The Story of My Life: Spiritual Values: Hardworking When Good Mood

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Today's date : March 6th 2022

Name: Mohammad Fajar Aryadi
Nickname : Fajar or Arya
Date of birth : Sept. 29th 2002
Parents name : Mr. Hasan Basri and Mrs. Kartini
Brother's/ Sister's name: Tatik, Santi and Farida
Educational Background: Student of English Department
Obsession: I wanna be a teacher in Kalibaru
Favorite food: anything that halalan toyyiban
Favorite outfit: long shirt
Spiritual values: Hardworking when good mood

The Story of My Life

My name is Mohammad Fajar Aryadi, you can call me Fajar. I was born on Kalibaru. Now, I
am twenty years old. My parents are Mr. Hasan Basri and Mrs. Kartini. They are ao kinds.
Especially my mother, she's so patient, but she was died on accident two years ago.
I haven't brother, but i've 3 sisters. They are is Tatik Suswati, Tutik Susanti and Faridatul
I was graduated from 3rd Kebonrejo elementary school on 2015, Islamic Junior high school
of Kalibaru on 2018, and Vocational high school Shofa Marwa of Jember on 2021. In the
future I would like tobe a teacher in my junior high school, it's Islamic Junior High school of
Kalibaru. It was a small school on my village, but i like that school, it's so beautiful.

 It's Me
You might know some of my personality but I am going to tell you some more, I think some
good points of my personalities are that I am the hardworking i think. Cause, since
elementary school, i always be the leader of class or an organization. On junior high school i
be the leader of students Council or we called OSIS. Until now, i stay to be leader of class,
that's position always make me busy. I've a lot of work to do during being a leader. The best
thing about me is that I am a kind of hardworker and ones of students that always join
organization inside or outside of schools.
Well, there are a lot of things that I like most and dislike. I like to listening musics and
watching on animes. I can feel better with it. Sometimes, i like to reading book to get or
learn something.
Other things I dislike when place around me is noisy. Sounds of motorcycle, machine and
people it's so disturbing on me.
The reason why I dislike is that condition make me bored, can't thinking about something
and then I'll stressful. It is probably because i born and live on a village without noisy like
In the future, I'll try to applying for a teacher and applying for a part time job. Because I
know, being a teacher can't give me much money, i must have a side-job or part time job to
supply my income.

 What parents mean to me?

I am a full-time student, motivated by my mother. She told me to study until the university.
However, only me, a boy in my family. All of my sisters just graduated and stop on
elementary school.
When i was child, my sisters teach me. They teach me to read, write, draw and much again.
So i can be here, as a student in English department.
They are very patient, kind, and clever. I really love them because without them, i can write
this story. I don't know, how to explain my feel, how to express it. I just wanna say one
thing, i am grateful for have parents like them, to have sisters like them.

I would like to express my gratitut to Allah Swt. who has sent me to this university. I
believe, that Allah SWT. always make easy and giving help to anyone were learning. Allah
always give a solutions for every problems that we have.
My father is a kind of man who's have knowledge about religion, about Al-Qur'an and
sunnah. So, my father always teach me religion since i was child. My mother is a Javanese
woman. She much told me about family, my ethnic. He teach me about Javanese culture
and attitude too.
Event though they're not famous, i still proud. However, blessings of God are blessings of

As stated in the Al-qur'an surah al-Isra. we should bow, doing good and obey to our parents
especially our mother. Mother is like an angel in my life because she so kind. Mother always
know, what i want, what i need
Rosulullah SAW. In His hadits stated that :" Ridhollah fii ridho walidain". It means that Allah
will blessed to anyone who have blessed from their parents or it's means that blessings of
Allah depending to blessings of parents.
Therefore, i must seriously to study, i must be a good Moslem, good boy.

 What family means to me?

In my own view, my family is the best home that i have. When i'm broke, when i have
problems, just my family can help me.
My sisters are smart and helpful. If i can't understand about my lessons in school, they're
always help me to learn it. They've many reasons to keep me on fire. Even though just
graduated of elementary school, they're still being my proudly.
I like to see when my big family meeting at my house. I can see many smiles there.
Sometime i've a problem with my sister and then mother told us to forgiven each other. It's
not good, but this is the point of family.

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