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Construction firms need to be cognizant of new technology such as blockchain and machine
learning, which have many uses applicable to the industry.


his article dives into the audit on the horizon for auditing, leading many


profession and the ever-advanc- auditors to wonder about the future of the
ing technologies that are being profession. Will technology eventually take
introduced. New technologies over and push auditors to obsolescence, or
are changing the way auditors will auditors adapt to these changing tech-
perform their duties and improving the nologies and harness them to improve their
quality of the services they provide. Topics level of service?
to be discussed herein include a history and
explanation of auditing (internal versus
external), regulations and legislature man- The future of the audit profession
dating the profession, how artificial intelli- Entry-level auditors’ responsibilities often
gence (AI) and big data are affecting or will include the less complex areas of audits
affect auditors and construction firms, and such as cash, accounts payable, and fixed
how blockchain technology will influence assets. The main goal in auditing these
the profession and construction industry. financial statement elements is to verify
As one can see, there is much to anticipate that the client’s trial balance accurately
reflects the actual balance by evaluating
DEBRA ODEN, J.D., CPA (inactive), LL.M. Taxation, is a
support and completing analytical testing
professor of accountancy at Missouri State University in to help confirm that there are no material
Springfield, Missouri. misstatements. Other members of audit
teams with more experience typically test
JONAH BARNES is a candidate to receive a Master of Accoun- other areas of the trial balances through
tancy degree from Missouri State University in Springfield, similar yet more in-depth testing. At the
Missouri in May of 2019. Jonah has accepted an audit
associate position at BKD, LLP, in their Kansas City, Missouri, completion of the audit, all testing
location upon completion of his graduate degree. performed is compiled to issue an opinion


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on whether a company’s financial statements markets. Investing is a form of passive

are presented fairly, in all material respects, income that does not require very much
in accordance with the financial reporting upkeep or attention if one plans to invest
framework. This opinion, if unmodified, over the long term. As investing in the
allows all users of the financial statements financial markets has increased so much,
to have confidence that the statements are investment companies have capitalized on
accurate enough to base business decisions the market by making it simpler to invest.
on them. These investment companies created mobile
Auditors need to be adaptable in almost applications for investing, meaning any
every way and need to approach all situations person over the age of 18 can invest in almost
with professional skepticism. Each new any type of security at their fingertips at
client presents a new work environment any time. With the ease of access and the
with its own specific dynamics and person- low barriers to entry, investing can seem
alities. An auditor needs to be able to read risk-free, as though anybody can make
the situation and dynamics within the work- money with no problem, but this is not the
place to make clients more comfortable case. Investors need to have confidence in
speaking with the auditor. The more com- the companies in which they are investing.
fortable the client is with the auditor, the The way investors gain confidence in their
more sufficient the audit evidence is that potential investments is through review of
can be collected, whether by inquiry, obser- their financial statements. Auditors provide
vation, or inspection of documentation. a service to these companies looking to draw
While adaptability is a necessary skill, effi- investments from the market by performing
ciency is the ultimate goal for auditors. If audits on the companies. The audit opinion
an auditor can increase efficiency through issued at the end of an audit allows the
the use of emerging technology and complete potential investors to rest assured that there
audits on or under budget, the firm will are no material misstatements on the
become more profitable and less work will financials that they analyze.
need to be completed in the long run. This To grasp how auditing has gotten to
also saves the client money, making it a where it is today, one must take a look back
win-win situation. at the history of accounting and auditing
This drive to always improve, adapt, and in the United States. The accounting pro-
become more efficient has been the bench- fession is not a newly formed profession.
mark of the auditing profession since its The development of the profession took THIS DRIVE
inception. AI applications are now being place during the Industrial Revolution. IMPROVE,
tested by the larger public accounting firms. During those times, railroads were the ADAPT, AND
Technology is improving, and AI is poised newest trending industry. Accountants BECOME MORE
to take a hold on the industry. Auditors are were tasked with reporting and controlling EFFICIENT HAS
trying to find ways to make these costs, production, and operating ratios. BEEN THE
technologies work for them to allow CPAs The railroads nudged accounting firms into THE AUDITING
to work smarter, not harder. With the producing mechanisms for fraud detection PROFESSION
industry evolving continuously to catch up and accurate financial reporting. The next SINCE ITS
with advancements, future and current large leap in the accounting profession INCEPTION.
auditors all have one question in common: came soon after the stock market crash of
“What will the audit of the future look like, 1929. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934
and will it be completed by humans or will created the U.S. Securities and Exchange
the profession be taken over by automation Commission, commonly known as the SEC. 1
and AI technology?” The SEC was given authority to put
In this day and age, every person knows accounting standards into effect as well as
the value of money. Money can open so auditor oversight functions. Along with
many doors for people; it can buy new pos- standard-setting authority, the SEC was
sessions, pay for luxury services, and even required to enforce the mandate that
make one more money. Investing is becoming publicly traded U.S. companies submit
more and more prominent in the world various periodic financial reports to the
because it is becoming easier to invest agency in a timely fashion. To assist the
without a wide knowledge of financial SEC with ensuring that these reports were


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created in accordance with generally the audit process. As the need for computer
accepted accounting principles, CPA firms assisted audit tools increased, third-party
were eventually required to provide firms became involved in the production
assurances about the financial information of programs for auditing. This allowed
in the reports. 2 According to the American the accounting firms to focus on providing
Institute of Certified Public Accountants a complete service rather than working
(AICPA), audit practices during the 1930s on innovating technologies. These external
were not conducted independently and gen- products gave way to standardized audit
erally depended upon the information and tools such as Audit Command Language
data provided by management. They were and Interactive Data Extraction and Analy-
often inaccurate or skewed to make the sis, which offered significant advantages
reported performance better than the reality. over the programs of the previous period.
This is the root of distrust and low investor The Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 was
confidence in the markets for securities in designed to fix auditing of U.S. public com-
the United States. Americans realized that panies, consistent with the official name
THE PURPOSE OF there needed to be higher levels of of the legislation in the U.S. Senate: The
AN AUDIT supervision and decided to put legislation Public Company Accounting Reform and
into place to provide headway for the Investor Protection Act of 2002. 4 The Act
FINANCIAL auditing profession. was passed as a response to accounting mal-
STATEMENTS Even after the Securities Act of 1933 practice in the early 2000s, when large fraud
THAT POTENTIAL and Securities Exchange Act of 1934, cus- scandals such as Tyco International Ltd.,
INVESTORS tomary audit practices such as confirming Enron Corporation, and WorldCom, Inc.,
receivables and taking a physical damaged investor confidence in the quality
WHICH inspection of inventory were not required and validity of financial statements released
SECURITIES TO until fraudulent activities took place at by corporations. These large publicly traded
INVEST IN ARE McKesson & Robbins in the late 1930s. corporations are now required by the SEC
NOT MATERIALLY Only after this fraud was discovered and to release financial statements every fiscal
publicized widely did the AICPA issue quarter with far more disclosures than
its first Statement on Auditing Procedure, before Sarbanes–Oxley. Sarbanes–Oxley
which required receivables to be confirmed also established that assurances about
and inventory inspections to be conducted internal control practices and operations
as a part of an audit. As the years have as well as financial reporting quality were
gone by, the profession has needed to the responsibility of both management and
alter the rules many times to adapt to the auditors.
current context and capabilities of accoun- With every financial statement that is
tants and their machines. For example, issued, an audit opinion is generally issued
the first operational electronic accounting by an external auditor. On the other hand,
system in the United States, known as internal auditors work within an organization
UNIVAC, was unveiled in 1954. Soon and report to its audit committee and/or
after, during the early 1960s, auditors directors. 5 They help to design the company’s
considered auditing using computerized organizing systems and develop specific risk
machines. When IBM first produced the management policies. The work of an internal
IBM System/360 in 1964, it was a signal auditor tends to be continuous and based
to auditors that accounting and accounting on the internal control systems of a business
systems would soon start moving away of any size. External auditors are independent
from the more traditional and outdated of the organization they are auditing and
manual audit and toward using comput- report to the company’s shareholders. They
erized technology. The number of provide their opinion on the truthfulness
computers in U.S.-based companies of the company’s financial statements and
quadrupled from 1962 to 1967. 3 With this perform work on a test basis to monitor the
computerized technology boom came systems in place. The purpose of an audit
higher levels of security risk to companies. opinion is to verify that the financial
In response, accounting firms had to statements that potential investors analyze
develop micro-based computer assisted when choosing which securities to invest in
audit tools designed to aid in automating are not materially misstated. If an auditor


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confirms these financial statements with an fession can be summed up as “cognitive com-
unmodified or unqualified opinion, investors puting.” Cognitive computing is technology
can have confidence that the company is that stimulates human thought processes in
not editing its numbers or books to look a computerized model. Accountants use
more attractive to those potential investors. cognitive computing because it combines
If one takes a step back and looks at the AI and machine learning to simplify,
profession from afar, one can see that it is machine-assist, and transform how
a very stable job in regard to the longevity information is obtained, how accountants
of the career. The Sarbanes–Oxley Act has interact with applications to perform knowl-
been in place for 16 years, and, as long as edge tasks, and how decisions are made. 7 As
this act and the Securities and Exchange cognitive computing technology advances,
Act of 1934 are in place, the external audit common audit practices like sampling will
profession will exist and thrive in the United become unneeded, as mentioned previously.
States. Investors will continue to invest, Cognitive computing technologies will be
which requires research into corporations’ able to ingest and catalogue all data involved
financial statements. These investors will instead of only testing a small sample of a
need to have confidence that the numbers population and extrapolating the error out
they see on these statements are valid and to the entire population. These advancements
accurate. will open auditors to the concept of the con-
As technology advances, AI is becoming tinuous, real-time audit, where they will be
more prominent in the auditing world. This assisted in their judgments — although the
trend can make it seem like machines may human element will not entirely disappear.
replace the people who are auditing, but this The “continuous audit” has long been the
is a common misconception. Reports of tech- goal in auditing. The ability to verify each
nology and machines replacing accountants transaction and update numbers by the
by the thousands are likely overblown because second could be a useful tool not only to
capable accountants will be needed to oversee those in the auditing profession, but also to REPORTS OF
and utilize the advanced technology. 6 As audit clients’ management. If a member of TECHNOLOGY
technology companies continue to experiment management has access to financials that AND MACHINES
and innovate, more and more of these new are verifiably accurate in real time, they can ACCOUNTANTS
AI programs are being placed into service depend on those financials to make informed BY THE
with the larger public accounting firms such business decisions. THOUSANDS
as Deloitte and Ernst & Young (EY). As Closely tied with cognitive computing ARE LIKELY
employees of these firms have said, these is machine learning, which is based on the OVERBLOWN
programs are not meant to replace people; concept that algorithms can analyze large CAPABLE
they are meant to help auditors automate amounts of data, learn from them, and then ACCOUNTANTS
tasks that have been conducted manually for predict something based on what was WILL BE NEEDED
decades, such as data-matching and the con- learned. Machine learning can be used by TO OVERSEE
firmation process. In performing these kinds construction firms to provide real-time AND UTILIZE
of tasks, there is no judgement involved. information to managers. Typical con- TECHNOLOGY.
When auditors utilize AI to perform these struction reports provide information after
tasks, it allows them to increase the quality the fact; however, if machine learning is
of their audits by spending more time focusing used, they can identify risks before they
on advanced analytics and helping the client become problems. Fewer problems means
make decisions. Thanks to AI, auditors in more profit for the firm in the long run.
the future will have more of an advisory role. New uses are being found for machine
AI also improves audit quality by evaluating learning in construction firms every day.
entire populations of data rather than While most of the current focus in machine
sampling data, as has been customary in the learning is on the construction execution
profession for years. This ensures the entire phase, there is a push to use the technology
population of data is checked, reducing risk in the design and preconstruction stages
of misstatements on financial statements in the near future. 8
and, ideally, finding all errors. The Big 4 have already invested in
The capabilities that the new AI emerging technologies to get ahead of the
applications will bring to the auditing pro- industry and create a competitive advantage.


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KPMG has an agreement with IBM to use AI can also be used in the construction
Watson’s AI unit, commonly known for industry to predict when assets will need
being nearly unbeatable at Jeopardy, to maintenance. Using IoT (Internet of Things)
develop high-tech audit tools. 9 Deloitte has technology, a subset of AI, users can collect
a 70-member internal corporate innovation data on machines, equipment, vehicles, and
team that focuses all their attention on utilities. 11 This data can be analyzed by the
emerging technologies. Eighty percent of IoT technology to predict when equipment
this team’s time is devoted to AI. Craig will need maintenance. Often, when equip-
Muraskin, Managing Director of Innovation ment breaks down, it stays out of service
at Deloitte, explained the role of the internal for a prolonged period of time. Analyzing
corporate innovation team as an accelerator the data outputs from the equipment using
of innovation activities across each of the the IoT allows users to predict the timing
firm’s businesses. 10 An illustration of the of breakdowns. 12 Users can then take the
payoff of Deloitte’s investment in AI can equipment out of use for preventative main-
be seen through the review of high volumes tenance, which takes up less time than a
of contracts. A team might comb through breakdown.
hundreds of thousands of legal documents While AI is trending right now, the
looking for a change of control provision industry’s eyes have turned toward blockchain
during a client’s sale of a business unit. technology and how it could potentially
Tasks like this used to keep dozens of transform accounting. Before diving into
employees occupied for months, but now how it could change the industry, one must
a team of six to eight members can use an first understand what a blockchain is and
AI system to complete the same task in less how it works. In simple terms, a blockchain
than a month. It does not take an expert to can be described as an append-only
see how applications of AI are already saving transaction ledger. What this means is that
not only money but precious time for the the ledger can be written on with new infor-
firm. Freeing up Deloitte’s employees from mation, but the previous information, stored
the mundane and repetitive tasks of auditing in blocks, cannot be edited, adjusted, or
allows them to focus more on client service changed. 13 A blockchain is made of completed
and providing business advice to customers. “blocks” and is constantly growing in size
Deloitte is now able to provide a more com- as new transactions (blocks) are recorded
plete service to the customer, putting them and added in the order in which they take
ahead of the game and their competitors. place. The blockchain was originally
EY, another Big 4 CPA firm, uses AI to developed as the accounting method for the
evaluate lease accounting standards. Once cryptocurrency Bitcoin, but as it progresses,
new legislation or regulations are put into people are discovering alternate uses for the
place, large corporations like EY are forced technology. The blockchain’s other uses
CONSTRUCTION to take another look at thousands of leases include reducing contract fraud by digitizing
INDUSTRY TO to comply with the new laws. Using natural contracts, facilitating real-time payments,
PREDICT WHEN language processing, EY is able to perform and promoting clarity in business agreements
ASSETS WILL NEED this task three times more consistently and and transactions (as it allows both sides of
twice as efficiently as previous humans- an agreement to view a smart contract). 14
only teams. Unfortunately, it is more Because the blockchain is secure and clients
difficult for small to midsize firms to raise can trust that it is not edited, it is already
enough capital to allow them to develop being used by clients of large and midsize
and install programs using AI. The biggest accounting firms. These large clients are
firms are taking the biggest steps in using blockchain technology to perform
innovation currently, but they are not tasks such as supplier management and pro-
content. According to Steve Toy, Innovation curement within their enterprise resource
Lead at EY, “If you don’t innovate, the kid planning systems. With larger clients already
in the garage down the street will. Her tech- using blockchain technology, it is imperative
nology may not be there today, but it will that CPAs and auditors of the future gain
get better over time and soon replace your knowledge on the subject. Audit professionals
human-based processes. You need to need to invest time and effort in researching
innovate, or you will become obsolete.” these new technologies to analyze and evaluate


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the potential effects they will have on the another valid point has come forward to
process of financial reporting. If use of the suggest that auditing will not fall by the
blockchain continues to grow and AI allows wayside as a result of the blockchain.
smaller accounting firms to bid on audit Auditors assess that recorded transactions
clients that previously would have been too are supported by evidence that is relevant,
big for them by automating tasks that have reliable, objective, accurate, and verifiable.
historically been completed manually, then The acceptance of a transaction into a
even smaller regional firms could be exposed reliable blockchain may constitute sufficient
to blockchain technology in the near future. audit evidence for certain financial
Even though there are clear advantages of statement assertions, such as the occurrence
blockchain technology, CPAs also now have of the transaction. However, an auditor
concern for their future if the blockchain is may not be able to verify certain details of
adopted by everyone. It can be described as a a transaction with sufficient audit evidence,
peer-to-peer networking technology, and cryp- such as whether or not a product was deliv-
tography allows for the creation of a distributed, ered, just by using blockchain technology.
“triple-entry” ledger that can automatically Other concerns regarding blockchain tech-
confirm and record transactions virtually and nology from an auditing standpoint include
is almost impossible to change after transactions difficulty determining if a transaction is
are recorded. The security and capabilities of illegal or fraudulent, the potential for
this “triple-entry” ledger would mean that all incorrect classification of blockchain trans-
transactions are accumulated and stored in actions in financial statements, and the
the blockchain, which cannot be changed. The possibility that exists for transactions with THE LARGEST
reason this concerns CPAs is that some feel related parties to take place without the TAKEAWAY
that there is not much left for the CPA to audit auditor’s awareness. ACCOUNTING
if the blockchain is confirming and recording The largest takeaway accounting profes- PROFESSIONALS
every transaction. Others see the blockchain sionals should note about the blockchain is SHOULD NOTE
as more of an opportunity for CPAs. With that while it has potential to disrupt the BLOCKCHAIN IS
blockchain technology having the capability industry and should be watched closely for THAT WHILE IT
to provide real-time data, auditors can develop the next few years, it will still need to gain HAS POTENTIAL
software to continuously audit organizations the trust of the market to succeed and thrive TO DISRUPT THE
using the blockchain and eliminate labor- in the future. As more large clients integrate INDUSTRY AND
intensive manual data extraction and audit the technology into their internal systems, WATCHED
preparation activities. 15 CPAs and auditors will need to become CLOSELY FOR
Blockchain technology could also have familiar with it through education specifically THE NEXT FEW
an impact on the construction industry. The related to blockchain technology. YEARS, IT WILL
technology has the ability to execute trans- Since auditing will be more integrated STILL NEED TO
actions immediately after a valid signature with technology and automation in the near OF THE MARKET
has been provided. To illustrate, construction future, those in auditing should also be TO SUCCEED
firms could require clients to prepay into focusing on learning data science. Being AND THRIVE IN
an escrow account for work to be performed able to use computers and programs to THE FUTURE.
that is then held until a subcontractor and manipulate data will become one of the
inspector have signed off that the work is most sought-after skills by employers in
complete and up to code. Blockchain’s smart the public accounting industry in the future.
contracts can be formatted to allow anyone According to Travis Webb, National Director
to invest in large construction projects, with of Assurance Services at BKD, LLP (a top-
those investors receiving a percentage of 15 CPA firm headquartered in Springfield,
the rents generated by the property. In that Missouri), data sciences would be a useful
situation, the invested money would go to double major or minor to accompany a
the construction firm, guaranteeing their degree in accounting and would put a person
payment. At the same time, the client would ahead of others when looking for full-time
be obligated to pay the investor the rents in positions post-college. This need for knowl-
return for the investment in the project. 1 6 edge does not pertain to students only, how-
As more individuals have done research ever. To prepare for the oncoming wave of
on the blockchain and how it will affect AI, CPAs should gain database and infor-
auditors, tax professionals, and bookkeepers, mation technology skills by taking on spe-


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cialized projects in their workplaces, implement these technologies and advise clients
attending seminars, completing self-directed at the time of crucial decision-making. n
learning, or taking classes. Staying ahead
of the curve will become necessary. Having NOTES
a solid basis in data management and a high 1
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, amended through
P.L. 115-141, 3/23/2018.
comfort level with new technologies will 2
“Blockchain technology and its potential impact on
give CPAs a competitive edge as AI use the audit and assurance profession,” AICPA (White
increases in the field. 17 Auditors need to paper). Available at:
estareas/frc/assuranceadvisor yser vices/blockchain-
have many personal and technical skills impact-on-auditing .html.
ranging from talking to a client to 3
B y r n e s , P. E . , A l - Awa d h i , A . , G u l l v i s t , B. , B r ow n -
Liburd, H., Teeter, R., Warren, J.D., Jr., and Vasarhelyi,
manipulating data in Excel to organize it M . , “ E vo l u t i o n o f a u d i t i n g : Fr o m t h e t r a d i t i o n a l
into a format that can be tested by audit approach to the future audit,” AICPA (White paper).
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applications. frc/assuranceadvisor yser vices/downloadabledocu-
In conclusion, the auditing profession ments/whitepaper_evolution-of-auditing .pdf.
in the United States has been in a state of Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002, P.L. 107-204, 7/30/2002;
S.2673 - Public Company Accounting Reform and
innovation for the last 100 years. Tech- Investor Protection Act of 2002, 07/15/2002. Available
nological advances such as AI are capable at:
s e n a t e - b i l l / 2 6 7 3 ; C o a t e s , J. C . I V, Th e g o a l s a n d
of completing mundane tasks for auditors promise of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, Journal of Eco-
in the present that would have been com- 5
nomic Perspectives 21, no. 1 (20 07): 91–116.
“Internal vs. external auditors, what’s the difference?”
pleted manually in the past. With these C a r e e r s i n Au d i t . c o m ( S e p t 5 , 2 013 ) . Ava i l a b l e a t :
tasks becoming automated, the door has
opened for auditors to focus more on acting 6
Ovaska-Few, S., How artificial intelligence is changing
as advisers to the client by helping interpret accounting , CPA Insider (Oct 10, 2017). Available at:
financial data and answering questions
about potential business strategies. Another 7
Baron, J., Cognitive computing will transform the
factor that has the potential to disrupt the accounting profession, Accounting Today (Aug 17,
2017). Available at: https://www.accountingtoday.
profession is the blockchain and its related c o m / o p i n i o n / c o g n i t i ve - c o m p u t i n g - w i l l - t r a n s fo r m -
technologies. Blockchain technology has t h e - a c c o u n t i n g - p r o fe s s i o n ? t a g = 0 0 0 0 015 a - 1 e 6 3 -
de34-a3de-de7713b40 0 0 0.
almost no ceiling; it just needs more 8
Venugopal, M., FAQs on machine learning in con-
improvement and time before it can be struction. Construction Executive (Nov 2017): 22–
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looking for candidates who can manipulate Accounting 14, no. 1 (2017): 115–122. Available at:
and organize data into a usable format. nalCode=jet a.
As one can see, CPAs must participate in 10
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2017). Available at: /sites/ade-
with the changes and technological advances lynzhou/2017/11/14/ey-deloitte-and-pwc-embrace-arti-
taking place in the world. As of right now, 11
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nobody knows what the audit of the future 12
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will look like, but one thing that is known is CFMA Building Profits (Sept 2017): 34–42.
that it will be heavily integrated with technology. I i n u m a , A . , W h a t i s b l o ck ch a i n a n d w h a t c a n
businesses benefit from it?, Forbes (April 5, 2018).
AI technology will allow auditors to save time Available at:
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sort through the thousands of documents they 14
Forbes Finance Council, Seven unexpected blockchain
would normally do by hand. This will save uses that will improve business, Forbes (Jan 31, 2018).
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such as predicting when maintenance needs 16
Haldiman, T., Blockchain technology explained, CFMA
to be done and utilizing smart contracts through Building Profits (July 2018): 18–27.
blockchains. Auditors will be able to help Op. cit. note 5.


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