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Lesson Plan in Philippine Politics and Governance

March 12, 2021


Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of politics, the executive, the legislative, the judiciary,
and decentralization and local governance

Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to explain the roles of different political institutions

Learning Competencies:
The learners shall be able to explain the roles and powers of the Philippine president

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students are able to:
a. Identify the powers of the President;
b. Express the powers of the President through developing a graphic organizer;
c. Interact actively with the group mates during group work.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Powers of the President of the Philippines

Materials: Picture, Laptop, Power point, Speaker, Cartolina, Markers,
Reference: The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines, Article VII, pages 24-34
Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning Strategy (CLS)
Values Integration: Cooperation and confidence with one another

Facilitator’s Activity Learners’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
“Shall we all stand for a prayer?
 Prayer May I request Dave to lead us to
 Greetings
“Good morning. How’s your Good morning ma’am
day? I hope we all feel great.
Before we will start the class, I
 Attendance checking will check your attendance first. I
would like to emphasize that
your attendance everyday is very
important, so that you won’t
miss our lessons. Are you excited
 Reading of the House to learn new things on Social
Rules Science?” Attendance is Yes Ma’am!
“As additional reminders, as
young adults, I demand you to
behave and act like one.
Disturbing the class with your
phone rings or loud chat or
inattentiveness is a sign of
“May I ask, What can you
remember from our lesson last
 Reviewing of the meeting? May I request April to
previous lesson give her brief insights” Our last lesson was all
“Thank you April, you are right. about the 3 branches
Last meeting we discussed the of the government mam.
three branches of the Philippine The Executive, the
government. Legislative and the
Thus, in our political systems, we Judiciary).
have three (3) branches of the
government based on principle
of separation of powers
(Executive, Legislative and
Judiciary); authority is
distributed among several
branches to prevent
centralization of powers into
one (1) department. The
executive enforces the law as
written by the legislature and
interpreted by the judiciary.

B. Establishing a purpose for the Any questions, clarifications?

lesson None Ma’am
Now, I have here pictures.
Do you know who this person is?
 Motivation Yes, Adrian
Very good. He is our current
How about this one? President Ma’am, He is
Yes, Marilou Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Correct! She is President
This one? Corazon Aquino Ma’am
Yes, Daryll He is Ferdinand Marcos
Correct! Ma’am.

From the pictures given, who

can tell us our topic for today?
Yes, Manny
It’s all about President
These three (3) pictures are our
President of the Republic of the
Philippines. And our topic for
today is about the Powers of the

Now, do you know the powers

of the President?
 Presentation of the Yes, Mary Ann
Topic Correct! That’s one of his
powers. He has the power to
He has the power to appoint Appoint Ma’am
or designate any qualified specially his cabinet
individual to his cabinet members.
Any answers from group?
None Ma’am
Today, we will discuss and tackle
the different powers of the

Melissa, Kindly read the

 Reading the
Objectives of the New
Lesson Objectives:
1.The learners can
identify the powers of
the President;
2. The learners can
Express the powers of
the President through
developing a graphic
3. The learners can
interact actively with
the group mates during
group work.
Thank you Melissa!
These objectives are our goal set
to understand our lesson well. I
hope that we can attain these
objectives at the end of our
 Application lesson.

Let’s go over to our lesson, what Power is strength

is power? ma’am.
Yes Joy
Thank you Joy. Power is
Anyone? None ma’am

Power is the ability to do

something or act in a particular

Who do think is the most

powerful person in our country?
Yes, Jerome

Thank you Jerome. President? President Ma’am

Anyone from the group?
Yes, Anne
Thank you Anne. Police?
Yes Mary Ann Police Ma’am
Very good Mary Ann. People!
Bear in mind class that the
President is the elected head of
the country; it is the people who The people Ma’am
elect the President in his
position. As a democratic coutry
the most powerful is the voice of
people. Always remember the
latin maxim Salus Populi Est
Suprema Lex, meaning the
welfare of the people is the
supreme law.
Understood, class? Did you get
my point?

As we go on to our lesson class,

let’s have a group activity.

I will group you into three (3).

Now that you have a group, you
select who will be your leader,
secretary and your reporter.
Then you brainstorm and discuss
the different sections of Article
VII of the 1987 Philippine
Constitution and in a ¼ cartolina
identify the different powers of
the President through a graphic
organizer. Then secretary, please
write the names of the members
at the back of the cartolina.

I will give you 10 minutes to

finish your work. After ten (10)
minutes the reporter from each
group will come forward and
present their work in front of the

Did you understand the

instructions, class?

Then, as you have your group

activity take note of the Yes Ma’am.
following rubrics:

TOTAL 100%

And also, keep in mind to work it

Class be ready with your
presentation. Each group will be
given 2 minutes to present their
Yes, Ma’am

Thank you so much class for a

very nice presentation. Now, let
us check your work.
 Discussion
1. Executive power (sec. 1) – He
shall ensure that laws are
faithfully executed.
2. Power of Appointment (sec. Every group present their
16) – appoint the heads of the output.
executive department,
ambassadors, public ministers
and consul, or officers of the
armed forces of the Philippines
from the rank of colonel or naval
captain and other officers whose
appointments are vested in him
in the 1987 Philippine
3. Power of removal (sec. 16) – The reporter of each group will
This power is implied from the present their work. (The
power of appointment. students answer may vary.)
4. Power of control (sec.17) –
Control of all executive
departments, bureaus and
5. Military powers (sec. 18) – To
call out the Armed Forces of the
Philippines to prevent or
suppress lawless violence,
invasion or rebellion.
6. Pardoning power (sec. 19) –
May release and exempts the
individual from the punishment
inflicts for a crime committed.
7. Borrowing power (sec. 20)-
Contract or guarantee foreign
loans on behalf of the Republic
with the concurrence of the
Monetary Board
8. Diplomatic Power (sec.21) –
Enter treaty or international
agreement with the concurrence
by at least 2/3 of all the
Members of the Senate.
9. Budgetary Power (sec. 22)-
Submit to Congress a budget or
expenditures and sources of
financing, including receipts
from existing and proposed
revenue measure.
10. Informing Power (sec.23) –
Inform at the opening of its
regular session.
11. Residual Power – Call to
congress to special session,
 Generalization
Approve or veto bills, Deport

Now based on our lesson class,

what is the importance of
knowing the different powers of
the President?

Having knowledge of the

different powers of the
President is very important, as a
citizen of the Philippines you
have to know what are the
different powers of the
President and its limitation so
that you will not be perceived or
outwitted by any order of the

It seems that you understand

lesson. Now be ready for a quiz,
get one forth (1/4) sheet of

IV. Evaluation

1. What branch of the government is Article VII all about?

a. Legislative Branch c. Executive Branch
b. Judicial Branch d. Commission on Appointment
2. Who is the head of our country and government?
a. Senate President c. Chief Justice
b. Speaker of the House d. President
3. The power of the President to call out the Armed Forces to prevent or
suppress lawless violence, invasion or rebellion.
a. Police Power c. Military Power
b. Power of Control d. Diplomatic Power
4. This power is implied from the power to appoint.
a. Deportation Power c. Power of Removal
b. Power of Control d. Pardoning Power
5. The power to contract or guarantee foreign loans on behalf of the Republic of
the Philippine.
a. Borrowing Power c. Diplomatic Power
b. Power of Control d. Budgetary Power

V. Assignment
Study and read the qualifications term of office and rules on succession
of the President.

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