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1. Aside from bolng ıı t oplc of lnterest for peoplo who s. There are many causcs for lnflıtlon, •••• 1 numbt,
ilke looklng at thc starts, m otcorolds are olso ••·• of tıctors, such as soclal, economlc and Polltlcaı
for sclentlsts. occurrences in a country.

A) va lu :ıb l c B) consist cnt A) pcrslstlng in B) abldlng by

C) promlnc nt D) scnsitivc C) dcpc ndlng on D) leadlng to

E) undc n i ::ıbl c E) shrinklng from

2. Anclent clvlllzatlons •··· in reglons of the Eastern 6. lsraell prime mlnlster Benjamin Netanyahu sald
Medlterranean such as Greece, Syrla and that stable tles between Turkey and lsrael would
nelghborlng areas, but suffered severe crlses that allow both countrles to •••• common external
led to thelr collapse durlng the late Bronze Age. threats.
A)abandon ed B) flourished A) compete B) discourage
C) accelerated D) constltuted C) protect D) accomodate
E) exerted
E) tackle

3. Journallsts may be exposed to themselves to

7 • A research can be •••• uslng surveys, reports,
danger, •··· when reportlng in areas of armed
observatlon, questlonnalres, focus groups,
confllct or in states that do not respect the freedom
of the press. hlstorlcal accounts, personal diaries and census
A) currently B) solely
A) conducted B) imprinted
C) temporarlly D) seemingly
C) excluded D) sustalned
E) particularly
E) vlsualized

4. On the lnternıtlonıl Day for the Ellmlnatlon of

Vlolenc.e •ı•lnst Women, Turklıh Fımlly ınd Soclal · Most plınt ınd •nlm al cells ıre between 1 ,.,d ıOO
Polltleı Mlnlster ıald they conıldered vlolence a/an mlcrometers ınd therefore are - only under th'
. ... of bıılc human rlıhts . mlcroıcope •

A) violation B) de$truction A) dreıdful

8) vlsible
C) delineation C) ıppeallng
O) siıeable
E) protection E) profitablo


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