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How ESG* Factors Impact

Gregg Lemos-Stein, CFA

Chief Analytical Officer
Corporate Ratings

Credit Risk Meredith Beddow

Director, Credit & Risk Solutions
S&P Global Market Intelligence

Michelle Cheong
Director, Senior Lead of Product Development, RatingsXpress®
S&P Global Market Intelligence
*Environmental, Social and Governance
January 26, 2022

Permission to reprint or distribute any content from this presentation requires the prior written approval of S&P Global. Copyright © 2022 S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved.
Today’s Speakers

Gregg Lemos-Stein, CFA Meredith Beddow Michelle Cheong

Chief Analytical Officer Director Director
Corporate Ratings Credit Risk Solutions Senior Lead of Product
S&P Global Ratings S&P Global Market Intelligence Development, RatingsXpress®
S&P Global Market Intelligence

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• Introduction
• ESG at S&P Global Ratings
• A deeper look into ESG Credit Indicators from S&P Global Ratings
• Accessing ESG Credit Indicators on a comprehensive credit ratings & research platform
• Accessing ESG Credit Indicators via flexible delivery channels

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ESG at S&P Global Ratings

Gregg Lemos-Stein, CFA

Chief Analytical Officer
Corporate Ratings
ESG in Credit Ratings: Recent Publications

October 10, 2021 October 13, 2021 Mid-Nov 2021 to Jan 2022
General Criteria: Environmental, ESG Credit Indicator ESG Report Cards
Social, And Governance Principles In Definitions and Application With ESG Credit Indicators
Credit Ratings published for all Corporates,
Infrastructure, Banks, Insurers

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ESG Factors Influence Our Credit Ratings

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Criteria: ESG Credit Factors and Five Key Principles
The intersection of ESG Analytics Five Principles in ESG Criteria
& Credit Risk Analytics

ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance. Source: S&P Global Ratings.

Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved.

Permission to reprint or distribute any content from this presentation requires the prior written approval of S&P Global.
Criteria: ESG In Our Sector-Specific Methodology
Corporate Criteria Framework

*Categories most likely to include consideration of environmental, social and governance credit factors.

CICRA– Corporate industry and country risk score.

Copyright © 2021 by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC. All rights reserved.

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ESG Credit Indicators Within Our ESG Process

ESG Credit

ESG paragraphs in
issuer reports
ESG Credit Factors Consideration ESG Criteria Application of Credit Rating Communication
criteria and Disclosure
e.g., climate When material to ESG principles in of ESG
Reflecting both ESG
transition risks, creditworthiness Credit Ratings and Influence in ESG sector
and non-ESG credit
health and safety, sector-specific Credit Ratings
factors report cards
governance structure criteria

ESG disclosures in
rating actions

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ESG Credit Indicators Reflect
Our Opinion Of How Material ESG Factors Were in our Credit Analysis
Influence on
Environmental Social Governance Definition
credit analysis
Factors are, on a net basis*, a positive consideration
Positive E-1 S-1 G-1 in our credit rating analysis, affecting at least one
analytical component.
Factors are, on a net basis*, a neutral consideration
Neutral E-2 S-2 G-2
in our credit rating analysis.
Factors are, on a net basis*, a moderately negative
E-3 S-3 G-3 consideration in our credit rating analysis, affecting
at least one analytical component.
Factors are, on a net basis*, a negative consideration
Negative E-4 S-4 G-4 in our credit rating analysis, affecting more than one
analytical component or one severely.
Factors are, on a net basis*, a very negative
Very negative E-5 S-5 G-5 consideration in our credit rating analysis, affecting
several analytical components or one very severely.

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ESG Credit Indicators | Key Concepts
They add transparency regarding S&P Global Ratings’ view on ESG credit factors

ESG Credit Indicators

For all public ratings ESG

Examples Of Credit influence
Assessing the influence of ESG factors in our
credit rating analysis Moderately Very
Positive Neutral Negative
negative negative

Using a scale from 1 to 5

E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 Climate risk

Providing additional disclosure, as they are

applied/updated after the rating has been S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 --
G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 G-5 Transparency
They are NOT a sustainability rating nor an S&P
Global Ratings ESG evaluation.

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ESG Credit Indicators And Ratings Are Not Necessarily Correlated
They give more insights on the materiality of ESG credit factors, non-ESG credit factors remain relevant

Renewable Power Generation Coal Company

B+/Stable B+/Stable
E E-1 E-5
S S-2 S-3
G G-1 G-2

 High and stable profitability from long-term committed government

 Pure-play thermal coal producer selling primarily to
incentives for renewable energy generation

domestic utilities.

 High cash flow stability from high quality power purchase agreements
 Utility customers on a steady path to reaching net zero GHG
with creditworthy offtakers
emissions over the next decades, displacing coal generation.
 ESG credentials easing access to capital and bank markets, supporting
 Reducing access to capital markets on ESG considerations.
liquidity and refinancing capacity.

 Significant leverage (Debt/EBITDA about 8x)  Limited leverage (Debt/EBITDA about 2x)

 Significantly negative discretionary cash flows given ambitious capacity  Significantly positive discretionary cash flows applied to
addition plans debt repayment
 Short-dated debt maturity profile with residual refinancing risk over the  Ample liquidity and cash balances
next five years  EBITDA margins in secular decline

Source: S&P Global Ratings. Power generators include regulated and unregulated entities.
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ESG Credit Indicators are NOT
Sustainability Ratings nor an ESG Evaluation
ESG Credit Indicators

Additional disclosure and transparency of our Opinion ESG credit indicators are
of the influence ESG factors
on the entity’s credit rating analysis
separate and distinct
from S&P Global Ratings
ESG evaluations.
environment Entity
society and An S&P Global Ratings
ESG evaluation is not a
ESG Evaluation credit rating or
component of our credit
Assessment of an entity’s relative exposure to observable ESG-related risks rating methodology.
and opportunities, including the entity’s impact on the environment and
society across the value chain for a wide range of stakeholders;

Qualitative opinion of the entity’s long-term sustainability and readiness

for emerging trends and potential disruptions,

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Initial Publication through ESG Credit Indicator Sector Report Cards

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ESG Credit Indicators Help Cross Sector ESG Exposure Comparison
The distributions reflects differentiated risk exposure to E risks (climate, transition, pollution, physical risks,
etc.) or to S risks across sectors, while G risks tend to be more company specific
Distribution of Environmental scores – Selected sectors – % of rated universe

Oil and Gas Metals and Mining Autos Power Generators Building Materials Overall Corporates
60 E-3
40 E-4

Distribution of Social scores – Selected sectors – % of rated universe

Oil and Gas Metals and Mining Autos Power Generators Building Materials Overall Corporates

80 S-1
40 S-4

Source: S&P Global Ratings. ESG Credit Indicator Report Cardfor Oil and Gas, Metals and Mining, Autos, Power Generators, Building Materials and the overall rated corproate sector.
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ESG Credit Indicators For Power Generators – A Look At “E” Risk
The distribution reflects the industry’s above-average risk exposure to climate, pollution and physical asset risk

Distribution of Environmental scores – Power generators vs. Overall corporates Environmental credit factors that matter most for our E analysis on Power generators
% of rated universe % of rated universe

Climate transition risks
70 25

60 23
Waste & pollution
50 45
Climate physical risks
40 4

30 28
22 Natural capital
21 2

10 6 2
4 Other environmental factors
1 3 1
E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Power Generators Overall Corporates
Power Generators All corporate
Source: S&P Global Ratings. Power generators include regulated and unregulated entities.

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ESG Credit Indicators For Metals and Mining – A Look At “S” Risk
The distribution reflects the industry’s above-average risk exposure to health and safety, social and human
capital risks

Distribution of Social scores – Metals and Mining vs. Overall corporates Social credit factors that matter most for our S analysis on Metals and Mining
% of rated universe % of rated universe

90 Social capital
83 10
80 39
Health and safety

60 12
Human capital
50 46
42 2
Other social factors
40 1

30 - 10 20 30 40 50

11 11
10 4
- 1 1 1
Metals and Mining Overall Corporates
S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5

Metals and Mining Overall Corporates

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Source: S&P Global Ratings. ESG Credit Indicator Report Card: Metals and Mining.
Accessing ESG Credit
Indicators on RatingsDirect®

Meredith Beddow,
Director, Credit & Risk Solutions
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Permission to reprint or distribute any content from this presentation requires the prior written approval of S&P Global Market
Intelligence. Copyright © 2022 by S&P Global Market Intelligence. All rights reserved.
Understand how ESG Factors Affect S&P Global Ratings’ Credit
Ratings on RatingsDirect®
Research Alerts
Alert - > New
Select S&P Global Ratings Credit Research
Choose Article Type = Commentary. Select Commentary/Subject code – “Environmental Social Governance”
Recommend you select “Real Time”
Research on
RatingsDirect Save alert.

Credit Research Search “report card ” or Browse ‘ESG & Green’ research tabs on CIQ

Quick link to tab

for set-up assistance or questions:

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Leveraging ESG Credit
Michelle P. Cheong
Director, Senior Lead in Product Development,

Indicators Data via

S&P Global Market Intelligence


Flexible Delivery Channels

Shruthi Nagarajan
Product Manager, RatingsXpress
S&P Global Market Intelligence

Sowmya Karre
Product Manager, RatingsXpress
S&P Global Market Intelligence

Vinay Dayal Dadu

Product Manager, RatingsXpress
S&P Global Market Intelligence

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Copyright © 2022 by S&P Global Market Intelligence. All rights reserved.
Potential Ways to Leverage ESG Credit Indicators Data
(via Xpressfeed™, XpressAPI and Snowflake)

1. Top level surveillance of ESG Exposures at aggregate industry-country (or regional) level, via
bulk downloads, on demand or in real time

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Potential Ways to Leverage ESG Credit Indicators Data
(via Xpressfeed, XpressAPI and Snowflake)

1. Top level surveillance of ESG Exposures at aggregate industry-country (or regional) level, via
bulk downloads, on demand or in real time

2. Positive (E-1, S-1, G-1) or Negative filters (E-3 to E-5, S-3 to S-5, G-3 to G-5) on ESG Credit
Indicators, drill down into underlying drivers (factors)

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Potential Ways to Leverage ESG Credit Indicators Data
(via Xpressfeed, XpressAPI and Snowflake)

1. Top level surveillance of ESG Exposures at aggregate industry-country (or regional) level, via
bulk downloads, on demand or in real time

2. Positive (E-1, S-1, G-1) or Negative filters (E-3 to E-5, S-3 to S-5, G-3 to G-5) on ESG Credit
Indicators, drill down into underlying drivers (factors)

3. Identify entities whose credit ratings are more likely to be influenced by a particular risk factor
(e.g. “Climate Transition Risks”)

NOTE: The following product demonstrations and slides use a very small sample of the actual data included in the product, and is
purely for illustrative purposes only.

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Flexible delivery of E, S, G data
Sample download from ESG Credit Indicators via XpressAPI

Source: RatingsXpress: S&P Global Ratings ESG Credit Indicators Package, S&P Global Market Intelligence. As of January 2022. For illustrative purposes only.

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Flexible delivery of E, S, G data
Sample download from ESG Credit Indicators via XpressAPI

Source: RatingsXpress: S&P Global Ratings ESG Credit Indicators Package, S&P Global Market Intelligence. As of January 2022. For illustrative purposes only.

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Flexible delivery of E, S, G data
Sample download from ESG Credit Indicators via Xpressfeed

Source: RatingsXpress: S&P Global Ratings ESG Credit Indicators Package, S&P Global Market Intelligence. As of January 2022. For illustrative purposes only.

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Example Use Case 1:
High Level Surveillance on ESG Credit Indicators
Example: Environmental Credit Factors Screening and Drill down

1. Download data via enterprise

2. In addition to industry
platforms; group by E, S, G
scorecards, automate text
indicators according to desired
analysis of published research of
country / region / industry
identified entities

= RatingsXpress: ESG Credit Indicators

= RatingsXpress: Research

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Example Use Case 2:
Positive/Negative filters on ESG Credit Indicators
Example: Environmental Credit Factors Screening and Drill down

1. Download data via enterprise 2. Download

platforms; using SQL queries or corresponding
API input parameters to extract Environmental factors of
E-3, E-4, or E-5 indicators entities

= RatingsXpress: ESG Credit Indicators

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Example Use Case 2:
Positive/Negative filters on ESG Credit Indicators
Example: Environmental Credit Factors Screening and Drill down

1. Download data via enterprise 2. Download 3. Assess company’s

platforms; using SQL queries or corresponding credit risks compared to
API input parameters to extract Environmental factors of peers with same SACP or
E-3, E-4, or E-5 indicators entities ICR

= RatingsXpress: ESG Credit Indicators

= RatingsXpress: Scores & Factors; and RatingsXpress on Xpressfeed, XpressAPI, and Snowflake

SACP = Standalone Credit Profile. ICR = Issue Credit Ratings

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Example Use Case 2:
Positive/Negative filters on ESG Credit Indicators
Example: Environmental Credit Factors Screening and Drill down

1. Download data via enterprise 2. Download 3. Assess company’s

platforms; using SQL queries or corresponding credit risks compared to
API input parameters to extract Environmental factors of peers with same SACP or
E-3, E-4, or E-5 indicators entities ICR

= RatingsXpress: ESG Credit Indicators 4. Drill down into key
credit factors; assess
= RatingsXpress: Scores & Factors; and RatingsXpress on Xpressfeed, XpressAPI, and Snowflake
“buffer” to risk scenarios
= S&P CreditStats
SACP = Standalone Credit Profile. ICR = Issue Credit Ratings

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Example Use Case 2:
Positive/Negative filters on ESG Credit Indicators
Example: Environmental Credit Factors Screening and Drill down

1. Download data via enterprise 2. Download 3. Assess company’s

platforms; using SQL queries or corresponding credit risks compared to
API input parameters to extract Environmental factors of peers with same SACP or
E-3, E-4, or E-5 indicators entities ICR

= RatingsXpress: ESG Credit Indicators

= RatingsXpress: Scores & Factors; and RatingsXpress on 5. Download relevant

4. Drill down into key
Xpressfeed, XpressAPI, and Snowflake research report sections
credit factors; assess
= S&P CreditStats for context behind the
“buffer” to risk scenarios
= RatingsXpress: Research

SACP = Standalone Credit Profile. ICR = Issue Credit Ratings

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Example Use Case 2:
Positive/Negative filters on ESG Credit Indicators
Example: Environmental Credit Factors Screening and Drill down
Step 1 & 2: Negative filters (E-3 to E-5) filters on ESG Credit Indicators, drill down into
underlying drivers (factors)
scores_id dataitem_id dataitem_valueentity_id Country Industry
53157961 1000002 E-4 528669Nigeria Banks
53158261 1000002 E-3 114331United Kingdom Banks
53165076 1000002 E-3 361680United States Banks
53172356 1000002 E-3 361679United States Banks
53175537 1000002 E-3 108416United Kingdom Banks
53175948 1000002 E-3 391155United Kingdom Banks
53160407 1000002 E-4 569990Brazil Capital Markets
53163104 1000002 E-3 108620United States Capital Markets
53176029 1000002 E-4 352574United Kingdom Capital Markets
53167605 1000002 E-4 348919United States Chemicals
53158427 1000002 E-3 348447United States Consumer Finance
53178797 1000002 E-4 312177New Zealand Diversified Financial Services
53160630 1000002 E-3 342906Canada Insurance
53167540 1000002 E-3 374558United States Insurance
53164933 1000002 E-4 340502United States Oil, Gas and Consumable Fuels
Source: RatingsXpress: ESG Credit Indicators, S&P Global Market Intelligence. Data as of January 2022. For illustrative purposes only.

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Example Use Case 2:
Positive/Negative filters on ESG Credit Indicators
Example: Environmental Credit Factors Screening and Drill down
Step 3: Distribution of Financial Risk Profile for “AA-” rated entities within same industry

Number of AA- rated entities within

6 This is the entity with environmental

indicator of E-4
same industry

1 (minimal) 2 (modest) 3 4 (significant) 5 (aggressive) 6 (highly
(intermediate) leveraged)
Financial Risk Profile

Source: RatingsXpress: ESG Credit Indicators and RatingsXpress: Scores & Factors, S&P Global Market Intelligence. As of January 2022. For illustrative purposes only.

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Example Use Case 2:
Positive/Negative filters on ESG Credit Indicators
Example: Environmental Credit Factors Screening and Drill down
Step 5: Drill down into “ESG” Blurb within research article, under the “Environmental,
Social, And Governance” section
“We believe ____ has significant exposure to environmental factors, like its peers, notably
through its large offshore oil and gas operations……..

Except for a truly catastrophic event…. the financial impact of a localized environmental
incident, tighter regulation, or community opposition is somewhat limited, due to the
company’s massive scale, scope, diversification, and ability to reallocate capital.….

…… while European peers such as ____ are investing directly in renewable energy sources,
___’s strategy remains primarily focused on lowering the cost and lessening the
environmental impact … well as providing products to help customers reduce emissions.

The company expects oil and natural gas to continue to supply at least a portion of energy
demand growth over the next decade…”

Source: RatingsXpress: RatingsXpress®: Research, and S&P CreditStats, S&P Global Market Intelligence. As of January 2022. For illustrative purposes only.

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Example Use Case 3:
Identify entities vulnerable to specific risk factors
Example: “Climate Transition Risks” filter

3. Assess overall
2. Shorlist entities with Environmental Credit
1. Download data via Xpressfeed dataitemID 1000002 = risks on the scale of E-1
“Climate transition risks” to E-5

5. Download relevant 4. Drill down into key

research report sections credit factors; assess 3. Assess company’s credit
for context behind the “buffer” to risk scenarios risks compared to peers with
data same SACP or ICR
= RatingsXpress: ESG Credit Indicators = S&P CreditStats

= RatingsXpress: Scores & Factors; and RatingsXpress on = RatingsXpress: Research

Xpressfeed, XpressAPI, and Snowflake

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Example 3: Identify entities vulnerable to specific risk factors

Example: “Climate Transition Risks” filter

scores_id dataitem_id dataitem_value scores_review_id entity_id
53157960 1000003 Climate transition risks 298785 528669
53165041 1000003 Climate transition risks 299923 361680
53172376 1000003 Climate transition risks 300053 361679
53178775 1000003 Climate transition risks 300108 312177
53181355 1000003 Climate transition risks 300090 119929

Use these entity entity_id ESG Credit Indicator

IDs 528669 E-4
To link to other 361680 E-3
scores and 361679 E-3
factors, S&P 312177 E-4
119929 E-2
Credit Ratings,
Creditwatch and
Source: RatingsXpress: ESG Credit Indicators, S&P Global Market Intelligence. As of January 2022. For illustrative purposes only.

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RatingsXpress Scores and Factors: Benchmark
credit risks vs. peers

Source: Criteria | Corporates | General: Corporate Methodology

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