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Cover Page……………………………………………….……………………………………1

Table Content…………………………………………….……………………………………2


Structural System…………………………………………………………………………...4-8

Passive Design Strategies………………………………………………………………….8-12

Sustainable Building Materials……………………………………………………………12-13



Figure 1.1 Passive House Pavilion of Longfor Sundar (Source:ArchDaily 2018)

This project is an exhibition pavilion designed by SUP Atelier and the lead architect of this
project is Yehao Song. This project is supported by Longfor Real Estate and Orient Sundar
Windows Company, within which the sustainable architecture strategies and the edge-cutting
building techniques could be introduced to the public. This project was completed in year
2017 in Hebei, Gaobeidian where located in China. The total built up area of this pavilion is
1200m2. For the interior design of this project is handled by X Studio from School of
Architecture, Tsinghua University. A few sustainable design strategies are applied to this
building during the design process of this project.

This theme pavilion is the first domestic exhibition hall that introduces ultra-low energy
consumption passive house technology, and the purpose of constructing this exhibition hall is
to introduce this environmentally friendly, low-energy-consumption and energy-saving
building technology to the public and promote it to the whole country to jointly establish a
new generation of green and energy-saving buildings. The theme of the pavilion is mainly
divided into 3 areas, which are to contact the current situation, understand the future and feel
the future.

The display uses modern and advanced display methods to fully demonstrate the
characteristics of passive architecture. The temperature in the hall is 22-26 degrees, and it is
constant 24 hours a day throughout the year, so you can feel very comfortable. Because at this
temperature, the human body does not feel hot or cold, the capillaries in the body relax and
balance, and the body's metabolism and physiological functions are in the best state, which is
conducive to health. This is the standard temperature of a passive house.

In the same time, it becomes the first PHI (Passive House Institute) standard certificated
exhibition architecture in Asia. Because of the winter season in China, the method of ensuring
the heat gain inside the building is important. The limitation of the annual heating demand
made the design work not so free as usual. The building was merged with natural landscape at
the same time enhancing the heat performance.

Figure 2.1 Construction Section (Source:Archdaily 2018)

The structural system of this building is using the steel structure and beam for the main
structural support of the building. The roof structure of this building is mainly supported by
the steel frame. The glass panel is used to enclose the space inside the building at the same
time allowing the penetration of the sunlight into the building.

Figure 2.2 Site Plan (Source:Gooood 2018)

The building was surrounded by greens and was built on a slope surface.The pavilion is
located in a large green area along the river bank, where an urban park is planned for the
public. On the south of the site, there is a dry pond, full of poplars. The first impression on
visiting the site is the sunshine casting shadows among the trees, and the starting point of the
design work is to create a scene, in which the building could merge itself in the natural

Figure 2.3 First Floor Plan (Source:Archdaily 2018)

The indoor of the exhibition center provides an indoor exhibition space including the
ecological atrium and multi-function hall. Greenery was placed inside the space to integrate
with the exhibition hall itself. This can be seen at the ecological atrium as it give an outdoor
landscape space experience inside the space of the pavilion.
Figure 2.4 Second Floor Plan (Source: Archdaily)

The indoor and outdoor spatial circulations are integrated, blurring the indoor and outdoor,
the first and second floors, the artificial environment and the natural environment. The overall
functional space of the building is arranged in a line from west to east in accordance with the
entrance reception area, atrium area, and centralized exhibition area. In order to have more
flexible exhibition freedom, the exhibition space was set up in a centralized manner.People
can experience the garden-like stepping and changing scenery, as well as the penetration and
borrowing of internal and external spaces.
Figure 2.5 North Elevation (Source: Archdaily)

Figure 2.6 South Elevation (Source: Archdaily)

Figure 2.7 East Elevation (Source: Archdaily)

Figure 2.8 West Elevation (Source: Archdaily)

Figure 2.9 Section Drawings (Source: Archdaily)


The design of this project have adopted a lot of sustainable design strategies. To further
improve the heating performance of the building, the north side of the building is sheltered
with the ground. The entire shape of the pavilion merged with the landscape topography, and
it makes the pavilion's north facade completely vanished by using the natural landscape.
Besides, the building’s thermal losses are highly reduced due to earth shelter in comparison
with ordinary building insulation.At the same time, the south side is made with curtain wall,
which could work as solar collector in winter for passive heating and as a mirror reflecting
clearly the surrounding environment to extend natural landscape. In these ways, the north side
of the building is hidden in the topographical landscape, and the south side of the building is
hidden in the curtain walls' reflection of the trees and shrubs.
Figure 3.1 Shading system integrated in the entrance facade (Source: Archdaily)

Taking into account the limitation of heating energy consumption and the requirements for
thermal insulation of passive houses, combined with the original design intention of "blinding
in the environment", the north side of the building is lowered into the landscape soil slope,
and it is integrated with the micro-topography after the site reconstruction. The north side of
the building is hidden from the site by the landscape, and the south side of the building uses
the all-glass curtain wall to collect the sun's radiant heat as much as possible in winter, and is
hidden from the nature by the mirror reflection of the curtain wall. The inner space of the
pavilion is lower in the north comparing the south, so that the distribution function can be

The higher spaces are for exhibitions and the lower spaces are for service rooms and
equipment room. The curtain wall at the south side is function as a heat heat gaining facade in
order to deal with the winter season. And when it comes to summer, the sun-shading system
will automatically function itself, tracing the orientation of the sunlight, preventing interior
space of the pavilion from overheating.The high-south and low-north body shape not only
provides the premise of reasonable zoning, but also reduces the volume of the entire
exhibition hall; the integral glass curtain wall on the south side can maximize the use of the
sun to obtain heat in winter, and use linkage louvers to prevent heat in summer.

Figure 3.2 Mechanical Linkage (Source: Archdaily)

Mechanical linkage in the south facade provides a thermal protective performance and also
as a shading device for the facade.
Figure 3.3 Curtain Wall of Pavilion (Source: Archdaily)

Figure 3.4 Sunlight Atrium (Source: Archdaily)

The skylight at the top of the atrium introduces sunlight during the day and ventilates and
dissipates heat at night, and becomes a storage port for the balance of day and night; the fresh
air system also takes advantage of the indoor space form, sending fresh air from the north side
of the corridor and the side of the atrium steps and other low places, which gradually heats up
during use , Go up to the sky, and finally return the air from the highest point on the south
side of the room, using the basic heat pressure principle to form the organization of the indoor
wind environment.
Besides, the south-facing skylight at the top brings in the light and shadow that changes
in time. In order to avoid structural hot and cold bridges caused by decoration, the designer
borrowed Adolf Loos's slogan "Decoration is sin" during the Art Nouveau period to write a
question for himself-without additional decorative skin, can the building be vivid and

Figure 3.5 Ventilation Diagram (Source: Archdaily)

The skylight in atrium brings the sunlight in daytime and will be opened for the natural
ventilation at night. The fresh air system also takes advantage of the particular shape of the
interior space, matching the thermal press ventilation principle. The fresh air outlets are set in
lower spaces, such as the corridor area in the north, and the bottom of the seating stairs in
atrium and the return air inlet are set in the top of the south, the highest point in the interior
Figure 3.6 Sustainable Strategies (Source: Archdaily)

The basic prototype of the pavilion is made of two wedges, fulfilling the requirement of
space from client into the minimum shape coefficient of the building, reducing the total
amount of material usage. At the same time, the framed structure allows the various way of
exhibitions, which could also reduce material usage during multiple temporary refurbishment.
Owing to the better building envelope, the main structure is protected from environment,
which indirectly increase the life span of the building.


The building is mostly prefabricated, shortening the construction time, reducing the
environment impact during construction. And the main structure is made of steel and the
curtain wall is composed of timber frame and glass, which are all recyclable after years.

Steel is moderately cheap when compared with other structural materials. Steel structures
are highly fire-resistant when contrasted to a wooden design as wood is a combustible
material and less fire-resistant when determined with RCC structure. One of the advantages of
using a steel structure in development is that steel's ability to span greater distances with steel
ceiling joists. This enables architects to grow their choices, allowing them to make new/huge
space utilizing steel items that weren't accessible with different materials.

Figure 4.1 Steel Structure (Source:SustainableinSteel)

Structural steel is a green construction material. Its high recycled content and recycling
rate exceed those of any other construction material.Over the past three decades, the steel
industry has reduced greenhouse gas and overall emissions by 36% and increased the water
recycling rate of steel production to 95%. Steel conserves its physical and chemical properties,
regardless of how many times it has been recycled. Besides, steel manufacturing consumes
less energy when using the recycled steel.

Steel is widely used in housing project as it durability is greater than aluminum, glass, and
concrete. It can be recycled several times, and it can be recycled at any point of its service life,
even in small scraps. The magnetic properties make the steel easy to be separated from the

Moreover, glass is known to be an excellent green material. Glass in buildings also directly
decrease the usage of artificial lighting as the sunlight can easily penetrate inside the building
making the interior space more brighter. From design, appearance, thermal performance and
comfort, to simple aesthetics, selecting the right glass is inevitably important for constructing
a green building.

This project highly focus on the sustainability of the building in order to save more energy
when it comes to the winter season. The low body of the north side of the building highly
reduce the thermal heat losses inside the building as the north side is completely covered by
the earth. While for the south side, the huge curtain wall facade can also act as a solar
collector in winter for passive heating purpose. The overall glass curtain wall on the south
side can maximize the use of the sun in winter, and use the linkage louvers to prevent heat in
summer; the roof of the atrium Lux skylights make full use of natural lighting and natural
ventilation, introducing sunlight during the day and ventilating and dissipating heat at night,
and it can also become a storage opening in order to balance in the day and night.

In my opinion, in order to improve the sustainability of the building, some solar panel can be
added on the roof as it can use to reduce the heat from the sun at summer and also the energy
can be transfer and used by the building itself. Besides, the cold temperature in the winter can
also help improve the performance of solar cells production (PV performance) Just like any
electronic device, they function more efficiently in cold weather conditions compared to
hotter temperatures. Although cold weather will not have a negative impact on a solar panel’s
performance, other factors such as snowfall could influence the total level of energy
production. Even if you live in a region where snow is expected each winter, that doesn’t
mean a solar panel won’t be effective. In fact, there are many cold weather climates where
solar panels are quite popular. Moreover, the total impact will come down to the amount of
snow that has accumulated on top of the solar panel when it comes to winter. A light dusting
of snow will not cause any significant disruptions as the sun’s UV rays can still penetrate
through a small amount of snow until the wind clears off the panels.

Figure 5.1 Solar PV Panel (Source:Bulletin)

The structure material that in most Malaysian design can use the steel structure as it reduce
the carbon emission compare to a concrete column structure. Besides, the steel structure are
very light in weight when compared to the concrete structures as it is 60% lighter than the
concrete structures.

(Han Shuang 2018), Passive House Pavilion of Longfor Sundar / SUP Atelier. Viewed on 23
August 2021

(HengShan Construction 2018), Longhu ultra-low energy building theme pavilion, Hebei /
simple architecture. Viewed on 23 August 2021

(Emily Folk 2020), Effectiveness of Solar Panels During the Winter Months. Viewed on 23
August 2021

(Aris Vourvoulias 2021), Pros and Cons of Solar Energy. Viewed on 23 August 2021

(ActiveHouse n.d.), Passive House Pavilion Lonfor Sundar. Viewed on 23 August 2021

(SUP Atelier n.d.), Passive House Pavilion of Longfor Sundar. Viewed on 23 August 2021

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