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if 4 BE You will hear four people on a radio programme discussing whether progress is good for us. Look at the following questions, then listen othe cassette and answer the questions. A Which speaker discusses possible solutions toa problem?) Speaker 4 B Which speaker gives a personal opinion onthe subject? G Which speaker presents a Which speaker clscusses various aspecs (eg. conomi, 'L_] Saker 2 soci, of he sbjet? Tispeduers mced argument discussing] Speaker 4 pols fer progessas ell gt pogreart” (CJ SRGKRE 'sdicurev essay isa ploce of formal wrting which dsouses a parila sve, Suan o probe, ‘There ar thre main types of scursive essays "For and against essays preset both ses of an issue, discussing pois in favour of a particular Tope a8 wel as those agains. othe advantages an ‘Seedvartages of a pariciar queston. Each paint should be supported by [ustfeatons, example, andor reasons. The witers own opinion shoud 6€ Breseted only the final paragraph 1 Opinion essays prsnt the writer's personal opinion concerning tho tpi, Cleady stated end supported by reasons andor examples. The opposing ‘iwpoit and reason should be include in separate paragraph Defoe the ‘osing one, together wih an argument that shows I is an unconvincing “ewport. The witers epinion should be induded in the Inodueton, and sunmarsecitetated inthe conclusion. 1 Essays suggesting solutions to probloms, in which he probiom() associates wth a partclar sue of stuation are analysed and possible souens are put {orward, togsther wih any expected résulsiconsequences. The weter’s opinion may be mentioned, direc or indirect, nthe inroduction andor concksion ‘A good discursive essay should consist of {9} an introductory paragraph in whch you clearly sal he topic tobe discussed 1) a main body, in which points ar clearly sated in soparato paregraphs and ‘xempied or usted; and ©) a closing paragraph summarsing the main pons of the essay In wich you Statarestale your opson, andlor ve a balanced consideration ofthe topic. Points to consider Present each pont in separsieparegraph. A wel-develoned paragraph contains & Clear topie sentonce, whi surmarses the Contents of he paragraph, a wel a Janson or exp in support ofthe point presented tions (eg. As writr Somerset Maugham once sald, Its bad ‘enough to know the past it woul be Intolerable to know the futur,’ ehetoicl ‘questions (e.g people today are not concemed enough about tomorrow, wil the fut tit be therefor man?) or though provoking statements (ea. The facts that ‘one’s future is what one makes i Thera fs no such thing a8 chance) are usetul {eves to make your composition more interesting. Before you beg win, you sheuc ays make lt fhe pons you wll present 1 not use informal syle (0.9. contracted forms, coloqual language, ea) of very strong language (e.g. know, lam sure.) Use appropriate linking words/phrases to show the links between paragraphs, as wll as oink srtences within paragraphs. Unit 6 Discursive Essays 2 Look tthe essay plans below forthe three types of discursive essays, then say what features the plans have in common and how each plan Aifers from the others. For and Against Introtveton Paragraph 1 state topic (without stating ‘your opinion) Wain Body Paragraphs 2-3 ‘arguments for & justifications, ‘examples or reasons Paragraphs 4-5 ‘arguments against & justifications, examples or (ST Antrotveton Paragraph 1 slate the topic and your ‘pinion ‘Nain Body Paragraphs 2-4 ‘Viewpoints & reasons/ ‘amples Paragraph 5 opposing viewpoint and reasonlexample Solutions to Problems Introtuetion Paragraph 1 state the problem and its cause()fefects) Main Body Paragraphs 2-5 ‘suggestions & results, Final Paragraph ‘balanced consideration ‘or opinion Coneosion Final Paragraph summarise/estate your ‘pinion 3 Look at the essay topies below, and say whether each topic ass for a “for and against” essay, an opinion essay or an essay suggesting solutions to problems. Then, choose wo of the topics and make alist of the points you would include in an essay on each topic. 41 “Animals shouldbe treated withthe sme respect as humans.” Do you agree with this view? 2 “The generation gap is one which cannot be bridged.” Diseuss. 3 Do you believe that equality for women means that women shoud also Go such tings as mititary service? 4 “One language spoken worldwide would lead to beter international relation.” Discus. Genetic engineering poses a numberof worrying problems both moral nd praca Discus some ofthese problems and suggest what could be dane to vercome them. ‘6 “Celebrites shouldbe allowed o keep their privat ves priate, without the invasion ofthe medi.” Discus. 10 Contin Final Paragraph ‘summarise your opinion “Fear and ignorance are the root causes of racil hatred.” Discuss this Statement and offer some possible solutions to the problem of racial prejudice. “The motion picture industry is threatening to destroy culture and tradition.” Do you agree? "Too much money is spent on sport when it could be used to help the poor.” What are your views on this issue? What are the advantages and isadvantages of our ever-increasing use of computer technology? Unit 6 Discursive Essays Formal style "© Discusive essays aro writen in formals. This means you should use: + passive voice, impersonal constructions (og Mis argued tat. ie a common bol that.) 1 arange of advanced vocabulan (verbs, adjectives, abstact nouns, ec) e.g. heated Gebateconceming th conoveriisu ) 4 formal inking wordsiptrases (e.9. furthermore, however, nonetheless) 7 complex sentences wi a varity of irks, dependent clauses, ete og. Athough ts widely accopted that compulsory milla sence, ‘which provides an amy wth abundant manpower, is benef) {oa county's abiny 1 defend isa, closer analysis of miltary ficiency suggests that is advanced wospony which lays & ‘nui on) 1 ‘everson, especialy in condone (eg. Werthis tue, we would. Never as this been more obvious.) © You should not use shor fos (e.g. , ts) except when these ae prof « quotation > colloquial expressions, phrasal verbs, icloms (eg. lots of putup wih be over the moon about.) 1 simplistic vocabulary (0g. Experts say they think this ad.) 2 sates of short sertnces (9. Mary poop think so. They ao wrong.) 2 ‘imple koking word (9. and, but, So) except or varity 4 Read the folowing excerpts and find examples ofeach ofthe features of formal and informal sie istedin the table above. EXCERPT A. ‘A matter of considerable controversy at present isthe issue of whether works ‘of art should remain in their country of origin, or whether the owners of such ‘works should be allowed to sell them to collectors abroad, thus depriving the ‘country’s population ofa vital part of its cultural heritage. Strong arguments ‘exist in support of both sides of this debate, which implies that itis. worth ‘examining both points of view before reaching any conclusions. ‘Should such sales be permitted, itis argued thatthe country of origin would lose pieces of art which rightfully bbelong where they were created. In addition, works of art which were Created to be viewed in a certain setting, or as part of a particular structure, lose a great deal of their artistic impact when removed from this context. Venus de Milo, an ancient statue of Aphrodite, isa clear ‘case in point: this conspicuous example of the Hellenistic sculptural tradition, carved in 150 BC and found on the Aegean island of Melos in 1820, is now decorating nothing more inspiring than a room at the Louvre Museum in Paris EXCERPT B People argue a lot nowadays about whether or not works of art from one ‘country should be sold to another. 1 don't think they should be. If they are, then the people in the county of origin, lose out onthe chance to see stuf that really belongs to them, This just isn't right t's a problem, too, when you see works of atin the wrong place. I mean, the Parthenon friezes look boring the way they show them in the British Museum. Thats just not where they belong, But it you could see them on the Parthenon, they'd look great. ‘Beginning and ending discursive essays Ine frst paragraph, you shoud ite ‘the topic andlor your opnin, and you may include one oF more of the {olowing toctniques ‘© Make reference to an unusual or ‘ting iealscenetstuation ‘29. Imagine millon of people coming ‘home rom school orwark even cy to. stang ata wal for fur hows. (© Aires the reader crocty ‘2g, Youmay thnk his is an xaggwaton ‘andlor ask a metorcal quesion. ‘0g, Have you ever wondered what the ‘word woul ba ka without cars? ‘© ‘Start with a quotation or thought. provoking statement. ‘2g, "Television fs an invention that permits youto be entertained in your Ivng room by people you wouki't Ihave in your homo,” David Frost once ai {nthe fast paragraph, you shoul state your opinion andlor give a balanced Consideration ofthe topic, and you may include one or more of the folowing techniques. (© Finish wit'a quotation (© Aska retovial question © Givethe reader something to consider 29,Perhaps then people wil ‘rececover what tis oto actualy Communicate with each ater ‘Unit 6 Discursive Essays ‘5 Match the following beginnings and endings. Then, say which technique has been used in each (Fahey 1 You may lve ina comfortable house in @ clean neighbourhood wih al the amenties. You weud probably nota ok none lhe es wha urban go at been allowed to get completely out of contol This problem is vitally destoying a number of large cites, Dariculayn developing counties, and a soluton must be found before is too ite, - Sippo Say, however, the chances oft happening {Se git, especialy in developing counties, Sale we tek, tlre, be irking about encouesing people fo Taam to rurl areas in order to shit the balance populations? 2 ‘An eye fran eye, afoot fora toot i the Bel phrase we use fo rele to capa punishes, the ling of eminals in order to punish them for thie crimes, But whether the eat balance suggestd bythe phase is reflected by actual practices amoot pont, and whether ane human has ‘the right to kil another in any creumstances remains muchdebaled question, : cb, an ue 2 3 Tn, ee wey an ryan nutes kn end eal eer Teo Scena ose wich | so ee onc rat OF 8 Pe oy Rave 1 ose ct Md ce oes ‘3 While most people agree that a woman has the ight to work as aheavy-machine operator and @man to become a Ime, is his supposed oper-mindedness being put ito Practice? There is plenty of evidence to suggest that ‘workers are stl beng judged by their gender and not by ‘het sks, ang this is a stuation which needs to be dea with Alin aly tis cay to understand the reasons behing he nied existence of capa punishment arb eur ste lf, However, | cael Person ondone it since to my mind the act self 1 sim Tegalsed murder, the ultimate crime, 6 Look at the quotations and the essay subjects below. Which quotation ‘would be most relevant to each of the topis, and which type of essay ‘does each topic require? realises 2. “A masher never siaton spare Pat ofthe gar pr eren aren on™ Problem ie caret — can do the work 1D. “Education is what survives eiess-=, Leec an doth work ofan Torgoten” Sir an et ar “Ibis the famillar that usually eludes us in lie. ‘What is before our nose is what we see las.” "Prtser Wien Bare) oo much emphasis placed on educational qualifications” What are your views! “Teenagers have an important contribution to make to society.” Discus “Iti everyone's responsibilty to protect the environment.” Discus “People today take material comfort for granted.” Do you agree? “As technology advances, humans are becoming redundant.” Discuss the problem and suggest what might be done to remedy the situation. il 6 Discursive Essays Useful Tips for Discursive Essays fe Won wing a discursive essay, you shoul: 7 ‘se armel, impersonal sve (se Fomel Se, p58) ‘ese topic sentences ointoduce the subject of each paragraph te wel-developed paragraphs, hing reesons/xamples + se generalisations ¢.n most developed counties, education.) 7 se Sequencing 9. Fst, Secondly, ec) and Inking words/phasos (eg, however, ahough, ec) make references to other sources (0g: Exports have proved tat.) {7 ve quotation, eter wordor-wors on paraohase, being careulto Identify he source eg. As Winston Churchill sad.) © You shoud not 1 se short tems, nomalcotoquil anguage, et (60 Ferma Sy, p56) 2 use very emotonal language (9. abso detest people who 1 express pessoal opinions too stongly (eg. know ..): stad, se milder expressions (e.g. tsooms fo me tat.) X-vse over generalisation 9. policians ae.) 2 ole lly to statisti without accurate reference to thelr source (eg. "Arecent study showed." — which su?) {X usa cchés (eg. Rome wes not built ina dey.) 2 so personal examples (eg. Inmy schoo. DY storey is cera someting wich soften cussed in today's ‘world, Hardly a day goes by without the subject of money being ‘aed inmost pene snes. Howe, is igh data wheter ‘Cs more important than other considerations, such as health and happiness, which some peopl consierto be of reat silence. To begin wh soften argued tht having money enables people ‘to one inuence aver ors, Welty bushessmen, for ample, ae often the mast highly respetes| members of soci, and business tyeoons are ate consulted by ward leaders, who than ‘make poles which tet he whole population. Asa consequence, ‘money can be seen as te siogle most mpotant factor n daly te. Secondly, fom he ptf vw of endviual, money i ta for sural Westem society fs stuctured in such away tha, witout ‘money, people ae depeved ofthe means to obtain proper nuton andheath cae. Futbemore in somecases where stat beneis ae inadequate, the ina to pay heating ils can indeed become a mater of fe and death. Tiss leat Husted by te fact hal, aocoring to Social Sorioes, the monty of deaths due to Fypoermia each winter occur among low-income ups. Cn the other hand, many peopl cam tat one of the factors in ie ‘whch s undoubedy of greater impotanc han money health. AS {zak Waton sai, heath is “a blessing that money canot buy.” \Whatis mor, mona site consolation to those who aesuerng ‘rom heath problems. Deste te fact hat money canpay forte best ‘medical cae aval, tis fs no quart fa lng ie In acon, most people woud agree tet personal happiness easly outweigis| money in impotence. Even it an india ch, is doesnot necessarily lad to happiness. n some contrary is tue and vast weal brings with a whol ther rthse who woud rank money as ‘hing in He, the vast malorty would lay but be amare harmonious pace ove init tis in propotion and society put more emphasis on moral The Discussion Clock {When considering a tople you nay eer tothe ccusson clock, whch ‘wilhelp you ink of ides when lang you" essay Refring tothe lsusson cok i ust brainstorming” technique 5 helps you aamine a epee varaus vonponts and decide on eas pinto nde in your essay. Keep in min that atopic may not lato tal the aspects presented in the discussion dock. Remember thal for each viewpoint you have thought of, there i usualy an oppccng argument. Thnk ofthe eoposing arguments when planning your essay. Match each of the fllving viewpoints with the corresponding opposing argument. From 2 politcal point of view, space exploration enables superpowers to demonstrate their level of technical advancement. From a cient standpoint, space exploration has been responsible for rapid developments in materials and processes which have also been of benefit to people on earth From an economic standpoint, the investment of ime and money in space exploration coud, n future, repay humanity many times ove. ‘The discovery of resources in outer space could be of eeat benefit to our planet. Regarding the social implications of space exploration, there are those who argue that the potential that other planets hold for colonisation could prove tobe the salvation of the human rece. “Hlowever, it can be argued thatthe money would be better spent on alleviating the problems of developing countries "Nevertheless, many sociologists argue that colonies in space would create more social problems than they would sole. (On the other hand, some political analysts claim that the Space Race has led to unnecessary competition between nations and @ consequent failure to cooperate and collaborate on international issues. ‘Opponents argue that space technology sof limited use to society ‘and thatthe research could be used more profitably to try to solve some of the more pressing problems which we face. Psychological Personal Religious Health Scientific Moral Economic Social 9 Read the points below, and looking at the discussion clock identify the aspect each viewpoint relates to. BAS 186 se is concerned, allowing Ggaretes to be advertised is extremely damaging, since cigarette smoking causes eancer and heart problems, as well as alfeting unborn babies 2 From a standpoint, it may be argued that the Individual faces such problems as depression, anxiety and attempted suicide, as result of the pressures of modern it 3 From a(n) viewpoint, popula sports crete jobs for a large number of peopl in addition to generating income forthe state, 4 As for the L aspect, allowing children at school to ‘express themselves more freely would help them to develop their creative talents 5 With regard to matters, the we of computers gies students a chance to increase their knowledge and develop their research skills For and Against Essays it used today? What achievements do you know of that have been made in genetic engineering? 2 Bou wil hear par ofa TV discussion programme about genetics Look at the points in favour of and aginst genetic engineering, then listen tothe casete and tick the points which the speakers mention. FoR AGAINST 1 erosngsxctoueierin —] 6 moray wong toaterrumans —] 2 craig ida people for anyico ] 7 cidng word ito rch and poor] 3 xing ceases 1 8 boxe ot nator charceriscs — ] 4 proving eodteceeyons —(]_—‘9 tnpedctable consequences] 5 newspecesofplans created] 10 ereaingoorge population] [Now read the theory and the plan below and listen to the cassette again, Then, ‘using the liking words and phrases below as well as your nots give a one-minute talk on the advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering. One major advantage of, A further advantoge of, In addition, On the other hand, Moreover, Fnaly "Aor and agains” essay sa formal piece of wring in which atopic Is considered ‘tom opposing pois of vaw. You should presen both sides in a far way By ‘decuseng hem object and in equa deta ‘A good essay of his hype should consist of. 2) an Inroductory paragraph in which you Clearly sate the opto be discussed, wie ing your opinion; ‘by main body In wen the pins for and agit along wih your stfeatons, Paragraph 1 ‘Samples or reasons are presented nsepate paxaoraohs; and poetry or )a closing paragraph in which you staie your opinion of ge a balanced consideration of the topic. the leat peo ‘giving ‘Note: Opinion words (I think, | believe, In my opinion, etc.) can only be used in the seyepeinion) | ‘losing pargranh wher you gv your apo on he ope. ate Baty | Points to consider Paragraphs 2 & 3 1 beer you start wing your essay you should make alist he points or ana arguments for & nine justfeatons, examples, 16 Enon paragraph should tan wih atopic sentence which summarises totopicot and/or reasons the paragraph '2g. radon, mary people fol ean is a ean and worthile acy (© Donot use informal syle e.9. short forms, colloquia language, et.) or strong language to expres your opinion eg. know ., et). Express your opinion in nor-emetional way (2g. 'se0ns at, thereof, . arguments against & justification, examples, and/or reasons ad | '© Wet-known quotations relevant to the topic you ar wrting about wil make your Coneision ‘omposion mee interesting, For example, you are wting an essay on eduction, {8 quotation you may incude is: “Education ia progressive clscovery of ur own Final Paragraph ‘anorance." (i Ouran) balanced consideration! "Noe: though these are “balanced” arguments, you fel hat ether the fo or against eeerepest cienctice side is stronger and shouldbe supported, this side should be presented in indirecty paregraa 485 thus acing the reader o you conclusion, ‘Uni! Ga For ond Against Essays ‘3 Read the model below and write down the topic ofeach paragraph inthe outline plan onthe right. Undertne the linking words. What aspects ofthe : + barton ‘Discussion Clock’ (page 59) do the points included relate to? scussion Clock’ (page 59) Summary of the topic “Censorship is necessary in modern society.” Discuss. ‘Censorship is an issue which frequently generates a great deal of heated ‘ebate, with supporters maintaining that ts wtal inorder to protect society, \whlst opponents claim that itis an unjustifiable resticton of pubic access to information. Fist, all counties have secrets which must be safeguarded for reasons ‘of national secuty, For instance, it an enemy couniry were to acquie such highly sensitive information, the efocts could be catastrophic. Consequently, ‘goverments have to have the power to restrict access to information Concerning areas such asthe armed forces or partouar aspects of foreign poly. ‘Secondly, itis often argued tht censorship is necessary to prevent the broadcast and publication of obscene material whichis considered offensive ‘or harmful to public moras. Many people fee that, without censorship the pubic would be constant subjected to materia that the majonty would find offensive. Fr this reason, the government has a duty to impose certain restrictions on the mass media by censoring fms and texts which contain explicit scenes of sex, violence or ful language. In contrast, opponents of censorship pont out that wien it is abused by governments, censorship becomes an instrument used to misinform society and maintain power. inorder to contro the flow ot information which eaches the public, repressive regimes ‘uy to put constraints onthe media, thus denying ciizens the right to. information owing to the fact that ‘governments believe it may lead them to seek greater ‘teedom, Furthermore, itis general fet that mature adults are able to make informed choices about what they Watch, read and listen to and should, therefore, be ermited to make tei own decisions. For example, ‘some comedians make use of offensive language and taboo subjects in their performances. Critics of ‘censorship argue that the ony people who wil watch or listen to such material are adits who have made @ ‘conscious decision to do so. Thus, itis claimed, is ‘nus to censor material ike this since itis not forced ‘upon people who may subsequently be offended by it ‘A things considered, it can be concluded that a certain degree of censorship is always necessary. ‘The best course of action would be to attempt to achieve a balance between the requirements of the ‘country and the public on the one hand, and Inivduals rights on te other. &2 it 60 For and Against Essays Useful expressions and linking words/phrases © Torist points: Fes, Fst ol nthe rst pac, To begin wth, Secondly, Tidy, Fnaly © Totist advantages: Cnerather A athorian adtonal maj) aevertage of i. The mainfreatesirst acvaiage ot. © Totist dlsedvantages: COne/Anctne A furtheiAn adcona (majo) ccacvrtagelcranback of “The manreatestmost serous disadvantage oranback of. Anotes negate aspect of ‘© Totinroduce pontslergumens fo or against: (ne ry convinn)poitargumentin vou of agaist. ‘Mather common citi of. could be argued tha. .. |_| sameansoesee widely | srguedimainiaines! *° Yow | trees laim/suggestarquaioa that. someimany! ‘maiianibelevepot oulagreaiold tha. ‘most peopelexpets) [advocate (FingInoun suppor te ew that scientstlceptos! | oppose the view tat conics [pita agent se | of he opinion thatconvnced that. oposodto 4 Complete the following sentences without changing the meaning of the sentence before. 1 It is widely maintained that reeycting some products reduces the amount of damage we do to the environment. ‘Mast people advocate ie 2 Some people sill oppose the view that mothers can be career women too. Some people feel, 30nd ganesh SN Engl oy, on surrounding areas. ‘Scepties point out that. 4 Itis generally held that harsher punishments for criminals would resi in @ decrease in the crime rate, Many people support. 5 Coa en arp hat the of cm indice literacy. A further common i 4 Another negative 5 It is widely 5 ill in the gups using words from the able. 1. Some people support the that the wealthier counties of the world should support the ess developed countries. 2 One major of using public transport is that itcan get very crowded during busy periods 3 Environmentalist coon banning the use of cas in the city centre. of Keeping pets is that veterinary bills can be extremely expensive . that nuclear weapons should be banned ‘worldwide to eliminate the threat of nuclear war, 6A. advantage of owning a ‘mobile phone is that one can contact others from almost anywhere, Unit 6a For ond Against Essays ‘Useful expressions and linking words/phrases ‘© To.add more points tothe same tole: In adation (this), urthormore, moreover, besides, apart rom, what is ‘more, as wel as, not io mention (he fc) that, lo, not ony. but aos ‘wel ath. ad, Ther is another set the iseue/questonlagument of though, though ven though hile, hi, whereas, dosptjn spt ofthe fact ha) regercless of he fac that Opponents of. squeals hat. “Tho act tat. conradets he baltiea at. Wie ts wus to say ha... nfact.. WlefAthough...Reannot be dani hat. 6 Join the sentences using the words/phrases given in brackets. 1 Pets can prove tobe good companions. They teach children a sense of, responsibilty. (not only) 2 Many people nowadays decide to open their own business. A slump in the economy has resulted in the closure of many small business. (even though) 3. Computers are time-saving devices. They can do things which people could hardly do before. (apart from) 4 Living in the countryside can be beneficial for your health. Some essentials are not so easily available in the country asin the city (despite) Voting gives you a oie in the decisions of the government, I gives you a feeling of belonging to a larger community. (not to mention that) 7 Complete the following sentences, then replace the phrases in old vith ater similar oes, 1. Regardless ofthe fat that country ie can be much healthier than city ite, 2 Efforts have been made to reduce discrimination between men and ‘women; nonetheless, 3 In spite of making some attempts to end wars worlwide, 4 Many people feel thatthe ‘stg Of products on animals i ere, while . ls 8 Read the items below and say whether the second sentence presents an additional or ‘contrasting point. Then, join the sentences using words/phrases from the table. 1 Alternative medicines treat the symptoms ofa disease, Conventional ‘medicines treat the underlying cause ofa disorder. 2 Alternative medicine makes use of natural products rather than drugs. Alternative medicines are not tested on animals. 3 Conventional doctors. have recognisable and respected qualifications, Conventional treatments are widely available to everyone. 4 People trust conventional treatments because they are tested scientifically People are often suspicious of alternative methods which sometimes rely on a “tial and error” technique. 5 Alternative treatments cause few or no side-effects. Conventional treatments can cause severe side- effects 3 Unit 6a For and Against Essays ‘Useful expressions and linking words/phrases ‘To introduce examples: {or example for instance, such a, tke, n paricular, particularly, especialy, ‘Tis is (leary) usrataishown bythe fact that (OneiA ceasing! ypical example ofthis) ‘Tho act that... showsiusvaes that. ‘To emphasise a point Cleary, obvious, tis obvious, natural, ofcourse, nescless oy, indeed ‘Tocexpress realy: Infact the fact (he mates, actualy practic, ls aac ha, neck ‘Tomake general statements: ‘3. (general rule, general, n goneral, on the whoo, by and large, in most cates ‘To make paraly correct tatoments: 1.8 certain extentidegre0, to some extentidegree, in a way/sense, this Is partly ue (bt), toa limited extent, thre is eome tut inh), in some cases, upto a point ‘To explainlarty a point: Inter words, thats to say, thiwich means hat Flin the gaps using words/phrases from the st, Some wordsiphrases can be used more than once. ‘np topo, expec indeed, his means, needless tsa, in gener in t,he fact tha, obviously, example . people have mixed feelings about the cffets tourism has on a country. Most people believe that computers always make life easier, but vn the opposite is sometimes true since they ‘often cause problems when they break down. testing products on animals is cruel, but it {s dificult o find a suitable alternative. A typical of the benefits of country life is the fact that there is very litle pollution from traffic. more and more 200s are closing down shows that fewer people agree with keeping animals in captivity and, therefore, do not want to visit them any longer. Using public transport can be a nuisance, .. ‘when buses and trains are late during rush hour periods. Advances in medical science mean that cures have been found for ‘many diseases, suns people live longer nowadays .-most people agree that more effort should bbe made where the recycling of materials is concerned. More and more women are going back to work after the birth of their children and vasw they have to find someone to look after the children during the day. Useful Language and linking words/phrases ‘Toexpress cause: oving to, due to (he ‘ect tha), oneecount oon the grounds ‘that, given that, because, a, since 10 Join the sentences using the linking ‘words inthe lst below. ‘due 0, ination to, on the grounds that, ‘therefore, wit he intention of 1 The government has launched a ‘campaign to promote new business in rural areas. They hope to draw people away from the large urban centres, 2 Televison is a highly entertaining medium. It can ako be an excelent educational too 3. Freedom of expresion is one of man's basic, inalienable rights. People should be allowed to publish books containing all their beliefs and ideas. 4 Consumerism is becoming more and ‘more apart of modem societies. Tiss because of advertising and the mass media, ‘5. Many people object to smoking. Ths is ‘because passive smoking can be extremely harmful one's health Unit 6a For ond Against Essays: Useful expressions and linking words/phrases okaapaid tencemioea teh Conclusion expressing balanced consdeainsipinion ndecty__abalanced consideration in wen you resale thal there are pons for and ry oe against the topic using appropriate Inconsison {ewamstppmars at sa Eisecatcpeent ‘expressions tom the tab. alee, " * Ateatvoly can end by expressing ‘Abingsconsieed, | tistayiantaypensblotaesosble hat... Atmravaly. Kean ond exes Talengevertingino | is. cnaebvoun that Serre ee dooninicraseaton, | eof ot at. pire ane olae ape. Toconde, ttobest cous of on woul bo. re ee oan Tosumip, ching a aance between woud. , Mina ismuetosny ut Frais, athogh st be said tat. 12 Read the concasons below and say maybe condudedsai al ue ky coe Gd ‘tie consi, hci. arctan be da a. etc een ‘horn absolie avert qesion of a Inthe ight otis endece tis ceslobvesii hat. Airetyingiecty. resend a =A Toconelude, although t must be sid Aina "|x |parvovane [tome rom atc vero wept coco Tosumup, | evden rene gents the most important qualities which can be ised in young peopl, it Concise eH ery man cha should note frgiten tha there are reac, es sci ter, equally important quale. Avion coecons, Item oan 2. For the abovementioned reasons Teng everyting io | am conmeed tat. therfore, I ily believe that if accunecerseraton, aminclrad bla tha. sachs ea taigatl ice ate -of Taconduce, (60 rt ar tata eet solioaa one es te eal ka tg possible startin life. The way I see it, taking full responsibility for one’s ‘own actions is central to leading an “Taking everyting nto account, | therefore concudetelbleve (that. Forthe abovementioned reasons, teetere | (iy) baiove tha. honest life, 44 Replace the phrases in bold with other similar ones, 3 To sum up, it would seem that, once i i . young people know how to take 1 All things considered, [believe that corporal punishment should not Feoprcatilly (aris acces; they be reintroduced into our school sits aeruel method of disepining are better equipped to lean about students. life, While there ate other important 2 Lastly, it may be concluded that freedom of speech i abasic right of qualities, a highly-devloped seas of very individual, egardles of race or creed, responsibilty provides the ideal ‘3 To conclude, am convinced that al the govemments ofthe world foundation for pesoaal evelopment. should embark: immediatly on joint poly of total armament. 4. Gu palanc,it ems that a sense of 4 clea that inthe ight ofthe many miscarriages of conan mer Ree pay Ka {stce inthe past, capital punishment snot ethical or humane, and Sone pene Oeoeat shouldbe abandoned entirely Nevertheless, when placed alongside 5 In conclusion, itis my opinion that school uniforms are an RecA Fated GE nth a unfortunate necessity and therefore should not be abolished. fesceaptanaliniserayiicesly an ‘means the most useful Unit Ga For and Against Essays 13 Read the main body ofthe for and against essay below on the tpi: “Discuss the view that advertising promotes excessive consumerisn.” ‘Then read the beginnings and endings and say which ofthe tectniques ‘op has ben used in each one. Final, replace the bold type words ‘or phases inthe main body wth ons sinilar in meaning. PORTS Whether iis on TV, rao or hoardings atthe side ofthe road, advertisements have become a pat of our Ives. Is Brant spl ooec Faris fasta eee ie amas eon ok really need? 2 Advertsing is @ powerful and persuasive medium. You may feel this isan inttusion in your dally le, and resent the pressure on you to spend money. Others, however, enoy the variety which tis highly creative industry brings to everyday ite 3 Advertsing isan effective way of seling new products, and many people argue that its efecveness brainwashes us into unnecessary spending. Others, however, disagree. As Jeremy Tunstall said, “Advertsing cant sell any product t can only help to sel a product the people want to Buy” One of the main arguments for advertising is that it generates wealth fora county. That isto say, taxes paid on goods sold, help goverment to pay for essential services such as education and health care. Moreover, the number of jobs created for producing, marketing and servicing these goods helps to reduce the unemployment problem, which is also a great advantage for @ country’s economy. ‘What Is more, advertising raises money for a huge number of sporting events and artistic performances which would otherwise not be held. Without sponsorship from companies who advertise their products, these events would disappear due 10 lack “of funding. In other words, although Consumerism is promoted through advertising, itis beneficial to both the consumer and society. ‘On the other hand, advertisements can cause people to be dissatisied with what they already have, and make them want more, Being exposed again and again to products which one cannot atford [Produces frustration and dissatisfaction, Furthermore, ot all parents are in @ position to afford the goods ‘which their children see advertised and want to Possess. This often leads to feelings of inadequacy, ‘especially among the less welkot {In addition to this, advertising creates materialism ‘and causes people to place too much importance on ‘material goods. The fac that people are prepared to ‘work long hours, or even tur o crime in order to gain the goods on offr, shows that advertising persuades ‘people to go to great lengths to keep the same ‘standard of ving as those hey see around them. It is {fact though, that neither crime nor the stress caused by overwork can beneft society cA TED ‘A. To sum up, It is true to say that advertising does provide some benefs. However, do you not agree that the ‘drawbacks of greedy, materialistic society far outweigh the advantages, and we need to be careful that we do not ‘ose sight of what is most important ~ a spit of co-operation rather than competion? B To conclude, it must be sald that, while advertising may create jealousy and inequality n society, without it we ‘would lose a valuable source of revenue which is used for the Benefit ofthe majority. What would our ives be ke without advertisements? © Inconclusion, | believe that advertising exist to generate wealth by encouraging people to spend unnecessary fosters greed and breeds dissatisfaction while clstracting us from focusing on more vial things. As Marion Harper Jt ‘ai, “Advertsing Is found in societies which have passed the point of satisfying the basic animal needs” Unit 6a. For ond Against Essays 14 Read the four topic sentences below and match each with the 15 Which ofthe following are arguments corresponding paragraph. Does each topic sentence adequately in favour and which are arguments | summarise the argument it presents? What would a suitable against the topic: “Schoo! plays a introduction and conclusion befor this essay? ‘more important role than the family in| “Living in a foreign country cannot be better than living in your own.” ‘shaping one'y personality.” Discus, Divas: Suggest examplesjustfication for , ach argument. Finally, write the Furthermore, people who move to foreign country may be ‘composition in about 350 words. regarded with suspicion and treated unfit. 1 Moreover, so much ofthe school dayis | On the other han, ving abroad can bea way i eape a varity of devoted to sompeition "and le atten eas preparation for examinations that prclent tsa ny there is litle time lft for personality development, © One argument in favour of staying in one's, 5 fs one’s mative county is that the problems of adapting to anew way of fe cannot 2 Onthe other hand, most children have enn be ovsvone. closer relationship with thir parents 4 Final, i maybe sud that by living in foreign country, peopl ae than with ther teaches able to establish a greater understanding between nations. SAN echoes upsiten vagy of school that young peopl are exposed to-wide varie of jects. One point in favour of the role of - “hat, even in cases where the language i he | schools is that itis at school where Tig oe ecco cn eros A) Seen ls ae st to, Even a ‘outsider might find ee ie ‘oorgin. For example, ake an Furthermore, children usually spend some elu tei cum oo i i five years of ther Ives at home Before In tn a Anaonian Inn. Tey woud i they even go to school jmpossble to adapt to the extreme ‘What is more the average child spends as many as eight hours a day in school, “yan politcal oF fligows intolerance, ‘are among the reasons for people ‘foreign land, Tn such cases, people are offen 2 abroad with greater freedom a igang nig nie, ome Tits se anf ben down bp cea tren ean on eter Slots ol _ beofbeneft toa 61 Unit 6 For and Aguins! Essays PLANNING & ORGANISATION © Ta anata pact pan ay wen tg ant anion gat esay. When otowng i plan you prose both an eee Ps favour and tre opposing vewpoht hte same ememenn | FST Paragraph | "State top (aummary of topic tn such essays te arguments or and against must be equal in number, Sh For he introduction and conclusion you thou roa YOU should use the techniques ain boy a ragraph 2 frst argument for & against 16 “Greater redo doesnot necessarily "ond a fen rs mt nat second argument for & against Read the model and say_ which ae arguments have been presented in Fine Paragraph each paragraph. Do the topic a raprenan pu Tae sentences clearly summarise the pee Facpaaaape * You may include more paragraphs in the main body you wish to include ‘more poins content of each paragraph? Finally underline all the useful expressions and linking words or phrases and replace them with ones similar in meaning, ‘Ove the years, mankind has recognised he ned for personal and soil reedor, and this is perhaps one ofthe most important socal advancements ever made. However, whether it has led to increased personal happiness is highly debatable, many people would argue that greater feedom has led to increased social dsorder and personal dissatsiacton Fist, itis tue thet people ae now meat ibe to choose haw ove ther ives. For example in the Wester world «atleast, he chee of where to ve, what career to pursue and wich religion fo follow has never been greater. In action tothe, people have moc laure ime in which fo enjoy wider ange of recreational actives. On the other hand, may be argued that this increased freedom oan lead people to take things for granted and expect oo much from ie. AS an example of ths, the grenlerchoce of material goods avalabe has rested in peope quick groning bored with ther possessions. Consequenty, no sooner have they acquired something new than they tre oft. They find shorter happiness mate! goods and entertainment, but boredom and frustation soon send them looking for fesh disvactons. Secondly, social and moral atiudes have become es rigid Thishas alowed fora gear varity of lestyles and mare ‘reedom in human relations. This i lustatod bythe fact that pups and teachers now teat each other as equals, and parent-child relationships ae now much mare relaxed. Neverless, some people beleve that this incease in reedom as rauted in the escalation of socal problems. They argue thatthe current lack of dscipine has given rise to a breakconn in the acitona family ard the decay in educational standards as wel asthe sein juvenile deinquercy. “Thus, i may be sald that society s bocoming more and more dangerous because ofthe very fact that people are more ‘open-minded than they were in the past. To concude, there is evidence both to suppor and rete the view that rete eedom does not necessary lea to sreater happiness. On the one hand, people have more opportunites to aise the standard offing. On the other hand, the many examples of protests, sirkes and crinal acti which ae a feature of modem society ae a sign that hough people may be tee, they are not necessary appr. ‘Unit Go For ond Against Essays 17 Reauthe following arguments and match each argument in favour of using animal for entertainment with the corresponding argument against ‘Then following the paragraph plan on page 68, say which arguments you ‘would include in each paragraph, Finally, writ a clear topic sentence for «ach paragraph. Arguments for using animals for entertainment. 1 Zoos can be educational and also help to inerease the mumbers of ‘endangered species through controled breeding programmes. 2 Animals used in television programmes, advertisements and films are ‘ery appealing and attract large audiences, 3 Cie animal are loved, velhreaed an ony peionm for shor pet 4 Racing animals have a very short working life and are well-treated ‘throughout Arguments agains using animals for entertainment. 12 Animals are foreed to perform unnatural acts for the pleasure of the xb Rein animals in ages so the publi an se them i ann tt demented ty ake ea i eel for places «With new technology and spite, ther sno need to ue ve animales rele model canbe wed instead. 4Ricng arial have pling tng schedules and are on placed in nent dange 18 GH First, think ofas many points for and against early retirement as possible. Then listen to the cassette and fill in the gaps in the boxes below. Were your arguments the same as those you heard? Finally, rite the paragraph plan you would use ifyou were to write an essay on the topie: “Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of early retirement.” © tine... © opportunity to 19 Read the following composition topic and answer the questions below, “Should countries encourage tourism?” Discuss. ‘© What are the two sides of the question? ‘© Which of the following arguments are {for and which against? 1 The desire to attract toursts to a certain area often encourages governments to improve local facies. 2 Over-development leads to ual, crowded tourist spots and envconmental damage. ‘8 The impact oftourism may destoy the local way off. 4 Many people clam that toursm is an important soutce of income. '5 A-countn/’ economy may become so dependent on tourism that it is weakened, 6 Toutsm alous peopl to experience cor cuts. ‘What aspects ofthe discussion clock do ‘these arguments del with? * Can you think of any additional arguments? © Which paragraph plan would you follow to write ths esay? ‘© Wihich arguments would you inde and in what order? ‘Which technigues would you use to begin and end your esay? 4 Which useful phrases and linking words could you we? 20 Now, wing the ffrmation fm your anor tthe above questions, wie the esay in about 350 words. 1 f). Opinion Essays 1 What are your views on the question, “Should people convicted of minor crimes do community service rather than go to prison?” ‘2 GE Read the viewpoints and reasons mentioned inthe abe below, then listen to the cassette and match each ofthe viewpoints withthe appropriate reason ‘Then, identify which aspects of the Discussion Clock on p. $9 the pints relate to. Finally, using the notes, gv a one-minute tlk on the subject, sing words from the following list. I firmly beieve For exampleinstance Finally The reason for this 4 Tosurie prio i, hey must (ntrodveton ‘become he oe Paragraph 1 state the topic and your ‘pinion clearly Nain Boty Paragraph 2 Viewpoint 1 & reasond example ‘An opinion essays formal piece of wring equ your opinion an atopic, which at ‘must be stated leary, ving various vewpains onthe topic supported by reasons ora taw aac! fandior examples. You should also incude the opposing viewpoint in ancther Ps meee oaeats example ‘success opinion essay shoul have: Paragraph 4 8) an introductory paragraph in utich you state the topic and your opinion. fdorigceis eer 'b) a main body which consists of several paragraphs, each presenting a separate cas ‘lewpaint supported by reasons, You also indude a paragraph presenting the ‘opposing vewpoin and reason why you think ts an unconvincing viewpoint nd Paragraph 5 ©) conclusion in which you restate your opinion using diferent wor, ‘opposing viewpoint & Points to consider reasonjexample* © Decide whether you agree or dsagree with the subject ofthe topic, then make a lst Coneusion ‘of your viewpoints and reasons, ca rs '© Write wel-developed paragraphs, joining the sentences wth appropriate linking eee words and phrases. Do not forget to start each paragraph with atop sentence summarise/estate opinion ‘whic summarises what te paragreph is about. * You may include more ‘© inking words and phrases shoud also be used to Join one paragraph wit the othe. viewpoins, and thus more ‘© Aap techniques presented onp, 56 to begin and end your essay. paragraphs inthe main Ee Unit Gb Opinion Essays 3 Read the model below and complete the paragraph plan on the right, iden ‘words or phrases in bold type with other synonymous ones the topic ofeach paragraph Has the opposing viewpoint been included, and if so, in which paragraph? Then replace the inking + hedacon - summary of the topic lear statement of opinion ‘Teroughout tis century, the ole of women win society has change, andthe alot of peopl fel that ts change othe beter. More women wark than ever before, and itis accepted in Westen clue that many worn now have carers. Nonetheless, in my opinion theres tla great eal of senza cscrimination against ‘worn win sockty, and he bel that senl equality has been actieved is nt together accurate To beg with, many women fd it very dificult to retum to work afer having chen, The main reason for hiss that there are rarely any provisions made for childcare inthe workplace and, in thse cases, ‘women ae forced to find someone lok ater ‘ho ciden while they are at work. Obviously, this can prove to be a time-consuming and expensive process, yet t mus be done i mothers ane obo abl to resume tor carers. ‘Secondly, the tracional views athe poston ‘of women win society are so eapy ingrained that they have ‘ot eay changed. Fr instance, not ony ste view that women should stay at home and look ater thir family st widely hold, but is ronforced trough imapes seen on television programmes and advertisements. An example of this is that few men are evr seen ding housework on eleision since his 's tradonaly thought of 5 “a womans job” ‘Thr, snc faies often need two incomes inode to enjoy a ood standard of Iing, a woman fds hast doing two Jobs: one at home and ae at te ofice So, coud be said thata woman's poston has, fac deterred rater han improved, wit te result that women cary the burdens of elt but etre ofthe bene In contrast, tae a some pepe who cm fat he problem of sea disciinaton nolonger et. They pit ut tat women do, afer al, have legal gts ended to protect the fom Asin. natn, a ew women are now beganng to reach {op postions as des, business eases ard poicians, whe 2 umber of cher prevuslyal-nal peoessins are opening ‘heirs to waren. Moneteless, ese eames ar at be rm and scrim i si ery rch wth us. Taking these points ito consideration, | would say ‘hat the poston of waren has improved ony slighty. White rues and aws have changed, isthe deep-oted ‘opinions at people win socey which are taking a longer time to evolve. Needless to say, unt ese amtudes have changed, sewal discrimination ‘wil remain a problem which we a ead 1 face and fight aginst. ~ ‘Unit Gb Opinion Essays Useful Expressions for Giving Opinions: (© Tomy mind Tomy way of hinkng ‘tis my im boietipiion\iew/conviction (ha). Inmy opinionvew ‘My opinion is that, | ey belove | (finitely felarink tat. {am (ot comnced tat... am incined to belve that. | (@0not agree thatvith..Itseemslappears to me. ates me that. As tar as 'am concerned 4 Look at the following skeleton sentences and decide whether you agree or disagre with each statement. Then, ive your opinion on each, sing expressions trom the abo able and expanding the sentences. 1 television have / negative fet society 2 carryout experiments animals /be/ moray wrong 3 wilde pars, if/be / managed properly, can help protection certain endangered species 4 real problem / be / lack / public awareness / and / not / lack recycling facilites 5 more responsibilty / one / have /es freedom one (enjoy 6 only alternative / some poor people have /be / steal 5 “Itis important to follow fashion.” Do you agree? Identity whether the arguments listed below are in favour of (F) or against (A) the statement in the essay title above. Then put a tick (/) against each argument which you fel is convincing, and suggest a suitable justification or example, Finally, add any further arguments of your own. 11 expensive to keep up with changing fashions 2 not accepted by riendsipeers unless fashionable '3 certain fashions don't suit certain people 4 good clothes thrown away when fashion changes 5 fashion helps people decide how to dress 6 fashionable clothes/ete often impractical 7 dressing fashionably increases sett-confidence '8 unfair to people who can't afford latest fashion 9 everyone looks the same, like flock of sheep 10 creates image that doesn't show one's character — 6 “Traditional valves are irrelevant t0 ‘modern sociey.” Do you agree? Look atthe following beginnings and endings for the essay, and say which have been taken from an opinion essay and which from a for and against say. In what ways do they difer? that the values ofthe past no longer hve any place? n my vew, oct wl aivays ed values, nd the society we Ine in today woul function beter i ‘adtional value were retained. 2 Imagine you were gien the chance 10 stop back inte. You would probably be stuck by the dence in values between then and now. On the one hand, t could be sald hat those values belong to a bygone age, There ave those, however, who fee that society today would benefit om the appcation Cf some of those values. som PaaS Ee etal Wi sed: "We must see tot ta pene enthusiasm : fiseto contempt forthe past 7 Read the main body of the essay below onthe tpi: “Stat benefits shoud be avaiable to all” Do you gre? Then, read ‘he epinnings and endings and ay which ofthe techniques on p56 has been used in each one. Next st the viewpoints presented and the justifications or examples given for each. Finally, replace the bold type words or phrases with other synonymous ones. FARTS 11 Arman wakes up and sees wel shod fet rushing by wihin inches of his face. Hs ity leping bag is damp, andthe sodden cardboard box which shelters him is about to collapse Yt he cannot ford a eal home and sate Benefits are not avaliable to him. This station snot uncommon, athough, in my opinion, such unfortunate people shoud all be eSgbe fr Francia id. 2 Have you ever wondered what t must be tke to wake up on 2 cold pavement, knowing that you wil have to spend the day| wandering from place to place, peness and hungry? For thousands of people inthe westem world tis is an everyday ‘exparence~ although, n my opison it does nt have tobe that way the state administers benefits properly and fay. 3 George Berard Shaw once wrote, “The greatest of evs and he worst of crimes s poverty. The question & why te Homeles, the sable and he elder should be weaed ke ceinas by the state raerhan be given the help and sence ie ily deserve, bee that al people in need should be giren hep and suppor by te sit Furthermore, the elderly are another sector of society who suffer both from lack of information and lack of concem. itis often the case that medical {In the first place, | think its wrong to deny state ‘would allow that person to find and maintain a home. In adaltion, itis not only the homeless who suffer ‘rom lack of state aid but the handicapped are also neglected. Although all disabled people are entitled to state benefis, many are unaware of the range and varity of benefits they could be receiving in order to Improve the quaity oftheir ives. This is result of the ‘complexity of the state system and the lack of clear bbenefis are denied simply because a person is not visibly or dramatically il, whereas in fact this person is. in need of additional benefits In order to maintain a teasonable level of health. Such people obviously deserve to receive al the benefis they are entited to. ‘There are those who argue, on the other hand, that many peopl receive state aid although they do not deserve i. tis true that there is such a problem. Certain people take advantage of the system by registering for benefits in more than one country, of claim fo have dependents who do not even exist. fis ‘my belief that itis the responsbilty of the state to Impose tighter contros so that only those who are truly in need of benefits receive them. co ‘A. Wii it cannot be denied tet state Benes are sometimes wasted on those who do not deserve them, is my frm bebe hat, wth proper conto, al those who are tly in need should receefnancal hap ftom the stale. ele that the homeless, he ‘disabled and the elderly should abe ive the chance to lead productive and heathy Sve. 'B Alinal, | befeve tha 2 desering peope should receive sate bonefis so that hey have the chance to lead productive and heathy les. you suddenly found yous out of work and homeless, wou you expect he state oho you get backon yout fet agin? ‘© To sum up, it would soem that benefits shouldbe avalable to all who deserve them, and tat clear nfomation should be made avaible all who may be in need of hep. tis the respons ofthe state to ive al ts iizns the chance to lead productive ‘and heathy es. 2 ‘8 Read the following extracts and the table of “Do's” and “Don'ts”. Find ‘an example of each point in the extracts, and write this inthe table. “The mass media have an adverse effect on moral standards.” Do you agree? Newspapers, none frm or another, hae been in estence fx cet, the (pups beng io spread news. Publi a and wevson sane, on the oe a, rave ony ben aval nthe UK sie 1922 and 1902 respectively, and ete incodced wth te inten of ifoing, educa and etrtning. We ra seems to have ry malta ts standards, newspapers nd TV haven Ty opin, tly abuse tha postion of pow, resuting a sfous dc in ‘mora stands, AS Pca Hoggart si, “Tey are ful oa comup bighnes, of improper appeal ard mora evasion .”. thas tie most aos onde i tein, as today's broadcasts seem to have completly abandoned the issue of eis. Tiss more tan apparent inthe ‘ims and programmes which are rtnded to entertain, a the bombard the viewer wah ext language, sex and vlenee. Simla, the news “forms” us using devastating images of ge, desperation ant death. tis often fb ta by exposing ‘he pubic to such eraphic depictions, levsion producers Nave cotrbuted to our ‘becoming immune fo shocking behaviour and events which nthe past, we would have boon upset or offended by. Futemore, newspapers, especialy the tabi, have come fo depend on ‘overy-2pict ales ard pictures in oder to guarantee sales. tis commonplace nowadays tose, forinstance, photographs of clés most private moments or oie scenes of dean occupying the ont pages of daly publications. The fc hat ‘hase images ae intended — and goneraly manage — to sl newspapers displays ‘he craving fr sensatonalsm which ats win soit today. ln conrast, must be adie that he mass media hav ato ole nthe way of information and entetanment. The news and documentaries can be very intomaive and educatonl as long a8 the mati is handed in responsible ‘manner. The problem is ttt, because people are wing cis of tre media's ‘responsibilty, the media contnue to produce material whch s unacceptable by all moral standart, Toconc, is clartatthe publichave argo knw andthat produces shoul be alowed a can degre of arse foence, Dut shuld we not caw te tne -somenfere before we lose sgt of our pes atogetier? “Yomal style | inrooueton states tele ery clear tp sentences | weep pants tinea eee? | orton | quotation informal le @) colloquia expressions 1) short forms. inrouction fast stat op cary se of cichéd expressions 9 “Cars enslave us rather than liberate us.” Do you agree? Give your opinion with reasons. Then read what these two people believe and match the viewpoints they express with their reasons. TT in the frst place, you must work much ‘Ab, people who cum harder in order to ‘ars are aways worried afford a car, ‘out ther cars being Stolen oF damaged. Fm also of the pinion that the quality of Ife in cur cits is made worse because of cars, ‘Can you think of any additional ‘arguments for and/or against the topic in Everese 9? 4 cars enable you to go_to paces and ‘What paragraph plan would you se Bing ta ou ps Sanghi fellow to write this exay? Revearaa| Nernircannmesiays inconvenience, and the pollution gets include and in what order? ‘one omy an sb Oy 8 ocnmir | eee cea 2 een Ber WP eesfeea ciniesvompesen RR aaa an tecom revere moses. wieayii wh teargunens rogers macro hoe recent apEneye ocalt mn Wiper rate ‘What useful expressions could you Thats osay ars are not only a txpensve to buy but cost lot tn, t00. $0, you have to work more 10 Now, using the notes and answers hours you want o have aca and fee ete ere to the questions in Ex. 9 and above, write a composition on the topic “Cars enslave us rather than liberate they have to instal expensive alarm us tn about. 380 words, using systems ang, make mates wer appropriately formal style, useful ‘ar-ounershave to avid areas ofthe ad ‘expressions and linking words or ‘iy where cars get Broken into or ‘300 phrases, In order to cope wih this wory i C. Essays Suggesting Solutions to Problems 1B You vill hear two people discussing the problem of stress and what can be one about Look tthe table below and match the suggestions withthe results then listen to the cassette and check your answers. Finally, use the linking ‘expressions listed below to explain each suggestion and its result in your own. words “SUGGESTIONS RESULTS 41 tak friends 1 eal more relaxed 2. take more exerse 'b dear your mind ‘3 fed an hour day for youre ¢ so things diferonty ‘a make alist of yourwories deal wth problems Indiualy A useful suggestion .. would be to... This woul help you 10. Another solution i 0. The effect ofthis would be The problem could be soled by... As aresul you would you were to You would be abl to eA useful suggestion for anyone suffering from stress would be to talk to {frends about their problems. This would help them to see things diferent 'An essay dscussing problems and suggesting solos is a formal piece of wing. of ‘You shoud stato the problem and a causes cle, then present your suggestions Introtuetion ‘and the expected resus or consequences hese might have | ‘A suoonssul esay ofthis typ should consis of | Paragraph + |) an Introductory paragraph in which you Cleay stato te problem, what has state the problem and its caused i, and the consequences; ‘cause(6)consequence(s) '») amain body in which you present several suggested solutions, eachin separate Main Body ‘paragraph together wth te consequencealesuts: and ©) contusion in wich you surmarie your option. ragraph 2 suggestion 1& resut Points to consider arak » ‘© Each paragraph should start wth a opie sentence which summarises what he Bria osean pagraph is aout. Ber ‘© Anproprae inking words and phrases should be used to show the connection me | ‘between paragraphs as well as to link sentences within a paragraph a et 4 Usethe tcniqus shown on. 68 begin and end your essay Paragraph 5 ‘suggestion 4 & resut* Useful Language once | (© Toexpress cause: sircabocaus, in view ofecause otfowng oidveto(hefact | tha) The eas tht fay fe te. | Fina Paragraph | ‘To express efect:thusthertrtslconsequety, as a resullconsequence, the ‘summarise your opinion rest. woud be. oul eS i. | "You may include mora ‘To express purpose: so that .. so asin order (nc) to... wth the purpase of suggestions, and tus more Intention of (+ ing) ‘paragraphs| inthe man ‘To express possibilty probably: It car/could/mayimight., is possble/probabal ay (untkeyforeseablfcetain hat. .suikal tbound toler tjpossia) Probable... The kesnood/possbtyprobabay of (2ngnoun) is Uni! Ge Essays Suggesting Solutions to Problems 2 Rea the mode below and complete the paragraph plan on the right. ‘Then identify which aspects ofthe Discussion Clock (p 59) have been mentioned. Finally, underline the linking words/phrases and replace 5 redacn ~ them with synonymous ones state problem, reasons and consequences Far many ery people the ater eae” at ofthe is ot time ola and enjoy reement, but rater a ticut and unhappy pot, oving to franca wor, ling heath and loneliness. As We expectancy increases, the average peson Ives wel beyond the ape of "eee. As su, the edety make up an evecineeasng percertage of ‘soc, which mates mre important than evr for a al tt o be made Improving the es of senor, ‘ne way to deal wt he stuaton ‘would be to ensue that the elery ‘have enough money on which lve, ‘vious, when a peson stops working, they sil equ a source of income to coer their ‘asc eds such fod, accommodation and heating. A Clear soon the probe i for ‘he goemmert to mate sure thatthe stat persons adequate for hese news. Father, ‘te nancial advice should be made avalabe to reed people so tat the sess of _worying about money coud te reduced afr as possi ‘Sips should also be taken to overcome protlems te elderly face asa rest of ‘étoaing bea due tool age, ad inadequate heati-care provisions. Agathe responsity shoud fl to the goverment to provide acces tothe best heath cae arate ich may necestate paying for resienal ames where the eld can have round-e-clock nrsng, oat te very es, rong medication ee of charge to a people over an ape. Asa result, od people woud enjoy not ony bet heath, tut also peace of mind rom te knowledge th hey need nt er aling lt and being unable to py for testent “Thos of ld people could also be improved ates were made toads the ‘ible of social isolation which so mary of them face. we organised tps forte dt to community cet, vss tom socal workers or fee bus passes to allow rsionrs gate mobity, te eect would be to abit the problem of oneness ‘wich mars he ves of 0 mary od peopl hing lone and far om te fais. ‘ne al suggeston, wich would help enormous i to change te atude ofthe cammunty towards soker mers, who area often seen as burden on sockty ‘a sistas having Bl to o wth mode ite Weed to be aon rom an eaiy _age to espect the views of okt peop, and appreit er broader experince of te. ‘This woul felp society a8 @ whole, and encourage apreciaon of te re that ot people can stl pla today. ‘To'sum up, here are soveal measures which coud be taken to improve he ‘hes of ld peopl the goverment and ndtv ike were to heb, woud ‘make etement an ld age ime to ook forward to, rate than ead. Nl Unit Go Essays Suggesting Solutions to Problems Ae Expressions: Problems & Solutions e spouts sep laste | sovelovercomelcomba ut |botakan ee Rovers| sea wana Serious atenps i hallreetohe..mustbe made © Ore gored) | |soeiomeome foobar way |embarcea wen | MeBeneN | wousbal “Analtematve \eradicate ee £ 1 eope | shultocs thei tosoelovecome te problem of. Governments | our attention we onways: (© stepsimeasures wer taken. 1. Rappenediver to happen, Hatemprs were mado to adress he problem | would be. By (+ing) ... welgovernments/etc, can ensure that /prevent “Te .,suation could be improved it. would be a good idea I. te improve the situation of to reduce he Impact of. on society. ‘he oflectresuty oe] Som aang | TEA | 3 Look atthe topic below, then read the suggested solutions (I-4) and ‘match each with its corresponding result (a-d), Finally, complete each athe sentences, as in the example. 1 One way to combat crime would be to provide more jab opportunities for ‘the poor and unemployed. The resut of this would be the eradication of ‘poverty, which is 2 major cause of crime. 2 Furthermore, if the prison sentences received for certain crimes were ‘made longer, the outoome ‘3 would cartany be good idea it poice patois were increased in high crim areas, especialy a ight, This would improve 4 One tnal suggestion which would help to sob the probe of increased ‘rime might be to estabsh recreational facies, such as sports canes, I ths. ; oe ‘oep ile youths off stets and away rom crime eradication of poverty whichis a major cause of crime scouraging criminals with immediate police presence ‘make criminals afraid of consequences of beng caught 4- Rewrite the folowing sentences us the words in brackets without chagng the meaning, 1 The environmental damage caused by factories will probably become more ‘ntensive if adequate measures are not imposed (quit likey to) 2 Ifthe number of patrols is reduced, burglaries in the area will almost certainly increase. (highly probable) 3 The public will probably react negatively to any decisions by the ‘government to increase taxes. (bound to 4 The problem of overpopulation will probably not be solved over the next few decades. rather unlikely that) 5 Look at each of the following sentences, Metily the problem and say what solution is suggested Then, sing expressions from the chart, rite sentences explaining posible results, asin the example 2g, One way to deal with pollution in cities ‘oer eked The result of this would be fewer ‘ars polluting the atmosphere. One way to combat famine would be to provide affected countries with financial ai, 2 An effective method of combating the spread of disease in poverty-stricken areas of the world might be to send octors from developed countries. 3 One way to prevent illnesses such as heart disease is to ensure you take regular exercise and follow a healthy diet. 4 Itcould help the word’ rainforests if ‘we used more recycled paper. Unit Ge Essays Suggesting Solutions to Problems 6 ‘Read the following essay and fil the gaps wth the appropriate topic phrases on the right. ‘Smoking is on the increase among young people. Discuss the ‘problem and suggest what might be done about it ‘While smoking is on the decline among adults, the latest US Surgeon- Genera’s report indicates that increasing numbers of youngsters are taking up the habit. Perhaps the main reason fortis alarming fact isthe seductive advertising campaigns aimed at young people by the tobacco ‘companies. Other contributing factor include the lack of awareness on the part of school children of the dangers of smoking, and the widespread availablity of cigarettes. Furthermore, smoking retains an mage of sophisticated maturity among young people, making the habit ‘a magnet for those stl n the process of moulding themselves into what they want to be. Firstly, one way to combat this problem would befor the government wot). This result, young people would no longer be constantly exposed fo seductive images of cigarettes. Secondly, by introducing a governments COU (2) men ‘only would such a campaign deter young people from wanting to start, smoking, but others might also be encouraged to give up. ‘Another way to overcome this problem would be to @) Consequently, smoking would become far too costly a habit for most young people to take up or maintain If measures were taken at school (4) Teachers could tell their students what will happen fo them they smoke and teach them about the wide variety of ailments that smoking produces. In this way, children will never want to start smoking, thanks to ther knowledge of what it could do to their bodies. ‘One final suggestion which would help, would be to @). Were Impossible for young people to buy cigarettes before they are eighteen, it would, therefore, be impossible for them to smoke. Allin all | think that it would be quite easy to reduce the number of young people that smoke or even to eliminate smoking altogether, were ‘not for the lackadaisical attudes of those who have the power to do something about it. Until they find the motivation to act, however, it seems likely thatthe problem will simply get worse, ‘Topic Phrases A eet th ~ darnotngica agent wi toe of people every year 1B .. war cen mor effin ie toate done of srsbag ee ‘on ig pe © bana fate adhering in order io ene hs dr en De hn ea of. os i anderen and cs et ‘boyd Peles et a oli tus" making them even mre expense hah aba ae ‘Unit Gc. Essays Suogesting Solutions to Problems a a 7 Inthe essay below there are a number of mistakes. Read the ‘model and underline examples ofthe following: 1 Three misused linking words, 2 An over-generaisaton, 3 Am irrelevant sentence, 4 A sentence containing over-emotional language. 5 Two sentences written in very informal, colloquial language. 6 ‘Twoirrelevant/unclear top sentences, Now revrite the topic sentences so that each is clear and relevant ‘and replace the words/phrases you have underlined with correct alternatives, Various ecosystems are being systematically destroyed by man. What measures do you think should be token to prevent further destruction? ‘We can scarcely tur on our tevsions or pick up a newspaper ‘these days without being confronted with yet anther depressing news tam about the environment. As the poulaon of may cites increases, more and more land is blag convetd rom ts natural stat to accommodate homes ané factors. Th dec resut of his Is the systematic destruction of dierent ecosystems all aver the world whic, in tum, has led to seas becoming poluted wit poisons, rvers becoming contaminated by pesticides and the air bocoming polluted wih fumes fom veces and industry. While the problems of polition and habitual destruction ae obvious, the soltions are elusive, Moreover, serous attemots to alt the esructon of ecosystems must be made immediatly. ‘As Paul Claudel once sal: “Nature is only an nmense run. Cleatly, Individuals need to become more aware of the consequences oftheir actions and should act more responsibly. ‘nif peope doo wi te Earth be saved rom furter destruction andthe ward become a heather, safe place tov In People should not expect governments to provide all the soltons. Cizens must begin to recye goods and packaging Whenever posse, as well as buy only environmental fendy Products. Nonetheless, domestic food scraps shouldbe recyie: for example, potato peelngs and melon nds can be tuned ito substances that erch the so. By doing this, we can reduce the amount of non-biodegradabe waste being dumped at rubbish ps, thus ensuring at materials such as glass and past ae not tin earth which could be used as faniand in theft. Despite this, individuals can help protec the earth by using pubic transport wteneverpossbie, Where such faces do nat exit, staring lifts is recommended to reduce trafic congestion, noise and vehicle emissions onthe rads. The les patrol our societies bur, he beta the a qualty willbe. n adon, there were fewer cars in crcuaton there would be fewer oad accidents. ‘Antherpossble measure to combat industialpolstion would be theimposiion of stict nes on wicked, oredy corporations and unfeing, ignorant businesses which contaminate land, air water. TO be effective the nes should be heavy enough to deter potential poluters; # they are too smal, they could simply be regarded by industries as “the cost of doing business” and they ight be ignored Frally, governments should be tar more responsible, A ‘governments have the funds an technology to provide soa, win, ‘geothermal and eal power. The problem is that many governments ‘could care es and wouldnt ft ger to help her counties by ‘undng research to develop such sources oro dscover new ways to produce energy. MI, however, this were to happen, the consequence would be tha depletion of ite resources such asa and coal would be slowed down, or even hated atogeter. To sum up the eart Is suferng as aresut ofthe destuction wreaked upon it by humanty. Don't you tink i's ime we cleaned pth dead mess? Uni! Ge Essays Suggesting Solutions to Problems 8 Answer the following questions foreach ofthe topics listed below. ‘a What kind ofa discursive essay i this? 'b What paragraph plan would you follow? ‘¢ What points can you think of to include in your essay? 4 Which aspects of the discussion lock would you include? « Which techniques would you use to write the introductory paragraph and the conclusion? 1 Which uel wordsiphrases would you include in your essay? 1 Road accidents claim far too many lives. What can governments and individual do to reduce this problem? 2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living at home past the age of eighteen 23 “In today’ large cites ats are preferable to houses.” Do you agree? 4 “Computers wll son render hooks obsolete.” Discuss. '5 Parents are often unaware of the dificuties and problems their teenage children face and are unable to help them. What could parents and children do to overcome the gulf between them? 6 Discus the arguments for and against using lve animals for scientific ‘experimentation 77 Many countries are in danger of losing their cultural identity on account ‘of globalisation, Discuss this problem and say what could be done to avoid this, '8 “You can choose your fiends but not your relatives” Do you feel that friends are more important than family? 9 “Capital punishment is never usted” What is your opinion? 10 “Too much money is being spent on space exploration while people are starving on Earth.” Discuss. Look atthe follwing topic and then answer the questions below. Discuss the problems _ of ‘unemployment and offer possible solutions, ‘What has cause the problem? “+ Whatare the consequences? Match each ofthe suggestions 1-3) below withthe corresponding result 1 Governments to create incentives) subsidise industries. 2 Better educatontraining £0 workers can operate computers, sophisticated machinery, et. '3 Free sports / recreational centres for ‘unemployed 10 help people spend ‘heir time constuctiel, f Reduce crime / social problems Connected with ileness/boredom. Create more postions, limit number ‘of workers made redundant ‘© People wil nave proper qualifications for types of obs avaiable, ‘Can you suggest any other solutions to this problem? What would the expected result ofeach be? What paragraph plan would you follow to write this essay? Which techniques could you use to begin and end your esay? What useful expressions could you include? 10 Using your notes and the answers from Exercise 9, write the composition in about 350 words, 81

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