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Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu

A project report on ………………………………

Submitted To

+2 Faculty

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the subject

Computer Science as mentioned by NEB

Submitted By


Roll No:


+2 Faculty
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu


I hereby declare that the work presented in this project report has been done by
myself/ourselves under the supervision of ……………………………………, and
has not been submitted elsewhere for any examination.
All sources of information have been specifically acknowledged by references to
authors or institutions.

Name of the student: ………………………

Signature: ……………………………….

Registration number: ……………………….

Date: ……………….
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu

+2 Faculty

Certificate of Approval

This is to certify that this project prepared by

……………………………………………entitled “………………………….”.
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject Computer
Science as mentioned by NEB has been well studied. In our
opinion it is satisfactory in the scope and quality as a project for the
required degree.

Internal Examiner:



External Examiner:



Introduction to Multimedia

Multimedia has become an indispensible component of every presentation. It has a wide range of
applications, including entertainment and education. The growth of the internet has boosted
demand for multimedia material. "Multi-Media" refers to action graphics or animation.
Multimedia, in contrast to what the name "media" implies, encompasses videos, audio, and

Multimedia is a type of media that employs a variety of information material and processing
methods (e.g., text, audio, graphics, animation, video, and interaction) to inform or entertain the
user. The use of electronic media to store and enjoy multimedia material is sometimes referred to
as multimedia. Multimedia is a type of fine art that is akin to traditional mixed media, but with a
greater reach. The phrase "rich media" refers to both interactive and non-interactive multimedia.

Interactive multimedia and non-interactive multimedia are the two types of multimedia. It
comprises of numerous user interfaces, such as command buttons, that allow an end user to
complete a task.
Interactive multimedia includes anything from video to audio. The non-interactive media
contains no user interfaces and operates on the basis of instructions and information in the
computer system's storage medium




Multimedia presentations can be seen live on stage, projected on a screen, streamed over the
internet, or played locally using a media player. A live or recorded multimedia presentation is
referred to as a broadcast. Analog or digital electronic media technology can be used for
broadcasts and recordings. It is possible to download or stream digital internet multimedia.
Multimedia streaming might be live or on-demand. Multimedia games and simulations can be
played with special effects in a real environment, with numerous people in an online network, or
locally on a computer, gaming system, or simulator.

Combining several types of media material allows for increased degrees of engagement, however
this may vary based on the multimedia content you have. Online multimedia is becoming
increasingly object-oriented and data-driven, allowing for collaborative end-user creativity and
personalization in apps.

Online multimedia is becoming increasingly object-oriented and data-driven, allowing for

collaborative end-user innovation and personalization across many types of material over time.
Multiple types of content on web sites, such as photo galleries with user-updated images
(pictures) and titles (text), to simulations with adjustable co-efficients, events, graphics,
animations, or videos, allowing the multimedia "experience" to be adjusted without

1. Text: Text and symbols are very important for communication in any medium. With the
recent explosion of the Internet and World Wide Web, text has become more the
important than ever. Web is HTML (Hypertext Markup language) originally designed
to display simple text documents on computer screens, with occasional graphic
images thrown in.

2. Audio: Sound is perhaps the most important element of multimedia. It can provide the
listening pleasure of music, the startling accent of special effects or the ambience of a
mood-setting background.The audio component generates audio signals, making the
multimedia application more appealing and intelligible to the user. In the multimedia
application, audio signals include sound warnings and audio directions. Computer audio
is concerned with the tools and technology used to capture and play audio or sound on a

3. Images/Graphic : Images whether represented analog or digital plays a vital role

in multimedia. It is expressed in the form of still picture, painting or a photograph taken
through a digital camera.Computer graphics is concerned with the tools and technology
used to create, represent, manipulate, and display images using a computer. Because an
image is an effective tool to illustrate information. Graphics can convey a lot of
information in a short amount of time. It provides a more complete and accurate picture
of the subject matter.

4. Animation : Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D

artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. It is an
optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be
created and demonstrated in a number of ways.An animation clip, comparable to a video,
is a powerful approach to communicate concepts utilizing pictures by creating a visual
transition or motion effect.

5. Video : Digital video has supplanted analog video as the method of choice for
making video for multimedia use. Video in multimedia are used to portray real time
moving pictures in a multimedia project. Video data likewise necessitates a lot of storage
space and must adhere to real-time retrieval, distribution, and display limits.
Multimedia finds its application in various areas including, but not limited to,
advertisements, art, education, entertainment, engineering, medicine, mathematics,
business, scientific research and spatial, temporal applications.
A few application areas of multimedia are listed below:

1. Creative industries
Multimedia is used in the creative industries for a number of reasons, including fine arts,
entertainment, commercial art, journalism, media, and software services for any of the
businesses mentioned below. Throughout their careers, a multimedia designer may work
on a variety of projects. Their abilities are in high demand, ranging from technical to
analytical to artistic.

2. Commercial
Multimedia makes up a large portion of the electronic old and new media used by
commercial artists. In advertising, exciting displays are utilized to capture and maintain
attention. Beyond basic slide shows to promote ideas or spice up training, creative
services businesses frequently design complicated multimedia presentations for
industrial, business to business, and interoffice interactions. Commercial multimedia
developers can also be recruited to create apps for government and charitable

3. Entertainmentand Fine Arts

Furthermore, multimedia is widely employed in the entertainment business, particularly
to create spectacular effects in films and animations. Multimedia games are software
applications that are accessible as CD-ROMs or online and are a popular activity.
Multimedia aspects are also used in certain video games. Interactive multimedia refers to
multimedia programs that allow users to actively interact rather than simply be passive
consumers of information.

4. Education
Multimedia is used in education to create computer-based training courses (also known as
CBTs) and reference books such as encyclopedias and almanacs. A CBT allows the user
to go through a sequence of presentations, text on a certain topic, and related graphics in
a variety of information forms. Edutainment is an informal term used to describe
combining education with entertainment, especially multimedia entertainment
5. Engineering
Multimedia may be used by software developers in Computer Simulations for a variety of
purposes, ranging from entertainment to military or industrial training. The creation of
multimedia for software interfaces is frequently a collaborative effort between creative
people and software developers.

6. Industry
Multimedia is commonly utilized in the industrial sector to assist communicate
information to shareholders, supervisors, and coworkers. Multimedia may also be used to
provide staff training, advertise products, and sell them all over the world using almost
endless web-based technology.

7. Mathematical and Scientific Research

Multimedia is mostly utilized for modeling and simulation in Mathematical and Scientific
Research. A scientist, for example, can modify a molecular model of a certain chemical
to create a new molecule. Journals such as the Journal of Multimedia publish
representative research.

8. Medicine
In Medicine, doctors can get trained by looking at a virtual surgery or they can simulate
how the human body is affected by diseases spread by viruses and bacteria and
then develop techniques to prevent it.

9. Multimedia in Public Places

Multimedia will be offered at stand-alone terminals or kiosks at hotels, train stations,
retail malls, museums, and grocery shops to give information and assistance. Such
installations eliminate the need for traditional information booths and people, offer value,
and may operate around the clock, even when human support is unavailable.

It has a highly user-friendly interface. It does not require a certain amount of energy consumers,
so we can sit and watch the demo, read the text, and listen to the music.

1. It's incredibly simple to use. The user does not use much energy since they can sit and
watch the presentation, read the text, and listen to the audio.

2. It appeals to a variety of senses. It makes extensive use of the user's senses while utilizing
multimedia, including as hearing, seeing, and speaking.

3. It is interactive and integrated. The digitization process integrates all of the numerous
mediums. The ability to receive immediate input enhances interactivity.

4. It may be utilized for a broad range of audiences, from a single individual to a whole

5. It may be utilized for a broad range of audiences, from a single individual to a large
group of people.

6. It facilitates the exchange of opinions and ideas among individuals all over the world.

7. It has the ability to retain data and information for a long time.

8. It is relatively inexpensive to build up a multimedia presentation on a relevant subject in

a short amount of time. The presentation can be made on a large screen so that a large
number of people can watch it.

9. The yearly multimedia collection has extended thanks to the newest technological
research and creation. We enjoy seeing 3D movies in cinemas and on television.

10. Multimedia range is the regular launch of a wide variety of new video games every other

1. Overabundance of information because it is so simple to use, it can store an excessive

amount of data at once.

2. Compilation takes time. Even though it is adaptable, putting together the first draft
takes time.

3. Excessive amounts make it impractical. The time it takes for your presentation to load
is affected by large assets such as video and music. If you add too much, you may
need to utilize a bigger computer to store the information.

4. It becomes impractical if there is too much of it. The time it takes for your
presentation to load will be affected by large assets like video and music. If you add
too much, you may need to utilize a bigger computer to hold all of your data.

5. It's too idealistic. Large resources, such video and audio effects. If you wish to upload
something to the Internet, there are a few things to consider, such as bandwidth and
file size.

6. It is not possible to distribute and use in rural areas where poor people stay.

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