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English Where can we go to see

Pedagogical Module 4 new things?

Curricular Threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts

Ninth Grade EGB

Sequencers: next,
after that, then and finally 4

Tourist places

Quantifiers: some/any,


how much & how many

6 Movies


Modals for advice: 7 Traffic laws


can and should



Time 8

and cities




Gender Digital
12 equality 11 Road safety 10 Humbleness 9 prevention

People love to travel and visit new places. Some families plan
their vacations in advance, so they can have everything ready
when the day comes. The first things they usually take into
account are the destination and how much money they have
to spend. Here in Ecuador, the options are varied. Tourists
can choose the beautiful beaches on the coast, the landscapes
sourrounded by volcanoes in the highlands, the humidity
and rain forest in the Amazon region or the peace of the
enchanted Galapagos Islands.
Ecuador offers many options for everybody’s budgets and
interests. The only advice for tourists is to take care of
the place they go, don’t throw garbage everywhere and be
responsible if you travel by car or by bus. If you go by plane,
make sure you have all your documents.

• What’s the most popular tourist destination in Ecuador?

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• How many cities in Ecuador have you visited?

• What advice would you give tourists who visit Ecuador?

Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Social Studies

Have you heard of community tourism? If so, is community tourism worth it?

Community Based Tourism

1. Read this article about CBT: Pululahua

When it comes to literally living in a volcano crater, there are just

a few places on Earth and one of them is Pululahua, which is a community
located 30 minutes north of Quito. The name of this place comes from
a Quichua word that means “smoke of water”. It is an interesting place
due to the fact that some local people opt for turning into local tourist
Pixabay / WaSZI

guides. Moreover, there is a Geobotanical Reserve where a unique

flora and fauna can be found; therefore, it is considered a protected
area. Undoubtedly, what makes this beautiful place unique has to do
with the fact that all inhabitants work as one in the community-based
tourism activities, which, at the end of the day, provide some income.

Around the world, 2. Read the article again. Answer the questions below in complete
sentences. Use your own words.
community-based tourism
(CBT) is not so common. a. Explain what makes Pululahua unique.
However, in countries
full of ethnicities and
multiculturality such as
Ecuador, people from
small communities opt
for this interesting type of b. What has been done regarding CBT in Ecuador?
tourism because it lets local
people, regardless their
academic background, get
into tourism. This kind of
tourism is not new,
but not everybody does it
due to many reasons. Sadly, 3. Pair up and ask you partner the question below. Make sure to write
one of them has been down their ideas and discuss them too.
the lack of interest in local Do you participate in CBT activites? If so, what activities? Do you think
traditions and culture. people should get involved in CBT? What can you do to make Ecuador
All in all, there are still a better place to promote CBT?
people out there who
promote community
tourism and make a living
out of it.

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undoubtedly. without any

doubt, certain, 100% sure

at the end of the day. when all


is said and done, finally

Oral Communication

How many people are aware of Community-Based Toursim (CBT) in your city? What do you think about it?

Christmas Celebration

1. Listen to the conversation between Lucas and Steve.

Listen to the dialogue.

2. Listen to the conversation again. Write if the sentences are True(T)

or False(F).

a. Steve was upset at the begining.

b. Steve’s girlfriend is into tourism.

c. Lucas is more optimistic than Steve.

d. Steve changed his mind at end of the conversation.

3. Listen again. Answer the questions in complete sentences.

a. How can you describe Steve’s personality at the beginning
of the conversation? Do you agree with his initial point of view?

b. Do you find it is easy or difficult to ask people to do something they

are not familiar with? What does it take to do such a brave thing? Vocabulary
What steps do you think are involved?
why the long face?. what’s
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argument. quarrel /
disagreement with someone

I bet. I imagine


Do you think that there would be more people interested in visiting Ecuador if the country were safer?

Can You Imagine Ecuador

Without Crime and Dirtiness?

Imagination is something people are capable to control and use

to make good or bad decisions. Without any doubt, everyone should
choose the good ones, but, unfortunately, it is not always true. While it
is true that no place is 100% safe in the entire world, this doesn’t mean

crime can’t be reduced. Now, the question is is how to reduce crime?

The first step is to have an idea and ideas come through imagination
and questioning. Take for instance, the “what if question” was the first
step for someone to invent ice-cream, so this person surely thought:
“what if milk was frozen?.” That is the way ice-cream was invented.
Using the same principle, the what-if question can applied when it comes
to reducing crime. For example, questions such as “what if people reported
with no fear to the police?”, “what if people took care of each other on the
streets?”, “what if teachers taught their students the terrible consequences
Read the article again. Write
of committing a crime?”, “what if parents walked the talk (e.g. not
if the sentences are True(T)
or False(F). throwing garbage out of the car on the road)”, “what if local people didn’t
take advantage of tourists by asking them to pay higher prices?”, “what if
a. Imagination can local people were more united for fighting against crime?”, “what if people
only be used to make talked less and did more?” as well as “what if people got rid of the so called
good choices. creoles’ cunning (la viveza criolla) for the greater good?” All of these “what
b. Most of the countries if” could be a good starting point. In theory, the more questions, the better.
around the world All in all, just make sure you use your imagination to make good decisions,
are crime free. and remember the change starts with you!
c. It is impossible
to reduce crime.
1. Answer the following questions in your own words.
d. Questioning is a key
factor to start making a. Is questioning how things are done accepted in your city?
a change.

e. The change starts with

others and then you. b. Explain if you think it is hard or easy for local people to question how
their society works?

2. Write some “what-if” questions. Make sure they are related to some
Vocabulary possible changes in your community. Share them in class and discuss
them in detail.
principle. idea, method
of thinking What if…

to report. to inform and

provide information What if…
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creoles’ cunning. people who

consider themselves smart
enough to ignore the rules What if…
and not get caught


What changes could be done to improve the tourism where you live?

Writing Imaginary Situations

• Now, it is your turn!
1. You are going to write a paragraph about some hypothetical situations Use your own information,
regarding tourism in Ecuador. Your paragraph is expected to include the be sure to use the second
following information. conditional.
a. What could be done to increase tourism? Introduction
b. What steps should be taken to reach the goal of increased tourism?

2. Take the following paragraph as an example. Notice that the first

sentence is in the second conditional. 1

If I had the opportunity to do something regarding tourism

development, I would ask the government to fully invest
in it. I would encourage people to keep the streets
clean; otherwise, I would make them pay a fine.
Additionally, I would donate a lot lof money so 2
that natural reserves could be more protected.
Moreover, I would ask the president to pay
tourist guides a higher salary in order to motivate
local young people to go study tourism. Finally,
I would require every public and private school
to teach four languages: two international 3
languages, and an indigenous language. By
doing that, everyone in Ecuador would be
able to communicate with tourists from
other countries.

Grammar Tip

Second conditional: It is used to talk about imaginary situations in the

future. It consists of a two-clause sentence: if clause and main clause
(clause = Subject + Verb + Complement / S+V+C). Thus:

Structure: If clause (S+V+C) comma main clause (S+V+C) • Once you are done,
exchange books with
would + verb in base a classmate. Check your
Tense: Simple past ,
form classmate’s paragraph by
If people were more the Earth would be a providing feedback, that is,
Example: ,
humble better place to live. opportunities to improve
the paragraph itself. Return
In case the if clause is at the end of the sentence, no comma is nedded. the books. Improve your
paragraph by following your
NO partner’s suggestions.
Structure: Main clause (S+V+C) if clause (S+V+C)
comma • Prepare a five-minute
Would + verb in base presentation about your
Tense: simple past
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form paragraph.
The Earth would be a if people were more
better place to live humble.

Language Through the Arts

Have you ever heard “If I could turn back time” by Cher? What do you think it is about?

What Would You Do If You Could Turn Back Time?

Value: Humbleness
1. Read (and sing) the lyrics of this song. Discuss the lyrics in small groups.
Too much pride is not always
good for humanity. Everybody "If I Could Turn Back Time"
makes mistakes sometimes.
If I could turn back time If I could turn back time
Saying you are sorry, is what
If I could find a way If I could find a way
humble people do. I’d take back those words that’ve hurt you I’d take back those words that’ve hurt you
And you’d stay And you’d stay
If I could reach the stars
I don’t know why I did the things I did I’d give them all to you
I don’t know why I said the things I said Then you’d love me, love me
• What do you think about
Pride’s like a knife it can cut deep inside Like you used to do
the phrase “Pride’s like a
Words are like weapons they wound
knife”? Answer the question
sometimes Oh
and then share your
opinions with your partners. I didn’t really mean to hurt you If I could turn back time
I didn’t wanna see you go If I could turn back time
I know I made you cry, but baby If I could turn back time
Oh baby
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way I didn’t really mean to hurt you
I’d take back those words that’ve hurt you I didn’t want to see you go
And you’d stay I know I made you cry, but oh
If I could reach the stars
I’d give them all to you If I could turn back time
Then you’d love me, love me If I could find a way
Like you used to do I’d take back those words that’ve hurt you
If I could reach the stars
If I could turn back time I’d give them all to you
• Try to change the chorus Then you’d love me, love me
My world was shattered I was torn apart Like you used to do
of the song by using
Like someone took a knife and drove it
your own words. Think
deep in my heart If I could turn back time (Turn back time)
about what you would do
You walked out that door I swore that I If I could find a way (Find a way)
differently if you had the
didn’t care Then maybe, maybe, maybe
chance to turn back time.
But I lost everything darling then and there You’d stay
Reach the stars
Too strong to tell you I was sorry If I could reach the stars...
Too proud to tell you I was wrong
I know that I was blind, and darling
Taken from:

2. Listen to the song and answer these questions in your own words.

a. If the singer could turn back time what would she do?

b. What is the song about?

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to turn back time. to travel back c. Is the singer in love? Explain.

in time and do somethings

Oral Communication

Have you ever used vague expressions as a conversation strategy? When do people try to be vague? Why?

Vague Responses

1. Listen to the conversation between Lucas and Steve.

Listen to the dialogue.

2. Listen to the conversation again. Answer these questions.

a. Is Steve specific in his answers?

b. What vague expressions are used in the conversation?

c. What imaginary situations did Steve talk about regarding CBT?

3. What do you think about vague expressions? Could they be considered

as a good and commonly used conversation strategy? When can you use
vague expressions? Give examples of jobs where people communicate
with vague expressions.
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vague. not specific or obvious

when communicating

Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Social Studies

Have you ever traveled abroad? Have you ever been to an airport?

At the Airport
1. Read these four blog entries about people who have traveled by plane.
Travelling is one of the most
popular activities. People Hi, I’m Micaela, Hello. I’m Carlos.
love traveling everywhere and I enjoy taking Last time I was on
because it’s an unforgetabble planes to go a plane was one
experience. It depends everywhere. I’ve year ago. I bought
on the plans people have, been in a plane a package holiday
the place and the budget. more than ten times. to Cancun. I traveled
You can travel by plane, by bus Two years ago, when I went with my wife. That was a great
or by car. The most important to Machu Picchu from Quito. experience, but we had some
thing is to enjoy the journey; I was at the passport control, troubles during the flight. We
it doesn’t matter if the route but I couldn’t find my boarding wanted to go together, but
is on the road or in the air. pass. I was desperate. Suddenly we sat in different rows.
Some travelers have had the I remembered I put it in my The flight attendant apologized
experience of traveling by pocket. I showed it to the official, for that mistake, and she gave us
plane, and, of course, being and I could take the flight. an extra dessert.
at an airport. There are many
interesting stories that have
taken place in airports.
Hi, my name is Hello, my name
Lucas and I’m from is Andrea and
Paris. I’ve traveled I’ve been to an
by plane several airport five times.
times. I remember The first time was
my first trip to Spain, ok, but the second time I had
I was 19, and I forgot my hand to pay extra money because I
luggage in the bathroom. I had had too much luggage. I was
all my documents there. Luckily traveling to Rio de Janeiro from
one of the passengers left it on Mexico. When I sat down, I
the check-in desk. Since that noticed the plane didn’t have
experience, I’m more careful in-flight entertainment, so I tried
with my belongings when to sleep but I couldn’t. It wasn’t
a nice journey.

I travel.

2. Read the blog entries again. Answer these questions.

a. What did Lucas forget in the departure lounge?


abroad. a different country b. Why did Carlos travel to Cancun?

from where you live

passengers. people who

travel in a plane or in a bus c. What happened to Micaela at the airport?
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journey. traveling from one

place to another d. What happened during Andrea’s flight?
trip. a journey to somewhere

Oral Communication

What travel accessories should you take with you when you go on a trip?

Travel News Part 1

1. Listen to the first of the conversation between Miguel and Susan.

You can find the second part on page 11.

2. Listen to the conversation again. Write if the sentences are True(T)

or False(F).

a. Miguel went to the beach.

b. Susan traveled with her sister.

c. They had to find a hotel room in another place.

d. They had fun on the beach.

e. Miguel didn’t have a good weekend.

3. Listen to the conversation again. Complete the chart with expression

you can use to react to good and bad news.

Reacting to good news

That’s !

Reacting to bad news

That’s !

4. Work with a partner and write other expressions you use. After the Value: Digital prevention
reaction, write a short sentence to complete the idea.
When you are planning a trip,
Reacting to good news and you want to use a website
That’s ! to buy your tickets and book
a hotel room, make sure it’s
That’s ! a safe web page. If it’s not a safe
That’s ! web page you can lose money
or be in danger.

Reacting to bad news

That’s !
That’s !
That’s !

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beach. the sandy area where

the ocean comes to the land
/ hbieser

book (v). make a reservation


Language Through the Arts

In case of emergency, what should a person do in an airport?

The Terminal
1. Read the plot of an American film.

The Terminal is an American movie. The protagonist is Tom

Hanks. In this story, Tom is a European citizen who wants to visit
the United States, but a civil war just started in Krakizhia; his country,
and the immigration officials don’t allow him to enter the country
until the war is over. Viktor (Tom Hanks) doesn’t speak English,
and his passport is no longer valid because of the political problem
in his country. Meanwhile, Viktor has to live at the airport. He makes
a new friend, a beautiful flight attendant. Her name is Amelia. Viktor
finds a way of living there. He collects some coins people leave
in machines, he helps people with his luggage, and he cleans tables
at the restaurants for some coins. With those coins, he can buy some

snacks. He sleeps at the departure lounge, and he takes a shower in

the airport restrooms. At the end, Viktor can enter the United States
and start a new life. During his stay at the airport, he made friends and
learned some English words.
This movie is based on a true story, but the country Krakizhia
is not real, the movie producers invented it for the film.

2. Read the plot again. Complete these sentences with one word from
the box. There’s one extra word.

luggage language coins

tourist passport attendant

a. Victor is a European who can’t enter

the United States.

b. Amelia is a flight who works at the airport.

c. Viktor’s isn’t valid.

d. Viktor helps people with their for some money.

e. Viktor doesn’t speak the .

3. Read the plot again. Answer these questions:

Vocabulary a. Where is Viktor from? Is this a real country?

b. Why couldn’t Viktor enter to the United States?

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immigration officials.
an employee who checks
passports c. What did Viktor do to get some money?

war. conflict in a country d. What would you do if you were stuck in an airport? Talk to your partner.

Oral Communication

Do you know the meaning all of the traffic signs on the road that you see?

Travel News Part 2

1. Listen to the first of the conversation between Miguel and Susan.
(You can find the first part on page 9)
Listen to the dialogue.
2. Listen to the conversation again. Order the events.

a. Miguel got out of the car.

b. Miguel took all his documents.

c. Another car crashed into Miguel’s car.

d. Miguel stopped because he saw a car accident.

e. Miguel drove his dad’s car.

3. Listen to the conversation again. Complete the chart with the expressions
you hear.

What was said next?

Really! You’re

What? Oh?

Oh my God!

4. Work in small groups. Brainstorm ideas about possible answers to the

questions below. Write your ideas in complete sentences using your
own words. Value: Road safety
a. Discuss a time when you saw or were part of a car acccident.
It’s necessary for you and your
family to know the traffic laws.
They save lifes, and of course
people have to be responsible
when they drive. “Don’t drive
when you’re drunk” is not only
b. What should people do if they come to an accident that just happened? a message, it’s a warning which
can save lifes.

c. What should people do if they come to an accident and the police are Vocabulary
already there?
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drunk. under the influence

of alcohol

careful. doing things with care

and attention


What should you carry in your hand luggage? What are items you can not take on a plane with you?

Airport Regulations

Read the article about airport regulations: hand luggage.

This is a guide every traveler should read. When people travel

by plane, they have to take into consideration some regulations.
• You can’t pack firearms or knives in your luggage.

• You shouldn’t have liquids or gels like shampoo,

perfume, creams or deodorants. If you want to pack these
items, make sure they are not more than 100 ml each.
It’s a good idea to buy mini toiletries. You can find them
in any supermarket.
• If you go to a rainy city, you can take a small
umbrella, but you can’t take a big one.
Answer these questions. • You can’t take a bottle of water, but don’t
Ask your partner.
worry you can ask for water on the plane.
a. In your opinion, why is • You can take medicine with a medical
there so much control prescription in some cases. Make sure you take
at an airport?
all the necessary medicine with you during
the flight.
• You can a have a hand luggage and a personal
item like a bag or backpack with you in the
airplane cabin. You should put your hand luggage
b. Research: What should in the overhead locker.
people do if they want Remember to always keep an eye on your belongings.
to travel with a pet?


Grammar Tip

Modals: should / can
• Use can for a possibility.
• Use should for advice.
• TIP 1: use the verb in base form after a modal:
She can play
Vocabulary • TIP 2: use the same form of the modal for all subject pronouns:
We can play. They can play. She can play.
toiletries. articles to take care
of one’s body like shampoo, Affirmative Negative
Questions Short anwers
cream, desodorant statements statements
medical prescription. I should book I shouldn’t book Should I book
should Yes, you should.
a doctor’s note for taking online. online. online?
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medicine. She can travel She can’t travel Can she travel Yes, she can.
anywhere. anywhere. anywhere? No, she can’t
belongings. things that
are owned by someone,


What advice can you give to people who visit your city for the first time?

Let’s Travel Together

1. One of your friends wants to visit your city for the first time, but
he doesn’t live in Ecuador, and he’s traveling by plane. Give him some
advice.Look at the example below. In this case, Mark isn’t sure about
what to take in his hand luggage. This is a letter to help Mark prepare
for the trip.

Hi Mark,
I’m happy you’re visiting my country next month. I’ve never traveled
by plane before, but I think you should look for a travelers’ guide

on the internet. I read that you can’t have a bottle of water or any
drink with you. You can ask for a drink in the airplane cabin. About
food, you can have biscuits or snacks. You can’t have cooked food
on board. Don’t worry, you can eat on the plane.
Grammar Tip
I hope to see you soon.
There are some modal verbs
Love, you can use to give advice.
• Should: for advice, but
the person decides if
he/she takes it or not.
2. Write an email to a friend who wants to travel to Ecuador by plane with You should bring an umbrella.
his pet. Take into account that your friend has never been to an airport. It sometimes rains.
Give him advice. You may use some of the ideas from page 10. • Must: for obligation,
Greeting the person has to do that.
You must bring an umbrella
and a jacket. It’s cold here.


Don’t bring Tip

Remember to write
Closing an introduction at the
beginning of the letter
to indicate a general idea
of what the letter is about.
3. After writing. Share your email with your partner. Make some notes
of the advice your partner gave after listening to your email.
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1 Interview a classmate about tourism. Ask them the 3 Write down some notes and talk to your partner
following questions and take notes. about your favorite places to travel.

a. How much do you travel? Where:

b. What is Community-Based Tourism? Why:

With who:
c. What do you think about community-based


d. Have you ever traveled by plane?

Share with the class.
4 Listen to the conversation again. Write if the
sentences are True(T) or False(F).
2 Work in pairs. Describe these pictures about
different places to travel. Describe the people and a. David and Valeria are in the
the place. Galapagos now.

b. Valeria can’t find her passport.

A c. David can’t find the boarding passes.

d. Valeria’s documents are in her backpack.

e. David wants to take a bottle of water.

5 Listen to the conversation again. Check five

things they take on the trip.

a. Sunglasses
B b. Camera
c. Mini toiletries
d. Passport
e. Bottle of water
f. Medicine kit
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g. Sunscreen

Assessment Where can we go to see new things?
1 Read this email: efficient helpful kind proud

About people:

From: Paul d. Tourist guides are , they assist visitors to the city every day.
To: (your name) e. Airports are noisy and crowded places so it’s better to be and polite with
Subject: A different Ecuador f. Hotel staff should be more more
, getting help takes a long
Hi there, time.
How are you doing? I hope all is well. My
3 Write Paul an email. Answer his questions from
teacher asked me to write an essay related to
the left side of the page.
what things could be changed in Ecuador to
make it even more attractive to tourists. So, if Include: what you would do to make a change in
you had the opportunity to change something Ecuador. You can use some ideas from the previous
in your country, what would you do? Could activity. Write between 30-35 words.
you help me with that info?
Thank you in advance.
See you soon,
Subject: A different Ecuador
2 Complete the sentences. Choose one verb from the
box. There’s one extra word. Change 1
learn include teach encourage

In order to improve:
a. For the cleanliness of a city, the government Change 2
should people to keep
the streets clean.

b. To communicate with foreign visitors, people

should more languages. Change 3
c. People that have traveled a lot should
new travelers what
they should and can’t bring on a plane.

I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it very I do it I can I can’t do it
Topics well somewhat well improve without help
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I can talk about recycling and trip accessories.

I can talk about imaginary situations.
I can use vague responses in a conversations.
I can write an email giving advice.

Project 1
All You Need Is Imagination
Let’s Make a Change

Step 1

Get into groups of four students. Brainstorm some ideas on how you can
make a change to make your city an attractive place for tourists (and if it is
an attractive place, think of ideas on how to make it even better) and write
some notes on the lines below:


Step 2

Come to an agreement with each other on the best way to make your city
an attractive place for tourists.

Suggestions and proposals may be written in the conditional form like the
example below.

a. If we had cleaner streets, more tourists would be attractive.

b. If we didn’t charge higher prices, then more people would

recommend visiting our place.

Step 3

Prepare a 10-minute oral presentation with pictures to explain your ideas.

Don’t forget to use all the new vocabulary you have learned so far.

Step 4

Once all the presentations are over, compare your ideas with your
classmates’ proposals. Do they have a lot in common? Yes/no, why?
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Let's Review

Vocabulary Grammar
1 Complete the sentences with one word from the 3 Read the sentences below and think about if they
box. There is one extra word. are possibilities or suggestions. Rewrite them with
the correct modal.
luggage package holiday
flight attendant toiletries book a. I think my best friend can spend less time on
her social networks.

a. On my last trip to Venice, I bought a

at a travel agency.

b. I don’t like to travel with too much

. b. Any one should take a bus.
c. My family usually buys small
to have in the hand luggage.

d. I hope my dad didn’t forget to

a our hotel room.
c. If you like history, I think you can visit the
center of the city instead of Carolina Park.
2 Read this blog about a project to promote tourism.
Choose the correct answer from below the blog to
complete the paragraph.

d. My family should travel where they want to

because they have a lot of money.
Hi, I’m Sandra, and this is my idea to promote
a tourism in my city. If I
the opportunity to invite people to visit
b my city, a video.
Right now, I don’t have a really good video
recorder, but I can publish photos of it, and
share them on my social network. Moreover,
c if I at a travel agency,
d cheap package holidays.
I think everybody needs to visit my beautiful
city. It has everything, delicious food, great
landscapes and mountains.

a. have has had

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b. I recorded I’d record I record

c. works worked work


d. I’d offer I offer I can offer

Lesson C

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Have you ever traveled somewhere to practice a sport? What do you know about sports tourism?

Sports Tourism
1. Read this article about sports tourism.
Sports activities attract people
from all over the world.
Tourism companies have People who enjoy sports have a great variety of tourist activities
been promoting specific places. to do. It depends on what people want to do. There are three categories:
Athletes and fans of sports enjoy Sport event tourism is an activity in which fans go to see specific
this kind of tourism, so they international or national events. One example is the FIFA World Cup,
travel to practice a sport, some travel agencies organize tours for people to enjoy this popular
to compete alone or in a team, sport. Another event is the Olympic Games, people buy tickets to see
or to visit a sports museum sports and support their favorite team. The most popular sports are
or stadium. There are three martial arts: judo and taekwondo; water sports: sailing and diving;
types of tourism: sport event wrestling, shooting, and boxing.
tourism, active sport tourism,
and nostalgia sport tourism. Active sport tourism is a type of tourism in which athletes travel
to other cities or countries to compete in a sports event. In Ecuador,
one of the most popular events is Ironman triathlon. It takes place
every year in Manta. Athletes from all over the world travel to
Research to find an Ecuadorian Ecuador to enjoy the beautiful beaches and to participate.
athelete for each sport. Write
This triathlon involves three sports: running, cycling
an interesting fact about each
and swimming.
Nostalgia sport tourism is a specific tour to
a. Judo
visit iconic places like stadiums or go to museums
b. Swimming to know more about sports and famous players.
In Europe, people can visit all the stadiums, tourist
c. Chess can enter the soccer field and the locker room.
d. Boxing They can also see the trophies. In Guayaquil, people
can visit a museum full of pictures of famous
e. Wrestling Ecuadorian athletes.
f. Cycling

2. Read the comments. Write what kind of sport tourism these people
practiced: sport event, active sport, nostalgia sport.

Value: Humbleness a. “I had an amazing experience in Russia. I was there in 2018, and
I was there when Russia hosted the FIFA World Cup. The stadiums
and the cities were incredible." – Benjamin
Most atheletes are humble and
polite even though they are He practiced tourism.
famous and successful. Success
b. “I’m a great fan of baseball. Two years ago, I went to the Baseball
doesn’t give people the right Hall of Fame in New York. I had a lot of fun.” – Lisa
to be rude or impolite.
She practiced tourism.

c. “Surfing is my life. Last summer vacation I went to Hawaii

to participate in the North Surf Shore. It’s a popular championship
Vocabulary there. I didn’t win, but I had a good time” – Bob
iconic. representing something He practiced tourism.
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famous or important
d. “Last month, I was in London. I travelled there just to see my favorite
locker room. a place where tennis player in Wimbledon. The city is beautiful and the match was
athletes change clothes great”- Sarah
before and after a competion
She practiced tourism.

Oral Communication

Are you a fan of international championships? Which ones do you know about?

A Gymnastics Championship-Part 1
1. Listen to the conversation between Lauren and Tamy. They’re talking
about a gymnastics championship. Audio
Listen to the dialogue.
2. Listen to the conversation again. Complete sentences with a wh- word.
Underline the words in the sentence that is the answer to the wh

a. Tamy: I just came back from my gymnastics practice.

Lauren: You were practicing ? Tip
b. Lauren: Wow! It sounds good. You know, two years ago I went to
You use echo questions
Cartagena to see a gymnastics international championship. It
to check information
was amazing.
you didn’t hear. You repeat
Tamy: You went ? what the other person said,
c. Lauren: There’s a gymnastics championship every year. and Example:
A: There’s a great soccer
Tamy: You go to the championship ?
museum in Guayaquil.
d. Lauren: You can get some support from a travel agency or the academy. B: What’s in Guayaquil?
Tamy: You can get from a travel agency? Or. Where is the museum?
You can start your echo
3. Complete the dialogues. Use echo questions to check information. question with :
"I'm sorry......"
a. A: I’m completely sure my mom made a delicious dinner.
B: Your mom made ?

b. A: My favorite soccer team won in Paraguay.

B: Your team won ?

c. A: I go swimming once a week.

B: You go swimmin ?

d. A: The ticket for the soccer match costs ten dollars.

B: They cost ?

Pair up. Create a similar conversation. Use echo, or wh questions to

check information.

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Social Studies

Do you like to watch videos and learn about other cities? Which cities?

A Blogger Who Promotes Tourism

Read the article again and
answers the questions. Use 1. Read the article about a famous YouTuber.
your own words.
a. Why did Luis interview Another way of promoting tourism is by making videos of different
people? places. In this way, people can know about other places and organize
a trip to a new city to have a different experience. Social networks
are an extraordinary way of publishing this material.

Luis Artuto Villar Sudek, his nickname is Luisito Comunica,
b. Why did he become is a Mexican who loves travelling, making and sharing videos on line.
popular? His story as a YouTuber started in 2007.
First, he recorded tutorials about how to play the piano,
but they weren’t successful. After that, he decided to create other

types of videos, and he started interviewing people in the street.
c. What is he doing He asked them about many topics and he uploaded all those videos
nowadays? on his YouTube channel. He just wanted to know people’s opinion
and create a discussion. Then, in 2015, he traveled to many cities

around the world to record amazing videos. He became popular,
and his channel increased its number of followers. Today he’s still
traveling to many cities and making fantastic videos of tourist places.
d. In your opinion, why did he In those videos, he shows the cultural diversity of each place, he tries
decide to visit Ecuador?
typical food, and he presents the best tourist attractions and prices.
In September 2018, he came to Ecuador and he had a great time
in Quito, Guayaquil and some beaches in Manabi. He also has other
Youtube channels. For example, he makes funny videos about
every day events, and he makes videos in English about his trips.
Luisito Comunica loves to practice sports in each city he visits.

2. Read the article again. Number the sentences in the order they appeared
in the article.

Value: Digital prevention
made videos about tourist places.
The internet is a great source
of information, but you visited some cities in Ecuador.
should be very careful about
what videos you watch, what talked to people on the streets.
you share on your social
networks, and even what recorded videos teaching how to play the piano.
you comment. Be responsible.
gained popularity on the Web.
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interview. ask questions

to people face-to-face


Do you enjoy sports on vacation? What’s your favorite sport to practice while on vacation?

A Story About Sports

1. Some people practice sports on vacation, or they travel to practice
a specific sport.
Read this blog entry. It’s a story about active sport tourism.

Hi, my name is Amanda and I love swimming. I’m on a synchronized

swimming team. Last year, I traveled to Chile for a competition.
It wasn’t easy to participate, but we did it.
First, my coach saw an advertisement on the internet, and she
convinced us to participate. After that, we talked to our parents and
the academy, so we organized some parties and events to have

Pixabay /Lawra V
the money to travel. Then, we completed all the paperwork to travel,
and we stayed in Santiago for two weeks. We participated in the event,
we won the third place, and we made a great video of the city. It was
an amazing experience for me. Finally, my team and I are looking
for other cities to compete in. Is your city organizing a similar event?
What do we have to do? What’s the price? And the most important,
what are the tourist attractions in your city?
Camila – Italy

2. Imagine your city is organizing a swimming event. Answer the questions

that are at the end of Amanda’s blog to use as notes.

a. What other events are there in your city?

b. What do athletes have to do to participate?

c. How much does the event cost? Tip

Sequencers for order:

• When you write stories,
d. What are the tourist attractions?
use sequencers to show the
order of the events.
- First
3. Use sequencers from the Tip box at the right to show the order of events. - After that
- Then
Introduction - Finally
1 • Pay attention to the
punctuation. You start
2 a sentence with one
of the likers above followed
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by a coma. Always put
a period at the end of
a sentence.

Language Through the Arts

What are some popular water sports? Are ther places to practice water sports where you live?

Super Power Surfers

Answer the questions. Use 1. Read the biography of a surfer.

your own words.

a. What is Carmen like? Surfing is an extreme sport. This activity is practiced in many places
Describe her personality. in the world. The most popular contests are in California and Hawaii.
There are also some tournaments in Europe.

“Nothing is impossible, you set your own limits”, said Carmen
Lopez, a blind surfer. Carmen is from Asturias, Spain, and she lost
her sight because she had glaucoma. It’s when the blood pressure
b. What does she dream?
in the eye is not normal, and it causes the patient to lose their sight.

Carmen is a great student and a talented surfer, but she likes
swimming too. Her day starts at the Salinas beach in Oviedo, Spain.
After she has lunch, she does school stuff. She studies online at
c. Where has she traveled to home, so she doesn’t go to conventional schools. In the evening, she
usually works out at the gym, but what she enjoys the most is training
at the beach with her coach, Lucas. Carmen says that Lucas is her eyes
to see the sea. They’re an amazing team, so they created a whistling
system to communicate. When the wave is on the right, he whistles
d. Do you think she is a once, and when it’s on the left, he whistles twice. In that way, Carmen
fighter? Why? Why not? knows where to move.

Carmen has won some competitions in Europe and America.

When she travels to other cities, she enjoys meeting knew people and
trying new food.
In 2018, she won the fourth place in the Adaptive Surfing
Championship in California. She was happy for this achievement,
and now, her biggest dream is to participate in the 2024 Summer
Paralympics in Paris.

Value: Gender equality

2. Read the article again. Correct the sentences. Rewrite them, so they
Athletes should not be limited are true.
to what are thought to be a. Carmen Lopez is a professional swimmer.
men's or women's sports.
Throughout the world many
women's sports are gaining in
popularity. b. She can’t see very well.

c. She has a lot of classmates at school.

d. She trains alone.
whistle. make a loud sound
with the lips
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waves. arches of water e. She sings to communicate in the waves.

as the ocean nears the shore

blind. a person who can’t see

Oral Communication
Do you enjoy sports competitions? Explain. What sports teams have you participated on?

A Gymnastics Championship-Part 2

1. Listen to the conversation between Tamy and Lauren.

2. Listen to the conversation again. Complete the sentences. Listen to the dialogue.

First, we need to sign up online, 1 , we have

to send some information about the team: number of participants,
nationality, age, 2 .

The process has changed, 3 are you going

to participate?

3. Listen to the conversation again. Write if the sentences are True(T)

or False(F).

a. Tamy’s team is going to participate in a competition.

b. The team doesn’t need to send a video.

c. Tamy is excited about participating in the competition.

d. Lauren has a headache.

Pair up. Create a conversation
e. Tammy wants Lauren to help her. using these expressions:
so, you know, I mean

4. Write the letter of the sentences below under the picture that it A.
corresponds to.





a. We need to sign up online.

b. Is it similar to a CV? A.
c. A committee is going to evaluate our information.
d. Completing those forms is difficult. B.

• Use these expressions: “you know”, “so” and “I mean” to explain
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• Use this expression “that would be a headache” to explain something B.
can be difficult.

Lesson D

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Have you heard of eco-friendly transportation? If so, what do you think about it?

Eco-Friendly Transportation
1. Read the article about means of transportation.
Around the world, pollution,
caused by conventional means
Electric or hybrid vehicles are a popular idea nowadays. Everybody
of transportation has damaged
talks about them because it’s convenient for the environment.
the environment. Eco-friendly
What do you need instead of gas? Basically, electricity! So, these cars
transportation has emerged
charge as easily as your phones. Nowadays, it might be a little bit
to reduce pollution in the air.
expensive to buy one of these cars, but hopefully they will cost less
So, let’s check out three green
money in the future.
transportation ideas!
Another eco-friendly idea is carpooling, which means bringing
people who go to the same location together in one car, so that there
are less vehicles on the road. It’s a really nice idea to share with your
neighbors or classmates. And, of course, the quality of the air will be
Pair up. Ask you partner Last but not least, walking is the easiest solution when it comes
the questions below. Make to eco-friendly transportation methods because it costs
sure to write down their ideas nothing. All you need to do is just walk! Benefits?
Do you walk a lot? Well, let’s just say that you save money,
If so, where? Do you go alone? and it is good for your health. The only
What is your favorite place advice is to wear stable walking shoes,
to go? and that’s pretty much it! You can go on
foot to school with your mates.
If not, do you think it is Freep

a good idea for people to

walk instead of using public 2. Read the article again. Answer the questions below in complete
transportation? What can you sentences. Use your own words.
suggest instead of walking
in case the area where you a. In general terms, why is eco-friendly transportation a good idea?
live is dangerous?

b. Which green idea called your attention? Why?

c. How do you get school every day?

d. Are you interested in using one of those eco-friendly ideas? Why?

Why not?

Value: Road safety

Every human being is responsible for taking care of their own health.
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By walking or doing another type of exercise, it shows you are

Vocabulary a responsible person who takes good care of yourself, but be careful
with traffic signs. Being a pedestrian can be dangerous!
mates. friends

Oral Communication

How conscious are people of eco-friendly transportation methods in your city? What do you think about them?

Excuse Me, Could You Please Help Me?

1. Listen to Lucas and Steve talk. Decide if the sentences are True(T)
or False(F).
Listen to the dialogue.
a. The cyclist is in a hurry.

b. The tourist looked worried at first.

c. The cyclist was going home?

d. The tourist was late for the bus.

2. Listen to the conversation again. Match the sentences with the pictures.
Write the letters.


a. Are you in a hurry?

b. I was going to miss the bus.

c. The traffic is too heavy.

d. Why don’t we grab a city bike for you?

3. Listen again and answer the following questions in complete sentences.

a. What expression does the tourist repeat twice at the beginning

of the conversation?

b. When would you use the words, "excuse me ", to start talking with

c. Do you find it is easy or difficult to ask people for help?

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d. How do you ask people for help? Vocabulary

grab. take, usually with your



Do you think that tourism involves more than just sightseeing? What else can tourists do?

Answer the following Eco-Tourism and Sports in St. Petersburg

questions in your own words.
1. Read this article about St. Petersburg.
a. Is cycling culturally
accepted in your city? In some countries in the world, people can practice eco-tourism
and sports at the same time.

b. In your opinion, is it safe or

One city is St. Petersburg in Russia. Some city tours involve cycling
dangerous for local people to get to know every single part of St. Petersburg. Tourists can go to
to go cycling? Why? small towns, rivers, stores, shopping malls, ancient castles and modern
parks. It’s really easy to use public transportation, so people only have
to download an app for their mobile phones, enter some information
like name, age, nationality, and that’s it. Then, they go to a special
information booth to rent eco-friendly transportation. People can
c. In your city, is it safe choose to use bikes, skateboards or scooters. All those need special
or dangerous for tourists equipment such as kneepads and helmets which can be rented also.
to go cycling or use Russia takes security seriously, so there are clearly defined paths for
using these, and there are some first aid booths close to all of the paths.
Many people around the world go to this city to experience
a different way of moving around. St. Petersburg is a place where
you can keep fit and take amazing pictures on wheels. These ways of
d. Do you think that bike transportations helps to reduce contamination.
paths are clearly defined
where you live? Why?
2. Read the article again. Match the words with the pictures.

a. b. c. d. helmet and
roller skates skateboards bike path

Value: Road safety

All cities should have paths for

bikes and pedestrians. To be
safe, cyclists need to stay inside
of bike paths, and cars need to

stay outside of them.

3. Write down some possible suggestions in your country regarding
St. saint the use of bikes and bike paths. Share them in class and discuss them
in detail.
path. way a narrow area
to travel someplace by
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walking or on a bike

booth. kiosk, small structure

for selling things or giving


How can you know what tourists think of the public transportation in your city?

Writing a Questionnaire

1. You are going to write a questionnaire about transportation in Ecuador.

You will write 5 questions to ask tourists about local transportation. Work with a partner to
brainstorm ideas for questions
about transportation. Use
2. Read the example. Notice that the quantifiers some, any, how many
your best ideas to write five
and how much are underlined.
questions for a questionaire
on the lines below. You can
Context: share your questions with the
whole class.
Nowadays, there are some problems regarding transportation.
Therefore, it is important for local people to know tourist's points 1.
of view. We want to evaluate the situation and find solutions. Please
help us by answering the questions below.

a. Are there any electric buses in this city? If so, how many?

b. How much traffic is there?

3. Share your questionnaire by asking classmates the questions.

Grammar Tip
How many: It is used to talk about countable nouns. Thus:

Structure: How many Countable nouns Verb

Example: How many buses are there?

How much: It is used to talk about uncountable nouns.

Structure: How much Uncountable nouns Verb

Example: How much traffic is there? 5.

• Some: It is used in affirmative sentences that include either countable
or uncountable nouns.

Eg. There are some problems regarding transportation.

• Any: It is used in negative sentences and questions that include either

countable or uncountable nouns.
Eg. We haven’t got any solutions. / Are there any electric buses in this city?
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Language Through the Arts

Did you know that Stephen Hawking wanted to take all humanity to space? What do you think about it?

Transportation In Space?

1. Read this biography about a scientist.

Stephen Hawking was a scientist, physicist and genius. He is

considered one of the most intelligent men ever. He died in 2018, when
he was 76 years old. He was famous because he created many theories
about science and the universe. A remarkable fact is that although he
had lateral sclerosis, an illness which doesn’t allow people to move
arms or legs, he had a brilliant mind. Hawking invented a wheel chair
which helped him communicate. That chair had kind of a keyboard
and speakers. He could only move his eyes and one finger, and with
those movements he could transmit messages. Everybody admires him
Pixabay / Gordon Hohnson

because of his great mind and intelligence.

One of his most controversial ideas was the one about people living
in the space. His idea was for everybody to move away to another
planet and start a new life. One possible way to explore other places
would be a space ship. Hawking explained that human beings will be
able to find a way to live anywhere else and create new habitats and
new means of transportation. What do you think?
Use the following questions Adapted from:
and answers as an example
for you to write questions
to ask Stephen Hawking. 2. Read the article again. Match the column A with the column B to
complete the idea.
• Introduction: Good morning
professor Hawking. people starting a
a. Stephen Hawking created
My name is . newlife in space.
I think the idea of
transportation in space b. This scientist suffered many theories about
is too idealistic, but, the idea space and science.
seems interesting. I have
three questions. c. Hawking could transmit
from a serious illness.
• Student: First, how many
people do you think can d. One of his ideas was in a space rocket.
travel in a space ship?
e. People would travel messages with a
• Professor: It depends on special machine.
the spacecraft. Maybe 30.

• Student: Thank you, 3. Role play. You are going to imagine that you have the chance to ask
the next question is… Stephen Hawking a few questions related to transportation in space
or in other planets. Write three questions to ask classmates.

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idealistic. interesting, but not

really possible
space ship. a type of vehicle
to travel in the outer space

Oral Communication

Do you know what sense verbs are? If so, have you ever used sense verbs as a conversation strategy?

Sense Verbs

1. Listen to the interview on a TV show with a tourist that went to

St. Petersburg. Write notes about some of the main ideas while you Audio
listen. Listen to the dialogue.

2. Listen to the conversation again. Complete the sentences.

a. like you have something interesting to tell us about

your visit to St. Petersburg.

b. like it is an eco-friendly city!

c. like a pretty good idea to put it into practice in our city!

3. When do you use the following expressions: looks like, sounds like, and
seems like?

4. Listen to the conversation again. Answer these questions. Use your

own words.

a. Did the tourist like St. Petersburg? Why?

b. What happens to the garbage in St. Petersburg?

c. What is the message the tourist gives at the end of the interview?
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garbage. trash, waste to be

thrown away

cleanliness. the state of being

clean, not dirty

1 Interview a classmate about different sports and
means of transportation. Ask them the following
a. Do you usually practice sports? Which ones?

b. What is the best wat to get around your


c. How do you get to school?

d. Is it tourism an important activity in your city?
3 Listen to the conversation between Kathy and Luis.

4 Complete the sentences using only one or two

e. What is a sport or activity that you would like
to try?
a. Luis has a new .

b. That mean of transportation is an icon in the


f. If someone visited your community, what would

c. Luis has his , but
you show them?
he has to complete some .

d. Kathy’s dad did some paperwork
months ago.

2 Look at the pictures on the top right that show

transportation in different places. Describe the
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pictures using details about what you see.

Assessment Where can we go to see new things?
Reading Writing
1 Read this email: 2 Write Paul an email. Answer his questions
about eco-friendly transportation and possible
reccomendations. Write between 30-35 words.

From: Paul
To: (your name)
Subject: Transportation in Ecuador
Subject: Transportation in Ecuador

Hi there,
How are you doing? I hope all is well.
My teacher asked me to write an essay about
what things we can change in Ecuador
regarding transportation. So, is there any type
of an “eco-friendly transportation”? If so, tell
me about it, please. If not, what would you
recommend? Could you help me with that
Thank you in advance.

See you soon,


I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it very I do it I can I can’t do it
Topics well somewhat well improve without help
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I can talk about means of transportation in different cities.

I can talk about sport tourism.
I can write a questionnaire.
I can appropriately ask for help.

Project 2
Let's Make a Video
Let’s make a change!

Step 1

Get into groups of four students. Brainstorm some ideas on how you can
communicate all the good things your community or city has so as to make
it an attractive place for tourists. If you don't think your community is
attractive, brainstorm ideas that you think would help. Write your best
ideas on the lines below.

Step 2

Come to an agreement with each other on the best way to make a video
of your community or city for tourists.

Below are two examples of ideas for videos.

a. There is this wonderful park where you can walk and jog.

b. There is a house that is very ancient and there are some stories about it.

Step 3

Prepare a 10-minute video along with an oral presentation to explain your


Don’t forget to use all the new vocabulary you have learned so far.

Step 4

Once all the presentations are over, compare your ideas with your
classmates’ proposals. Do they have a lot in common? Yes/no, why?
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