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By: Karen Trujillo


In pairs, look at the statements below about selecting a job candidate after a round
of interviews.

Discuss the information and put ‘Do’ or ‘Don’t’ next to each statement to make
‘rules’ for selecting a job candidate.

1. Make a snap judgment. Don´t

2. Select a candidate in your own image. Don´t

3. Select a candidate based on personality rather than ability. Don´t

4. Select a candidate based on ability. Do

5. Review all candidates on an individual basis. Do

6. Rush the decision-making process. Do

7. Reconvene to review the candidates again if you have reached a stalemate in the
decision-making process. Do

8. If there is deadlock over 2 or more candidates, select one at random. Don´t

9. Contact a candidate’s previous employer to check information. Do

Adjectives for describing job candidates

In pairs, study the following sentences and complete the definitions below with the
underlined terms.

1. Darrel was very well-presented at his job interview. He wore his best suit. A

2. Joe was too slick at his interview. His answers were too efficient. E

3. Joanne was over-qualified. She should be applying for a much higher position. C

4. The candidate’s answers were very generic – the interviewer had heard them hundreds
of times. D

5. The candidate seemed really outgoing. It was easy to talk to her. B

a. dressed appropriately, clean-shaven, etc.

b. friendly and socially confident

c. having much more than the level of skill required for a particular position

d. very common, universal

e. very smooth and efficient

Which of the adjectives are used in a positive way? Which are used in a negative way?


Snap: Quebrar

Judgment: Juicio

Own: Propio

Rather: Bastante

decision-making: Toma de decisiones

Reconvene: volver a reunir

Stalemate: Estancamiento

Deadlock: Punto muerto

Employer: Empleador

Slick: Resbaloso

Wore: Vistió

Underlined: Subrayada

Answers: respuestas

Should: Deberían

Qualified: Calificado

Higher: Más alto

Outgoing: Extrovertido

Seemed: Pareció

Appropriately: Adecuadamente

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