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19. The natu ra! scle nce s are

tho se bran che s of sele nce 23 _ The first officially reco rde d ---- in the history ot
tha t see k to ---- the rule s tha AIDS dat es bac k to the yea r 198
t gov ern the natu ra! 1, whe n the C
wor ld thro ugh scientlfic met hod
s. Dlsea se Control of US cam e acro ss five cases erıter
dise ase in Los Angeles. Ofthe
A) generate B) fulfıll
A) emission B) allocation
C) hamper D) elucidate
E) inco rpo rate C) instance D) withdrawaı
E) devastation

20. The idea behind extensiv

e reading is tha t a lot of
reading of interesting mat
eria l tha t is slightly above
the comprehension level of
the reader will ---- the
acquisition of language skill
A) enlighten B) acquire
C) fost er 24. A/n ---- criticism is that adv
D) instruct anced economies have
often moved their more dirty
E) illum inat e industries to other
parts of the world where the
re are less strict
environmental and social stan
21. Wh en Zola cam e on the A) sup por tive
scene with his racy, sordid B) hazardous
novels, the ---- liter ary mov
eme nt was realism and
it had alre ady reached a zen
C) mainstream
ith in France. D) accessible

A) visi ble ·El random

B) imm inen t
C) legible
D) deficient
E) prevailing

22. You sho uld not beli eve eve 25. Unfortunately, in the rea
ryth ing you read on l world, many companies,
tab loid new spa per s bec aus e the larger ones in -----, are often
y ofte n ---- the involved in
new s by rep orti ng rum ors as if exploitative practices of som
they wer e true . e sort.
A) dist ort A) favo r
B) diffuse B) imp act
C) con tain C) danger
D) con cur D) par ticu lar
E) con solidate E) range


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