Salary and Benefits 2020 1

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Salary and benefits

I Probation status
Probation period lasts between 3-5 months. Chinese part of the company will decide and
inform the trainer/the teacher when the probation period shall end.

Starting class fee

This depends on several factors, such as:

1. Teacher’s education,
2. Work experience
3. Behavior during the training session(s)
4. Mock class
5. Booking rate (for the future pay raise)
6. Feedback from the clients (for the future pay raise)

Starting pay rate will be decided by the employer. At the beginning of your employment,
you are supposed to open 80 classes a month/ 20 classes a week. One of the conditions to
finish your probation is to open at least 120 classes a month. You are supposed to work at
least 4 days a week, and the schedule is fixed. Once you make your schedule, you can add
the number of classes but you cannot subtract them. Moreover, cannot subtract or change
the work days, only add more.

One of the most important standards of BetaKid teachers is the booking rate exceeding 80%
of opened classes. If the teacher is ready to deliver special kinds of classes (RE/REF) from the
first day of work, their starting class rate may be altered.

Payslip explanation - ADJUSTMENT: If a teacher reaches the booking rate above 70% of
opened classes, (which is the minimum to be qualified), their payment shall be counted as
following: (class fee) x (number of FINISHED classes). However, if your booking rate is
lower than 70%, especially during your probation period, there is nothing to worry about! At
BetaKid, we make sure that our new teachers are well taken care of, and if you have the
booking rate under 70%, especially as you start working, your payment shall be counted as
following: 70% (of the number of OPENED classes) x (class fee). This rule was instated so
that the new teachers’ payment would not suffer, because as teachers start
compiling their list of regular students they may have fewer booked classes. During your
probation status you will be monitored for your in-class performance, your students’ feedback
and your work attitude.

In the probation period, the teachers must show up to every class since there are certain
penalties that will apply:
• One time no show- will affect the probation time and you pay the penalty (check the
*List of complaints* at the end of this file).
• Two times no show- will affect the pay raise.
• Three times no show- will result in contract termination.

II Regular status

Your promotion from probation to regular status will be based on the following: •
Students’ feedback
• Course consultants and sales team feedback
• Workplace attitude
• Complaints
• Booking rate

As stated above, your probation period lasts at least 3 months, maximum 5 months. Teachers
will be officially notified about the date when their probation period is about to end. This is
decided by the employer. You are not supposed to make an inquiry about the end of your
probation period since your trainer has no information on the matter.
III Salary levels

You will start your probation period at Level 1 (3.5$ per class, unless otherwise stated).
Teacher’s overall scores will be evaluated by the Chinese side of the company in order to
determine what level they will start at after the probation. The pay raise is either 0.25 USD or
0.5 USD per class.
Teachers may have the opportunity to level up twice a year depending on their
performance. - The first level of pay raise will happen after the teacher finishes their
probation period. - The second pay raise may happen in the first year of your work
and it will be based on the teacher's performance. As stated above, your trainer has no
information on this matter.
All the pay levels span from 3.5$ to 7$ per class.
*weekend incentive- each class that you do during the weekend will be paid additionally, 1$
per class
Teachers are not supposed to discuss their salary/class rate with other teachers.

IV Bonuses

1. Referral bonus
If the applicant passed the training and has been working in the company as a regular teacher
for at least 3 months, the teacher who had referred them will receive 20$.
For further information about how to refer the new teachers, please consult with HR.

2. Attendance BONUS
NO absences, NO leaves, NO complaints from students within 1 month- 25$.
*If your booking rate is lower than 70%, then you can't get the attendance bonus.

3. General course performance bonus

If the teacher finishes a certain number of classes that fall under this category, he/she will be
entitled to receive an additional amount of money (the bonus) to their paycheck:
Number of classes FINISHED: Bonus (USD)

160 - 199 40 USD

200 - 249 60 USD

250 - 299 80 USD

300 - 349 100 USD

350 - 399 120 USD

400 - 449 140 USD

450 - 499 160 USD

500+ 180 USD

*All the classes where the teacher faced a valid complaint supported by the trainer and
the Chinese office will not be taken into the final account.
V Leave arrangement

All teachers will have a certain number of days during a year that they can take as their off
days without any deductions!
*(Public/state holidays are included in this number of days you can take) – you can choose
to work on Public/State holidays or not, it’s up to you – but days you take off will be

The number of classes opened The number of days off per


160+ 22

120-159 12

80-119 8

*Please note that after one year of working in the company, the number of days off grows and
you will receive three additional days off. Teachers who started working before May 1, 2019,
will get their days off reset at May 1, 2020. The final number of days off a year is 28.
Days off- Starting from May 1, 2020

Teachers who have been working in the company for at least a year, will receive 3 additional
days off (for the period 1.5.2020 - 1.5.2021).
The maximum number of days off per calendar year (1.5.2020 - 1.5.2021) is 28.
There are 12 months in a year, and the starting number of days off is 22. Divided
by 12, that is 1.8 days off on a monthly basis.

Month when you The number of days off The number of days off The number of days off
started working (until May 1, 2021) (until May 1, 2020) (until May 1, 2020)

May 2020 22 12 8

June 2020 20 11 7

July 2020 18 10 7

August 2020 16 9 6

September 2020 14 8 5

October 2020 12 7 4.5

November 2020 10 6 4

December 2020 9 5 3

January 2021 7 4 2.5

February 2021 5 3 2

March 2021 4 2 1

April 2021 2 1 0

May 2021 reset reset reset

If someone has not spent their days off until May 1 2020, based on the table above, they shall
receive remuneration - 15$ per day.
If someone has already used their days off, they will not receive any money.

If someone starts working after May 1, 2020, their days off will be counted based on
the previous table.

VI Sick leave

All teachers, from May 1, 2020, will have 14 days of sick leave per calendar year. This number
is final, it does not depend on the time spent working for the company.
If all leaves during one calendar year exceed the number of days already mentioned, teachers
will face deductions according to the list we provide:

Do you still have Is the cancellation Is there money Conclusion:

days off? with notice (at least deduction?
a day ahead)?

1) YES YES NO Use your days off as you


2) YES NO YES One pays the penalty

according to the table

3) NO YES YES One pays the penalty

according to the table

4) NO NO YES One pays the penalty

according to the table
Classes without notice (on the same day) – “sudden cancellation” (see the
“penalties and deductions”)
Teachers who cancel their classes on the same day (sudden cancellation) are supposed to face
charges based on the number of classes they canceled.
1-3 classes: teacher loses half a day off and they pay half a class rate x the number of classes
4 and above - teacher loses a day off and they pay half a class rate x the number of
classes canceled.

VII Penalties and deductions table

How many times a month did you have to Conclusion:

cancel the classes? Previous table,
Cases 2), 3), and 4)

1 time Penalty: ½ of the class rate x the number of

classes canceled

2 times Penalty: full class rate x the number of

classes canceled

3 times Double class rate x the number of classes

canceled + half a day off

4 times Fixed - 100 USD + a day off

5 times Fixed - 100 USD + a day off

*This list will be used on a month-to month basis and it will be formed at the end of the
month in question.
If a teacher cancels their classes suddenly for more than 4 times a month, they
are supposed to have a face-to-face talk with the trainer and they will receive a written
warning. If this happens 6 times during a month, the contract with the said teacher will be
terminated and the teacher is supposed to do the two weeks notice.

The list of complaints and consequences

Complaint Severity Deductions

Insufficient class time 2 Equivalent to 1 class rate

Late for class 1 Half of the class rate

Absent from class 3 20.00$/class

Teacher is sleepy during the class 1 Half of the class rate


Teacher does not listen to the student 2 Full class rate

(Teacher is out of focus)

Teacher yells at the student 2 Full class rate

2 Full class rate

Teacher permanently leaves the
classroom during the class (even if the
student is late/absent)

Teacher uses the phone during the class 2 Full class rate

Pronunciation / grammar (less than 3 1 Half of the class rate

times during the class)
Pronunciation / grammar (more than 3 2 Full class rate
times during the class)

The comment was not submitted on 2 Full class rate


If the student is late, you are supposed to report this after 2 minutes by using the option "?" in
the classroom. If you report it after the 5th minute of the class, the class in question will not
be paid.

VIII Comments

Teachers are required to submit their comments (with marked page numbers!) until 12pm
(noon) (Beijing time) the following day. If you fail to do so, the class will not be paid and you
will get a written/verbal warning.
The 3rd warning will result with immediate termination.

*Please note: if you encounter problems with submitting the comment (due to platform
issues), take a screenshot and send it to us (on a Skype Beida group) as a proof, and report
on the “ASK FOR HELP” option. Someone will assist you and you will not be penalized
for that.

If you write the wrong name of the student or the wrong lesson content, the class will not be
paid. If you do not mark the page correctly, half of the class rate will be deducted

Once again, if teachers don’t finish the comments on time, the classes will not be paid.
IX Salary schedule

Dear Teachers, please be kindly advised that the salary is calculated from the 1st of the month
until the 30th/31st of said month and will be received on the 15th of the following month (I.e.
the salary for June (calculated 1-30th of June) will be received on the 15th of July).

Delays might occur due to the processing by the third-party financial institution.

For any questions and concerns, approach your trainers for assistance.

Thank you,

BetaKid Team

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