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Agri Bussiness

Magomele Green Economy Project (MGEP)

My name is Daniel J. Magomele 25 years old, a university graduate from Muhimbili University
of Health and Allied Sciences with bachelor of medicine. Apart from my carrier goals, I have
discovered an opportunity in green economy in our country through production and
commercialization of fresh fruits and vegetables.


The problem of environmental destruction as a result of human activities, in form of illegal

timber harvest, charcoal production and firewood extraction, with very minimal to none
replacement of the vanished resources is an issue of local and global concern. Measures to
prevent destruction in progress are highly needed, and these should include reclamation of the
affected areas with introduction of sustainable green economy activities. From the foregoing, I
came up with an idea of starting my own green economic project, by introducing commercial
fruits production to replace destructive economy in affected but potential areas.


My minimum target is to start production with 50 acres of commercial fruits. I successfully

managed to purchase 16 acres of land affected by human activities in Kilolo district-Iringa region,
for executing my project. The land is abundant and fertile with potential of producing some of
the main products of world’s fresh fruits market, to mention apple and avocado. They are both
used as food for human consumption, apart from healthy benefits, avocado is of industrial
utilization potential especially in cosmetics production. Later on, if the initial stage goes all
successful, I will establish a fruit processing industry to preserve and add value to my products,
and to fruits produced by nearby small scale farmers thus facilitating their activities.


The following are perceived benefits from my project,

 Generate income through distribution and sales of my products

 Restore and conserve the destructed environment thus fighting climate change which is
one of the major global issues.
 Provide an alternative employment opportunity for the natives to replace destructive
 Establishment of fruits processing industry will support growth of both agricultural and
industrial sector in our country.
 Income tax and export duties paid from the project will contribute to national economy.
 I will use my project to promote fruits eating for health in our country, to prevent chronic
diseases like heart attack, cancer, diabetes and obesity. World Health Organization
recommends that, consumption of fruits and vegetables should be brought up to at least
400 grams per day per capita.


Many locally produced fruits are not preserved, not well packed and not branded despite their
good quality, thus lowering their market potential both local and international. It hurts me seeing
our local market of apples, which we can produce, being flooded with AS apples from South
Africa. Considering the global rise of fruits and vegetable market attributed to increased
awareness of obesity and non-communicable diseases, I will start by ensuring quality package of
my products and branding to maximize their market potential. I will open a website to give
information about my products and the project; I will take part in various trade fairs to find
background information on my target market(s) and present my products to potential customers.
I will use online catalogues to find external buyers for exportation of my products.


I need cooperation and support


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