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This course provided strategies for those working to mentor, guide, and provide professional skills
training to youth in managing and resolving conflict like me.

It intended to help creating effective and lasting efforts to steer youth toward positive outcomes
by sharing strategies, resources, and best practices around youth development and how individuals
can create and scale projects and programs to achieve broad impact.

The course specifically looked at the mentor-mentee relationship, how to create effective
programs for professional skills development, and how to guide youth through conflict
management and resolution. It covered three major sessions which are Building Trust & Mentoring
Youth, Encouraging skill development, and strategies for personal conflict resolutions.

2. MUN E-Conference

WYS, World Youth Empowerment

Model UN or MUN (Model United Nations) also known as a simulation of United Nations, is an
educational or an academic activity in which students act as a diplomat and represent their
countries in the simulation of different UN committees and special agencies, gather at one platform
to discuss and resolve global issues, such conferences organized by high schools, colleges,
universities as well as different NGO’s who are associate or work under the umbrella of United
Nations. At the end of most conferences, the student’s hard work and their performance judged by
the chairman/director of committees, which are appreciated as outstanding diplomacy or best
delegate award.

And I was a delegate on World Youth Summit 2.0; Model United Nation – Model UN conference on

3. Understanding SDGs & The Role of Youth


This workshop covered the ideas and concepts of SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals and its content.
It briefs what are the objectives of each goals and sub-objectives. And at last how could the youths
become useful on achieving those goals and their role on the community to maintain a comfortable
environment and platform through the programs of SDGs.

4. Role of Emotional Intelligence in Our Life


The work shop focused on how we can discover what our own EI is and how, by understanding our own
emotions and those of others, we can take our leadership and management skills to a higher level. It is
consisting of sessions such as the importance of Emotional Intelligence in our life, the importance of
understanding emotions in the workplace & peoples’ relationship, how to use our emotions to get more
productive, identifying traits that damage our ability to connect with others, how to positively influence
others, how to welcome negative feedback and benefit from it, how to benefit from EI in better
interacting with and managing others.

5. PMEC (Project Management Essentials Certification)

Management & Strategy institute

It provides us with a basic understanding of Project Management Principles. This training teaches the
importance of time and setting of goals and objectives. How to prioritize these goals as well assist on
making great use of our time? It helped us determine how to estimate the resources that we will need in
future projects and set realistic budgets. The training explained how to produce documents for review.
This training enlightened us on working better with information systems. Project management is not
done manually – in this day and age! The training demonstrated how to work with information system
programs or applications.

1. Training of Trainers (on Life skill, soft skill, youth & social works)

Certificate of Participation

MGIET - Model Graduates Initiative for Education & Training

It was my first interaction with MGIET when I get this chance as volunteer. This training was delivered
after a three-month self-development trainings & workshops. We are selected from 2500 active student
social workers from different parts of cities. I was one of the representatives from Addis Ababa. Finally
we received our certificate after our examination & implementation of individual project. The project
covers overall preparation & organizing training programs and delivering 25 trainings.

2. Life Management

Certificate of Participation


MGIET - Model Graduates initiative for Education & Training

This training was all about one’s life and concentrate on being healthy & focused on physical & mental
development, emotional intelligence & relationship with peoples. It’s also about having clarity and
knowledge before making decisions. Clarity and making good decisions start with knowing the facts &
priorities, understanding the consequences, and having the confidence to choose wisely then reach the
peak of greatness.
The training deal with real issues such as starting from the conscious mind and its motives to the deep
subconscious mind where all the habits and other hard coded influences dwell and have been affecting
your life and others in forms of behaviors, decisions and other types of experiences including nutrition,
substance abuse, stress, relationships and personal goals.

3. Transformational Leadership

Certificate of Participation


MGIET - Model Graduates initiative for Education & Training

As the leadership expert & introducer of Transformational Leadership James McGregor Burns said in the
book “Leadership”, “transformational leadership is a process where leaders and their followers raise one
another to higher levels of morality and motivation.” This training is all about to create positive energy,
ignite passion, and foster a work environment that thrives on personal motivation, adaptability,
collaboration, and accountability. A major focus is that of ‘conscious leadership’ through interaction
tools, techniques and skills, and the experience and understanding of the concepts which empower
people to transform the quality of life. As people transform so do organizations.

4. Strategic Thinking

Certificate of Participation


Bedr Foundation

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Abraham Lincoln.

We covered the process & techniques of developing ideas, either individually or in teams, to determine
a course of plan & action. It gives us that successful strategic thinking depends on critical and creative
thinking ability as well as knowledge, insights and experience on the matter or business. The training
emphasize, teams are a popular approach to strategic thinking because each individual can contribute
unique insights and perspectives that can help to both spark and challenge the ideas and thought
processes of others. Numerous factors assist in our ability to think strategically. We need critical thinking
and problem solving skills, the creativity to think “outside the box” and the analytical skills to assess and
incorporate data into our decision making.

5. Coaching - Life Coaching

Certificate of Participation


Bedr Foundation

The program was all about improving our own life and others through ideal and technical support of
others. Life coaching is a process where the coach has a firm understanding of the principles of success
and their application. A life coach teaches others how they can put these principles to work for them in
their career & personal life. It also helps someone to deal with anxiety and stress. Life coaching includes
areas such as marriage, entrepreneurship, spirituality, health & self development.

The training is all about improving our own life and others through ideal and technical support of
others. Life coaching is a skill, passion & career where the coach has a firm understanding of the
principles of success and their application. A life coach teaches others how they can put these
principles to work for them in their career or personal life. It also helps someone to deal with
anxiety and stress. Life coaching includes areas such as marriage, entrepreneurship, spirituality,
health, and self-development , career . Becoming life coach requires training, knowledge &
experience. Coaches are people who think forward and aid people planning their future.
6. University Academic Achievement

ASC Excellency – Award


ASC (Amin Students Club) & Kokeb Charity & Social Development Institute

This award is a recognition for my outstanding performance of scoring high points (3.78) in my third year
university academic endeavor.

7. Outstanding leadership performance during my 5 years class representative and student union
member in the university.

Adigrat University Leadership Award


Adigrat University

I received this leadership award for my outstanding ability to lead my class and serve as a representative
of students in different levels of the campus for five consecutive academic years from 2014 – 2019 G.C.
And as well for my leadership performance as a member of Architecture Department council & Council
of Student Union.

1. Youth Advisor & Trainer on different youth & training projects in different parts of the country.

MGIET - Model Graduates initiative for Education & Training

It is described on the reference letter that is written by the organization and which is attached on the
reference letter portal.

2. Student & Youth Empowerment Projects.

Ethio-Gulf Development Association

It is described on the reference letter that is written by the organization and which is attached on the
reference letter portal.

3. Different types of Training projects which Empowers Youths and Woman.

Bedr Foundation

I volunteered to serve as a volunteer participant & trainer in Bedr Foundation. specially on youth and
women empowerment, including capacity building on education, trade & merchants, public servants,
school staffs, & etc.

4. Founding the organization and serving as an Executive Director in the organization as volunteer.

EMS - League (Ethiopian Muslim Students League)

I am the founder of this organization and I am serving as a volunteer on the position of executive
director. This is one of the largest students’ organization in Ethiopia.

5. Technical advisor and Training facilitator for students

MOON Students Club

MOON students club is founded to work on students empowerment. And i was the technical advisor of
the club. in addition, i delivered more than 50 life skill and soft skill training for the students,
managements and staffs of the club.

6. Iman Islamic Association


7. Resala Center for Youth Empowerment

Letter of intent

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