Experiment 8 - Sanyukta Shinde - 194068

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Experiment No: 08


AIM: To perform calculations of a flash unit for an ideal ternary mixture


Componen Flowrate A B C
Benzene 30 15.9008 2788.51 -52.34
Toluene 50 16.1034 3096.52 -53.67
Xylene 40 16.1156 3395.57 -59.42

Evaluate the flowrates of all components for the feed mixtures in liquid and vapour stream.

Case 1

P= 750 mm Hg,ξn = 0.9


Step 1

Assume a temperature close to boiling point of the key component for the specified value of pressure
and ξsn

Key component = Toluene and T = 390K

Step 2

Using Antoine’s

Equation ln Pk0 = Ak - BK

/ (TK + CK)

Calculate Pk0

Step 3

Calculate relative volatilities(α1/2 ,α3/2 )

αk/n = Pk0 / Pn0

Step 4

Determine the recovery of non -key

components ξ1 = α1/2 .ξn / (1 + (α1/2 – 1 )ξn ξ2

= α3/2 .ξn / (1 + (α3/2 – 1)ξn

Step 5

Develop mass balance to calculate vapour liquid phase flowrates of all components

Vk = ξk .fk and

Lk = (1- ξk )fk

Find v1,v2,v3,l1,l2,l3

Step 6

Calculate mole fractions of components in liquid (x) and vapour

(y) yk = vk / ∑vi xk = lk/ ∑li

Find x1,x2,x3,y1,y2,y3

Step 7


α = ∑(αk/n . xn) = α1/2 x1 + α2/2 x2 + α3/2 x3

Step 8

Obtain the value of P0 using following

Pk0 = P αk/n / α

Calculate for any one component (P10 or P20 or P30 )

Step 9
Using any one value of Pk0 ,calculate temperature T from Antoine equation.

Step 10

Calculate error between assumed T and calculated T value in step 9.

Using what if analysis minimize the error and obtain the correct value of temperature T.

Case 2

P = 750 mm Hg and T = 390 K, ξn = 0.9

Step 1

Follow steps 1 to 6 and mentioned case 1 to calculate ,Pk0,αk/n,vk,lk, xk,yk for all components.

Only difference is that in this case T is given and we have to guess ξnclose to 1.

Step 2

Determine α by using bubble point

equation α = ∑(αk/n . xk)

Step 3

Calculate α using

equation α = ∑(αk/n . P)/


Step 4

Compare both the values of αobtained in step 2 and 3.

Calculate the error .

Minimize error using what if analysis by changing value ξsn

Case 3

P = 760 mm Hg , Φ = 0.3

Guess the temperature T = 390K(,close B.P. of key component for specified value of pressure and Φ)

Step 2:

Calculate Pk0 values from Antoine equation and αk/n similar to case 1.

Step 3

Calculate Kn = Pn0/P

Step 4

Calculate θ = kn Φ /(1-Φ)

Step 5

Calculate ξsn = θ / (1+θ)

Step 6

Calculate ξsk,vk,lk,xk and yk similar to steps 4,5 and 6 as case 1

Step 7

Calculate α = ∑(αk/n . xk)

Step 8

Using Antoine equation and value of Pk0 obtainα and calculate T

Step 9

Calculate the error between assumed and guess value of T in steps 1 and calculated T in step 9.

Using goalseek analysis decrease error and obtain correct value of temperature T

Case 1

Case 2

P = 1 bar,T = 390 K

Case 3

Vapour fraction = 0.8, Pressure = 1 bar

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