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Traditional vs Homeschooling

By Mahdiyah Kamilah

Traditional Schooling
Traditional schooling is probably one of the most popular types of schooling. Usually
traditional schooling emphasises seatwork, direct instructions, lectures and students usually
learn from listening and observing. The main objective of traditional svhooling is to get huigh
test scores, good grades and graduations. A student’s achievement is usually recorded in
numbers for letters. There is a single, unified curriculumn which every student must learn
regardless of their interest and ability.

Homeschooling on the other hand, is being taught at home, The parents are in charge of what
the child learns, and there are numerous reasons on why a parent might want to be in charge
of what a child is learning. Since there aren’t a lot of children around,, there isn’t a lot of
competition and for the child to be pressurised. The child could also learn at his/her own
Traditional schooling is very organised and homeschooling much more flexible, but
which is better?
Going to traditional school means you are surrounded by people in the same position at
school. You make friends and enemies who come and go and you are constantly with people
who are probably in the same position as you. Knowing this helps a lot in school since there
is someone ypu can always talk to when times get rough.
However, making too many friends and focusing on popularity may get in the way of your
learning since the only thing you care about are the people and the academical performance.
Being popular is not a bad thing, but it will be if you’re not able to keep up with grades in
school. Being homeschooled means there aren’t many distractions and you learn without
having to worry about people like you would going to school
In school, the teachers are very supportive and aren’t just people who teach you important
information and subjects, they also support you if you need help with anything that may get
in the way of school. This is very helpful you could tell them things that maybe you wouldn’t
want your friends to know, or something more serious that maybe students your age may not
On the other hand, some teachers may not be as reliable if they have favourites or treat
students differently. You can’t always know everything that happens if the child doesn’t want
to talk about it or is very secretive. You won’t be able to know everything that’s going on in
school from brief meetings. If the parents are the teachers, then it’s much more easier because
there won’t be any secrets.
Homeschooling keeps children away from bad influences and decreases the chance of your
child being involved in things such as drugs, alcohol, eating disoders and addiction. As kifds
get older, they get more smarter and start hide more from parents so parent can never find out
what going on with their child by a quick check in their room.
Having that said, something will inevitably happen with your child in the emotional
rollercoaster with their emotions. And most of the time, students are able to pick themselves
up and this helps them as an adult. Homeschooling a child keeps them away from experiences
that are probably bad but things that will help them in adulthood.
Parents who homeschool their child usually want to get closer to their child and if the child IS
close to the parent then it means its much more easier for children to open up.
But, being too close to your children may mean you have a claustrophobic or unhealthy
relationship. Space is really important but if you are in every aspect of your child’s life your
child could to stay away from you more than if you gave them space.

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