000 as per technical qualification.

There will be five.

3) Under this, due to geographical conditions, electricity supply becomes profitable for the public water supply system.

There will be places like Cell.

4) Villages which have not been able to supply electricity till now, rely entirely on hand pumps for drinking water.

The existing villages and the villages which are getting sewerage supply will be given priority.

5) The use of non-transmission solar pumps under this has been changed from time to time by the Ministry of Variety and Renewable Energy.

It will be necessary to follow the technical specifications and non-technical standards.

In this regard, the working procedure of annexation and renewal of energy by the Department of Energy.

Will come.

6) In order to implement this scheme, the concerned administrative department will decide to implement the scheme.

(4) Rural Electrification Program: -

Central and State Governments will not be able to supply electricity through conventional energy sources in double villages / hamlets.

Dugni village / wadya / pade yeril houses were given purpose for electrification through unconventional energy source.

Is. Accordingly, according to this policy, the traditional distribution of villages / wadis / pades for the next 5 years to the distribution company.

It will not be possible to electrify the system, in such a place.

Solar power will be used to provide domestic radios and fans as per the technical requirements.

Beneficiaries: - Twice the number of villages / hamlets in the state will not be able to get electricity through conventional energy sources. 15/19
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Villages / Wadas / Pade Yeril houses will remain.

Georgia: - Seed will not be supplied through conventional energy sources in the state.

100 per cent armor based solar home based rents for double village / wadya / pade yeril houses

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And fan will be made available. Five years of the facility to be set up under this scheme.

The maintenance and repair period will be contracted with the contractor.

Urisht: - For this, urisht is being kept for 10000 solar powered household appliances per year.

For this, Rs. 38 crore will be provided. Procedures for this

And rickshaws will be reimbursed by the Department of Energy for energy purposes.

(5) Focal Micro Grid Project: -

Solar energy in villages that can be electrified by traditional methods in the arid areas of the state.

Other Unconventional Energy Focused Micro Grid Project on 100% Economic Assistance

Will be rubbed. Focused micro-transmission projects generating energy and energy

An auto-portal will be used to do this. Undergraduate project in a village

Expenditure of Rs.2.00 crore is unspent. Under this, the scheme will be implemented in 20 villages every year. State for this

Rs. 40 crore will be provided. Procedures and guidelines for this purpose

Reimbursements will be made by the Department of Energy for energy purposes. For this, Ridhi is available as per the requirement

Will be done.

(6) Reliance on solar energy plants and solar based plants for cooking: -

1) Residences, hostels, hospitals, dispensaries of governmental, non-governmental, non-governmental organizations in the state,

Solar hot water / 250 gallons per hectare and beyond at prisons and training centers.

Solar based plants will be installed for cooking.

2) Reliance on solar energy based plants for solar hot water / cooking.

Uninterrupted technology provided from time to time by the Ministry of Energy and the Haryana Energy Development Authority (HEDA).

It will be done according to technical specifications and grades.

3) Reliance on solar energy based plants for solar hot water / cooking as well as maintenance and maintenance of this facility.

The responsibility of repairing up to 5 years rests with the concerned manufacturer / resistance integrator.

4) An e-portal will be set up on the energy signal to implement this energy. On this portal

Applicants for registration will be treated on priority basis.

5) 50000 sq. Ft. Per acre for setting up solar hot water plants. So much will be kept up.

5000 sq.ft. per annum for reliance on solar powered plants for cooking. So ugly

Will be kept.

6) In order to implement this scheme, the concerned administrative department will take the decision to implement the scheme.

7) In this regard, the procedure of annexation and in the case of renewable energy by the Department of Energy.

Will come.

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(7) Cold Storage based on solar energy: -

State Co-operative Societies, Farmers' Groups, Farmers' Producers' Companies, Savings Groups, Individual Farmers etc.

They have to keep their agricultural produce for a long period of time as well as for a long period of time.

Using solar energy for storage can save the traditional cost of storage.

Beneficiaries: - State Co-operative Societies, Farmers Groups, Farmers Producers Companies, Savings Groups, Individual Farmers, etc.

Schemes: - These schemes include co-operative societies, farmer groups, farmer production companies, self help groups, individual farmers, etc.

They have solar powered plants for cold storage of their products.

Energy will be mobilized to support it. It is planned to take up 800 projects per year.

The concerned administrative departments will take the decision to implement the scheme.

Project cost for setting up Cold Storage facility based on solar energy through Central Government.

30 percent armor assistance is provided. For this, it will be provided and co-ordinated to the concerned departments through energy.

Procedures for the application of electricity in this regard and in consultation with the Department of Energy.

Will be done.

All government / non-government, government sponsored, government adopted etc. in the state. Department, Offices,

Provide information on all non-conventional energy activities carried out by the world.

About making a bond : -

Various government / non-government, government sponsored, government adopted etc. in the state. Departments, Offices, Institutions

Different types of energy projects, projects, plants based on unconventional energy.

Ridhi sources e.g. Rajalha Riorji Sariti, Ridhi for Sarik Yorji etc. Ridhi is available. Sadar

Central Government, State Government, Indian Bureau of Labor, etc. for the implementation of energy, projects, conventions.

Their criteria, technical impact etc. Action must be taken accordingly. Also, the project plans, projects, resources

After assignment, they will be repaired and maintained for the next five years.

It is necessary to bring. It covers all aspects of energy efficiency.

With this in mind, all the non-traditional government / non-government agencies in the state

All energy based energy projects, projects, plants etc. It is compulsory to give the information of their anilbarjavani to the energy

Being done. For this, Energy will provide a web portal.

Provision of Ridhi for Yorjis as per policy: -

Provision of Ridhi for Yarjis to be implemented under this Policy Central Government Grants / Green Energy Ridhi / Citizens

And Local Self Government / State Government (ARSE) / Special Component Scheme / Indigenous Utilization / Other

One of the most useful sources of Ridhi from the administrative department is the Extra Blood Seed Crusher (ToSE),

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To make available the resources of Rajlaha Rikas Ridhi / Central and international aid agencies etc.

Will come.

Provision for Simple Expenditure of Hydropower: -

Under this policy, Hirashtra Energy Development Authority is dependent on the Government of India.

Provisions received for the release of funds from ongoing projects.

Expenditure for tender process, creation of on-line portal, technical inspection cost, manpower, vessel etc. 17/19
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2% of the total provision will be incurred. For this, Ridhi for the expenses of Govt

Include 2% of the cost of the project in the project cost and make it available to the government for energy.

Will be given. In addition to this, what kind of government system is involved in their ritualistic unconventional practices?

If he wishes to do so, it would be imperative for him to seek technical assistance from such energy.

Changes in the balance between the above provisions and the provision made for the above scheme.

If it is to be done, it will be mandatory to get the approval of the state government.

This Government Resolution with the Department of Reconstruction and their informal reference number. 160/1461,

Cancel. 01 December, 2020 as well as with the Ravi Department and their informal reference number Bimbapra-2020 / Q.No.14,

Cancel. As per 31st December, 2020, it is being calculated as per the agreement signed by him.

Also Revenue Department, Department, Water Resources Department, Water Supply and Sanitation Department, Ardvasi Development

Department, Department of Public Justice, Department of Agriculture and Posts, Department of Industry, Department of Environment, Co-operation, Textiles and Water

Departments, Urban Development Departments, Rural Development Departments, Water Conservation Departments, Public Works Departments,

It is being calculated as per the order / signature.

The Government of India Available at

If done, its code number is 202012311724507310. This command is redirected

The signature attestation is being removed.

As per the order of the Governor of Haryana,

Digitally signed by Nanasaheb Rajaram Dhane
DN: c = IN, o = Government Of Maharashtra, ou = Industries, Energy and Labor
Department, postalCode = 400032, st = Maharashtra, = a71698611123263cde9d32423e9bb73044d91ed0cffad3b6267198e

Rajaram Dhane
serialNumber = 6c39e2858150dbdfcfe6cd25ed08adf59f4d2fd8c1ede1730735
f604904bf3bb, cn = Nanasaheb Rajaram Dhane
Date: 2020.12.31 17:39:08 + 05'30 '

(Vasaheb Dhane)

Under Secretary, Government of Haryana


1) Yes. Governor's Principal Secretary, Rajya Sabha, Mumbai,

2) Chief Secretary, State Secretary to the Chief Minister, State, Mumbai,

3) Private Secretary to all Ministers / States, Mumbai,

4) Leader of the Opposition, Legislative Assembly / Legislative Council, Constituent Assembly, Mumbai,

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5) All Legislative Council Members, Constituency Future, Mumbai,

6) Chief Secretary, State of Haryana, Ministry, Mumbai,

7) Additional Chief Secretary (Sun), Department of Sun, Ministry, Mumbai,

8) Principal Secretary (Riorgi), Riorgi Department, Ministry, Mumbai,

9) Self-Assistant to all Additional Chief Secretaries / Principal Secretaries / Secretaries, all school departments,

10) Savan Divisional Commissioner,

11) Savan Rajjalhardhakari,

12) Chief Executive Officer, Savan Rajlaha Parishad,

13) Accountant, State of Haryana, Mumbai / Nagpur,

14) Resident Audit Officer, Mumbai,

15) Secretary, Harashtra Electricity Commission, Mumbai (Punjab),

16) Managing Director, Hirastra State Electricity Board, Reform Company, Mumbai.

17) Chairman and Managing Director, Hirastra State Electricity Distribution Company, Mumbai.

18) Chairman and Managing Director, Hirastra State Electricity Generating Company, Mumbai.
19) Chairman and Managing Director, Hirastra State Electricity Transmission Company, Mumbai.

20) Director, Hirashtra Energy Development Authority (HEERJA), Pune,

21) Deputy Secretary / Energy-3, Department of Industry, Energy and Labor, Ministry, Mumbai,

22) All the offices in the Energy Sub-Division, Industry, Energy and Labor Division, Ministry, Mumbai,

23) Chief Electrical Conservator, Department of Industry, Energy and Labor, Ministry, Mumbai. 18/19
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24) Rev. City, Energy-7, Department of Industry, Energy and Labor, Ministry, Mumbai.

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