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Activity in MGT108

Name: Jungoy, jay-jay bhoy s.                                                                                              Score:

Program/ Year Level: BSHM  3B                                                                                           Date: June 16, 2021

Answer the following questions based on the video entitled “Strategic Leadership”.

1. What is Strategic Leadership?

Strategic Leaders they are the one who is responsible to know the organizations

environment. The ability to anticipate and envision the future in maintaining the

flexibility and to think strategically and work with others to initiate changes for the

organization in the future. The use of strategy in personnel management is sometimes

referred to as strategic leadership. It is the ability to sway organizational members and

implement organizational change. Strategic executives lay the foundation for an

organization’s structure, distribute resources, and communicate their strategic vision.

Strategic leaders labor in a hazy environment on complex topics that both influence and

are influenced by occasion and organizations external to their own.

1. What are the four types of leader where strategic leadership is manifested? Explain each.

The four types of leaders are uninvolved, doer, dreamer, and effective leader.

First is the uninvolved leader they are the leaders who is not really sure for having

responsibilities in the organization or not getting involved. Second is the Doer leaders
whose all action with their vision, a hardworking and very dedicated with their jobs.

Next is the Dreamer, a leader who has effective strategic action, dreamers who provide

more ideas and inspire others with their vision that everyone might execute strategic

action. And last is Effective leader, an effective leader also a dreamer who’s signifies

strategic action either through ones  activities or by hiring other leaders who can

effectively execute the vision of the strategy.

1. List down the four levels that make up the domain of strategic leadership? Expound each.

There are four levels that make up the domain of strategic leadership the vision,

mission, strategy and action. Vision is a clear, compelling vision of where the

organization wants to be in five to ten years; also it is an aspiration for the future of an

organization. Mission deals with the core values, purpose and reason for our existence.

Mission is how we are going to facilitate in the sense of how we are connected in a

certain organization. Next is the Strategy. Strategy provides the direction for translating

the vision and the action and as the bases for the development of specific mechanisms

to help the organization achieve goals. And last is Action which specifies “what do we do

right now?” the level of its action is to make things that it might be happen. Why these

four levels of strategic leaders is so important it is because in strategic leadership

doesn’t come naturally, but leaders can develop the necessary skills in order to think

strategically and navigating uncertainty.

1. How essential is anticipating threats and opportunities by strategic leaders?

It is essential to anticipate leaders the threats and  opportunities to have an

effective leaders that are continuously scanning the environment. The leaders should

talk to people, and study every details and information and other stuff so that they

don’t miss important signs of changes that could help or may hurt the organization.

1. What is the impact of challenging the status quo and interpreting trends in employing

Strategic leadership?

The impact of challenging the status quo and interpreting trends in employing

strategic leadership they both have seeking important aspects of the organization. They

examine problems or opportunities from many perspectives and they wanted also in

what they see, hear and seek new insights is their own way of having originally in an


1. What do you mean by the notion” aligning organization’s resources in the same direction

to achieve the vision?

Notion is an individual impression or something you already had experience or

known. Leader will have to get buy-in among employees and other stakeholders who
may have different, even conflicting views and interests. In order to achieve the vision ,

everyone must be aligned in the same direction so that there will be a an aligning of an


1. What do you think is the best way to enhance strategic leadership?

The best way to enhance or improve strategic leadership, the leaders must

responsible and take shoulder in the organizations. The leaders should take advantage

and identify what is the weakest points in the skills and work in the organization and it

has the  ability to  achieve and stimulating strategic  actions. 

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